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So I lived...

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Not sure if anyone remembers me, but I use to be pretty active in this game. Then I just... stopped. Well here's what happened.


A few months ago I had some issues that happen pretty common for me, mostly chest pains. As some of you who know me may remember, I was born with a heart defect that lead to fairly frequent cardiac episodes, not heart attacks, but sort of like mini ones. Well what had happened was I was feeling ill and as I was use to it, knew to go to to the hospital. While being sorted out I experienced the largest episode I ever had and lost consciousness for four days. When I came to I was offered the option of a corrective surgery for my defect. While deciding on whether or not to go through with it I had another episode. That sort of decided it for me. I went through with it, and have been in recovery and PT since. I recently in the last few days have gone back to work, and I plan to resume FFXIV in a few days.


Just thought I would reintroduce/update myself.

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Glad to hear you're on the mend. We were worried there for quite some time, those of us who'd heard / gotten the word.


Get in touch with me, last we heard ICly you'd disappeared somewhere in Coerthas....  ;)

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Oh my days, welcome home Erik ; ; !

I'm glad to hear you're fine and on the recovery, and I can tell you LOADS of people are looking forward to your return! Don't expect anything else but a warm greeting.

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We missed you, and were worried! I'm glad to hear things got sorted out but sorry to hear about your episodes. I hope you're getting well quickly and getting plenty of rest, we'll look forward to seeing you on the game again when you're feeling up to it!

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We missed you, and were worried! I'm glad to hear things got sorted out but sorry to hear about your episodes. I hope you're getting well quickly and getting plenty of rest, we'll look forward to seeing you on the game again when you're feeling up to it!


I read they were adding a hug emote sis, we are going to need that.



And thanks everyone for understanding and the warm welcome. As soon as square stops stressing my stitches and unlocks my account I'll pop in and say hi.


To the people who wanted to hang out IC I'd love to, I missed you all.


Also, anyone who knew the circles I ran in, care to fill me in on whats happened IC in the last few months? Terrorist, assassins, and the ever seedy Ul'dah politic? When I left I got myself captured by assassins ic because I only thought I'd be gone a few days, so I guess I've been in some prison or something lol.

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This is so amazing!  I'm so glad to hear that you're doing well, what a scary thing!  I've been wanting to meet you since I first saw you posting on the RPC when I was just joining it, and now I'll have a chance!! ^_^


Welcome Back!

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There's been quite a lot happening, in fact so much that I don't think a single person can decently sum it all up, and we can do this ICly or not, you'll take your pick when we get the chance to have you in game.

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There's been quite a lot happening, in fact so much that I don't think a single person can decently sum it all up, and we can do this ICly or not, you'll take your pick when we get the chance to have you in game.


The assassins at Square Enix currently have me held hostage. I need a support hotline. I need to talk to a rep.


I'll find you ic when I get back online.

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We missed you, and were worried! I'm glad to hear things got sorted out but sorry to hear about your episodes. I hope you're getting well quickly and getting plenty of rest, we'll look forward to seeing you on the game again when you're feeling up to it!


I read they were adding a hug emote sis, we are going to need that.


We really are, until then tons and TONS of pretend hugs will happen!

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Captain Mynhier!


Glad to hear that you're doing alright. I, along with many others have been wondering about your status but it makes me feel content to see that you are doing well.


And yes, Episode I of the "Ishgardian Plot" has ended and everyone is currently started on Episode II. Xydane; however, has finished his role for the plot in the first episode.


Have a speedy recovery and we hope to see you ICly soon.

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