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The bored at work thread

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Could be worse. I could be without Internet.

Welp, the internet is gone. Time to off myself, lol.


Suicide joking aside, im the kind of person that doesn't mind working at all. I value the opportunity to do something productive. It is just learning is where I choke up at.


See, I go to an CIT academy where we learn about Information Technology and computers in general. Most of the studying is self-paced with little structure save chapter tests and very little opportunities to actually flex our brains and doing something useful.


Its a small campus. Not enough machines that would have us doing something every day but you can imagine me jumping at the first opportunity to work on a machine because it feels nice to work and fix something rather than being buried head deep in books and learning materials.

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Mine has become extra lazy. I now have a whole extra week to finish this over-sized Test Case document, thanks to the three day weekend. I'll still probably try to get it done before Friday so I can be ready for any curveballs but... not quite so in a rush now. :lol:

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That feeling when your boss returns from being out sick for a week, and starts creating tickets for all the hardware requests that she missed the week prior.


I work technical services, and my boss is the only one who can approve hardware changes for the company.


Yay. :dodgy:

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*quick vent*


I frickin LOVE IT when my coworker and I get bombarded with emails saying "WE NEED THIS AND WE NEED THIS RIGHT NOW!" 15 minutes before I clock out.



We have patients that do that and then get angry when the doctor has already left for the day.

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Some people are unable to understand that the ones that serve them are people too... It's friggin annoying.

I get this a lot from working in the movie theatre. Reservations being canceled automatically 15 miunutes before viewing. (and this is stated and written in bold ) and people tend to come for such movies like The Hobbit 20 minutes before the ovie starts just to see a HUGE-ASS line and... complain at employees ofc. GOSH!

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I think the day when people stop complaining about stupid thingd, will be the day the world dies in a massive fiery explosion......or when Jesus comes back for, religious people.....


You get the point....


Truer words have never been spoken, my friend. Pour him some ale!

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I think the day when people stop complaining about stupid thingd, will be the day the world dies in a massive fiery explosion......or when Jesus comes back for, religious people.....


You get the point....


Truer words have never been spoken, my friend. Pour him some ale!

*joyfully receives his free ale!*

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Y'know I don't mind my process controls engineering position. Much of my time is spent with the following interaction:

Client: "Well what if I make the valve do this?"

Me: "Sir, if you do that, your plant will explode."

Client: "... Let me call you back."


Explosions are fun right?



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A client approaches me with his wife.

Client: "Two tickets please."

Me: "For The Hobbit?"

Client: "No... that's actually my wife. John Wick please"



I love moments like these!

I once worked at an insurance agency and this happened:


Client: "I want to pay my bill"

Me: *looks up policy* "Oh, I'm sorry, your policy cancelled yesterday for non-payment."

*explains that he must pay higher amount to reinstate*

Client: "If I come in yesterday, will my policy be active?"

Me:"........." *blinks* "Yes. If you come in and pay yesterday, your policy won't be cancelled."

Client: *nods* "Ok." *gets up and leaves...his policy is still cancelled*

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