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Should I REALLY switch to Balmung for RP?

Luzia Dawn

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Hey all,


So I have been playing in Behemoth so far, as I was told that one and a couple (although SIren was to spammy) had some RP communities. Found a couple great RP'ers on my own, but took a long time to just find them. I am having trouble finding RP communities on other servers, although they do exist, have not found real active ones.


People keep telling me that Balmung is a unofficial RP server I should switch to, but I am worried my $20 might not be worth it...


So those of you on Balmung right now, how large IS the RP community there? Like, for $20 I am hoping for being able to for example, go into the quicksand and be able to just spot a group RPing I can jump in with basically, or being able to assume if I asked someone around if they would like to they would be ready to jump in and RP at it's finest. 


Really debating this, so please be as honest as you can! Thanks!! :)

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You'd find a lot of roleplayers on Balmung that are open to walkups and story-building. I'm a bit biased, but I'd say it's worth it for the RP alone!


That isn't biased. I just never played on Balmung, so I hear its great everywhere for RP but am just worried as I need to make sure my money doesn't go to waste (as I don't have that much lolz)


Thanks for the feedback! :)

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You'd find a lot of roleplayers on Balmung that are open to walkups and story-building. I'm a bit biased, but I'd say it's worth it for the RP alone!


That isn't biased. I just never played on Balmung, so I hear its great everywhere for RP but am just worried as I need to make sure my money doesn't go to waste (as I don't have that much lolz)


Thanks for the feedback! :)

I myself moved from Hyperion and have found the community on the whole to be wonderful. :)

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If you're looking for a sample of RPers on Balmung, we can probably provide some screenshots of certain areas you'd be interested in.


...if I had more bandwidth, I'd offer to just make an idle stream for a sample.

That would actually be amazing! If would definitely be super helpful to see in screenshots! :D

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I have moved from Hyperion to Balmung and never regretted it as well, even if i'm a bit biased as well since it was my goal from the start to get there...


Although people were a lot more welcoming and warm on Hyperion, probably since it's server that is a lot less busy and old... People were very kind to new players. On Balmung people just tend to keep to themselves.


However, the RP is literally everywhere. And no RMT spamm.

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I have moved from Hyperion to Balmung and never regretted it as well, even if i'm a bit biased as well since it was my goal from the start to get there...


Although people were a lot more welcoming and warm on Hyperion, probably since it's server that is a lot less busy and old... People were very kind to new players. On Balmung people just tend to keep to themselves.


However, the RP is literally everywhere. And no RMT spamm.


Do you mean they would not be very welcoming if I am RPing with them and I am a little new still on the rules of FFXIV RP? (for example how to talk OOC or IC and such)


Or do you mean to just new people in general? Meaning if I am a lv 12 newbie and I want to RP they will just ignore me thinking I am not a serious player?


But either way thanks for the input! :)

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Feel free to whisper me when you get onto Balmung! I'd be happy to chat with you about RP and stuff! Also, having a few friends at your destination will always make it seem a little less lonesome.

Yes, I need to know the basic knowledge of the technicalities of RP on FFXIV still. Would love to have a practice RP with someone to learn the basic technical aspects of it without being embarrassed for being new :)


If I move to it, I am hoping very soon.

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Feel free to whisper me when you get onto Balmung! I'd be happy to chat with you about RP and stuff! Also, having a few friends at your destination will always make it seem a little less lonesome.

Yes, I need to know the basic knowledge of the technicalities of RP on FFXIV still. Would love to have a practice RP with someone to learn the basic technical aspects of it without being embarrassed for being new :)


If I move to it, I am hoping very soon.


Likewise, feel free to send a tell if you want someone to practice with. New to RPing in MMOs myself (though not to RP itself). Would be happy to help. ^^

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I have moved from Hyperion to Balmung and never regretted it as well, even if i'm a bit biased as well since it was my goal from the start to get there...


Although people were a lot more welcoming and warm on Hyperion, probably since it's server that is a lot less busy and old... People were very kind to new players. On Balmung people just tend to keep to themselves.


However, the RP is literally everywhere. And no RMT spamm.


Do you mean they would not be very welcoming if I am RPing with them and I am a little new still on the rules of FFXIV RP? (for example how to talk OOC or IC and such)


Or do you mean to just new people in general? Meaning if I am a lv 12 newbie and I want to RP they will just ignore me thinking I am not a serious player?


But either way thanks for the input! :)


Not at all, people seem very open to start RP with anyone, especially in fast food RP places like the quicksands, for the better or worse.. But overall the community is extremely open "do you want to RP?" "Okay let's meet!" 


You just have to take a look at the connection section of that very forum here...


No, I mean more in general in terms of server welcoming. On Hyperion for example, I stumbled on several players that actually came to me (OOCly of course, not much RP there), asking if I liked the game, needed any help, had any questions, to a point where I thought they were GMs at first. They added me in their friendlist immediately... I kept talking a lot with one of them about classes and the likes with one of them, over the following days.


One day, I got two of them in a row. They were a little sad to see me telling them I was aiming for Balmung, as they genuinely seemed to care for the good atmosphere and their server in general.


Another one, albeit interested to pull me into his/her FC, offered me to craft me a full set of lvl 34 equipment, with a spare half set of lvl 40. For free, spontaneously. So I kept it as the single thing I still have left from Hyperion...


I have yet to see that on Balmung, though granted, I lost my little green sprout before transferring (I did that around level 45), so there is that too.

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Hello there Mira! o/ I'm on Behemoth as well and I do some RP here and there. Balmung is the place to be for RP but sadly I think the only way to get there is by transferring you character although if you want to see if you enjoy RP'in before transferring to Balmung feel free to message me and I can even invite you to a RP Linkshell too if your interested. :)


Sadly I'm only available in-game from 8PM to 12AM EST.

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Should you make the migration over to Balmy, feel free to give my character a poke. I usually can be found most nights after 12:30am EST with exception of Wed and Thur, where I can be around at "normal" times since those are my days off.


Like I said. Weird hours. :/ But the offer is there should you wanna.

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Balmung is great! Just look at any of the community events posted, there's usually screenshots that the hosts post of the whole thing after it's happened. Open world RP is always happening, and if you're a little more shy than that there are FC's and LS's for just about everyone. From casual and newer RPers to the more hardcore and strict to everything in-between, you really can find it all. (Sounds kinda like a sales pitch, doesn't it?)


IF you're lucky you can sneak a character on as soon as servers open after maintenance. I would wholeheartedly suggest a transfer, though, if you're truly after RP. Make all of the alts you want beforehand and transfer everyone over for the one-time cost.

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