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Lady of the Night Seeks Clients, Contacts, and Companions

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I'm sure that title is enough to raise a few brows, so let me simply dive into the good bits and leave the rest for later on in the post, hmm?



Tsukiko Tanshi is a Doman Exile who travels Eorzea and makes her way with her charm and body as a prostitute, and with her nimble fingers as a thief. One of these is rather lesser known than the other, simply because Tsukiko shows no shame at all in being one of the many who makes her living on her back -- or, of course, however the client desires. 



As a person, Tsukiko is a rather honest individual with an odd moral code that keeps her in the 'Lawful Evil' bent of things, but overall she is surprisingly kind and open with a wisdom that some would say doesn't quite match her years. She enjoys attention, pretty things, the arts and sciences, sunrises, and falcons. She dislikes strong cheeses, prefers rain to snow, and has little respect for those who assume without due cause.



Tsukiko is seeking:



  • Clients: The obvious one, and the one to simply get out of the way. Sexual escapades with Tsukiko do cost gil, though her price is quite low - she's more a back-alley girl than a high-class courtesan, but she works as hard, if not harder, than the latter. 

  • Craftsmen: Tsukiko does truly value hard work, and is actively seeking out talented and creative artists and craftsmen. As her dreams come to fruition, she is considering things in the long-term -- she wants good relations with people who will do custom work for her workers and her business once it's formed.


  • Mentors: Specifically, I am looking for Tsukiko to find fellow thieves, thaumaturges, and craftsmen to learn from. Alchemists, botanists, miners, weavers... expect some hilarious messups -- Tsukiko has lost more fishing poles than she's caught fish!


  • Competition: I'm looking for the Tilly Devine to my Kate Leigh, or other friendly competition. Tsukiko's goal (and the reason she works for real gil) is to open a business of her own, and friendly competition is just the name of the game. Other ladies and gentlemen in the same field are good as well!


  • Co-Workers: One of Tsukiko's goals is to open a brothel -- not an 'entertainment venue' and not as part of a 'jack-of-all-trades' business, but a legitimate place where people come, enjoy themselves with company, and go. It's other purpose is as a safehouse for other prostitutes, as well as those who are down on their luck and need a little help. She's planning for the future by making those connections now.


  • The Corrupt: If your character has some questionable morals and is in a position for a little give and take, Tsukiko isn't afraid to make under the table connections. She knows what she's getting into with her work, and dirty cops/politicians/merchants and others are all just part of the job.


  • Old Friends: Tsukiko is a Doman exile that left in a storm of rumors. Fellow Raen and Hyur are welcome to recognize both her and her father, and she did leave one childhood friend behind for possible romantic options.


  • Healers: Aside the more obvious in regards to Tsukiko, her other work as a 'lifter of shinies' can land her with injuries she wants to have seen to quickly and quietly. 

I am well aware of the battle about paying for roleplay, so I'll make my stance on it rather clear here - if you don't want to pay, don't have sex with Tsuki. It's really that easy. Her cost is low, and she makes sure every gil spent was worth it. As the player, even the smallest cost keeps the people who are in it to get their OOC jollies away, and helps me find the people who are actually interested in Tsukiko's dynamic being tossed into their play. I never, ever charge for anything else.



Tsukiko's Goals:



  • Housing: Mechanically, this one is fairly difficult because it's Balmung. That said, Tsukiko saves every coin in hopes of securing a parcel of land to open her business. It's more a dream for her right now, but who says a girl can't dream?


Tsukiko's Contact Information:



My game time is a little sporadic, but I can be reached as Tsukiko Tanshi. I am available at all times on Discord ( and will play with off-server folks there, or just folks off-line ) as Tsukiko Tanshi#9604. She does have a Tumblr, and her Wiki is available as well. 

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Hey there! I read your thread and I'm friends with quite a few courtesan roleplayers, I also like to think that I know the ins and outs of RPC to an extent. I could be wrong, but I don't think you're going to have a whole lot of luck finding clients over RPC. Everything else you listed though, this site is perfect for.


What I suggest is making your character a tumblr, if your character doesn't already have one. Get a decent following by following as many character blogs from Balmung as you possibly can, especially fellow courtesans. I think tumblr is where you're going to get the most luck in terms of finding clients.


Another suggestion might be a website like Darknest. Either way, good luck!


Update: It looks like you have a tumblr already. My bad.

