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Error 3102?

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I would agree with you, but as I've mentioned in my previous post, that still doesn't help with those players who were unable to play the Open Beta for last two to three days because of 3102 and 90k error. Especially when the open beta is about to end less than 6 hours.


It absolutely sucks that we're locked out.  I mean, it really blows.  I have been moping all day, listening to my friends cheerfully playing while I'm locked out, unable to get back in.  :-\  I don't like it.  It's no fun.


But this is not my first dog and pony show, if you follow.  We need to keep in mind that this bug did not appear in the previous Beta phases.  Now, whether that is due to the fact that there were not enough players to reveal it, or whether it is something new that popped up in this build, we don't know.  But what we do know is that bugs pop up in different builds.  So it's actually not that shocking that a bug this detrimental to the game would pop up now.


I understand where you are coming from. But I really think they should consider extending the beta. Yoshida did claim it as "demo" for those who did not buy the game yet or might possibly cancel the pre-order. What if they can't even play the game and wasn't even able to try this demo before they commit to play the game? If it's like a day problem, it's a bit understandable but since it is right now being on the edge of ending the open beta - it's still unsure if SQE will bother to extend this beta to give players another chance.

jp has differnet time then here in the states so the staff may of not been up and ready at the time the issue first arose but anyway

No, they were aware of it since the morning from yesterday. They were adding more worlds to see if that was the problem, and they had server maintenance last night. But the thing is that it wasn't solving the problem but making it worse. Now they have to fix this manually for each player one by one for the next 6 hours.

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I think it's fair to suggest that the matter could have been handled better on both sides of the fence, though isn't that the entire point of a beta? Issues emerged that will be dealt with in due time and if mistakes were made then we will have to hope that lessons are learned as we all move forward. I'm hoping that the communication will be better if and when problems arise in the future as any successful business needs to have a reliable support system in place in this day and age.


I've been affected by the error myself, though I'm not going to let my excitement for the game cloud my judgement. It'd be nice if I could continue where I left off, but I fear far too many players forget that this is still a beta test and will remain as such until the game actually launches.

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It's a good thing that this was caught during OB and NOT during early access or even the launch proper, but that's not really saying much.


This is a gamebreaking bug. You have thousands of players who are literally completely unable to test anything else because, y'know, they're locked out. Yeah, this is absolutely the highest priority to fix, but what's most disconcerting about it is that it's an issue at the very core of their system. I've never experienced this issue with an MMORPG before - at most I've seen plenty of issues with servers being overloaded, disconnecting, excessive lag, etc., but I've never seen an issue where you are literally locked out of the game by a single bug.


This tells me that there is something very, very wrong with how they're checking for whether or not a player is "logged in". As I read elsewhere, it is likely that the game crashed somewhere and the server has created some kind of paradox where it continually checks for whether or not the player is logged in but completely fails to actually make that check, and thus gets locked in a ridiculous loop where the player is assumed to be online even though there is no connection. The game should be checking for an actual connection, but for whatever reason the code does things differently.


At any rate, as irritated as I am over this, I... Sorry, no, I'm extremely angry at this point. A full day of zero playtime because of a bug this... this ridiculous? Man, I don't even know what to say to that.

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Makes me wish the beta forums weren't crashed for me last night. I tried posting my character/world info at like page 50. Couldn't get the reply to post and then they took the forums down. By the time I was able to post, it was page 1100. 


Oh well. Next weekend is the big show and I can't wait.

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I think it's very important to remember this is a stress test and it did -exactly- what it was supposed to do.  It indicated a game-breaking bug in the system that the developers are going to have the chance to fix prior to the game going live.  This is not early, early access of a completed, shipped, gold game.  This is -still- beta, and this beta phase was to determine what the servers would do when bum-rushed by players.  Turns out, stuff breaks.  Those are good things to know.  To act as if we are entitled to play is a bit unrealistic, really.  In beta, we are basically volunteering for the company to help them finish their game.


