Sig Posted May 24, 2017 Share #101 Posted May 24, 2017 Brother Sig, it seems we are fated to spin along this spiral of debate forevah! Your claim that such goals are attainable is OBSOLETE! There is past precedents that the Square Enix will not submit to the demands of the noble RP army and will instead put a blind ear to our cries. Neither shall Balmung reopen and giving the command for other RPers to simply submit to this decision in hopes the Square Enix will reopen the capital is FOOLISH! The creation of characters has been locked for years, and even still Balmung has grown until the server bends under it's own population. To think that Balmung may survive such an undertaking during the biggest content release of the year is simply FOLLY! Your arguement holds little weight in the raging river that is the current tide. It is like a whisper going against a typhoon, trying to be heard. But I assure you Brother Sig, that I will at least hear your voice. I will hear your voice and I will refute it, for ours is a debate that will cycle on and on until the very server walls come crashing down. This is the last time I intend to respond to a post you make in this thread. There are no applicable precedents or procedural facts that give any indication to whether SE would designate an official RP server. A precedent is only applicable if there are analogous facts (and is usually defined as a analogous rule of law or regulatory standard; as opposed to something that depends on facts). Here, there have been no serious efforts to persuade SE to designate an official RP server since 2.0, and we are facing one of the most difficult population issues to impact high-population servers since launch. The facts and circumstances are unique. If you can identify any recent post by SE (made since high population has become a major issue) where they specifically decline to designate an RP server, that would be precedent. You have no precedent. You have only speculation and conjecture. Consumer demand drives change. If enough consumers demand something, companies are bound to respond. With that said, RPers have made lackluster efforts (save for a few vocal RPers who supported Nero's thread on the official forums) to convince SE to designate an official RP server. This is likely because most RPers believe that SE will simply reverse the transfer ban within 1-3 months after the launch of SB, rendering the need to designate alternative RP servers premature. The only tide I'm lost in is the majority consensus that large, centralized RP hubs are desirable. The overwhelming majority of RPers play on Balmung (or will transfer there after the restriction is lifted) because they value robust, diverse, and active communities. Very few RPers desire to RP on stagnate ghost town servers that offer little more than a 50-100 person homogeneous cliques of like-minded individuals that dwindle in numbers over time. Most RPers I know think that people who hold your view (i.e. - we should designate an unofficial RP server) /and/ my view (i.e. - we should convince to reverse the transfer ban and/or designate an official server) are acting prematurely. And they're probably right - things will likely revert to status quo in 2-3 months after SE lifts the transfer ban. In the end, most RPers will gravitate towards a centralized RP hub that offers the greatest frequency and diversity of RP. That hub has been and will continue to be Balmung (and perhaps an official RP server if designated down the road). Link to comment
Mercer Posted May 25, 2017 Share #102 Posted May 25, 2017 Brother Sig, it seems we are fated to spin along this spiral of debate forevah! Your claim that such goals are attainable is OBSOLETE! There is past precedents that the Square Enix will not submit to the demands of the noble RP army and will instead put a blind ear to our cries. Neither shall Balmung reopen and giving the command for other RPers to simply submit to this decision in hopes the Square Enix will reopen the capital is FOOLISH! The creation of characters has been locked for years, and even still Balmung has grown until the server bends under it's own population. To think that Balmung may survive such an undertaking during the biggest content release of the year is simply FOLLY! Your arguement holds little weight in the raging river that is the current tide. It is like a whisper going against a typhoon, trying to be heard. But I assure you Brother Sig, that I will at least hear your voice. I will hear your voice and I will refute it, for ours is a debate that will cycle on and on until the very server walls come crashing down. This is the last time I intend to respond to a post you make in this thread. There are no applicable precedents or procedural facts that give any indication to whether SE would designate an official RP server. A precedent is only applicable if there are