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Hey there, and welcome aboard to the RPC! :thumbsup:


I can probably toss down on "The Corrupt" connection here- particularly with the Mischief's Coven Tavern. We accept and take jobs, make under-the-table deals, and offer a public RP venue with a shadier side. The mob that runs the tavern has their fingers in all sorts of corruption as it stands and very much falls into the lawful evil spectrum. So, if you're looking for some muscle, protection, or just want to make some criminal connections, it's probably worth the visit sometime! Although we aren't recruiting at the moment, we do have an IC LS that's open for people who want the connection and the tavern itself is open around the clock most days with a fair bit of activity. 


Beyond that, I'd point you in the direction of the Velvet Rose, which is a brothel FC operating out of the Goblet in Ul'dah. The Coven ran a collaborative event with them sometime back so I can vouch that they're a good quality bunch; like you, they charge real gil for services too. I'm not sure if that's what you're looking for in an FC, mind, but it might be a potential connection at least.


Regardless, best of luck on the hunt!

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Hey there! I read your thread and I'm friends with quite a few courtesan roleplayers, I also like to think that I know the ins and outs of RPC to an extent. I could be wrong, but I don't think you're going to have a whole lot of luck finding clients over RPC. Everything else you listed though, this site is perfect for.


What I suggest is making your character a tumblr, if your character doesn't already have one. Get a decent following by following as many character blogs from Balmung as you possibly can, especially fellow courtesans. I think tumblr is where you're going to get the most luck in terms of finding clients.


Another suggestion might be a website like Darknest. Either way, good luck!


Update: It looks like you have a tumblr already. My bad.


Hello! Thank you for the tips, but I should mention that while I'm a very long-time roleplayer, I'm simply new to the server. I already have a wiki, a tumblr, and a far lewder advert on Darknest. 



I added client in because it's part of her character to have them, but I have very little care if I fetch any from this site. It would simply be awkward to announce that the character is a prostitute and ignore her major income, no? As it is, I went on a fairly mass tumblr search and followed many people. Them being a courtesan or not matters little to me -- Tsuki isn't a courtesan, she's a freelance working girl. It's two different types.



I thank you for the time taken for your input, however!


Hey there, and welcome aboard to the RPC! :thumbsup:


I can probably toss down on "The Corrupt" connection here- particularly with the Mischief's Coven Tavern. We accept and take jobs, make under-the-table deals, and offer a public RP venue with a shadier side. The mob that runs the tavern has their fingers in all sorts of corruption as it stands and very much falls into the lawful evil spectrum. So, if you're looking for some muscle, protection, or just want to make some criminal connections, it's probably worth the visit sometime! Although we aren't recruiting at the moment, we do have an IC LS that's open for people who want the connection and the tavern itself is open around the clock most days with a fair bit of activity. 


Beyond that, I'd point you in the direction of the Velvet Rose, which is a brothel FC operating out of the Goblet in Ul'dah. The Coven ran a collaborative event with them sometime back so I can vouch that they're a good quality bunch; like you, they charge real gil for services too. I'm not sure if that's what you're looking for in an FC, mind, but it might be a potential connection at least.


Regardless, best of luck on the hunt!


I'm actually not looking for a Free Company at this time! I did spend about two weeks going in and researching the various 'brothel' venues; Kiss was a little too classy (and also an entertainment venue) but full of very kind people, Roses was attentive but also not a brothel by Tsuki's standards (entertainment venue) but I made a couple friends, and Bandee Pakshee... I was OOC'ly banned my first time ever speaking to any members because someone was jumping at shadows and made a very serious and baseless accusation. I think there's a couple others that I may have missed, but that was basically where I stopped and decided I was better off making connections outside of companies.



So I decided simply to keep my character freelance for now, but I most certainly do appreciate the tips in regards to the linkshells and I will attempt to pop around if something happens to be running during my playtime! Thank you very much for the time taken in your reply!

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I know for a fact there's Lace and Steel, which deals in all kinds of underground dealings, including prostitution. I know they're an fc, but if I remember correctly they do have a linkshell.

As for other contacts, I can offer up either Chouwa Morrison in learning magic, or Ruri Shingetsu in learning how to fish.


