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If SE was to designate an RP server, would you move?

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This goes for residents of Balmung as well as the groups on other servers.


To me, this seems the best answer all around. If Yoshi picks a low pop or new* NA server and slaps a sign that says "RP Here", would you up your tent stakes and move? I know I would.


I can't say I know what % of the active population of Balmung are RPers, but to me at least it seems that it's at least half. Having half of the largest pop server move elsewhere because they want to seems ideal.


What I can't do is post this concise request to the OF (like many, I was kicked off.)


I know most will say "Yoshi will never do that" and maybe he won't, but to me it seems the best solution and hell, maybe he would agree. *shrug*


The main issue I see with doing this is the Snowball Effect. If RPers get a designated server, raiders and pvpers would raise hell since they would ALSO like their own designated servers.


I feel bad for those who have friends/family on Balmung and now simply can't join them (friend tokens, please?). But I'm still seeing all the other servers' RP communities making cases for their server as alternatives without any coordination amongst them (and I get why, I do.) Hell, a month or two after the start of SB we may see transfers open back up and we'll be back to the status quo. But I'm still curious how many of you would move for an official recognition.


*I am aware a new NA server makes little sense considering the population of many servers is already damn low; I am acknowledging that some existing residents of these servers may be upset over the sudden influx of RPers and that an actual new server would not have that problem.


eta: Something that just occurred to me about the rationale behind NOT creating a specific server is that it doesn't hold water any longer since cross-server PF became a thing. Raiders and PVPers can use this feature and have access to many more players, regardless of server. The one large community that can't benefit from this feature is the RP community. So, imo, it makes even more sense for Yoshi to officially label one low pop/new server as the RP server.

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Whether they designate an NA server, or an EU, or maybe even both, I'd move. I don't have much ties to Balmung left so I've got no reason to stay. Sure, in the short term it'll be quiet, slow to kick off because a lot of RPers are settled where they are. But new RPers will always flock in and they'll go to either where it's popular or where it's official. Sadly Balmung became a VIP club ever since you had to pay to transfer in, and I'm pretty sure people get pissed that they have to pay to get with the cool kids.

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If they all moved together, that'd be great. But they also got ties between NA/EU friends who probably don't want to move for other reasons. And housing. Meh, SE said they'll compensate and will work on making it easier for FCs to move together. Otherwise, make alts, test the waters. If it flourishes and you like it, great, consider moving. If not, you still got your main.

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The main issue I see with doing this is the Snowball Effect. If RPers get a designated server, raiders and pvpers would raise hell since they would ALSO like their own designated servers.


No, they wouldn't, because every server is a raider/PVPer server. Since there's no such thing as open world PVP, there's no need to have a server designated for PVP being fully accessible. Similarly, anyone with a strong PVP focus does not play FFXIV, due to PVP being something of an after-thought. Additionally, since PVP is done through Duty Finder exclusively with every server in the Data center getting tossed in, there's not even a need for an "unofficial" PVP server (nor raiding for that matter) which is telling enough that no one would ask for these things anyways.


That being said, I'd consider it. It would depend on how many people move.

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  • it were only open to transfers to start with (no new chars)
  • it was an EU server
  • you could take all your gil

otherwise I'd probably just follow the crowd

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Designating an existing server as RP wouldn't really work.


The main issue is houses and FC airships. Anyone who has houses in Balmung won't move if it means losing those houses. What if an RP FC wants to move but finds out that they'll lose their mansion and that there are no mansions on the new server? What if someone got a small house by paying a house flipper 15 million gil but when they transfer they are only reimbursed 2 million gil?


Giving FCs the incentive to move is the key. Individuals will trickle in for personal reasons, but if FCs face any loss of assets then they won't move.


And of course the gil limit is dumb anyway.

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I doubt it. The chance of me doing so would rise significantly if my close friends decided to move away from Balmung but I'm lucky enough to own a house on this server and that isn't something to be given up easily. Furthermore I'm engaged in the game as a whole - so if there wasn't a decent amount of players engaging in PvE related activities on the hypothetical new server then I wouldn't really want to make the move.


I'm not really a fan of the idea of Balmung suddenly getting a 'tag' for role-play for that very reason. I don't want PvE - or PvP - focused players to be discouraged from playing on the server.

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I play this game to socialize with my friends. Moving would be entirely dependant on whether they planned to move too. (And of those friends, a number of them do not RP).


Chances are, I don't think I'd move. At least not my main characters. I might make an alt and level up on some new designated server, but I can't see myself fully leaving Balmung. I have too many contacts in different social spheres to make a new server look appealing.