analogous facts (and is usually defined as a analogous rule of law or regulatory standard; as opposed to something that depends on facts). Here, there have been no serious efforts to persuade SE to designate an official RP server since 2.0, and we are facing one of the most difficult population issues to impact high-population servers since launch. The facts and circumstances are unique. If you can identify any recent post by SE (made since high population has become a major issue) where they specifically decline to designate an RP server, that would be precedent. You have no precedent. You have only speculation and conjecture. Consumer demand drives change. If enough consumers demand something, companies are bound to respond. With that said, RPers have made lackluster efforts (save for a few vocal RPers who supported Nero's thread on the official forums) to convince SE to designate an official RP server. This is likely because most RPers believe that SE will simply reverse the transfer ban within 1-3 months after the launch of SB, rendering the need to designate alternative RP servers premature. The only tide I'm lost in is the majority consensus that large, centralized RP hubs are desirable. The overwhelming majority of RPers play on Balmung (or will transfer there after the restriction is lifted) because they value robust, diverse, and active communities. Very few RPers desire to RP on stagnate ghost town servers that offer little more than a 50-100 person homogeneous cliques of like-minded individuals that dwindle in numbers over time. Most RPers I know think that people who hold your view (i.e. - we should designate an unofficial RP server) /and/ my view (i.e. - we should convince to reverse the transfer ban and/or designate an official server) are acting prematurely. And they're probably right - things will likely revert to status quo in 2-3 months after SE lifts the transfer ban. In the end, most RPers will gravitate towards a centralized RP hub that offers the greatest frequency and diversity of RP. That hub has been and will continue to be Balmung (and perhaps an official RP server if designated down the road). My dear Brother Sig, it pains me to see you give up on our debate. However, since you have answered me it would be woefully impolite not to respond. Even if you do not wish to read my reply I will leave it here for others in the grand community to read. Thank you for educating me on the finer points of past precedents and I will refine my earlier reply. The fact remains that there have been examples of previous attempts by the glorious RP community to petition the Square Enix to designate Balmung as the RP hub, or perhaps another server. Indeed, these were under different more elegant times. However, these were not distant times. The posts and feedback from the Developer team are just a few years old, very recent for our standards. Since there have been no changes since the original statements it is the best and only reference we have. However, to say that RPers should hand their fate over to the Square Enix is folly! The RP-C and the glorious RP community as a whole have existed in parallel with the Square Enix for half a decade now and have decided to control the reigns of fate on their own terms. We do know that the Square Enix prefers it this way from previous comments during petitioning. There have been no signs to change this stance. In fact, by giving characters themselves the ability to be tagged as "RP" they are giving more control to the individual rather than the server. It is true that campaigning for a RP tag or clarification of the stance on RP servers is beneficial to the server. Nero started these efforts admirably. However, you seem to be ignoring the evidence of growing sever instability on Balmung. This is not simple conjecture or speculation. It is something that we have been experiencing over the past several months, varying from entire data center wide outages down to housing and personal rooms becoming inaccessible. Unnamed Mercenary and I have already put down numbers and references to exactly what has been happening to the server. It boils down thusly: Balmung is vastly too large for the intended server structure and couple with the wide disparity between smaller servers leaves little reason for the Square Enix to reopen the server. There are further examples of them taking a similar stance in FFXI, which I again referenced previously. Some action needs to be taken, and has been taken by the glorious RP community. Word spreads, plans are made and new players are given guidance. Even by your current stance you say that Balmung will not open for 2-3 months from now, the launch summer of Storm Blood. You have recommended that players wait for their chance to play on Balmung once again instead of rolling on an alternate server to enjoy the launch. I can not agree, my Brother