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I challenge you, FCs of Eorzea!

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Everything we are telling you right now is important when it comes to finding a guild. Part of applying to join an FC is Marketing your Character.


This does not mean you have to make your character the way everyone tells you to. You can do whatever fills your fancy.


What you do have to do is market your character in a way that will make a person reading your application want to accept you, or have a reason to accept you.


This means filling holes. If there is something particularly important that makes your character nonstandard or special, you can't just state the fact and move on. You need to elaborate just a little bit to provide the avenues with which others can work.




There are two ways to market yourself for an FC:


1. Tailor your character to suit their needs and expectations.




2. Provide the information the leaders need to know so they can justify accepting your character. This doesn't mean spoiling secrets.

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I can see this thread getting toxic fast, but there was something I read a few months ago that has stuck with me when deciding how to approach RP. It was something along the lines of, and this is me paraphrasing:


"A lot of RPers like to make the strong silent type that doesn't approach others and has a tragic backstory that is awesome to you, but keep in mind that it might not make others RP with you. It's okay if you want to be that character, but you need a hook to make people interact."


I took this to heart as it is true. We can make whatever character we want and we have the freedom to do that. He has the freedom to make whatever type of Dragoon he wants to claim, BUT everyone else also has the right to not include themselves in that RP. Thus, I have always took into account what would be the most approachable solution to a character in order to mesh with others easily. Even though a character is silent, sometimes you need to push them a bit OOCly, even it breaks character, to have a character build relationships to even have interaction.


Either way, I hope the best to all parties. Wish I could find that post. I think it was a "How to get started in RP" post by a moderator. Still, really good stuff to keep in mind.


This sort of thing happens too frequently around here, to be honest. Lots of people doing a similar thing to "Okay, I'm here! Come get me!" without actually trying to engage people, instead wanting to be engaged.


Related, there was a rash of "Why doesn't anyone RP with me" posts that all basically broke down to "I never approach anyone, my character is shy and walled-off and they're hard to get along with, but how come no one wants to invest hours into cracking my shell?"


It's good to have hooks, but being approachable (or better, doing the approaching!) is always going to get you more connections than throwing open your arms and screaming HERE I AM.


Also, clarifications: Lalafell are predominant in Eorzea, especially Thanalan. Saying people can't tell how old he is is insulting to the mixed culture going on.


Ishgard's not racist, they're xenophobic. Subtle but distinct differences.


It's okay to trust people not to metagame and reveal secret backstory stuff if it helps work towards connecting with the character in the long term. Your wiki has a curious description for age, and I don't have any idea how to relate to your character as a result.?


Edit: Despite the inferred tone of some of these statements in the thread, I'm 78% sure people are just wanting to help. We're just sometimes very, very bad at it nicely.

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I can see this thread getting toxic fast, but there was something I read a few months ago that has stuck with me when deciding how to approach RP. It was something along the lines of, and this is me paraphrasing:


"A lot of RPers like to make the strong silent type that doesn't approach others and has a tragic backstory that is awesome to you, but keep in mind that it might not make others RP with you. It's okay if you want to be that character, but you need a hook to make people interact."


I took this to heart as it is true. We can make whatever character we want and we have the freedom to do that. He has the freedom to make whatever type of Dragoon he wants to claim, BUT everyone else also has the right to not include themselves in that RP. Thus, I have always took into account what would be the most approachable solution to a character in order to mesh with others easily. Even though a character is silent, sometimes you need to push them a bit OOCly, even it breaks character, to have a character build relationships to even have interaction.


Either way, I hope the best to all parties. Wish I could find that post. I think it was a "How to get started in RP" post by a moderator. Still, really good stuff to keep in mind.


This sort of thing happens too frequently around here, to be honest. Lots of people doing a similar thing to "Okay, I'm here! Come get me!" without actually trying to engage people, instead wanting to be engaged.


Related, there was a rash of "Why doesn't anyone RP with me" posts that all basically broke down to "I never approach anyone, my character is shy and walled-off and they're hard to get along with, but how come no one wants to invest hours into cracking my shell?"


It's good to have hooks, but being approachable (or better, doing the approaching!) is always going to get you more connections than throwing open your arms and screaming HERE I AM.


Also, clarifications: Lalafell are predominant in Eorzea, especially Thanalan. Saying people can't tell how old he is is insulting to the mixed culture going on.


Ishgard's not racist, they're xenophobic. Subtle but distinct differences.


