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So I've been gone a long time....

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So, I've been gone a long time and been WAY out of touch. Dust and cob webs have settled into places they shouldn't and my apartment looks ram-shackled and gone through. :tonberry:


The point of this is...I came back home and everyone else has moved out and moved on. So I need to make new contacts. I am restarting everything. Including my characters. I actually deleted all my old characters (yes, I've heard it all. It is my regret with how much OOC time I spent working on them). So I am here to try and make some new contacts and friends. I need to get past my issues that kept me from rping in the past and move forward into the bright new friend filled future.


The character I am working on is pretty much a free lancing wander that works on anything as he passes through town to get room and board for the night and then moves on the next day. He grew up a poor farm hand/thief and has straightened out since then. He was a blade at one point in time and that's how he learned to fight. His main hobbies are magic curiosities and relics. As well story collecting about such things.


I know I didn't give much here but that's cause I've just started cutting the stone and don't know what's really al there yet. I need to meet people to really get that worked out. So! If you want to make friends and possibly help flesh out a character AND some cool stories let me know!


Cecieroux Ormesang is the in-game character and I play mainly late at night or really early in the morning due to work schedules. If the name isn't spelled right (which I keep misspelling it for some dang reason (>.<) )) please let me know! Thanks for your time! I hope to hear from you soon!



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Welcome, I expect you know the ropes, LS, FC etc..


I'd consider those reasons that stoppef you RPing before and do something different to address those. Even small changes can lock in your subconscious and make a real difference.


I'd suggest a LS that would offer some help support and frienship to help.

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Rini is always up for new friends! Her brother and herself are actually starting a small company through a Linkshell that is a common communication for recruiting these individuals for RP work. It's still in the early process, but it would be done in a DnD style setting with a story framed out and the reaction and choices of the characters leading the story. Either way, always up for making new friends.


Welcome back to Balmung!

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What stopped me in the past was simply put...laziness and a lack of interest. Not because of anything to do with the game but more so too much going on in real life. That's been changed mostly.


I would love to meet you some time in-game Rinni. I forgot to mention though I am mostly a night owl with work as of late.

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Welcome back to the stage of history! :D Seriously, though I'd second getting involved and throwing yourself into a Linkshell or three to maybe help not just with general chit chat but answering questions on things that have changes and such as well.


That and here with all of us forum crazies, of course.

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I'll start looking to strike up a meet and greet or two the next three days seeing as I have the days off. Let me know if you want to meet up then or have time to. Otherwise just poke me in-game.


I am looking for linkshells but that I handle a bit more privately. I just wanted to throw this out there to see who and what was around besides linkshells. Sometimes it's more fun to meet people on a personal level then always meeting them in a large group.


Thanks for the feedback guys I really appreciate it. :chocobo::chocobo:


Now I just need to get time to get in game and rp. So that way I can start flexing the creative muscle again.

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I hate to keep reposting here but I wanted to see if anyone would be up to review this for me and give me there two cents on it. Since I already had a threaded started I figured best to use it. I submitted the final rough draft of my character onto the RPC wiki for everyone to view (yay!). So without further ado! https://wiki.ffxiv-roleplayers.com/pages/Cecieroux_Ormesang


Please treat it gently with hugs and cuddles! :lol:



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