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[6-18-2015] New Moderators

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In light of anticipated traffic that typically comes with expansions for MMORPG communities, we've brought on provisional staff to help keep things tidy, organized, and civil as we move forward into Heavensward content. More hands and eyes on the team means more presence on the forums for members to reach out to if they need anything.


Please welcome Unnamed Mercenary and Nero as new moderators. We're expecting some fumbling as they get used to moderation tools, but do look to them as well as the rest of us for anything you might need! Reports, Private Messages, etc. Please also note that there is a "Forum Team" link just above the "Who's Online?" section on the main index directory page that will bring up a full list of current staff.


As always, any questions, comments, or concerns should be sent to the administrator (that's me) via Private Message or e-mail. I'll make sure they're addressed and will forward them to the staff for round-table discussion if necessary.

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Heavensward moderators!


So, does it mean I need to get through 2.55 before I can turn to them to appeal to stuff in need of mod powers?


No, you just need to be level 1 and log in.

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As Melkire stated, I'm currently a provisional mod.


...should a thread need attention, I'm currently keeping an eye on reports and stuff. I'll probably leave the fancier mod tools to the more experienced people as I get a feel for things.


As all should hope and expect, mod actions are not the same as personal opinions. I'll find a fun and quirky way to indicate if/when any moderation has taken place. 


For not-mod posts, please note that my opinions are not the opinions of the RPC, the other mods, or the community in any way, shape or form, which is the same as everyone else.


Hope to be of service!

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