Sig. There are players that wish to join Balmung but cannot. To say they should wait until Stormblood is over, that they can not enjoy the biggest XIV moments of the year is... simply tragic. To say they must wait on their hands until the next school year or until the server opens, if it opens? I can not agree. The simple truth is that the RP community will fracture due to the actions taken by the Square Enix. There is no denying that players need a new home right this very moment. I also can not see Balmung reopening in the future, due to the Square Enix's actions taken during XI and how they have handled Character Creation for Balmung in XIV for the last two years. Thank you for these continued debates, my dear Brother Sig. Even if this shall be the last debate here I look forward to continuing them on and on. You, desiring for the stagnation of Balmung, and me, wishing to see the diversification of servers. 1 Link to comment
Leggerless Posted May 25, 2017 Share #103 Posted May 25, 2017 My bet's on Balmung just remaining closed even after 2-3 months. And then a revisit of server designation topics. I mean. Is there an effective way of actually... I don't know. Forcing people to locate off the server? Worst comes to worst and people *really* hate it being overcrowded, we implement the WoW method of homogenization and ridicule. You know. The one where we shun anyone who ERP. Or in this case, perhaps the one where we'll shun any who don't RP. Or ask Square to just split the server. Question is, What's the most effective, disregarding certain concerns, of cutting down server population? (Mainly because I just don't see anyone really moving en masse just yet, or will, based on the attitudes presented in the thread...) Link to comment
ExAtomos Posted May 25, 2017 Author Share #104 Posted May 25, 2017 Question is, What's the most effective, disregarding certain concerns, of cutting down server population? SE turning off the game. Look... what do you think all these threads are FOR? We're discussing possible solutions to the problem of an over-stuffed Balmung. Some people promote a diaspora, others (like myself) hope to encourage SE to slap an 'RP Here' label on some empty server so we'll move together, some people feel the sky isn't falling and Balmung will reopen soon enough and we'll return to the status quo, some people fear a split, etc. We can't really agree on anything because we don't know what SE is thinking and each of us has our 'ideal' solution in mind that doesn't mesh with other ideas. Link to comment
Sig Posted May 25, 2017 Share #105 Posted May 25, 2017 My bet's on Balmung just remaining closed even after 2-3 months. And then a revisit of server designation topics. I mean. Is there an effective way of actually... I don't know. Forcing people to locate off the server? Worst comes to worst and people *really* hate it being overcrowded, we implement the WoW method of homogenization and ridicule. You know. The one where we shun anyone who ERP. Or in this case, perhaps the one where we'll shun any who don't RP. Or ask Square to just split the server. Question is, What's the most effective, disregarding certain concerns, of cutting down server population? (Mainly because I just don't see anyone really moving en masse just yet, or will, based on the attitudes presented in the thread...) The easiest way of cutting down the server population (which could be resolved through other control measures that do not require a restriction on transfers) would be to simply designate an official RP server and allow for a complete transfer of assets [i.e. - refunds for housing and housing items]. That is the only scenario where a sizable portion of the Balmung population would leave the server. The vast majority of RPers have little to no interest transferring to small RP servers that lack diverse and sustainable RP communities. Most people realize that splitting the RP population across multiple servers in a disorganized fashion does little more than cause stagnation and homogenization of RP. But, gauging by the interest and motivation of most RPers at the present time, we're 1-3 months away (assuming the transfer restriction stays in place that long) from RPers feeling motivated or pressured enough to encourage SE to designate an official server. Link to comment
Rosekitten Posted May 25, 2017 Share #106 Posted May 25, 2017 Wasn't it already stated they would be refunding or allowing housing moves or something similar? It was worded a bit oddly for my tastes but .. it doesn't really effect me either with not having a house an all... ^^; Most that I have heard that were willing or already have moved from Balmung moved to be allowed the chance to finally have player housing. If SE is allowing some sort of house refund or a cert to pick up a new house on the other server.. makes me wonder what exactly will happen in the long run of things. What if someone jumps server (either a low pop or whatever server gets voted in as rp server hub whatever) and finds out they still can't get housing due to a large amount of player transfers with a housing voucher? I don't see SE assigning a rp server any time soon if ever but till we get more information as to what exactly is going to happen at the launch or closer to the launch there isn't much to do but speculate. Link to comment
