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[Event over!] "So... do you wanna buy some drugs?"

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Thank you everyone who showed interest! My drug-dealing plot line with Haydn'to is now over. TLDR, he was caught and landed himself in the Brass Blades Coffers for 4 moons. Moving on to new plot lines now!




Welp. Haydn's really landed himself in the shit this time.


After winding himself up with a rather large hospital bill, Haydn'to's been roped into dealing drugs in Ul'dah as there's no way he can feasibly make the gil he needs through his unsuccessful pickpocketing career.


So for a limited time only I'm actively looking for IC interactions regarding this plot point! Is your character...


  • wanting to buy drugs?
  • a fellow drug dealer wanting to scope out the competition?
  • wanting to stab Haydn and take his money and drugs?!
  • a Brass Blade just trying to enforce the law?
  • a good Samaritan wanting to berate Haydn for his poor life choices?
  • Something else entirely...?!

Then feel free to approach me on the forums or in-game!


I don't want to run with this plot line for an extended amount of time, so I'm going to limit it until the end of February 2016. So either my idiot cat has managed to pay off his bill by then, or he's probably going to wind up shanked or in prison or something. TIME WILL ONLY TELL.



I do not condone drug use IRL, pls no hate



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Welp. Haydn's really landed himself in the shit this time.


After winding himself up with a rather large hospital bill, Haydn'to's been roped into dealing drugs in Ul'dah as there's no way he can feasibly make the gil he needs through his unsuccessful pickpocketing career.


So for a limited time only I'm actively looking for IC interactions regarding this plot point! Is your character...


  • wanting to buy drugs?
  • a fellow drug dealer wanting to scope out the competition?
  • wanting to stab Haydn and take his money and drugs?!
  • a Brass Blade just trying to enforce the law?
  • a good Samaritan wanting to berate Haydn for his poor life choices?
  • Something else entirely...?!

Then feel free to approach me on the forums or in-game!


I don't want to run with this plot line for an extended amount of time, so I'm going to limit it until the end of February 2016. So either my idiot cat has managed to pay off his bill by then, or he's probably going to wind up shanked or in prison or something. TIME WILL ONLY TELL.



I do not condone drug use IRL, pls no hate




Oh Hey~




Someone has been a bad kitty again.

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  • 2 weeks later...


I like that you're doing a drug dealing criminal storyline. I can't play a dealer or user though. I'm curious to see how it develops. If you see Virara around you can badger her to buy drugs if you want him to.

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Rihxo would probably go complete idiot and think that they're candy or something because god she's really that stupid sometimes but when she realized "oh hey these are drugs" she'd get pissed.



Adelaide... who knows what kind of schemes she'd cook up with that (pun definitely intended).


And Arata would study them out of pure curiosity.

'nuff said.


If I see you on one of my characters, I'll be sure to walk up! ^^

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If you want him to get involved in some less-than-savory things, I can offer an alt of mine that works for a mob/mafia-type thing :v they help peddle drugs and just take advantage of people. If he's really desperate, it could make for some entertaining RP!

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I really failed to find a hook for me for this one after overthinking it since day one, and that's too bad... That sounds like a cool idea. 


Would you have any hooks in mind? That sounds a too good opportunity to pass...!

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I really failed to find a hook for me for this one after overthinking it since day one, and that's too bad... That sounds like a cool idea. 


Would you have any hooks in mind? That sounds a too good opportunity to pass...!

Healing him after my Brass Blade finishes breaking his knees.



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Sounds good... If he isn't afraid of magicks with random results that is!


This would be a good learning experience!



Aurou would probably try to cheer him on and commend his efforts if she were to bump into him on the streets. She might be convinced to donate or purchase if he's crafty enough.

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