It's okay to trust people not to metagame and reveal secret backstory stuff if it helps work towards connecting with the character in the long term. Your wiki has a curious description for age, and I don't have any idea how to relate to your character as a result.?


Edit: Despite the inferred tone of some of these statements in the thread, I'm 78% sure people are just wanting to help. We're just sometimes very, very bad at it nicely.


I think I see the point to this, but even so, I still think I'm being misunderstood in terms of what I'm trying to achieve with his thread, but I'm not going to argue if that's the way I'm coming across.


As for my wiki, I'm actually part-way-through re-writing it, mostly editing out parts that were added on a whim (heck I went through a whole nudism phase at some point that I should really edit out of my character wiki, given that I've matured past that and it no longer applies >.<) or segments that make little sense. Also if I can figure a way to spoiler box stuff or something in a way that makes certain spoiler information optional, then I'll add such stuff in, although I'm sorta worried that it might seem a little... weird.

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Lol that 78% though.


Anyway my two cents is, you don't have to -outright- throw yourself at an FC, but you could show -some- interest.


An example being how I did it, Aaron IC will not go around looking for an FC, but he was brought into Agents FC because of him initially being invited by Berrod as outside help and after a couple interactions, he just sorta became a member after going "Yo got a spare bed I can use?" and bam, now he's the FC's lazy bastard. Lol.


So to reiterate , Riku can -still- put himself out there for recruitment without actually saying he wants a FC. It's all in how you do it.


If that doesn't work you could always try making your own . I would have if I wasn't so bad with gil ;_; buying glamors and shit.

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Lol that 78% though.


Anyway my two cents is, you don't have to -outright- throw yourself at an FC, but you could show -some- interest.


An example being how I did it, Aaron IC will not go around looking for an FC, but he was brought into Agents FC because of him initially being invited by Berrod as outside help and after a couple interactions, he just sorta became a member after going "Yo got a spare bed I can use?" and bam, now he's the FC's lazy bastard. Lol.


So to reiterate , Riku can -still- put himself out there for recruitment without actually saying he wants a FC. It's all in how you do it.


If that doesn't work you could always try making your own . I would have if I wasn't so bad with gil ;_; buying glamors and shit.


I was planning to use this thread as a sorta initial tool to see what options are out there for 1) my character and 2) the IC requirements for Riku to join an FC, and then look into FCs from there. Also, it's only one aspect of the whole thing, as I have also been discussing with FC recruiters through tells as well. I think though that the whole challenge metaphor thing might have been a bad idea on my part though, as it makes it look like I'm using this thread as the sole method for finding FCs.


I guess that's the way things go though. Perhaps, I should have just kept my mouth shut and got on with things in private >.<

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I think I see the point to this, but even so, I still think I'm being misunderstood in terms of what I'm trying to achieve with his thread, but I'm not going to argue if that's the way I'm coming across.


As for my wiki, I'm actually part-way-through re-writing it, mostly editing out parts that were added on a whim (heck I went through a whole nudism phase at some point that I should really edit out of my character wiki, given that I've matured past that and it no longer applies >.<) or segments that make little sense. Also if I can figure a way to spoiler box stuff or something in a way that makes certain spoiler information optional, then I'll add such stuff in, although I'm sorta worried that it might seem a little... weird.


It's also possible a lot of people (me, at the very least) are jaded when it comes to this sort of reverse-connection making. It's one thing to be like "Hey, I want an FC but ICly wouldn't go after one, anyone want to work something out?" and another one to say "Go out of your way to RP with me, I might not join you anyway. I'm just here waiting for you to come RP with me!"


Again, it puts the onus of the meeting entirely on the unidentified second party. Rather than looking through the LS section or asking about FCs (the job hunting part) you're asking everyone else to come to you so you can see if you'd fit (the job recruitment part).


Maybe I'm just misreading all of this, though: Are the hits you got on the first page what you're looking for? The ooc invites to events to make things happen? If so, you can safely ignore everything I'm saying.

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I think I see the point to this, but even so, I still think I'm being misunderstood in terms of what I'm trying to achieve with his thread, but I'm not going to argue if that's the way I'm coming across.


As for my wiki, I'm actually part-way-through re-writing it, mostly editing out parts that were added on a whim (heck I went through a whole nudism phase at some point that I should really edit out of my character wiki, given that I've matured past that and it no longer applies >.<;) or segments that make little sense. Also if I can figure a way to spoiler box stuff or something in a way that makes certain spoiler information optional, then I'll add such stuff in, although I'm sorta worried that it might seem a little... weird.