Luna Sona Posted May 31, 2017 Share #107 Posted May 31, 2017 Maintain a positive atmosphere for roleplaying. Harassment of other players is never tolerated. Given that WoW seems to have completely failed in enforcing that, I severely doubt SE would be able to. I'd rather stay on a server with my friends where I can speak freely if wanted. They actually do throw the ban hammer quite hard on people who harassed roleplayers. Only places it was questionable was RP-PvP server due to you technically signing up for PvP as well. That said, they were a lot better about it in Vanilla/TBC. After that Activision came in, and rip caring about roleplayers. Speaking freely? Dude. DUDE. C'mon. Don't you think we had some places to trashtalk OOC in public? Of course we do. Mostly trade district with the Market Boards were n1 spot, and later we got the Meme Roof. But that was all out of direct sight of RPers. And if people were passing trough the trade district IC, no one would kick up a stink and go "Ew gross RPers." either. It was nice. What I mean is that from everyone I've heard talk about WoW RP, they totally let the RPers attack and mutilate their own communities. I guess Blizzard probably just went "not on our site" and left it at that, but you know exactly what I'm talking about. A server tagged for RP would just invite in "RP Police" people who'd be just as dangerous to a community as any RP-hating jerk. That's weird. I'm not sure if you've personally RPed on WoW, but the community is pretty okay recently. The only people that I know of that "attacked and mutilated" their own community were the Night Elf RPers and that was in Cataclysm, which was quite a few years ago. I'm new to FFXIV and RPing here, but I've seen more RP police on this site than I have on WoW. Link to comment
Desu Nee Posted May 31, 2017 Share #108 Posted May 31, 2017 Honestly, no. Don't get me mistaken, I love rping, and I love my character, but what bought me to FFXIV was, first, foremost, and always, content, and the reason I haven't left Balmung is the friends I made here; if all of them moved, I would probably consider, if I didn't need to pay, but if I needed, then I would simply have no reason to even stay on Balmung and maybe go on a server my ping isn't 250ms >.>. Seriously, it blows playing with that ping. Link to comment
Unnamed Mercenary Posted May 31, 2017 Share #109 Posted May 31, 2017 That's weird. I'm not sure if you've personally RPed on WoW, but the community is pretty okay recently. The only people that I know of that "attacked and mutilated" their own community were the Night Elf RPers and that was in Cataclysm, which was quite a few years ago. I'm new to FFXIV and RPing here, but I've seen more RP police on this site than I have on WoW. No, I haven't. That's why I said it was based on things I've heard. It's likely not a perfect view of all WoW communities. Or even the NA community. Most of the WoW RP I've heard talked about came from EU players, where many of them had what I can only interpret as stockholm syndrome for bullying "bad" RPers off and some pretty heavy RP policing. Which also means some of those same people are probably here on the RPC. Or in-game playing FFXIV. And in the case of Balmung pretty much having been the "only" place to RP, it means all the different types of communities came over. In my case, I don't really believe in heavy policing on lore adherence in RP community sites. People are free to find their groups and RP the way they want. This particular topic has been spread out among a LOT of different threads, so my previous posts may appear to have been coming out of nowhere. -- It's still shitty that Central and South America are getting routed to Europe before routed to North America. ISPs need to get it together. Link to comment