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I'd move. If I kept my assets and gil. Of course, I'd gauge if my friends were going, but if SE just did the minimal rules WoW had for RP servers? I'd be game. Considering they actually enforce it as well.




  • Create a name that fits within the World of Warcraft universe. Remember that rules for Roleplaying servers are in addition to the regular Naming Policy. "Iwillcrushyou", "Roguesftw" and "Shammysrule" are examples of names that would be against the Roleplaying Naming Policy.
  • Stay in character in /say, /yell, in emotes, or any other channel used for roleplaying. This means no discussion of real life events or people in these areas. Players should also take the time to spell out words and phrases. Refrain from using internet jargon and acronyms such as "lol" or "pwn".
  • Maintain a positive atmosphere for roleplaying. Harassment of other players is never tolerated.




That said, I don't get why people think PvE/PvP people wouldn't transfer to RP servers. I had plenty of non-RP friends. They just liked seeing the RP. They liked the immersive names. They liked the stories people had to tell. The art people had to show. They just didn't RP. They might lurk on RP events at best, but they just be doing their own thing. And that was fine with me. Not everyone hates us, really.


And honestly? If my friend groups end up being split? I'd transfer off one of my max level chars at least.

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Maintain a positive atmosphere for roleplaying. Harassment of other players is never tolerated.


Given that WoW seems to have completely failed in enforcing that, I severely doubt SE would be able to. I'd rather stay on a server with my friends where I can speak freely if wanted.

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The main issue I see with doing this is the Snowball Effect. If RPers get a designated server, raiders and pvpers would raise hell since they would ALSO like their own designated servers.


No, they wouldn't, because every server is a raider/PVPer server. Since there's no such thing as open world PVP, there's no need to have a server designated for PVP being fully accessible. Similarly, anyone with a strong PVP focus does not play FFXIV, due to PVP being something of an after-thought. Additionally, since PVP is done through Duty Finder exclusively with every server in the Data center getting tossed in, there's not even a need for an "unofficial" PVP server (nor raiding for that matter) which is telling enough that no one would ask for these things anyways.


That being said, I'd consider it. It would depend on how many people move.


The same argument could be said for RP though. You /can/ RP on every server (and there is RP on every server), what we're missing is concentration of RPers (like what we have on Balmung atm.) ... Which may be what Yoshi is thinking. lol.

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Maintain a positive atmosphere for roleplaying. Harassment of other players is never tolerated.


Given that WoW seems to have completely failed in enforcing that, I severely doubt SE would be able to. I'd rather stay on a server with my friends where I can speak freely if wanted.

They actually do throw the ban hammer quite hard on people who harassed roleplayers. Only places it was questionable was RP-PvP server due to you technically signing up for PvP as well.


That said, they were a lot better about it in Vanilla/TBC. After that Activision came in, and rip caring about roleplayers.


Speaking freely? Dude. DUDE. C'mon. Don't you think we had some places to trashtalk OOC in public? Of course we do. Mostly trade district with the Market Boards were n1 spot, and later we got the Meme Roof. But that was all out of direct sight of RPers and didn't interfere with their roleplay. And if people were passing trough the trade district IC, no one would kick up a stink and go "Ew gross RPers." either. It was nice.


But the harassment thing? We sort of have this on Balmung aren't don't we? GM's aren't overly impressed with non-RPers harassing the shit out of RPers. Blizzard just added a clause specially for RPers, whereas I imagine with SE it just falls under "Don't harass people for enjoying x".


(I also honestly think you were trying to quote the /s and /yell thing and not so much the harassment clause, but I can't imagine you vouching for "LETS HARASS PEOPLE I DONT LIKE RPING LEL".)

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Maintain a positive atmosphere for roleplaying. Harassment of other players is never tolerated.


Given that WoW seems to have completely failed in enforcing that, I severely doubt SE would be able to. I'd rather stay on a server with my friends where I can speak freely if wanted.

They actually do throw the ban hammer quite hard on people who harassed roleplayers. Only places it was questionable was RP-PvP server due to you technically signing up for PvP as well.


That said, they were a lot better about it in Vanilla/TBC. After that Activision came in, and rip caring about roleplayers.


Speaking freely? Dude. DUDE. C'mon. Don't you think we had some places to trashtalk OOC in public? Of course we do. Mostly trade district with the Market Boards were n1 spot, and later we got the Meme Roof. But that was all out of direct sight of RPers. And if people were passing trough the trade district IC, no one would kick up a stink and go "Ew gross RPers." either. It was nice.


