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RPC Census, Part X (Time Warp--CLOSED)


Did your primary character teleport 5 years into the future, or stay behind?  

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  1. 1. Did your primary character teleport 5 years into the future, or stay behind?

    • Character was transported 5 years into the future by Louisoix's spell.
    • Character stayed behind and lived the next five years out "normally."

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While already in servitude A'nzil nor his master were at the battle and therefore he did not time skip with everyone else. Not that it matters given how young he was at the time (10-12 depending on things I haven't hammered out yet).

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Uther didn't make it to the battlefield in time, though he wanted to be there. Didn't get time skipped. My WIP alt Wart also didn't get time skipped, though I don't know if I want to place him at the battle or not.

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Whichever Roe I go with will have lived the five years out, and for that matter did not even partake in the main battle. Now, I'm not saying that I don't like the idea of the time jump. I actually do quite a bit and think that it adds a very interesting rp spin on things. 


I just (as a new player) feel that since I didn't play in 1.0, my characters should "pay their dues" as it were, and have been just "regular schlubs" until ARR comes out. By regular schlubs, I mean they lived what they would call normal lives, but the events of the new Umbral age makes it so they have to shoved out into this new world. 


Any which way the excitement to rp all of this is building in me.. Can't wait till August.

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Rhostel and Nahctgeim were nowhere near Carteneau. Nahct has certainly never been there at all.


Cyroliant, though? Well, it would be a shame to not have at least one character use that spiffy tattoo. And it makes a lot of other things about his background click into place.

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Altho I have a 1.0 toon I have no intention of dusting him off, so my brand new toon was a mere 12 years old or so when Bahamut came out to say hello to the world.  In which case I should suspect that she was neither left behind nor transported..she just traveled into the future...the normal way, one day at a time.

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Seeing as I've revamped my character, I've decided to throw him into the time skip. Originally I hadn't planned on it, but it works better for me this way. My possibly second character, Caden's sister Ailith, did not take the time skip. She left and went out to sea before the battle happened and Dalamud fell.

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Mara lived out the five years. At the time of the battle, she would have been on a ship in the middle of the ocean somewhere. Which isn't to say she didn't feel the effects of it all in some way. (And since that's a part of her backstory that only a certain special few will be privy to ahead of time, I'm not going to say any more than that.;) )


Those five years were spent pirating, treasure hunting, learning the basic tenants of thaumaturgy, picking up a few other fighting skills, and... stuff.

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Desi would not have been at the battle, she was just a merchant leatherworker in a caravan at the time, so she will have lived her "normal" life (bg forthcoming, still pounding out details for her page).


Lulu (my alt) is up in the air, while i didnt get far with her in 1.0 its likely if her brother Pooka was at the battle, she would have been there to back him up...sooo i have to talk to my brother ^_^;

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Ty and the rest of his crew will have stayed behind. After various RP-related events in 1.0, Ty and his crew basically said 'screw this' and went off to do their own thing. Which I was considering having them sucked into the battle anyway, the more I think about it the more I'm thinking that it's highly unlikely they would have been around for it. It's not the type of conflict Ty likes to involve himself in.

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Bea stayed behind, learned some things and fucked up her face. Seriously, though. I'm really looking forward to the characer interactions between those who were ported and those who stayed behind. That shit is going to be tense.

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