Erah'sae Posted June 1, 2017 Share #110 Posted June 1, 2017 That's weird. I'm not sure if you've personally RPed on WoW, but the community is pretty okay recently. The only people that I know of that "attacked and mutilated" their own community were the Night Elf RPers and that was in Cataclysm, which was quite a few years ago. I'm new to FFXIV and RPing here, but I've seen more RP police on this site than I have on WoW. I helped run/moderate three different server community sites during my long history in WoW, and I can say the "rp policing" you see on occasion here is a fresh breath of air to some of the BS that went on over on US WoW servers. There's a solid reason Earthen Ring went from one of the higher pop servers to one of lowest populations over the experience of two expansions. I guess you were one of the lucky ones not to get caught up with it. Anyway, back on topic.... Leggerless Wrote: Question is, What's the most effective, disregarding certain concerns, of cutting down server population? I'm assuming you mean "what's the most effective way". The best way to get server populations down is to give some solid material gain for being on a lower populated server. Maybe an "open world" echo bonus or a bonus to tombstone accumulation. Bonus to FC points earned might work as well. Assuming you let an FC move with it's airship and current rank intact. Hell they could even just add a special housing item for people that transfer over and folks might jump to it. That will help get some of the non-RP groups to move off in anticipation of more stuff / faster progression. It might even help with some of the RPers as well. Gilgamesh pretty close to Balmung's as far as large active go and some of the JP servers are (slowly) closing the gap. Really just some tangible incentive to get there other then "you can bring some of your stuff". Link to comment
Aldotsk Posted June 1, 2017 Share #111 Posted June 1, 2017 I have friends that I play with. So likely is no. I wouldn't move. But it also doesn't mean I would tell people to come to Balmung because it's just overpopulated and no RP community should be based under one server Link to comment
SleepyChipmunk Posted June 1, 2017 Share #112 Posted June 1, 2017 If it's a new server, I'll make an alt there to help support it. Sarnai won't be moving, though, unless my friends do. Link to comment
Papajimboh Posted June 1, 2017 Share #113 Posted June 1, 2017 I feel like right now we're all just tapping our feet waiting on the list even though it seems a large number of people are at least fairly sure where they're going. I'm also optimistic that the jump potions may end up being a positive for allowing people to have alts more readily available on alternate servers. I keep coming here assuming once the list is released someone will post it here almost immediately. Link to comment
Kazukata Posted June 3, 2017 Share #114 Posted June 3, 2017 Official rp tag or not, there's one thing and one thing only that would figure into my decision to move: where my contacts are. At first, I figured that would make my answer a hard "no," because my contacts spread across multiple FCs and communities, and there's no way they would all collectively agree to move. However, I'm a little surprised by just how many people are voicing support for the idea. One other thing that has struck me is also the discussion about the sheer size of the rp population, and after reading through a lot of the comments, I'm of the mind that multiple servers may not be a bad idea so long as we all continue to remain interconnected by outside functions such as the RPC. I probably won't be the one to do it, because I'm perfectly content, even ecstatic, with my current rp experience, but I can see the pros to such a plan. Obviously, if the server stays locked indefinitely, then the community will be forced to pick up roots sooner or later lest it atrophy. However, I'm right now taking a wait and see approach. Obviously, new people can't come in, and yes, they need somewhere to put roots. I think with the rate of new people coming in, we may well already be making a second community. I personally view servers like Mateus as a holding pen of sorts, but if the situation goes on long enough, I don't see why it couldn't naturally cement into its own community. And after a lot of what I've read, I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing. I personally think an rp tag is irrelevant, but the more interesting argument that's arisen about whether to split the community or not has given me a lot of food for thought. This post ended up a lot more stream of consciousness than expected, but yeah, those are basically my thoughts on the subject. Link to comment
C'kayah Polaali Posted June 3, 2017 Share #115 Posted June 3, 2017 On the topic of an official RP server, Lord of the Rings Online provided an interesting test. LOTRO is, of course, based on Lord of the Rings. Which has a fan base exhibiting passion for the lore that's astounding to see. When the game came out, it was published by two different companies at the same time. Turbine (who developed the game) ran servers in north america, and they sold the EU business to Codemasters. Turbine decided that they wouldn't create a specific RP server, but instead they designated the Landroval server as "RP encouraged". Codemasters set up the Laurelin server as an official RP server, and added some specific terms of service for that server that basically covered derp and troll behavior. Lore-inappropriate