Wishing ya the best of luck.:thumbsup:

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If it's RP, then you accept "RP gil", correct? Not "gil which was acquired via the game mechanics and has nothing to do with RP"? If you're expecting an actual transfer of gil, then that's not really RP... that's one player paying another player for writing, which is probably against Square Enix's policies on RMT. 


That doesn't mean people don't do it, I'm sure. But you seem well-written, so it'd be a loss to the community if you ended up in trouble.

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If it's RP, then you accept "RP gil", correct? Not "gil which was acquired via the game mechanics and has nothing to do with RP"? If you're expecting an actual transfer of gil, then that's not really RP... that's one player paying another player for writing, which is probably against Square Enix's policies on RMT. 


That doesn't mean people don't do it, I'm sure. But you seem well-written, so it'd be a loss to the community if you ended up in trouble.


Actually, from what I have heard, anything that is done in the game can be bought with ingame currency, yet at the same time they supposively ban people for selling houses...So it's unofficial...Though I've never heard of the working girls getting banned so it might be more on the people who scalp others for the price of housing.


Eitherway, while I may never RP with you myself I don't judge what people choose to RP so I wish you luck...Though her being cheap is kind of depressing. Someone needs to give her a hug!...For free! lol


PS. Only reason I commented on this is because, despite the subject matter, as Sena said you do seem to be a really good writer and this looks professionally thought out so, kudos!

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If it's RP, then you accept "RP gil", correct? Not "gil which was acquired via the game mechanics and has nothing to do with RP"? If you're expecting an actual transfer of gil, then that's not really RP... that's one player paying another player for writing, which is probably against Square Enix's policies on RMT. 


That doesn't mean people don't do it, I'm sure. But you seem well-written, so it'd be a loss to the community if you ended up in trouble.

Offering (E)RP in exchange for gil is not considered RMT according to FFXIV. There's a Reddit thread on it somewhere. I'm sure Google can help you out there!


That said, I'm glad to see an ordinary sexworker and not yet another courtesan.


Besides that I have little to add. Best of luck o/

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Actually, from what I have heard, anything that is done in the game can be bought with ingame currency, yet at the same time they supposively ban people for selling houses...So it's unofficial...Though I've never heard of the working girls getting banned so it might be more on the people who scalp others for the price of housing.


Eitherway, while I may never RP with you myself I don't judge what people choose to RP so I wish you luck...Though her being cheap is kind of depressing. Someone needs to give her a hug!...For free! lol


They're definitely inconsistent with their policies, that's for sure. People have gotten in trouble for things like selling a character art commission in exchange for gil, and there's the housing thing. I don't think they do anything about what doesn't get reported, though, so... who knows. Could be that all it'd take is for a customer with some screenshots to go to SE and complain that gil was demanded. 


But yeah, good luck, for sure, OP. No judgment here either. Just about everybody does ERP (especially the ones who protest that they don't). There's heaps of people falling over themselves looking to do it for free, so I'm not sure why anybody would pay gil for it, but people apparently do, from what I've heard. A fool and their money are soon parted, eh?

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Actually, from what I have heard, anything that is done in the game can be bought with ingame currency, yet at the same time they supposively ban people for selling houses...So it's unofficial...Though I've never heard of the working girls getting banned so it might be more on the people who scalp others for the price of housing.


Eitherway, while I may never RP with you myself I don't judge what people choose to RP so I wish you luck...Though her being cheap is kind of depressing. Someone needs to give her a hug!...For free! lol


They're definitely inconsistent with their policies, that's for sure. People have gotten in trouble for things like selling a character art commission in exchange for gil, and there's the housing thing. I don't think they do anything about what doesn't get reported, though, so... who knows. Could be that all it'd take is for a customer with some screenshots to go to SE and complain that gil was demanded. 


But yeah, good luck, for sure, OP. No judgment here either. Just about everybody does ERP (especially the ones who protest that they don't). There's heaps of people falling over themselves looking to do it for free, so I'm not sure why anybody would pay gil for it, but people apparently do, from what I've heard. A fool and their money are soon parted, eh?


Gil can be demanded for any and everything, it doesn't much matter because it's not RMT. Square doesn't really care. They don''t stop people from buying/selling runs of content, why would RP be any different? Art is different because it involves something not in the game. Housing is different because Square directly controls the housing market.

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Gil can be demanded for any and everything, it doesn't much matter because it's not RMT.  Square doesn't really care.  They don''t stop people from buying/selling runs of content, why would RP be any different?  Art is different because it involves something not in the game.  Housing is different because Square directly controls the housing market.


