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Thoughts on the Au Ra?


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I hope you're not surprised by that.








Heh. Even in fan art the scales look like accessories...


Side note: Au-Ra really is such a terrible name. If you try to search for it on Pixiv you get all the characters that are also named Aura PLUS pictures that happen to include some kind of aura. They should have stuck an extra vowel on it somewhere at least!

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My understanding is that while there are majority people who appreciate what's given to us, there is always those who are unappreciative with what's given to us and are annoyed by it. But in the end it's always about 80% appreciative people and 20% complaining people and the developers disregard 20% people because most of them will always be nitpicky about it. Just like my point that I said about 2ch people. :P


Even if Au Ra were not being released and Viera was good to be true, we'll have another complaints about how dainty they are. 


oh and also male Viera might not even have those pax on their abdomen.


It took us a long time to establish in this thread that not only is it okay for people to have differing opinions, but it is also not a good idea to make others feel invalidated for having their opinions. Just because someone doesn't like the race doesn't mean they are being unappreciative. Many video game developers seek out and actively respond to feedback. Nor does simply not liking the race mean that you are abrasive and pessimistic. Maybe I could understand where you are coming from if this was just a random, off-topic discussion elsewhere on the forum. But it's not. This thread is a safe place for discussion, no matter what your opinion is on the new race.


When you use this kind of wording,' Even if Au Ra were not being released and Viera was good to be true, we'll have another complaints about how dainty they are. " It makes it sound like we are the bad guys for not liking the same thing as you do. If this was an Au Ra Appreciation Thread I could definitely see how we would be raining on your parade. As it is, no one is trying to smash your cake.

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The scales are really off-putting. xD They definitely could have blended them better (and made them more pervasive? :o) As they are, it just looks... not good.


*scours dA for some examples*












Ooooh and not just horns, but head crests. Yessss!

the scales on the second one just look like warts or eczema or some other horrible skin condition

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It took us a long time to establish in this thread that not only is it okay for people to have differing opinions, but it is also not a good idea to make others feel invalidated for having their opinions. Just because someone doesn't like the race doesn't mean they are being unappreciative. Many video game developers seek out and actively respond to feedback. Nor does simply not liking the race mean that you are abrasive and pessimistic. Maybe I could understand where you are coming from if this was just a random, off-topic discussion elsewhere on the forum. But it's not. This thread is a safe place for discussion, no matter what your opinion is on the new race.


When you use this kind of wording,' Even if Au Ra were not being released and Viera was good to be true, we'll have another complaints about how dainty they are. " It makes it sound like we are the bad guys for not liking the same thing as you do. If this was an Au Ra Appreciation Thread I could definitely see how we would be raining on your parade. As it is, no one is trying to smash your cake.


Oh please, I barely have bashed anyone in this thread and if you want to make me look like I am the villain of this argument - by all means. It's just a laughing matter to me.


There is a difference between "not liking it" with a simple opinion and "really really not liking it" by going over the details to take it to another level when it doesn't need to. So what if the character looks cute? I am sure at least 80% players want to play cute characters, 15% don't really care either way, and 5% are those who REALLY want ugly characters because they seem "realistic" enough.


The truth? We only have like 2 major servers for RP, and 1-2 minor servers that is growing with RP. And the rest of the servers and players don't RP and they look at cuteness over how creatures should look realistic. That's the sad truth. Some people will just come up and say "I play ugly characters and I am damn fine" but most of the others don't. They want to be materialistic, and beautiful in a game - and that's just the harsh truth.


Don't like Au Ra? Then sure. Feel free to rant about it. But don't expect other people to just be accepting your opinions, because in community and in life, people will always agree or disagree.

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Oh please, I barely have bashed anyone in this thread and if you want to make me look like I am the villain of this argument - by all means. It's just a laughing matter to me.

you're being passive aggressive stop doing that

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Oh please, I barely have bashed anyone in this thread and if you want to make me look like I am the villain of this argument - by all means. It's just a laughing matter to me.

you're being passive aggressive stop doing that


Just like relationships and Christmas present dramas. :>

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Oh please, I barely have bashed anyone in this thread and if you want to make me look like I am the villain of this argument - by all means. It's just a laughing matter to me.

you're being passive aggressive stop doing that


Just like relationships and Christmas present dramas. :>

this is not something to aspire to

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Oh please, I barely have bashed anyone in this thread and if you want to make me look like I am the villain of this argument - by all means. It's just a laughing matter to me.

you're being passive aggressive stop doing that


Just like relationships and Christmas present dramas. :>

this is not something to aspire to


We can keep discussing this if you wish. :P

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Oh please, I barely have bashed anyone in this thread and if you want to make me look like I am the villain of this argument - by all means. It's just a laughing matter to me.

you're being passive aggressive stop doing that


Just like relationships and Christmas present dramas. :>

this is not something to aspire to


We can keep discussing this if you wish. :P

id rather not

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Currently... we don't know the story of what the scales actually are and how they play with the race, but if we go by the models of the rest of the races. They all have smooth skin, like.... super smooth.


If they are actually "draconic" scales... they don't actually look like scales. The look more like ridges and plates to me. They also could be some sort of natural armor. These are the first play race to have something other than baby bottom smooth skin.


Animals such as some Armadillos have plates on their body that don't smooth into the skin. It could also be chitin or some sort. If we want to look at more possibilities in D&D there is a monster modifier (sort of) of "Dire" which basically means it is such and such animal with boney protrusions.


My theory is they aren't scales but the following: (THIS IS JUST A THEORY)


However, the more I look at it... the more it seems to be some sort of natural armor with heavy artistic design. It protects the neck, the arms, and the wrists by what we can see from the pictures. (We will only know how much more when we get to strip them to small clothes) If we go by the clothes they may have a culture slightly more, I wouldn't say tribal but at least by the shredded clothes, wild? So perhaps the natural armor protects the more vital areas that could be attacked by beasts.