names (Spanky McBottom), trolling ("Look at the RP f***!"), and setting-inappropriate behavior (being that one Dwarf who jump-runs in circles in the Prancing Pony while spamming AOEs) were all banned, and they were pretty decent about policing it. I was on the Landroval server, of course, because people in north america couldn't get on EU servers and visa-versa. It was a decent RP community, but there were definitely parallels with things that happen on Balmung. I'd heard stories of how good Laurelin was, but I couldn't go see without buying a Codemasters version of the game and using a VPN. A few years ago, Turbine bought the EU business back from Codemasters, and brought the EU servers under their own umbrella. They didn't change anything about them - Landroval remained RP encouraged without any special rules, and Laurelin remained "official RP" with it's special rules. The big difference was now anyone could get on any server. I decided to make a character on Laurelin to see what the difference was. It was amazing. RPers were still probably in the minority, but there wasn't the sort of derpage or trolling that you'd see on Landroval - or Balmung. The Prancing Pony - the LOTRO equivalent of the QS - had musicians (LOTRO has an amazing player-music system), storytellers, random patrons drinking, people having hushed meetings in the corner. It felt like an actual tavern in that setting. No Spanky McBottom spamming AOEs. No trolls in their underwear going around to RPers and sitting in their laps. I found RP while questing in out of the way swamps and such. It was amazing. Perhaps official RP servers in other games haven't worked out, but that doesn't mean that the concept can't work out. As for whether I'd move or not? It depends. Being assured of carrying over my assets and not losing my housing (I like the house token idea that's been thrown around) would help. Knowing that a ton of RPers were moving would help. Link to comment
Sylentmana Posted June 7, 2017 Share #116 Posted June 7, 2017 So long as the server remained open and accessible for creating new characters, I'd move. It if became like Balmung where you have to create a character on a different server, then pay for a transfer, then no. Link to comment
Leggerless Posted June 7, 2017 Share #117 Posted June 7, 2017 Daily reminder that, yes, Balmung is still overpopulated as I'll get out. This time with a census releasing today. 4th column, second to last row. 26,432 in Balmung. Don't see another server past 20k yet either... Link to comment
Mercer Posted June 7, 2017 Share #118 Posted June 7, 2017 Daily reminder that, yes, Balmung is still overpopulated as I'll get out. This time with a census releasing today. My morning breakfast of data! Thank you Leggerless. So, important things to note about this census: Mateus has grown far faster than servers in a similar situation. 727 new active characters since March. Compared to Goblin, that's twice as much and compared to Zalera that's three times. This also makes Mateus the second fastest growing NA server! Of note: Mateus has gained 16% of it's active character population in the last three months alone. Balmung is bleeding far slower than other servers by percentage. It is by far the most bloated but has lost only 507 compared to Gilgamesh's 702. An important criteria of this census is that for a character to be counted, they have to be above the current free trial cap (35). That means that Mateus' growth of 727 new characters have a significant time investment. This is real server growth, not just alts putting around scoping out the server. Link to comment
Leggerless Posted June 7, 2017 Share #119 Posted June 7, 2017 Current forecasts? (And this is my opinion only) I don't think the server's going to be opening up in 2 months at this rate. Or 3. Unless there's some drastic news and changes which allows for transfers without hefty cost to most on Balmung already. But again, guess we have to wait for patch notes, don't we... Link to comment
Mercer Posted June 7, 2017 Share #120 Posted June 7, 2017 Current forecasts? (And this is my opinion only) I don't think the server's going to be opening up in 2 months at this rate. Or 3. Unless there's some drastic news and changes which allows for transfers without hefty cost to most on Balmung already. But again, guess we have to wait for patch notes, don't we... I agree. The fact that the server has only lost around 500 characters is not a good sign of server health. By percentage Balmung lost 1.9% of it's population while Gilgamesh lost 3.4%. 1.9% is a drop in the pain compared to the roughly 50% drop needed to be comparable to other high pop servers. Link to comment
Papajimboh Posted June 7, 2017 Share #121 Posted June 7, 2017 Which is the fastest growing if Mateus is second? It isn't a potential alternate RP realm as well, is it? **Never mind! I saw you mention Cactuar in another thread. Link to comment