What I mean is that from everyone I've heard talk about WoW RP, they totally let the RPers attack and mutilate their own communities. I guess Blizzard probably just went "not on our site" and left it at that, but you know exactly what I'm talking about. A server tagged for RP would just invite in "RP Police" people who'd be just as dangerous to a community as any RP-hating jerk.

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What I mean is that from everyone I've heard talk about WoW RP, they totally let the RPers attack and mutilate their own communities. I guess Blizzard probably just went "not on our site" and left it at that, but you know exactly what I'm talking about. A server tagged for RP would just invite in "RP Police" people who'd be just as dangerous to a community as any RP-hating jerk.


"Server tagged for RP would invite the RP police". People with standards get accused on that on Balmung on the time, so it wouldn't make any difference :P


Blizzard didn't give a fuck about what quality of RP people had. As long you weren't harassing people over it. Aka stay the fuck away from Tumblr~

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I don't have a large presence in Balmung's community and/or deep ties with large amounts of people here... So I would move if and ONLY if: most of my immediate friends were also moving, I got to keep 100% of my assets, and the move itself was free. If even one of those things was not included in the package, it'd be a deal breaker for me.

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I more than likely won't leave.


That said, we'll have to watch how SE deals with Balmung and its population. They leave it open that they can and will consider a server split. It won't be in the near future, but it's a possibility. According to FFXI players, it has happened.


Technology's changed and all that, but I wouldn't say I'm 100% confident they won't throw that at us. Right now, I just know we'll stay locked for a long time cause we need to lose about 4k based on the numbers I've seen (however flawed and approximated) to maybe get considered as 'just highly congested'.


Which, I can pretty damn say everyone would agree would be the worst horrible decision for us.

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It's very unlikely that I'd transfer my main off Balmung. If the new server was cool enough I'd make an alt or something.


Create a name that fits within the World of Warcraft universe. Remember that rules for Roleplaying servers are in addition to the regular Naming Policy. "Iwillcrushyou", "Roguesftw" and "Shammysrule" are examples of names that would be against the Roleplaying Naming Policy.


Stay in character in /say, /yell, in emotes, or any other channel used for roleplaying. This means no discussion of real life events or people in these areas. Players should also take the time to spell out words and phrases. Refrain from using internet jargon and acronyms such as "lol" or "pwn".


Unless the RP server is started from scratch, something like these two should be more like guidelines instead of actual forcible rules I think. I'd imagine there to be a huge outcry if they officially designated an already existing server RP and forced many players to change their names and stuff.

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Unless the RP server is started from scratch, something like these two should be more like guidelines instead of actual forcible rules I think. I'd imagine there to be a huge outcry if they officially designated an already existing server RP and forced many players to change their names and stuff.

Oh god, no. I don't want them to slap RP tag on Balmung. Ever.

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Putting an RP tag on Balmung wouldn't really do anything and trying to enforce those rules would end up horribly too.


It would have to be an extremely low pop server realistically. Ideally they'd make a new world but they're only doing that when your average population is really even amongst all the worlds on one data center.

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If they were smart and made a new server with the RP tag (no additional rules or moderation needed, and, in games that claim they have such they don't enforce it strongly for long anyway), and offered free transfers to the server, and implemented a system of tokens or somesuch so that those who transfer could reclaim an FC with the same rank, reclaim a house if they (or their owned FC, or both) had one, reclaim private chambers, reclaim airships with a particular level, etc... so that the cost to the player of the transfer is nothing more than a bit of the player's own time to go and claim all the things, then I would surely transfer.


But they won't be smart, even if they do designate something as an RP server. So it's sort of a moot discussion, honestly.

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Remember these tidbits from the Lockdown notice:


"If players are able to transfer characters without problems after these changes, we will consider removing the gil limit on character transfers."


"For players who own personal housing, we are planning a number of provisions including a reimbursement for the full price of the estate, and compensation for the cost of furnishings which we will add in subsequent updates moving forward. We also plan to accommodate free companies members that plan to move together with or without a free company estate."


The latter hurts those who bought a house from a scalper, which is unfortunate. But in general, it does look like SE is addressing some of the issues brought up in previous comments here.

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Remember these tidbits from the Lockdown notice:


"If players are able to transfer characters without problems after these changes, we will consider removing the gil limit on character transfers."


"For players who own personal housing, we are planning a number of provisions including a reimbursement for the full price of the estate, and compensation for the cost of furnishings which we will add in subsequent updates moving forward. We also plan to accommodate free companies members that plan to move together with or without a free company estate."

A lot of people are forgetting this whole statement. And I'm not sure how the bolded part is harmful, that's what people have been asking for, right?


edit: and yes, people who bought their houses from other people, it's unfortunate but it's not their fault they charge double, maybe even triple, than the original plan

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