Lack of enforcement is not the same as a rule not existing. Not getting caught, likewise, is not the same as compliance.


The housing market is a great example of that. For a long time, and on most servers, it wasn't complained about, and so they were probably largely unaware. Complaints happened, they stepped in and said "um, yeah, we consider that pretty much RMT, so... don't do that". The same thing happened with art commissions, and I doubt very many people even were complaining about that. The important thing to take away from it is that SE does not want players to be trading for things which the game itself is not inherently set up to accommodate with its own systems (e.g. there's no system in the game for selling a house, ergo you may not sell a house; there's no system in the game for selling artwork, ergo you may not sell artwork). 


Selling runs of content falls under the same category. Loads of RMT websites offer those kinds of services and it's all bannable... if you get caught, or, if they decide they want to crack down on it. See my first sentence up above. It's the same principle at work. There's no system in the game for selling content runs, ergo you may not sell content runs.


I don't think there's a system in the game for selling writing, either...


Edit: Just to be perfectly clear - as I stated in a previous post, I don't personally care what somebody does in a situation like this. It doesn't affect me in the least. The OP just seems to write nicely and so I thought to offer a word of caution. She can do with it as she pleases. :)

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Gil can be demanded for any and everything, it doesn't much matter because it's not RMT.  Square doesn't really care.  They don''t stop people from buying/selling runs of content, why would RP be any different?  Art is different because it involves something not in the game.  Housing is different because Square directly controls the housing market.


Lack of enforcement is not the same as a rule not existing. Not getting caught, likewise, is not the same as compliance.


The housing market is a great example of that. For a long time, and on most servers, it wasn't complained about, and so they were probably largely unaware. Complaints happened, they stepped in and said "um, yeah, we consider that pretty much RMT, so... don't do that". The same thing happened with art commissions, and I doubt very many people even were complaining about that. The important thing to take away from it is that SE does not want players to be trading for things which the game itself is not inherently set up to accommodate with its own systems (e.g. there's no system in the game for selling a house, ergo you may not sell a house; there's no system in the game for selling artwork, ergo you may not sell artwork). 


Selling runs of content falls under the same category. Loads of RMT websites offer those kinds of services and it's all bannable... if you get caught, or, if they decide they want to crack down on it. See my first sentence up above. It's the same principle at work. There's no system in the game for selling content runs, ergo you may not sell content runs.


I don't think there's a system in the game for selling writing, either...


Edit: Just to be perfectly clear - as I stated in a previous post, I don't personally care what somebody does in a situation like this. It doesn't affect me in the least. The OP just seems to write nicely and so I thought to offer a word of caution. She can do with it as she pleases. :)


Again, these things are not the same. Square has NO issue with selling runs, or selling RP, because these things are not offered by Square/don't cost real money.


The housing market is a regulated thing by Square Enix, so people circumventing that to make more money breaks the rules. Using gil for an out of game service could get them in legal trouble because it involves a service not involving the game being paid for with something in the game.


They aren't going to jump through hoops to get your money back if someone doesn't fulfill their end of the bargain, and will absolutely advise against such things for that reason, but there is nothing Square will do to stop someone for paying for RP with Gil.

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Hello there, welcome to the RPC! I've an alt who's a former back-alley prostitute and thief, herself. Nowadays, she's into more organized crime, along with tinkering with Magitek and machinery, if that counts as the sort of "craftsmen" your character may be looking for. :) Perhaps the two can meet!

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Reiko being a follower of Menphina might see her as a person who needs a friend and someone to care about her if she ever ran into her.

I would be happy to meet her! Tsukiko is always happy to make a friend or twelve, and is quite interested in the Twelve, so there's opportunity for learning there as well!

I'll admit, I don't really know the difference between a courtesan and a working girl/boy. Probably a good reason why Zhara should just stay a performer in Kiss, along with her relationship status.

There are actually many different types of sex worker. By rule of thumb, courtesans are generally regarded as quite high-class, frequently well-learned women who attended court and were often companions or mistresses to upper-crust gentlemen; remember, marriage was more for bloodlines and lineage than passion, so men would have their wives with whom there would be babies, and then the mistresses for their fun. The male equivilent to the courtesan goes by a different name depending on the region, but in France they were 'chevalier servant.' Oirans are the Japanese courtesan, further punctuating the differences - these focus more on the entertainment/hosting/comfort than they do the sex. This is all generally why a courtesan finds offense at being called a whore.