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Just like relationships and Christmas present dramas. :>

this is not something to aspire to


We can keep discussing this if you wish. :P

id rather not


Good. Carrying on to keep the thread going.

that was passive aggressive too

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Currently... we don't know the story of what the scales actually are and how they play with the race, but if we go by the models of the rest of the races. They all have smooth skin, like.... super smooth.


If they are actually "draconic" scales... they don't actually look like scales. The look more like ridges and plates to me. They also could be some sort of natural armor. These are the first play race to have something other than baby bottom smooth skin.


Animals such as some Armadillos have plates on their body that don't smooth into the skin. It could also be chitin or some sort. If we want to look at more possibilities in D&D there is a monster modifier (sort of) of "Dire" which basically means it is such and such animal with boney protrusions.


My theory is they aren't scales but the following: (THIS IS JUST A THEORY)


However, the more I look at it... the more it seems to be some sort of natural armor with heavy artistic design. It protects the neck, the arms, and the wrists by what we can see from the pictures. (We will only know how much more when we get to strip them to small clothes) If we go by the clothes they may have a culture slightly more, I wouldn't say tribal but at least by the shredded clothes, wild? So perhaps the natural armor protects the more vital areas that could be attacked by beasts.


Well technically, the trailers in slightly dark gray backgrounds and screen is extremely vague for anyone to determine whether they have scales to their skin or not. But aren't these from Othard  though? So maybe they'll give brief lore of Othard that they are not related to Dravanians etc.


this is not something to aspire to


We can keep discussing this if you wish. :P

id rather not


Good. Carrying on to keep the thread going.

that was passive aggressive too

I am pretty sure your sarcasm is passive aggressive too, considering that you are now just trolling to make your points to be nitpicky and digress over and over again since you haven't really posted anything productive in your post histories.

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I am pretty sure your sarcasm is passive aggressive too, considering that you are now just trolling to make your points to be nitpicky and digress over and over again since you haven't really posted anything productive in your post histories.

actually im just pointing out your lack of clear communication. my post history doesn't mean much at this point because im new, so you're kinda just grasping at straws to shut up someone who thinks you should just tell people you don't like them instead of dancing around it with "ACTUALLY IM LAUGHING" crap

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Everyone, please. Things have gotten pretty heated and tense already. Just staahhhhp now, please. 


Everyone has their own views and opinions, and everyone has a right and is entitled to those views and opinions. Respect everyone and their opinions please. Be nice, be friendly, be sweet and positive. There is no need for these arguments, we're all one big happy family (we are, right?) so please let it stay that way. Not everyone is the same, not everyone is you. Everyone is different. 


Best is to not even get into an argument, but if you have to, please respect the other person's words, and have a neutral argument. Have a positive discussion, no need to let things get overly negative. Be happy and smile. No need to get aggressive or angry, please. 


Most probably no one is going to even bother reading through all this, and no one is going to pay attention to this. The arguments will most likely still continue. But, it's becoming way too much, and I wanted to put in a voice of reason. 


Go ahead and chase after me with pitchforks and torchfires or shotguns or chainsaws. But this is what I wanted to say.


So, please everyone, relax now, take it easy. It's quite enough. Please. 

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Something I said


Well technically, the trailers in slightly dark gray backgrounds and screen is extremely vague for anyone to determine whether they have scales to their skin or not. But aren't these from Othard  though? So maybe they'll give brief lore of Othard that they are not related to Dravanians etc.


I am merely going off the screenshots such as this one:




As for scales... I just picked draconian because it was the first word to come to mind. Poor word choice, apologies. To me it looks less like it is supposed to blend into the skin and more like armor grown on top of it.

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LOL well it surely did get a bit too carried away since we have someone literally just attacking because I made passive-aggressive statement.  It's not really much of a big deal to make a fuss out of it, but someone's too overly sensitive.


Regardless, I did digress getting into bickering over nothing.


Anyways, Au Ra does sound a bit too stupid. But Hyur as a word for a race was rather a mystery to me because that name also sounded silly.


Regardless, I am sure the next expansion will explain about the race's background of who they really are. Just hoping that they arent some nearly extinct races for people to RP as.

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LOL well it surely did get a bit too carried away since we have someone literally just attacking because I made passive-aggressive statement.  It's not really much of a big deal to make a fuss out of it, but someone's too overly sensitive.

it's not a personal attack unless talking like it's opposite day is an integral part of your identity. i dont see what's so unreasonable about asking you to be forthright with other people.

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Something I said


Well technically, the trailers in slightly dark gray backgrounds and screen is extremely vague for anyone to determine whether they have scales to their skin or not. But aren't these from Othard  though? So maybe they'll give brief lore of Othard that they are not related to Dravanians etc.


I am merely going off the screenshots such as this one:




As for scales... I just picked draconian because it was the first word to come to mind. Poor word choice, apologies. To me it looks less like it is supposed to blend into the skin and more like armor grown on top of it.


Possible hint that they are rather evolved race of former Dravanians by thickening their scales and skins?


From Final Bahamut's Coil:


When Lousoix does give a hint that Dragons and Humans cannot coexist, it possibly is a slight hint that there are some rare races who are blessed to coexist possibly because of Mericydia


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This thread is going in circles, with people bringing up the exact same points over and over again while also bringing with them the same hostile attitude towards each other. I don't think we have discussed anything new in the last dozen pages. It's just been a back and forth of people being rude to each other.


If you guys can't talk about things like adults and can't get across your points without being harsh with each other, maybe now is the time to step away from the thread. Or it could hopefully just get locked. At this point, I feel like nothing good is coming from it.

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