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Hey! Can't decide what race! Opinions?!


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Hey Everyone!


I am new to the FF role playing community, but in no way new to roleplaying!


I've role played on-line for a minimum of 16 years now and am always looking for my next adventure!


That being said I am having serious issues with my racial choice. I like the Elezen but am also debating on a shorter race like Hyur. As much as I like Au Ra and Miqote I wonder if they are just too many?


Whatever I play their back story will be rooted into the Elezen due to my choice of name. Abrielle Mignonette. I'd love to hear peoples opinions on racial choices!

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Hi there! At least based on the name, I would assume the character to be Hyuran or Elezen based off of naming conventions.


Gonna snipe the posts from another user (Sounsyy), but here's a mini compilation of some good beginning lore starter posts.


Beginner's Lore Guide

-Race Lore Compilation: Origins, Interbreeding, and History

-Hydaelyn Geography and Place Lore

-Eorzean Units of Time and Measurement Lore

-Political Structure of the City-states



Do you have any other ideas for your character? Like what skills they might have or a personal history?

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Heya and welcome!


If you're wanting to choose your race based on population trends, you'd probably want to lean towards Elezen as there are quite a few Miqo'te around and Au Ra, while not necessarily as populous as they used to be are still around in good number.


Plus, as you said, you've already got an Elezen name picked out! :D

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Hard question, and it all depends how character creation and inspiration strikes.


I did just try and think of how you could separate race from the rest of a character but in FFXIV there are many aspects around race/culture that would shape a character.


So my limited advice is note down what attracts you about each race


Separately consider which geographic locations you prefer and what role you want them to play in the community (I mean RP role not Class/Job).


Then just compare each race against each location and role to see what combinations work for you.


Lalafell Lumberjack from Southern Thanalan anyone?

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That being said I am having serious issues with my racial choice. I like the Elezen but am also debating on a shorter race like Hyur. As much as I like Au Ra and Miqote I wonder if they are just too many?


This is last year's census link. It's skewed because it has alts/non-RPs/etc - but it might give some inspiration to making a choice. I'm sure Au Ra has changed since and I think there's a more up-to-date data out there (if memory serves) that shows miqo'te going to au ra, so you can kind of combine their percentage and get a general idea.






Make a bunch of characters in the creator, save the appearance, create them on servers that aren't closed, play with the voices, play with the emotes, and pick whatever is most fun.


What makes your heart sing.


It's not too hard to make the character fit into lore: they were orphaned, raised by ____, travelling merchant family, refugees from [insert proper place race is commonly found], yada yada. If anything it gives the persona some flaws and maybe obstacles to overcome: finding their blood culture, returning to their homeland, stereotypes, yada yada. Long as it's not overly special and includes negative attributes it's not something that the community will be stuck 'tolerating'.



My choices:

Jancis - Midlander Hyur: I made the character first and I like to pick something that's very generic. I was new to the game and didn't really know the lore so starting out plain gives a lot of leeway and also (biased) I find plain characters turn out more special that ones built to be pre-special.

Iglu - something Lalafell: She was made as an NPC undead villian for a specific plot. At the time I was going for flaws to really exploit to balance her 'immortality' and strength. So being short and having a temper worked out. Having a 'cute' lala (I tried to make her ugly as possible) that would ask for help then stab people in the back was fun. Plus there's a deep voice with a nice evil laugh that really immersed her nastiness.

Waxing Moon - Hells Guard Roe: Making a strong character that didn't care about things and a real neutral attitude is what inspired me to the race. Very anti-Jancis. The lore and body style helped in the choice a lot. She's tall, blanch white, and loves colorful clothing. I made about 13 different models of all the races before settling on one for the base idea I wanted. Coming from the volcanoes and her racial background culture was just icing on the cake.


Fun = winning the game


Hope that helps!

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Thanks everyone for the replies... Even though I've been running around on my Hyur I think I will go back to character creation and fidget more with looks that pull me to something more. I've got quiet a few concepts it just is going to be the race that pulls my choice together!

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My characters race is generally decided upon based on what character concept I was looking to play.


For example, if I wanted to RP a dragoon I'd make an elezen. If I wanted a doman ninja I'd be au ra or midlander. If I wanted to do Ala Mhigan refugee I'd do Highlander.


I prefer pumping my creativeness into what's going on with and happening TO the character rather than exhausting it all on trying to explain why they are some weird combination because I think the cpose is pretty. (I see this happen a lot.) I typically don't find a lot of interest in putting a massive amount of focus on my characters race and how they 'overcame' the status quo but if you do then cool.


That being said I have found Midlander to be the most fun.


This is my opinion.

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