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How far did you get in 1.0?

How far did you get in 1.0?  

49 members have voted

  1. 1. How far did you get in 1.0?

    • Level 1 to 10
    • Level 11 to 20
    • Level 21 to 30
    • Level 31 to 40
    • Level 41 to 49
    • Only one level 50
    • More than one level 50

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I think I hit 40 or maybe a bit over it, but never did any primal battles (as I sort of quit before the primal battles came out, but came back for a bit, leveled, but couldn't get my LS to run the level 30 primal battle with me as they were more interested in the end game dungeons and primal battles so I just quit again) and didn't do any dungeons except that level 30 one, Totorak or whatever. I played for a year but crafted mostly because the combat was bad...back when it took me 2 or 3 five hour days to craft down a ton of buffalo and sheep skins :frustrated:....I guess the crafting was just as bad, hahaha. I think most of my play time was accumulated in Ul'dah, lol.

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Two 50's, though mostly just focused on one. I'm only somewhat geared up on one class. Level 20 or less in all crafting disciplines, and level 30 or less in all other battle/magic classes.


Did very little of the endgame because inertial motion and spellcasting lag made for fairly unfun times.

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I played the whole two years, so I've got a few 50s.. Two 50s, which I intend to keep my mains for endgame content: BRD and WHM. The rest of my DoW/M jobs are all in the 30s out of boredom, but I don't really enjoy them. My first 50 was actually weaver. I have alchemy, leatherworker, carpenter, botanist, miner, and fisher all 50 as well.


Needless to say, I'm leveling an alternate version of my character to experience leveling from scratch in ARR and relearn how to play my jobs, while keeping my achievement hunting stuff/endgame bizniz on the original! :D I'm very excited!

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I kinda lost my brain in 1.0.


I crafted to be self-sufficient. My goal was to be able to repair any and all pieces of gear myself (This was useful early on, not so much by the end, but I wanted to damnit!). Later on, you needed the 40+ abilities from pretty much ALL the crafts to maximize your chances of HQing, so... I went crazy crafter kitty. Only 2 50's, but everything aside from cooking is well over 30.


And I leveled all the combat jobs because someone, somewhere, might need me to go monk someday. And the AF quest storyline stuff was so cool I wanted to see all of it.

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Eep! Look at all these veterans! In a way, I'm relieved because I know there will be so many people who will KNOW what they're doing, but then again I'm also kind of scared because FFXIV is already kind of established.


I alpha'd and beta'd FFXIV. I didn't even gain any levels! :( I feel silly about that. I just preordered FFXIV the other day so I'm doin' a happy dance.

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I leveled all jobs to 50, and all crafting/gathering to 20. Once there, I took alchemy and fishing to 50, and reached 33 weaver before the server lock. With A Realm Reborn, I'm looking forward to capping all of my crafting and gathering classes, as well as Arcanist. Gotta have em all :)

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My highest character was a level 7 PGL in 1.x. Once it became apparent the only thing to do was grind (especially with the insanely small levequest allowances), I bailed out and used my CE box as a monitor stand. In my defense, the CE box for 1.x is very pretty and just the right height for a 22" monitor on my desk. :)


In Phase 3, my highest was a 29 CNJ with a bunch of other classes in the 20s. I clearly enjoy ARR far more than 1.x. :)

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I played 1.0 from start to shut down. I got all classes 50 including the crafting and gathering jobs. I prefer to play as mage classes when tackling content though. I also completed every piece of content in 1.0 including all the quests and battle content, (Darnus hard, Ifrit Extreme etc) and I currently am in possession of 3 relics. Stardust Rod, Thyrus and Artemis Bow. I also have a handful of Darklight and other trinkets.



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To answer my own OP, I actually was in the betas etc for 1.0. Had a whole LS with some good friends going into launch. After a while, though, people started to leave. The LS fell apart :cry: and I only tinkered with the game here and there because I loved the world etc.


I switched characters since my first one had an RP sister that wasn't playing anymore. Even still, the highest level I got to was 21 PUG with some random lower level classes. I never even entered a dungeon. So for the most part this game is still totally new to me. I actually now wish that I had played more of 1.0 to have some better context to the new story, but, what can you do?


I'm debating if I want to return to my 1.0 character. If I did I'd likely change how she looks and give her a whole new story. Otherwise, I'm going to make a new character and start over.

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I only stuck around for about a week, so... I couldn't have gotten very many levels. I mostly created characters, played them for a bit, and then logged off. I have a habit of doing that since CoH, on any game with at least a minor bit of customization.


Now that I've done that to death with the character creator, I shouldn't feel the need to do so. Yay for that, I suppose.

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I think, so far, these result are pretty interesting and sort of what I was expecting. In fact, I was expecting a little more in the 50 range since it's most likely that the majority of players that stuck with 1.0 were probably role-players. Since typically  role-players can enjoy a game beyond just the mechanics.


These results still don't count the many 1.0 players that are probably on the fence still and waiting to see how things play out.


Anyway, keep the results coming in!

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