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Gauging interest on a Gridania themed LS

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Does your character live in Gridania? Are they a member of the Wood Wailers, Carpenter's Guild, Archery Guild, or even a server at the Carline Canopy? Do they work in one of the surrounding villages or farms sprinkled throughout the Shroud? Are they a Keeper who lives in caves with their clan? Are they (le gasp) a bandit looking for travelers to swindle? Or a conjurer learning to listen to the forest?


Then perhaps you and I need to talk. The goal of this LS would be to add local flavor to the City-State of Gridania. To unite her everyday citizens, and set up connections between characters who most likely would see each other in passing day to day. Rather than just BEING a carpenter who owns a workshop in Gridania, according to your backstory, people would actually KNOW this. Visit your shop. Place orders. Rather than just declare yourself a Wood Wailer, but then have very little RP regarding that, you could patrol town, answer citizen's calls of distress. Try to ferret out crime.



The ability to make those connections lies within you, but the LS would also host monthly events, ranging from Archery instruction, to Market Days, to Wilderness Walks/Tours, to Hunting parties. Perhaps even some hot Wood Wailer on Bandit action. The story would grow through your interactions, and Gridania would start to take on a inhabited, populated feel, where people actually lived their lives and in turn breathed life into the entire Shroud. Rather than making Carline Canopy an rp hotspot... why not extend that to all of Gridania?


I have tried to anticipate some questions below (but feel free to ask away):


Why Gridania?: Because my character lives there.


So... no Limsa Lominsa? No Ul'dah?: The goal here is to promote local flavor. If the idea is successful, I see no reason why similar linkshells could not be created for those two city-states. But as stated, my character lives near Gridania, so that is where my current interests lie.


Would the LS be IC or OOC?: Ideally, I'd be looking for IC. An enterprising (npc'd) individual would go about town, handing out linkpearls to agreeable citizens, in the interest of promoting a more unified Gridania, and by extension, trying to attract a tourism trade through the monthly events.


Why would a bandit and a Wood Wailer share the same link pearl?: Good question! They probably wouldn't. But.... there are certainly ways around this. If you were playing a bandit, you could exist in the link shell OOCly, yet have some intel on where a particular trade route ran (as an example) and so show up accordingly. Maybe your character stole a link pearl so they could have that intel! Maybe they are friends with a corrupt Wood Wailer!


Those are just some of the initial ideas I had. If there is enough interest, I'll push forward. And if not, I shall banish this thread to the sucking vortex of abject despair, aka; Archived.


Interested parties can post to thread, PM me here, or send tell in game (Lyra Blueflower)



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Much like Floria, I spent a lot of time in Gridania and the surrounding Twelveswood. I'd say the biggest bulk of my RP happens somewhere in the area most any day of the week, especially since Vetiver is native to the area.


To say I'm interested in this would be a complete and utter understatement.

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I roleplay her as a florist in the Botanist Guild, owning a small flower patch near the huge tree trunk in the Growery.~ Some people have made purchases from her, but it's all too rare to see RP in Gridania.


Oooh, I may just have to meet you, then. An arrangement here or there would be perfect for Vetiver's fiancee, friends and clients.

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Definitely interested. Vynka is based in Gridania and rarely leaves the area unless she's been ordered to make a delivery to Ul'dah. She's never seen in Limsa Lominsa for IC reasons.


I roleplay her as a florist in the Botanist Guild, owning a small flower patch near the huge tree trunk in the Growery.~ Some people have made purchases from her, but it's all too rare to see RP in Gridania.

Oh..... oh my. If our characters ever meet... well, you could have a permanent addition to your flower patch :0)


Seems there's enough interest in this to warrant a go. I'll spend the week hashing out details, and try to have it up and running by the weekend. I know I have a character who is an aspiring playwright, so she'll make use of the amphitheater too.

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I don't RP in-game and even forum/Skype RP is quite limited but I have to say that I'm interested in this just so I can add some little fluff here and there with mostly short interactions I guess, who knows? ^^


Though I am not a great fan of linkpearls in general outside of military organizations and the like so I won't personally treat it as an IC one. I guess the idea of people having a large portion of the populace on speed dial just makes me tilt my head a little bit. Still! If anyone visits the carpentry guild then I could use my lowbie character to play a background part if not a direct part on occasion. That and my hyur whom involves himself with the Adders on now and then.


Also a bandit!

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Eleni is almost always in Gridania, so I'm more than willing for this. Also, RP in Gridania is scarce compared to the other two city states. The other day while I was RPing, an RPer walked up and was surprised, but happy at RP out in the open in Gridania. 


If there's anything that can help boost the RP in Gridania, or anywhere else for that matter, I'm in.

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I'd be interested in an OOC spot!


