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Roast A Person Above You!

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The real reason they're named after cast steel is because they're built and meant to take a lot of abuse. That's why he stands on that rock with a look that screams "butthurt": the fewer steps he has to take, the less it hurts back there. Talk about sore.


Your fellow Ala Mhigans would be devastated, Warren, but not so much as your ass, I think.




As for Bryn. Well. There's a good reason we call you highlanders "Sea Wolf spawn," race traitor.

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Well they're both terrible, so there's that.


Did you say something, Gegs? I couldn't hear it over the sound of how puny you are.


How's the 20kg PR squat coming along, lil' guy?


It's cute how you think size matters. I thought that was a guy thing. Though I suppose there's not much difference in Highlanders, huh? ;)

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Melodia, Kage, Delial: I've seen better roasts from pudgy puks, and they don't even breathe fire. Take lessons from Aya; she's far better at roasting than at faking accents, gods bless her.


Bryn, dear, I don't eat where I shite, and men don't join the dogs under the table for scraps. Of course we midlanders are the superior race, you can tell by how early and how well we've integrated into Ul'dahn society! Mayhap when highlanders can learn how to rub two bronze pieces together, there won't be so many of them starving in Stonesthrow.


Chachan, your monstrous abomination of a pet is more well-liked than you are. What does that say about you?

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Bryn, dear, I don't eat where I shite, and men don't joim the dogs under the table for scraps. Of course we midlanders are the superior race, you can tell by how early and how well we've integrated into Ul'dahn society! Mayhap when highlanders can learn how to rub two bronze pieces together, there won't be so many of them starving in Stonesthrow.


A fair point. But then, in a nation that claims that 'divinity is the colour of gold', any race so talented as the Midlanders in whoring themselves in just about every way, shape and form would do well, no?


It's harder for those of us who have some pride.


Chachan: being a magnificent diva is it's own reward.

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Ah, yes, "pride". That's what cost you folks a kingdom and decent living, aye? Let us know how that's working out for you.


Kage, my condolences. As an expression of such, I will be sure to ring the retainer bells for you anytime I pass on by.

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