Tsukiko, however, refers to herself as such with little issue! While she is well-learned -- she can read and write, sing, and play an instrument -- her clientele range from the lower class to the rarer upper class who thinks hiring a street worker is a thrill. She has no home to work out of, no room, her domain are streets, taverns, and sometimes even events [ though I respect event runners, so if you see Tsuki at an event, she isn't soliciting! ]. Street workers like Tsuki are the nightmare stories you hear on shows like Law & Order and such, and are often controlled through substance abuse. Tsuki isn't, by virtue that she has a guard and good sense, but that's the class of worker she is. It's about the job, and the job is sex.


I know for a fact there's Lace and Steel, which deals in all kinds of underground dealings, including prostitution. I know they're an fc, but if I remember correctly they do have a linkshell.

As for other contacts, I can offer up either Chouwa Morrison in learning magic, or Ruri Shingetsu in learning how to fish.


Wishing ya the best of luck.:thumbsup:


Lace & Steel is a 'jack of all trades' FC that I wish to avoid, admittedly. Research into it's history tossed it out for me rather early.



I will keep an eye out for you on your characters, however! Thank you!


If it's RP, then you accept "RP gil", correct? Not "gil which was acquired via the game mechanics and has nothing to do with RP"? If you're expecting an actual transfer of gil, then that's not really RP... that's one player paying another player for writing, which is probably against Square Enix's policies on RMT. 


That doesn't mean people don't do it, I'm sure. But you seem well-written, so it'd be a loss to the community if you ended up in trouble.

No, I do mean actual gil, which is not against the policies at all -- I've not only seen the screenshots on Reddit, but spoke to a GM myself about it. It doesn't encourage RMT sales like the housing market often does, and has no out-of-game transactions. I do sort of wish I had saved the conversation between the GM and I, as they were very well-spoken about it.



As it is, there is very much an aspect of roleplay behind it. Having a cost doesn't negate the fact that there is still RP to be had! It's just behind a paywall, so to speak.

If it's RP, then you accept "RP gil", correct? Not "gil which was acquired via the game mechanics and has nothing to do with RP"? If you're expecting an actual transfer of gil, then that's not really RP... that's one player paying another player for writing, which is probably against Square Enix's policies on RMT. 


That doesn't mean people don't do it, I'm sure. But you seem well-written, so it'd be a loss to the community if you ended up in trouble.


Actually, from what I have heard, anything that is done in the game can be bought with ingame currency, yet at the same time they supposively ban people for selling houses...So it's unofficial...Though I've never heard of the working girls getting banned so it might be more on the people who scalp others for the price of housing.


Eitherway, while I may never RP with you myself I don't judge what people choose to RP so I wish you luck...Though her being cheap is kind of depressing. Someone needs to give her a hug!...For free! lol


PS. Only reason I commented on this is because, despite the subject matter, as Sena said you do seem to be a really good writer and this looks professionally thought out so, kudos!

She is cheap simply because it fits her! She's not a high-class courtesan or escort, she's someone you drop a pouch of gil on in a seedy back alley. She enjoys the work, though she's been told she should raise her prices, but she just tells people that if they liked the meal, feel free to tip.



She also loves hugs, and hugs are free!

If it's RP, then you accept "RP gil", correct? Not "gil which was acquired via the game mechanics and has nothing to do with RP"? If you're expecting an actual transfer of gil, then that's not really RP... that's one player paying another player for writing, which is probably against Square Enix's policies on RMT. 


That doesn't mean people don't do it, I'm sure. But you seem well-written, so it'd be a loss to the community if you ended up in trouble.

Offering (E)RP in exchange for gil is not considered RMT according to FFXIV. There's a Reddit thread on it somewhere. I'm sure Google can help you out there!


That said, I'm glad to see an ordinary sexworker and not yet another courtesan.


Besides that I have little to add. Best of luck o/

It wasn't really until I got into a fairly heated argument over the difference that I realized how uncommon a common street worker was!



Thank you!

Actually, from what I have heard, anything that is done in the game can be bought with ingame currency, yet at the same time they supposively ban people for selling houses...So it's unofficial...Though I've never heard of the working girls getting banned so it might be more on the people who scalp others for the price of housing.