While Franz may not be in Gridania all the time, ICly, there is a little cottage he hides away in from time to time, and could certainly be spotted in the city. And this one plot or two that have connections to the Black Shroud.


I could see use for such a linkshell from an OOC perspective, since he's absolutely terrible about using linkshells IC. (I blame him for being Garlean, even if he's a well-behaved Garlean most of the time). It could also do wonders for coordinating RP with people around.

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I don't RP in-game and even forum/Skype RP is quite limited but I have to say that I'm interested in this just so I can add some little fluff here and there with mostly short interactions I guess, who knows? ^^


Though I am not a great fan of linkpearls in general outside of military organizations and the like so I won't personally treat it as an IC one. I guess the idea of people having a large portion of the populace on speed dial just makes me tilt my head a little bit. Still! If anyone visits the carpentry guild then I could use my lowbie character to play a background part if not a direct part on occasion. That and my hyur whom involves himself with the Adders on now and then.


Also a bandit!

Eh, I'm pretty flexible on the IC/OOC thing. If OOC makes more sense, then so be it. Now that I think of it, most of the more active LS's I've been in have been OOC.


As for 'little fluff here and there' that's kind've the core concept of the LS. Establishing a base from which people can get to know locals through various day to day interactions. Things such as; 'I'm opening my shop if anyone would like to come place some orders ICly' or... 'anyone want to meet at the Canopy?' 'A couple of fellas are fishing/rping by the botanist's guild if anyone wants to join!'


Any deeper storylines would come from the involved individuals themselves. There would be monthly events that would take some planning, but I feel like it'd be fun to highlight and showcase some of the many lovely areas Gridania and her surroundings have to offer.

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Oooh, I may just have to meet you, then. An arrangement here or there would be perfect for Vetiver's fiancee, friends and clients.


Oh..... oh my. If our characters ever meet... well, you could have a permanent addition to your flower patch :0)


Seems there's enough interest in this to warrant a go. I'll spend the week hashing out details, and try to have it up and running by the weekend. I know I have a character who is an aspiring playwright, so she'll make use of the amphitheater too.


Absolutely. <3 Would be more than happy to make new clients, colleges and friends

I'm willing to help out with any plannings necessary for the events. The amphitheater could definitely use more love.

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Thanks for the encouragement all! If anyone wants to throw out suggestions for a name for the LS, that'd be a big help. Maybe I'll take a time-out from the game tomorrow to establish the house rules and draft them up in the LS section. Since.... it'll be patch day, and one hundred thousand people will be packed tightly onto Balmung like sardines in a can.... thereby relegating my cranky, old computer to a perpetual state of moan and groan.

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So, I tried something like this last September, but it died down quickly. Part of that was because I was so busy I could not dedicate myself to pushing for active recruitment, and plotting open events.




However, I still 100% support this idea, and maybe an IC linkshell instead of an OOC one will be better? Based on experience though, something like this -will- need active recruitment and events. Unfortunately, Gridania/Twelveswood RPers are few in number.


Despite my character and her FC's current living location, we do still RP in the Twelveswood often, and plan to do so much more in the future. I would be very willing to help support a growing RP community in the Twelveswood.


I would like to offer this to people who haven't seen it yet:




A directory is useful because it never goes away.


Magellan, if you get this LS going, I would love to join it, and maybe even get my FC members in on it.

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Eh, I'm pretty flexible on the IC/OOC thing. If OOC makes more sense, then so be it. Now that I think of it, most of the more active LS's I've been in have been OOC.


As for 'little fluff here and there' that's kind've the core concept of the LS. Establishing a base from which people can get to know locals through various day to day interactions. Things such as; 'I'm opening my shop if anyone would like to come place some orders ICly' or... 'anyone want to meet at the Canopy?' 'A couple of fellas are fishing/rping by the botanist's guild if anyone wants to join!'


Any deeper storylines would come from the involved individuals themselves. There would be monthly events that would take some planning, but I feel like it'd be fun to highlight and showcase some of the many lovely areas Gridania and her surroundings have to offer.


Oh nonono, that was just my opinion on it personally. Actually, having re-read my response I think it could have easily come off badly but that wasn't my intention at all. I'm sorry if you got that impression!


IC or OOC works all the same. As you said, it can be IC and still used as on an OOC level for others present. Whatever you and the majority prefer is best ^^


And yes, I just wanted to emphasise how fluffy my fluff will be(if any fluff) since I am a little shy about RP'ing in-game. So long as my possible and relative lack of interaction doesn't bother anyone then I'll happily join.



Thank you again for organising this. Even if I don't get much use out of it myself, I'll look forward to seeing how much it inspires RP growth in both Gridania and the Shroud.


(Also, Clover Blake would be interested in joining too, whenever you get around to sending out invites.)

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