It's also possible a lot of people (me, at the very least) are jaded when it comes to this sort of reverse-connection making. It's one thing to be like "Hey, I want an FC but ICly wouldn't go after one, anyone want to work something out?" and another one to say "Go out of your way to RP with me, I might not join you anyway. I'm just here waiting for you to come RP with me!"


Again, it puts the onus of the meeting entirely on the unidentified second party. Rather than looking through the LS section or asking about FCs (the job hunting part) you're asking everyone else to come to you so you can see if you'd fit (the job recruitment part).


Maybe I'm just misreading all of this, though: Are the hits you got on the first page what you're looking for? The ooc invites to events to make things happen? If so, you can safely ignore everything I'm saying.


The hits are the sorta thing I'm after. This was meant to be an interest check sorta thing >.<

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The hits are the sorta thing I'm after. This was meant to be an interest check sorta thing >.<


Well then I definitely done goofed. I blame everyone who came before you for ruining this sort of pitch, and myself for posting in the morning.

I personally don't buy it and think its a cover up for the way the thread went. If this was an interest check, solo emoters who won't put themselves out there but expect everyone to walk up to them instead, well, they are also only interest checking.


Just my opinion, it doesn't really amount to much lol.

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The hits are the sorta thing I'm after. This was meant to be an interest check sorta thing >.<


Well then I definitely done goofed. I blame everyone who came before you for ruining this sort of pitch, and myself for posting in the morning.


I personally don't buy it and think its a cover up for the way the thread went. If this was an interest check, solo emoters who won't put themselves out there but expect everyone to walk up to them instead, well, they are also only interest checking.


Just my opinion, it doesn't really amount to much lol.


I probably deserved that. This thread turned out to be such a mess, I'm not surprised if this is how many people now think of me. Even so, this thread is what it is; and I was certainly hoping for a lot less attention than I got >.<.

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The hits are the sorta thing I'm after. This was meant to be an interest check sorta thing >.<


Well then I definitely done goofed. I blame everyone who came before you for ruining this sort of pitch, and myself for posting in the morning.


I personally don't buy it and think its a cover up for the way the thread went. If this was an interest check, solo emoters who won't put themselves out there but expect everyone to walk up to them instead, well, they are also only interest checking.


Just my opinion, it doesn't really amount to much lol.


I probably deserved that. This thread turned out to be such a mess, I'm not surprised if this is how many people now think of me. Even so, this thread is what it is; and I was certainly hoping for a lot less attention than I got >.<.


Regardless of what it was, I don't think anyone would really think less of you for it. I disagree but I have no personal problem with you. As I've stated before, I was just throwing my opinion out, in no way is it the voice of the RPC. Infact I'm probably getting "you're a douchebag" glares from people right now.


It's all good!:P

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To be perfectly honest, as an FC leader, this post does not inspire me to try to recruit you--in fact, it kinda has the opposite effect, which is why I'm not taking this opportunity to invite you to apply. Most FC's want people who show initiative and are interested in us. We don't want to beg you to join and fight with other groups for your attention so that maybe you will join. Most decent FC's on the server have no shortage of people trying to join, and their leaders are often very busy, so expecting them to go so very far out of their way to recruit you probably won't be productive.


The suspension of disbelief for why a group would, IC, try so very hard to get a certain person to join would already likely have to be stretched, but considering your character is "apparently" a child, suspension of disbelief would be all but broken if an established group was going to try so hard to get a particular pre-teen among their ranks. I'm really not trying to be mean or pick at your post; I just want to give some constructive advice from the perspective of the people you're trying to market yourself to right now. It's not working on us. I recommend a different approach, because I do want to see you in a decent RP FC that you'll enjoy and I'm afraid that won't happen this way. Best of luck to you either way.

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I think maybe you meant to be tongue-in-cheek or flippant, but due to the nature of FC recruitment on balmung it turned out the wrong way.


If it was the opposite, where FCs were starving for players, then it's likely it would have been taken better.


As is, coming from a 'I've done this and this and I'm looking for an interest check because I'm having a hard time finding a group and need exposure' then followed by the 'this is a challenge! how can I make this work!' schtick woulda worked better.


First step to selling yourself is knowing your audience. You didn't know enough, but now you do. You can always stick the original post in a spoiler and start over!

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I can't stress enough how much benefit it will be to you to look up characters you want to play with, and if their FC interests you, play with them and get to know them ICly. It will show your interest, build RP contacts, and organically form reasons to join as you go. Sure it's not guaranteed, but neither is this form of advertising. You want to sell people on your character? Be visible to them, first and foremost.

