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How does it look where you game?

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I am curious as to what other peoples little geeky corners/gaming stations look like. So, feel free to share a picture of a description of what you have. Not to make this a bragging competition, mind!


Mine looks like this: http://imgur.com/cZ8Or9W

(And that's probably the cleanest my desk is going to be for a while :P)


I'm one of those unfortunate souls that only have one screen, but the chair is new and very very comfy. You can also see my headset (steelseries), mechanical keyboard (Razr) and my very worn-down-but-somehow-still-miraculously-alive Logitech mouse. I'm slowly upgrading things around and about, with the thinking that since I spend so much time around my computer anyways I might as well make it comfy too. Next on my wishlist is a second screen ^^

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Four monitors. How do you even manage? O.o


lots and lots of practice, I do quite a bit of work from home which doesn't help but more often than not the media lay out goes as such:


Furthest left (KVM'd to media machine as well) primarily for monitoring, runs temperature monitors on the various devices in the house, keeps track of the u/d on stuff, as well as a copy of error reports I get.


2nd Left: Contacts/references, Skype, Discord, IRC, TORchat. Typically also move stuff like compiled crafting requests from Garland DB for supply missions there. This is the one that usually has the most stuff on it, even at the best of times i'm monitoring something.


Middle: Primary media be it FFXIV, GIMP, ect.


Right: Active Media/referance. If i'm doing Comm work or something this'll be where I have reference art, if i'm grinding its usually playing some Freakazoid or R&M.


Of course i'll also do a stretch screen across the middle 3 if I want to do some more panoramic gaming/work, but thats fairly rare these days.

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Four monitors. How do you even manage? O.o


lots and lots of practice, I do quite a bit of work from home which doesn't help but more often than not the media lay out goes as such:


Furthest left (KVM'd to media machine as well) primarily for monitoring, runs temperature monitors on the various devices in the house, keeps track of the u/d on stuff, as well as a copy of error reports I get.


2nd Left: Contacts/references, Skype, Discord, IRC, TORchat. Typically also move stuff like compiled crafting requests from Garland DB for supply missions there. This is the one that usually has the most stuff on it, even at the best of times i'm monitoring something.


Middle: Primary media be it FFXIV, GIMP, ect.


Right: Active Media/referance. If i'm doing Comm work or something this'll be where I have reference art, if i'm grinding its usually playing some Freakazoid or R&M.


Of course i'll also do a stretch screen across the middle 3 if I want to do some more panoramic gaming/work, but thats fairly rare these days.


I suppose if I had more monitor real-estate that didn't make my gfx card curl up and die I might do the same. Extra info to always have up is pretty stellar. I still find myself alt-tabbing to hunt down things

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Here we are.. 3 monitors on the main PC, work laptop and screen on right, and off to left out of shot is a M11x gaming notebook.


Edit - this is as it is.. no tidy done





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A flight stick? What do you play?


Well, I used to play more things using it than I do now.  I brought it out of retirement to play Elite: Dangerous.  It's an old Microsoft Sidewinder force-feedback one, but the force-feedback is obsolete now which is a shame, as it was great.

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Here we are.. 3 monitors on the main PC, work laptop and screen on right, and off to left out of shot is a M11x gaming notebook.


Edit - this is as it is.. no tidy done


.. snip




Oh and the monitor stand (books) are (somone asked)

  • Left top = Range Rover Workshop Manual
  • Left Bottom = EverQuest RPG Players Handbook
  • Right Top = The Complete Chronicles of Narnia
  • Right mid = The Lives of the Kings & Queens of England
  • Right Bottom = The Royal Horticultural Society, Encyclopaedia of Gardening 

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[...] It's an old Microsoft Sidewinder force-feedback one, but the force-feedback is obsolete now which is a shame, as it was great.


I have that exact flight stick sitting in the bottom drawer of my desk. You know... in case they ever make another Wing Commander game.


I've posted this elsewhere, but here it is again. I don't do multiple monitors, I just do one huge one. And I have 5.1 surround. No crappy headphones. Cat included for scale. That's the computer off to the left.





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[...] It's an old Microsoft Sidewinder force-feedback one, but the force-feedback is obsolete now which is a shame, as it was great.


I have that exact flight stick sitting in the bottom drawer of my desk. You know... in case they ever make another Wing Commander game.


I've posted this elsewhere, but here it is again. I don't do multiple monitors, I just do one huge one. And I have 5.1 surround. No crappy headphones. Cat included for scale. That's the computer off to the left.





I have you beat, my screen is my 51" tv that I plug my PC into:)

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Really - and I mean really - basic stuff on my end.

Two monitors, keyboard, mouse, DualShock 4, a pair of SteelSeries Siberia's... 

But hey! At least I won't miss a single rerun or soap opera episode on TV. 


So that's something.










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