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Question: Elezen Age

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I'm helping a friend with a story, and I was wonder is there any mention of how Elezen age?


Do they age slower like other elves from games, (i.e can live for hundreds of years), or do they age like everyone else?


I'm looking around for such information, but have been having little luck.

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I'm afraid there's not a whole lot of information about the lifespans of any of the races.  We know that lalafell have longer lifespans.  And I keep hearing that elezen live longer than hyur but I'm not sure I've seen that in-game anywhere officially or posted by a dev.


If no one has already done so, it might be a good idea to pose the question on the Official Lore forum that S-E has.  I know they sometimes address player questions about the lore like this.  And I know this one has been asked quite a bit lately.

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  • 2 years later...

I think our resident lore expert will drop in shortly with all sorts of links and quotes from official sources, but if I remember correctly from those threads in the past, it was established that all races live to roughly the same age (which is usually pretty low due to the dangers of Eorzea), yet races such as Elezen and Lalafell look younger for longer.


I'm sure someone will come along to correct me if I'm wrong soon enough.

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It was answered at the Vegas Fanfest.


What are the age scales of the races?

Fernehalwes: The five races can live to 100-120 biologically, but most people don’t live much longer than 50. Elezen have longer lifespans.


He doesn't say -how much- longer so we can assume that it may be something like 5-20 years difference. So most others live to 100 but Elezen may live to 120.

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It was answered at the Vegas Fanfest.


What are the age scales of the races?

Fernehalwes: The five races can live to 100-120 biologically, but most people don’t live much longer than 50. Elezen have longer lifespans.


He doesn't say -how much- longer so we can assume that it may be something like 5-20 years difference. So most others live to 100 but Elezen may live to 120.

Damn Eorzea must be brutal to have a life expectancy be only half of what you are capable of living.

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  Life in Eorzea (Reveal hidden contents)
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This thread on Racial Lore and Background has all the official lore on the Race's ages, backgrounds, and traits. Should help!


To answer the Elezen aging briefly, Elezens live extended lives than Hyur and also develop slower. Meaning childhood and adolescence phases last longer than the other races. The exact dev answer can be found at the above link.


EDIT: As far as Lalafell go, the official answer is that they live the same lifespan as Hyur. Ququruka, who lived to be roughly 150 years old, was expressly stated as being an exception notbthe rule. That said, Lalafell age very well, and most of the races cannot distinguish Lalafellin aging. They appear as children to most, even if they are in their 50s.


Hope this helps! ^^

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