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I'll offer a slightly different perspective than those offered by numerous other great RP'ers who've posted in this thread.


This post is refreshing and reveals what appeared to be a skilled role-player looking for friends and tasteful roleplay in an FC setting.  It is an assertive, interesting way to put one's character on the market.  I do not interpret the OP's post as clamoring for attention.  There is nothing wrong with wanting to inform the community that your character is basically 'looking for work.'  In addition, joining a FC through purely IC interactions can be extremely exciting.


However, as many have said, the OP should consider networking and actively pursuing potential FCs that appear to be a good fit.  This approach is more likely to produce a desirable result for the OP, as he has greater control over the FC's he targets.  He can more appropriately tailor his selection of potential FCs to those that share similar RP styles and content preferences. 


Personally, I do not have any opinions regarding the lore compliance or background of the OP's character.  It is within the realm of plausibility. However, my character (Sigurd) would find the notion of a good-natured, child-looking lalafell purporting to be a dragoon absolutely preposterous, as would many other characters.

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Ok, so... having slept and having had time to think about this (and clear my head of the stress), there are a few points I wanted to make here that I hope are received a lot better than my opening post. Much of it is to do with the backstory stuff that raised a lot of eyebrows. Naturally, this is more for those who have OOC issues with that stuff. If someone has IC issues, then that sort of disbelief just causes more stuff to RP over, right?


1) The dragoon stuff. I just want to clarify that this stuff was actually RPed out as jobs became available pre-2.0. This kinda thing was normal back then amongst the people I RPed with (most of whom were part of the RPC). Back then it wasn't a case of "no, you can't be that job because of X" it was more "you've got an excuse as to why you can be that job? Ok, good." Naturally, there was less lore to work with, so less impeding information, but if I change that part of my character's backstory, would that be fair on the people I've RPed with? It'd make it a retcon that could cause conflict with what other people have recorded/remembered with regards to my character. If there was at any point a general consensus to retcon jobs like Dragoon at some point and there is something like a thread or something to which a lot of people agreed on the concept, then if that proof was brought to me, I might consider changing things (I couldn't care less whether or not this exists in my character backstory on a personal level, my only care is about changing information that others may still believe). Naturally, there will always be characters with IC issues over this bit of information, but none of it was supplied ICly, so unless Riku was to blab about it during RP (which he wouldn't... he doesn't talk about his past much), it should really be a non-issue.


2) Age. Yes, my character looks young, and yes that would cause many IC issues. Good. The more to argue over, the more content to RP, right? However, for those put off OOCly by it, naturally,you're entitled for that. Some people want to get down and gritty with the realistic stuff. But this is Final Fantasy, and there will always be that anime-esque side to things. In FFIX, your party included a 6-year-old summoner. In FFXII, sometimes Larsa joined the party as a guest, and he was what, 13? Yet he could keep up with the rest of the party (which included a war veteran, remember) and specialised in melee combat. As for FFXIV, there's a whole city state run by what are essentially eternal children (yes, I'm talking about the Padjal of Gridania), and let's not forget Alphinaud (Yes, as an elezen he could well be old enough to be of the age that other races consider adult, and yes, his physical age is probably older than Riku's, but it doesn't change the fact that despite not being an adult, he started the Scion equivalent of a Grand Company and is a skilled arcanist to boot). This sort of stuff happens in Final Fantasy. I may be willing to up my character's apparent age to 13 (any more, and I'd have to change more than I really want to), but that all depends on whether that would make a difference to anyone or not from an OOC acceptability standpoint.


3) The thread itself. I was definitely trying to be interesting and humorous with my opening post. I think the problematic part was this bit (correct me if I'm wrong): "Obviously, the first to get in contact, arrange an RP then initiate said RP is more likely to get me." I did not mean for it to come across as though I wanted them to do all the RP arrangements etc, arrangement of RP is a two-sided affair, as both sides need to be available for it and need to be at the specified venue. All I meant was that the first to be available for an RP based around the recruitment would have a higher chance at getting Riku into their ranks on account of having the first pick. Furthermore, the IC issue does not mean an FC has to go "hey, heard of this guy? He seems awesome, let's recruit him!" or something along those lines. It could just be the case of Riku approaching an FC for a non-employment-based reason, and then someone going "hey, you might fit in here, you know!".