ExAtomos Posted June 7, 2017 Author Share #122 Posted June 7, 2017 lol All these posts of "my friends are on balmung". I'm seeing just how many instigators there are compared to followers. ^^; I mean, I get you... I just see it differently. I'd go and I'd hope my friends would too (aka I'd be promoting the heck outta it in an effort to get people to move.) What is making me a bit uncomfortable is how it appears that the disgruntled are the ones going ahead and moving to X server currently. The feeds negativity into the other server, promoting the whole "us vs. them" problem. I guess in a perfect world we'd have people saying "I was happy there. I am also happy here."? I still hold out hope that most RPers can be in one place rather than thinned out via a massive diaspora. And personally, I like the idea of being on a server that's hard to get into; to me it means that anyone coming in really wants to be there. (This is similar in concept to the difference in atmosphere/culture between FCs that have out of game applications and/or interviews for potential members and those that take anyone and everyone.) Link to comment
Papajimboh Posted June 7, 2017 Share #123 Posted June 7, 2017 lol All these posts of "my friends are on balmung". I'm seeing just how many instigators there are compared to followers. ^^; I mean, I get you... I just see it differently. I'd go and I'd hope my friends would too (aka I'd be promoting the heck outta it in an effort to get people to move.) What is making me a bit uncomfortable is how it appears that the disgruntled are the ones going ahead and moving to X server currently. The feeds negativity into the other server, promoting the whole "us vs. them" problem. I guess in a perfect world we'd have people saying "I was happy there. I am also happy here."? I still hold out hope that most RPers can be in one place rather than thinned out via a massive diaspora. And personally, I like the idea of being on a server that's hard to get into; to me it means that anyone coming in really wants to be there. (This is similar in concept to the difference in atmosphere/culture between FCs that have out of game applications and/or interviews for potential members and those that take anyone and everyone.) I'm not sure the majority are really disgruntled. There will always be some, but I've seen plenty of people optimistic about a fresh start and meeting new people. I think most people don't think along the "us vs them" lines, it's just that the ones who do are vocal about it. They are just angry people, and they have to let people know they're angry. As for people really wanting to be there, it may be true, but WHY it's true is also important. If you were stranded in the ocean and there was only one raft floating by for you to climb into, of course you'd WANT to get into it because it's your only choice. I'm sure if you had money you would pay to get onto it. lol The "Balmung or nothing" attitude doesn't make any sense now since it isn't an option for anyone who isn't already there. Link to comment
ExAtomos Posted June 7, 2017 Author Share #124 Posted June 7, 2017 I'm not sure the majority are really disgruntled. There will always be some, but I've seen plenty of people optimistic about a fresh start and meeting new people. I think most people don't think along the "us vs them" lines, it's just that the ones who do are vocal about it. They are just angry people, and they have to let people know they're angry. As for people really wanting to be there, it may be true, but WHY it's true is also important. If you were stranded in the ocean and there was only one raft floating by for you to climb into, of course you'd WANT to get into it because it's your only choice. I'm sure if you had money you would pay to get onto it. lol The "Balmung or nothing" attitude doesn't make any sense now since it isn't an option for anyone who isn't already there. Yeah, I'll readily agree that it's the vocal minority and, as others have mentioned in other threads on the topic, I hope that those who are more level-headed will step in to be the even-louder majority. I'm not in the "Balmung onry" crowd myself; I'm in the "I want SE to slap a label on a (preferably new) server and offer free transfers to (or from, depending) said server". This is my ideal resolution to the current problem we have. Link to comment
ZoktaiKhor Posted June 7, 2017 Share #125 Posted June 7, 2017 I probably wont ,but i would make an Alt for said server. On behemoth Since I run a fc and run RP LS on there I'm kind of Engrained into by now. Plus it's easy to invite people to behemoth since its not under as strict locks. IF everyone of my RL friends left, my fc died out completly and noone rped at all anymore then Id move after all that. Link to comment
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