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The Grindstone - Saturdays at 10 PM EST (9 PM Central)


What do you do at the tournament?  

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  1. 1. What do you do at the tournament?

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So, in short, if anyone's familiar with the event and genuinely wants to pass on fighting for a week to help us keep track of the madness, I'm grateful for the help and would like you to make that plainly known to me. Anyone who's been remotely around me has heard me point out that this event isn't an obligation for anyone, but I think at this point I have to actually request help instead of waiting for it to float to me.


So if you want to give it a shot and you're a regular in one way or the other, let me know!


I could maybe have Franz give it a shot if I show up for the week. And that means easy healing too!


Honestly, the chatscroll is a lot overwhelming now. I can barely keep up with my own matches lately, and my chatlog takes up nearly 1/4 of the screen.


Perhaps it might be time to start having some satellite zones on the map so that the say/yell chats can be managed a little easier? That line's gotten so big that players don't even render anymore. (Which says something when I'm pulling 60 FPS on max settings >_> )


This is something we talked about previously. The late Leggerless had a rough map of reorganizing some of the "zones" we use for this that we'd been considering: The main rock area would stay, and the tree group would move to the far side of the tree and technically be out of line of sight. Bridge group goes across the bridge and fights on the road to be away from the main group. The "plains" group would go further across to the right and be out of range of the bridge folks. There'd be a "Road" group that fights on the road on the way up to Ul'dah properly. We could put another on the "hill" group that's currently located on the anti-rock, directly across from the main stone and up the hill a ways.


It's probably time to put that into actual effect instead of just thinking about it! And yes, my game always has been having some challenges rendering everyone (name plates, especially) in the line-up. If anyone's been seeing Warren's head snap to everyone one at a time during roll call it's because I have to manually target now to make sure I get names correct. God damned Circlelines!

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So, in short, if anyone's familiar with the event and genuinely wants to pass on fighting for a week to help us keep track of the madness, I'm grateful for the help and would like you to make that plainly known to me. Anyone who's been remotely around me has heard me point out that this event isn't an obligation for anyone, but I think at this point I have to actually request help instead of waiting for it to float to me.


So if you want to give it a shot and you're a regular in one way or the other, let me know!


I could maybe have Franz give it a shot if I show up for the week. And that means easy healing too!


Honestly, the chatscroll is a lot overwhelming now. I can barely keep up with my own matches lately, and my chatlog takes up nearly 1/4 of the screen.


Perhaps it might be time to start having some satellite zones on the map so that the say/yell chats can be managed a little easier? That line's gotten so big that players don't even render anymore. (Which says something when I'm pulling 60 FPS on max settings >_> )


This is something we talked about previously. The late Leggerless had a rough map of reorganizing some of the "zones" we use for this that we'd been considering: The main rock area would stay, and the tree group would move to the far side of the tree and technically be out of line of sight. Bridge group goes across the bridge and fights on the road to be away from the main group. The "plains" group would go further across to the right and be out of range of the bridge folks. There'd be a "Road" group that fights on the road on the way up to Ul'dah properly. We could put another on the "hill" group that's currently located on the anti-rock, directly across from the main stone and up the hill a ways.


It's probably time to put that into actual effect instead of just thinking about it! And yes, my game always has been having some challenges rendering everyone (name plates, especially) in the line-up. If anyone's been seeing Warren's head snap to everyone one at a time during roll call it's because I have to manually target now to make sure I get names correct. God damned Circlelines!


Perhaps it is time for GRIDS. OR MULTIPLE LINES.


If, anything, to help take some of the load off you and your computer.

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Perhaps it is time for GRIDS. OR MULTIPLE LINES.


If, anything, to help take some of the load off you and your computer.


I was thinking we could just create a series of hex-panels for people to group on based on class, race and current win-loss record that way we could get more even balances out of


Motherfucker you think the circle was PLANNED?! I can't even get people to form a single, straight line let alone TWO of them!