4) Type of FC. Despite Riku's talents being combat-centric, it doesn't have to be a combat-centric FC. Before ARR, Riku was part of an odd-jobs mercenary guild who did all sorts of things from delivering letters to finding cats to taking out notorious monsters. Riku's willingness to help people would be a big reason to attract such an FC, even if he's initially recruited to do chore-based stuff (or maybe someone could see him as a potential student for a combat role and take him in to train him). There's always then the chance that Riku can convince the guild he can fight through his actions and capabilities once they get to know him.


5) Following up. By all means, I don't expect FC recruiters to be on the look out for me in-game or something with them doing all the leg work. A post here to say "my FC would be willing to accept this character/recruitment scenario" is more than enough. Once I know who I can contact and what FC they belong to, I can then get in touch with them about the RP and/or other terms/requirements. Admittedly, I may be hesitant to do that for a couple of days, because a lot of the replies here have damaged my motivation, but that doesn't change what my plans are.


From this point on, may I ask that nobody derails this thread through arguing with my character background (beyond replying to some of the questions left in this post) and/or age or with accusations based on what they believe my motivations to be? That stuff has been discussed to death and I think we should move on from it.

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If someone has IC issues, then that sort of disbelief just causes more stuff to RP over, right?


Gonna be brutally honest here, when people have issues of this nature, they tend to just shake their head and walk away before you even get a chance to explain. Like the Ishgardian Lalafell Dragoon thing? Most people are not going to ask how in the world you accomplished that, they're going to go "Uh-huh, and I'm the Miqo'te King of Ishgard. Pull the other one, it's got bells on."


But hell, those probably aren't people you care to play with anyway, and that just means you've got to find folk who are amicable to your whole concept and all that. Finding the right FC will help a lot with that. I'm sure you'll find one in due time.

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If someone has IC issues, then that sort of disbelief just causes more stuff to RP over, right?


Gonna be brutally honest here, when people have issues of this nature, they tend to just shake their head and walk away before you even get a chance to explain. Like the Ishgardian Lalafell Dragoon thing? Most people are not going to ask how in the world you accomplished that, they're going to go "Uh-huh, and I'm the Miqo'te King of Ishgard. Pull the other one, it's got bells on."


But hell, those probably aren't people you care to play with anyway, and that just means you've got to find folk who are amicable to your whole concept and all that. Finding the right FC will help a lot with that. I'm sure you'll find one in due time.


Absolutely! You'll find one. Hardcore RPers have a tendency to be okay with retcons when they find out something about their character isn't possible. There are a lot of HC RPers in this game (many of them post in these forums) which equates to rigid attention to lore.


But you don't have to be a HC RPer. It's a lot of work. I personally enjoy the lore-Nazi attitudes because I share the same values and they help me as a relatively new player.

There are numerous guilds out there, and some will be more than happy to have you and your interesting Lalafell because they are genuinely interested in helping your character blossom. Just make sure you take those first steps to apply to a few places and see what happens.


ALSO! You might try speaking with the players who do the IC recruiting and see if there is a way to arrange ICly for your Lala to be sought out and invited rather than him applying. Perhaps someone has a super friendly Miqote who would befriend him on the street and say,

"Hey, I'm a recruiter for a Free Company. You should join."

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ALSO! You might try speaking with the players who do the IC recruiting and see if there is a way to arrange ICly for your Lala to be sought out and invited rather than him applying. Perhaps someone has a super friendly Miqote who would befriend him on the street and say,

"Hey, I'm a recruiter for a Free Company. You should join."


Lots of this. :)


We often run into this issue in the FC I'm in. People want to apply, but they don't know how their character would find out about the group, how they'd get looped into it, and so on. Despite the semi-IC styling of our application form, we're pretty open on how to actually do the IC side of the recruitment based on what works better for a given character. I've RPed conversations set up by our NPC caretaker, randomly bumping into people and striking up a conversation, and even meeting someone in the field and being impressed by their skill.


I suspect most RP FCs are similar -- if they like your app, they're willing to work with you on how exactly you get RPed in, as opposed to just slapping a tag on you and saying "that's that." Think of the app as the OOC part of the process and the actual recruitment as the IC part. Since it's IC, it can be done however all parties involved want to.

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Just popping in to vouch for some FCs that recruit in person. I've been standing on the steps of Ul'dah for an hour or two a day IC handing out flyers for our FC.


Most of our applications have come from the forums and between Ais and I, we work out how to RP the character in. Absolutely doable, but we're both out there trying to RP people in in-game as well.