As to the lack of communication- again, I think we're so accustomed to game companies bending over backwards to beg their players for forgiveness that hours going by without comment is a major thing.  Give them time, let them figure out what the hell to say, let it go up the chain and come back down.  Maybe they were trying to figure out -what- to do with the bug before they responded, I don't know, I don't work for Squeenix.


Basically saying that yes, it sucks.  I crashed out last night with a 90k error and woke up this am to a 3102.  I've spent the day playing on Japanese servers, fiddling around with other classes, beta testing and looking for bugs.  I know that a lot of people were looking forward to this weekend to get a head start on the head start but that's not...really the point of what this is all about.

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As sad as I am that I can't play I AM happy they are working on it. And I agree it's a good thing this happened now and not on launch day. That would have sealed the fate of this game. But if these last 3 days have shown us anything it's that a LOT of people want to play this... and THAT is GREAT news for us players as a whole :)

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This may have been answered, but I only want to ask, does this mainly happen to PS3 players? I haven't been affected, but two out of three PS3 users I know got the error and the rest bar one are a PC users who didn;t report the issue. I'm just curious.


SOrry to hear a lot of you got the issues, and I don;t want to brag when I say I didn't, but as other have rightly said, it was a stress test. Let's now hope they can impliment fixes before launch as theres not enough time to test it again unless they postpone official launch.

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This may have been answered, but I only want to ask, does this mainly happen to PS3 players? I haven't been affected, but two out of three PS3 users I know got the error and the rest bar one are a PC users who didn;t report the issue. I'm just curious.


SOrry to hear a lot of you got the issues, and I don;t want to brag when I say I didn't, but as other have rightly said, it was a stress test. Let's now hope they can impliment fixes before launch as theres not enough time to test it again unless they postpone official launch.


I'm a PC player, but I have no idea if they're more or less affected.

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This just showed up on the launcher:


At the following time, we will be performing emergency maintenance on Worlds hosted on the North American and European datacenter. During this period, the Worlds listed below will be unavailable.


We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.


[Date & Time]

From Aug. 18, 2013 at 9:30 p.m. to Aug. 19, 2013 at 12:30 a.m. (PDT)


* The completion time may be subject to change.


[Affected Worlds]

- Exodus

- Faerie

- Lamia

- Phoenix

- Siren

- Diabolos

- Gilgamesh

- Leviathan

- Midgardsormr

- Odin

- Shiva

- Moogle

- Adamantoise

- Coeurl

- Malboro

- Ultros

- Behemoth

- Cactuar

- Cerberus

- Goblin

- Balmung

- Excalibur

- Hyperion

- Ragnarok

- Sargatanas

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This just showed up on the launcher:


At the following time, we will be performing emergency maintenance on Worlds hosted on the North American and European datacenter. During this period, the Worlds listed below will be unavailable.


We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for your understanding.


[Date & Time]

From Aug. 18, 2013 at 9:30 p.m. to Aug. 19, 2013 at 12:30 a.m. (PDT)


* The completion time may be subject to change.


[Affected Worlds]

- Exodus

- Faerie

- Lamia

- Phoenix

- Siren

- Diabolos

- Gilgamesh

- Leviathan

- Midgardsormr

- Odin

- Shiva

- Moogle

- Adamantoise

- Coeurl

- Malboro

- Ultros

- Behemoth

- Cactuar

- Cerberus

- Goblin

- Balmung

- Excalibur

- Hyperion

- Ragnarok

- Sargatanas

Ah sweet! i was actually about to adress this in a update of my old post! good job for getting it up sooner then i could!

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Ah sweet! i was actually about to adress this in a update of my old post! good job for getting it up sooner then i could!


It's just yet more proof that I have a problem.  lol.


Hi, my name is Liadan, and I have a problem.  I really want to play my Hyur.  >.>




Is a really entertaining read.

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first it was  our good friend 90k saying no friends/parties/etc. for you. (its like a strip club, you can see everyone else, but no touching)


Now, i get 1014 and thanks to server maintenance I cannot even see the servers to know if I will be able to log back in. 


Here's to hoping the maintenance is a fix for both issues.frustrated.gif

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