In seriousness though, I don't mind the line-up as it is. Makes for cool screenies, and I'm happy to adapt. Just means people need to put up with Warren's wagglehead during the opening bits.

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Holy Work Batman!


Honestly having Judge follow the line makes such a difference in following along, but still the introductions go fast, so Warren must be going nuts at the start.


I always pay attention to the linkshell if things are short-handed, like Franz said it's a lot to keep up with and I'm not as awesome to manage it each week as Jancis so well. Usually I do a run by to see how many people are on the rock. 

But I think I can handle overseeing and yelling as much as throwing elixirs and amazing conjury powers at people. ((Especially since last weekend I got a sneak peek on some of the tactics used to help keep track.))


There was some talk in a RP linkshell about friends staying together and (in the past) how the group was more close-knit, obviously, because it was a SIXTH to a THIRD of the size. :dazed:


The areas sound like a great idea, could I ask how matches are typically set up? Guess I'm asking if there's a way to 'trick the system' to keep friends together since people will be futher apart out of necessity.

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People can play "Connect the Overseers".


Have overseers dress in a "line uniform" and players must form lines in between them.


If you have enough people, you can make a star. OR A PENTRAGRAM TO SUMMON A PRIMAL.


And one day, when we have 666 fighters, we complete the ritual. And a GM makes himself visible in the center. And then the GS is forever canceled, because it will never top that moment.

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You could always do option 2.


The culling. . .


You tryin' to say we have to limit how many people are allowed to beat each other up?


This was legitimately suggested as an option, but I definitely don't feel comfortable doing that.


My first experience with an Apple store was also my last one. When you go in, there are no products on shelves or things to take to a counter. There's no counter. There's a bunch of display models and a bunch of assholes in polos walking around with smartphones and there's no cash register or check-out line. Everyone just sort of crowded up to the front area and waited to be picked out of a crowd, and then you were asked what you wanted and people went into the back to find it. They did the entire process with apps on their phones and phone-based credit card readers. There was no rhyme or reason to how people got picked, because there was no line, just a clump. The person in the brightest polo would just make snap decisions.


I hate Apple. I will not be like them. Anyone who wants to fight gets a fight.

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You could always do option 2.


The culling. . .


You tryin' to say we have to limit how many people are allowed to beat each other up?

No, just saying if there's ever a point where you can't handle that large a group with the current number of overseers, it's an option (though a last resort option)

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You could always do option 2.


The culling. . .


You tryin' to say we have to limit how many people are allowed to beat each other up?

No, just saying if there's ever a point where you can't handle that large a group with the current number of overseers, it's an option (though a last resort option)




*takes out iPhone*


It's time to make a Grindstone App. Push notifications when someone enters the Lircle. Push notifications when someone wins. MORE PUSH NOTIFICATIONS WHEN HEALERS ARE NEEDED.

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You could always do option 2.


The culling. . .


You tryin' to say we have to limit how many people are allowed to beat each other up?

No, just saying if there's ever a point where you can't handle that large a group with the current number of overseers, it's an option (though a last resort option)





All in all i'm just throwing it out there.

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You could always do option 2.


The culling. . .


You tryin' to say we have to limit how many people are allowed to beat each other up?

No, just saying if there's ever a point where you can't handle that large a group with the current number of overseers, it's an option (though a last resort option)





All in all i'm just throwing it out there.


Some of us are in line 2 hours early. (Have seen some even earlier then that.)


We just stand around and minor RP (as I want to call it) while we decide where the line is going to curve at that night and where to even begin the lircle.

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Have you ever thought about splitting the locations? Say for example Judge takes half a group to the other side of blackbrush and the rest stay at fesca's? Then the finalists of the two groups meet back at fesca's for the final?


That's sorta what I was hinting for, but I can provide a counter-argument to it.


It's all fine until someone says "I want to be in ____'s section. Not ____2's." It's a pretty large event. And that also means there's a LOT of people. Some may not get along. Or worse, people will inevitably form clusters and only want to fight/talk within that cluster. I think part of the reason to go to Grindstone is for that massive group of people. ...or maybe Warren/Judge/sub-arbiter-42 would draw lots for groups and that could help?