If you're character ever feels like taking a walk outside the Quicksand, you may just stumble on Kasumi trying to hand you a leaflet for Wandering Horizons! Be wary!

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Hardcore RPers have a tendency to be okay with retcons when they find out something about their character isn't possible. There are a lot of HC RPers in this game (many of them post in these forums) which equates to rigid attention to lore.


I wouldn't call the dragoon thing straight up impossible, else the Warrior of Light wouldn't have managed it (ok, they used a soul to get to that point, but the fact remains that an outsider becoming a dragoon is possible, even if it is incredibly unlikely). If it was entirely impossible, that would have been gone from my backstory ASAP (whilst I wouldn't call myself hardcore, I try to at least respect the lore, even if I do sometimes bend it). But I won't argue with the fact that it's still meh and can cause IC problems.


One thing I have thought of over the past day or so is an idea to 'blur' out the whole thing. i.e. keep it in, but obscure the details both OOCly and ICly in order to not OPENLY cause scepticism. Fact is, it has no relevance whatsoever with Riku's current situation apart from being part of his skill-set. If I reduced it to something as simple as "Riku was a lancer who helped out in Coerthas for a while", it could still refer to a dragoon if some people still wish to RP that fact, but to everyone else, it could mean any number of possible jobs. Would that be a sufficient compromise?

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Hardcore RPers have a tendency to be okay with retcons when they find out something about their character isn't possible. There are a lot of HC RPers in this game (many of them post in these forums) which equates to rigid attention to lore.


I wouldn't call the dragoon thing straight up impossible, else the Warrior of Light wouldn't have managed it (ok, they used a soul to get to that point, but the fact remains that an outsider becoming a dragoon is possible, even if it is incredibly unlikely). If it was entirely impossible, that would have been gone from my backstory ASAP (whilst I wouldn't call myself hardcore, I try to at least respect the lore, even if I do sometimes bend it). But I won't argue with the fact that it's still meh and can cause IC problems.


One thing I have thought of over the past day or so is an idea to 'blur' out the whole thing. i.e. keep it in, but obscure the details both OOCly and ICly in order to not OPENLY cause scepticism. Fact is, it has no relevance whatsoever with Riku's current situation apart from being part of his skill-set. If I reduced it to something as simple as "Riku was a lancer who helped out in Coerthas for a while", it could still refer to a dragoon if some people still wish to RP that fact, but to everyone else, it could mean any number of possible jobs. Would that be a sufficient compromise?


Dragoons going off to help kill dragons in Coerthas is perfectly reasonable.

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Hardcore RPers have a tendency to be okay with retcons when they find out something about their character isn't possible. There are a lot of HC RPers in this game (many of them post in these forums) which equates to rigid attention to lore.


I wouldn't call the dragoon thing straight up impossible, else the Warrior of Light wouldn't have managed it (ok, they used a soul to get to that point, but the fact remains that an outsider becoming a dragoon is possible, even if it is incredibly unlikely). If it was entirely impossible, that would have been gone from my backstory ASAP (whilst I wouldn't call myself hardcore, I try to at least respect the lore, even if I do sometimes bend it). But I won't argue with the fact that it's still meh and can cause IC problems.


One thing I have thought of over the past day or so is an idea to 'blur' out the whole thing. i.e. keep it in, but obscure the details both OOCly and ICly in order to not OPENLY cause scepticism. Fact is, it has no relevance whatsoever with Riku's current situation apart from being part of his skill-set. If I reduced it to something as simple as "Riku was a lancer who helped out in Coerthas for a while", it could still refer to a dragoon if some people still wish to RP that fact, but to everyone else, it could mean any number of possible jobs. Would that be a sufficient compromise?


Dragoons going off to help kill dragons in Coerthas is perfectly reasonable.


That's more-or-less what the whole section of Riku's past is based around anyway. That said, he was more a basic lancer when he started, but a knight saw his potential and so trained him in Dragoon combat (the word azure may have been floating around my wiki for a while, but that's just another left-over thing from when it was fine RPing that sorta thing, and has since been erased xD). Riku essentially worked for that knight from then-on, essentially serving Ishgard by proxy. That's basically how it is. I never said Riku was an "Ishgardian Dragoon", nor did I insinuate he had even set fut in Ishgard before its gates were opened (fact is, he never did).


Either people still have issues with the above paragraph, or those disagreeing with the whole Dragoon thing jumped to conclusions. I'm willing to bet it's because the word "serve" was being mistaken as "military service", when I was simply using it in its literal sense.

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