Eitherway, while I may never RP with you myself I don't judge what people choose to RP so I wish you luck...Though her being cheap is kind of depressing. Someone needs to give her a hug!...For free! lol


They're definitely inconsistent with their policies, that's for sure. People have gotten in trouble for things like selling a character art commission in exchange for gil, and there's the housing thing. I don't think they do anything about what doesn't get reported, though, so... who knows. Could be that all it'd take is for a customer with some screenshots to go to SE and complain that gil was demanded. 


But yeah, good luck, for sure, OP. No judgment here either. Just about everybody does ERP (especially the ones who protest that they don't). There's heaps of people falling over themselves looking to do it for free, so I'm not sure why anybody would pay gil for it, but people apparently do, from what I've heard. A fool and their money are soon parted, eh?

In regards to the 'I can get it for free, so why should I pay?' mentality that I run into a lot, I have a few answers that tend to make people think twice before asking it again, but I generally just state, 'if you don't want to pay, don't have sex with Tsuki.'



The reality is that anyone can do something for free if they want. The people who complain about artist prices being too high could start drawing their own. Free art, self-satisfaction. Do they? Not often. I get that a lot when attempting writing commissions, and I encourage people with the 'I can do it myself' mentality to... well, do just that. The world could use more artists!



I love baking. I'm a damn good baker if I do say so myself, but red velvet is my bane. I just cannot get my red velvet to turn out quite right! So I go to a bakery nearby who does absolutely wonderful red velvet when I'm really craving it, and I pay them. It's worth every penny, it's just what I want, it's a short drive away, and I didn't have the self-loathing involved of wondering why my own cake just isn't hitting the spot. Are other places cheaper? Yes! Doesn't matter. That bakery has it just right, and when I want red velvet right then and there, they are who I go to. 



Could I go gather those ten high-quality oranges in game? Yeah, I could. It'll just take me 2 hours because of RNG, so you can bet your knickers I'm going to hit up that MB and find as many low cost high-quality oranges I can find to get my daily done!



My point is -- anyone can do anything themselves. There are just reasons they don't. It's perfectly okay to not want to pay, but there are reasons people will. I've been doing the erotica-for-money game a very long time, so I'm not bothered by who will and who won't, because for every one who loudly proclaims they won't, there's about four more who will.

Hello there, welcome to the RPC! I've an alt who's a former back-alley prostitute and thief, herself. Nowadays, she's into more organized crime, along with tinkering with Magitek and machinery, if that counts as the sort of "craftsmen" your character may be looking for. :) Perhaps the two can meet!


I would like that! It is indeed the sort of craftsman that Tsuki is looking for. There's plenty of fun to be had with machinery, after all. Especially for Tsuki, who collects music boxes. Lots of little machinery she'd like to learn to tend to!

Currently leveling a criminal alt that might get along with your character. He has a couple of 'faces' he wears but the short of it is that he is a scoundrel. There might be chances for plenty of shady undertakings!


That sounds wonderful! Shady undertakings are my jam. Please feel free to prod me in-game or over Discord!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Though Stroud is a courtier and entertainer to the more exclusive parties in Ul'dah - he's also got his hands in several cookie jars himself with shady investments and the like. It's likely the two travel in similar circles to such an extent they've at least seen each other. If you'd like to explore it IC - shoot me a message IG or over the messenger. ^.^ 


Anything from casual conversation to free lance employment of the shady sort is on the table.

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Kinda curious. How would a vigilante type aimed against douchebangs and Garleans fair in this regard?


Also, given to my hectic schedule. I am mainly regulated to text rp over than in-game rp, though its not's impossible for me.


Fairly well, I would assume! Text RP is more than welcome, you just need to add me on Discord.

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Kinda curious. How would a vigilante type aimed against douchebangs and Garleans fair in this regard?


Also, given to my hectic schedule. I am mainly regulated to text rp over than in-game rp, though its not's impossible for me.


Fairly well, I would assume! Text RP is more than welcome, you just need to add me on Discord.


Perfect! I'll PM you!

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Nick frequents brothels a lot and isn't afraid to admit it (*cough*). He's a doctor and a mage, and he's fairly adaptable and laid back. He's also been active in Ul'dah's 'underworld' for many, MANY years now.


There are definitely hooks here to work with if you're interested. I'll send you a message on discord.

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