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[Balmung] Carrion Underfoot (Updated 1/22/15)

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[align=center]Looking for [/align]

[align=center]~Able-bodied Adventurers~[/align]


[align=center]Experienced Individuals![/align]


[align=center]~Must be Willing to Travel~[/align]

[align=center]Play Courier,[/align]

[align=center]Carry Large Loads,[/align]

[align=center]Escort Damsels,[/align]

[align=center]Bewitch Gentlemen,[/align]

[align=center]Engage in Espionage,[/align]

[align=center]Slay Monsters,[/align]




[align=center]Six Moon Contract[/align]

[align=center]Paid by Commission[/align]

[align=center]Bonus for Individuals with Initiative[/align]

[align=center]~Earn Up to a Dozen Allagan Platinums in Gil~[/align]

[align=center]Terms & Conditions Non-Negotiable[/align]

[align=center]Scrupulous Souls will be Turned Away[/align]


[align=center]Ask for [/align]

[align=center]~Thekla Raske~[/align]

[align=center]Room Twelve[/align]

[align=center]at the[/align]

[align=center]Carline Canopy,[/align]

[align=center]New Gridania.[/align]






New Plot, New Events! Continuation of the "Saga of the Wind Swept Sands," "Blood on the Sands," and "In the Shadow of Death's Wings" narratives! *


The intention here is to encourage and foster in-game roleplay in rarely-frequented locales while simultaneously advancing the personal stories of the participants. This will be done through a long-running series of events comprised of myriad tasks assigned to new hires. Perhaps your newfound employer will require you to deliver a message, or recover a priceless artifact, or track down a certain individual... and mayhap along the way you'll succeed, or be thwarted, or sidetracked by a fascinating encounter with the impossible. Rest assured, it's all connected! The game's afoot, as they say!


This is an excellent opportunity to meet new faces and gather with old friends. Furthermore, it's up to you how much and how long you're involved. Since the plot is structured to accommodate both low and high attendance for the events, there's no pressure. Missed a week or several? No problem, jump right in whenever. Not for you? Feel free to bow out.


Due to fallout from previous events and the hard lessons taken from the resulting controversies, this plot is written and its encounters designed to purposefully avoid any medium-to-large scale impacts on the general RP community. There will be no explosives rigged to blow up half a city-state, no poisoning of water sources, none of that. Instead, think of this as an opportunity to play James Bond or the like, as the narrative consists mainly of behind-the-scenes scheming and near-constant small-scale conflicts between antagonistic and rival parties.


Minor Warning: As a consequence of further developing existing narratives, this plot will involve a number of characters whose inherent natures fall under lore-bending, if not outright lore-breaking. Appearances by, impact from, and interaction with these characters will be kept to a minimum as much as possible, allowing you to choose exactly how much exposure to such and how much adherence to lore you'd prefer.


That said, despite the overall seriousness of this tale (as opposed to more outlandish and/or carefree events) we're aiming for fun fun fun! Please look forward to it.




Starting Date: Sunday, January 18th 2015


Times: Various (General Weekly Availability for Thekla Raske is 3:00 PM - 6:00 PM PST, Saturdays)


Signing Up: If you would like to participate, please post in this thread expressing interest and the character you denote shall be added to the Sign Up Sheet below.


Method of Contact: In-character messages will be delivered to you by the employer, either through in-game mail or via forum PMs here at RPC.


Interested parties: We welcome assistance (as in, assistants in organizing)! Perhaps you might even have a character who could play the role of a side or central protagonist or antagonist that could be worked in? Let us know!








Jancis (side character & fill-in)

sforze (side character)

Chillsmack (side character)

Askier (side character)





Kahn'a Od'hilkas

Jana Ridah

Franz Renatus

Cliodhna Eoghan

Lilithium Altair

Delial Grimsong

Saxon Thorne

Berrod (character TBD)

Zakary'e Khai

Jariana Rinjahl

Aaron Frostheart

Gwannes Oskwell

Tseh'to Nightweaver

Doendraga Barabharsyn

Seiko Mamushi

Mikh'a Korofi

Ripiku Riku

Iron Sea

Red Duck

Inessa Hara

Siha Xinkei

Ququki Quki



* Disclaimer: This plot continues the aforementioned narratives by dint of including recurring characters and carrying them forward through new developments and storylines. Author's rights over said characters were willingly relinquished to their new authors** by the organizer of the aforementioned narratives and events, Askier, and continuations of related stories by trusted parties were given the go-ahead. This pertains only to this series of events, Carrion Underfoot, and related characters already assigned to new authors. This is NOT a declaration that any of Askier's characters or storylines are open for use by any given individual or group.


** This plot, narrative, and series of events brought to you by Melkire. Duh.

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Delial and her partner in crime Saxon Thorne would probs be fishing around for miscellaneous side-jobs that hopefully don't revolve around Big Scary Political Figures and the Pirates They Hate.

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Sounds like something Aaron would be interested in.


He's always looking for work.


Also just something to add in case it could help - Aaron is strictly neutral. He'd have no issues switching sides or something if the rewards big enough. 


If nothing like that is involved I'll just be a good boy :P crept he's good in destroying stuff in a espionage way lol

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Count me in! 

But, as an FC leader, I have a few small questions I'd like to ask if you have an opportunity to do so. Mostly in regards to the small handful of FC members under me and my character's potential participation in said event.


Fire away, either here in this thread or through Private Message. :thumbsup:

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Doendraga Barabharsyn would be great for this: he's an independent ship captain and takes all sorts of jobs (in addition to his more discreet job as a smuggler. While I realize it is based in Gridania (or at least the contact is) if you have any ideas for jobs crossing the seas or dangerous tasks on landed shores then Doendraga is your man.


Also, I can volunteer him as a side support character as well: say this or that group of people just need to get to a secluded cove and Doendraga's ship - the Lookfar - can take them there, pick them up, rendezvous with them for a drop off, etc

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