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Have you ever thought about splitting the locations? Say for example Judge takes half a group to the other side of blackbrush and the rest stay at fesca's? Then the finalists of the two groups meet back at fesca's for the final?


That's sorta what I was hinting for, but I can provide a counter-argument to it.


It's all fine until someone says "I want to be in ____'s section. Not ____2's." It's a pretty large event. And that also means there's a LOT of people. Some may not get along. Or worse, people will inevitably form clusters and only want to fight/talk within that cluster. I think part of the reason to go to Grindstone is for that massive group of people. ...or maybe Warren/Judge/sub-arbiter-42 would draw lots for groups and that could help?

A random draw could be good yeah. The best part of the Grindstone is there are no cliqs there and most interact with everyone . Hells I can't even count the amount of friends I've made from the GS

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Have you ever thought about splitting the locations? Say for example Judge takes half a group to the other side of blackbrush and the rest stay at fesca's? Then the finalists of the two groups meet back at fesca's for the final?


That's sorta what I was hinting for, but I can provide a counter-argument to it.


It's all fine until someone says "I want to be in ____'s section. Not ____2's." It's a pretty large event. And that also means there's a LOT of people. Some may not get along. Or worse, people will inevitably form clusters and only want to fight/talk within that cluster. I think part of the reason to go to Grindstone is for that massive group of people. ...or maybe Warren/Judge/sub-arbiter-42 would draw lots for groups and that could help?

A random draw could be good yeah. The best part of the Grindstone is there are no cliqs there and most interact with everyone . Hells I can't even count the amount of friends I've made from the US


Same! A good portion of contacts I'd made came from early Grindstone days! (Gonna call out Leanne and Hornet as examples).


And yeah! It's nice that while groups of members can come together as a FC, during the Grindstone, there are no FCs. Just people who really like beating each other up. :D

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Joking aside from my previous post... Because the Lircle serious doesn't have a planned curve, it just happens...


Aoi would gladly help out as she personally enjoys the Grindstone and would love to see it continue on. Feel free to hit me up in game with any details I might need to know on Aoi Obinata or here.


OOC: I think this is a great event personally and have made connections like others have, just standing in a line awaiting to beat people senseless...

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So, right near the end I'm trying to figure out if the people standing by themselves are in line or what. I walk over to see what's happening, and then THE REST OF THE PEOPLE NOT RENDERED POP IN AND IT TURNS OUT THAT THEY'RE NOT STANDING ALONE, THE LINE WAS COMPLETED AND I JUST COULDN'T SEE IT.


My heart exploded. And then I panicked and started calling audibles for more Overseers.


77 fighters. My word.

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So, right near the end I'm trying to figure out if the people standing by themselves are in line or what. I walk over to see what's happening, and then THE REST OF THE PEOPLE NOT RENDERED POP IN AND IT TURNS OUT THAT THEY'RE NOT STANDING ALONE, THE LINE WAS COMPLETED AND I JUST COULDN'T SEE IT.


My heart exploded. And then I panicked and started calling audibles for more Overseers.


77 fighters. My word.


I had to paste together three screenshots and I think I got everyone. :dazed:

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So, right near the end I'm trying to figure out if the people standing by themselves are in line or what. I walk over to see what's happening, and then THE REST OF THE PEOPLE NOT RENDERED POP IN AND IT TURNS OUT THAT THEY'RE NOT STANDING ALONE, THE LINE WAS COMPLETED AND I JUST COULDN'T SEE IT.


My heart exploded. And then I panicked and started calling audibles for more Overseers.


77 fighters. My word.


I had to paste together three screenshots and I think I got everyone. :dazed:

Dem copy pasta skills!


Was a fun evening again all of you! Enjoy my time there, even if Ave's evening ended up being ruined, it was sure as hell a lot of fun again :)

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