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Sharlayan Society?

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I recently got onto Balmung so of course I'd love to rp my alt but I have a few questions...


I'm still in the process of developing him but the foundations of his character is that he was a Ishgardian noble (perhaps of a house? or just a regular noble) who's parents enforced a scholarly life style for him (maybe he went to Sharlayan to study? I'm not sure if this is a possible thing, if they accepted outsiders at all) but grew bored of the strict and formal lifestyle and ran away to ul'dah to live out his lavish fantasies, ect.


But the main question I have was it possible for people to move to Sharlayan to study? Or should I have him grow up in Ishgard and just be a scholarly type without being associated with Sharlayan?, a more realistic approach? Thank you in advance!! \'w'/

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TL;DR yes it was possible, foreign students attended lessons in the Sharlayan colony... though there are some areas of study that native Sharlayans pursued and did not elect to share with outsiders, mostly those that could be turned to the pursuit of war.


Someone else can give you lore book transcripts (there's a whole section on Sharlayan) or if they haven't by the morning I'll post them up for you!

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But the main question I have was it possible for people to move to Sharlayan to study? Or should I have him grow up in Ishgard and just be a scholarly type without being associated with Sharlayan?, a more realistic approach? Thank you in advance!! \'w'/


It's actually quite possible, and was something that happened with some frequency until the Sharlayan in Eorzea abandoned the colony and returned to the Old Sharlayan in the north seas. Some things you might need to consider, however, with an Ishgardian history are 1) What was he wanting to study that the Ishgardian school of Saint Endalim's Scholasticate wasn't offering? and 2) Would he risk leaving the city during the time period in Ishgard when the city's gates were sealed and very few were allowed to leave the city and even fewer were allowed back in? 3) What sort of implications would this have for a noble family? How would the parents react to their child not learning an Ishgardian-based curriculum and abandoning the Dragonsong War?


So, definitely possible, but it brings up a lot of character and backstory building exercises that you might want to look into, should you choose this sort of path.


Starting with the prestigious Studium' date=' Sharlayan has numerous famed academies that accept students from all nations. In times past, Eorzean pupils eagerly flocked to Sharlayan’s settlement in the Dravanian hinterlands from all corners of the realm. There, they studied a multitude of subjects from different fields - though it seems that instructors reserved certain wisdom for those of Sharlayan citizenship alone.[/quote']


The Saint Endalim Scholasticate is where gods-fearing men and women come to seek a proper theological education. We are an equal opportunity institution' date=' I might add. Here you will find the sons and daughters of great houses studying side by side with those of more humble origins. All that is required is a recommendation provided by one of the clergy. Our curriculum encompasses a diverse range of subjects, from the fundamentals of Ishgardian theology to the intricacies of canon law. We also offer more specialized instruction for those who wish to focus on medicinal or magical fields. However, to ensure that seminarians are adequately prepared for these studies, they must first complete both the trivium and the quadrivium: rigorous courses comprised of grammar, rhetoric, logic, arithmetic, geometry, astrology, and music.[/quote']


(Of note, Ishgardians would not have taught Arcanima or Sharlayan Astromancy in the Scholasticate prior to the Calamity)


I actually was asked a somewhat related question to this earlier, so I included a couple links below you might find helpful. I don't have the full transcriptions for Sharlayan from the lore book quite yet, unfortunately. Lemme know if you have more questions! ^^


-Formal Education in Eorzea Lore

-Sharlayan Lore Overview

-The Bibliothecs

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All nobles have houses! Minor or major. If you want to see more houses, you can go directly check the Scholasticate quests as we don't continue to deal with always the same big four houses that we see in the MSQ (Durendaire, Fortemps, Haillenarte and Dzemael). There is a few interestingly spicy minor houses with creepy or tragic backgrounds, among others.


We have one prime example of NPC that actually left Ishgard to travel all the way to Sharlayan in order to study here: Jannequinard, from the Astrologian class quests. He is the son of a noble, wealthy family. Mind that Jannequinard got back from Sharlayan twenty years ago, which more or less coincides with the time when Sharlayans abandoned their colony in the Dravanian Hinterlands.


Interestingly enough, Jannequinard family is rather conservative and his uncle for example despises sharlayan astrology. He says himself not to encourage him further and let his dreams that: dreams. But they don't forbid him to do whatever he wants, because he's not first in line of succession. In short, he's part of those indolent second, third sons, or even less well positioned offspring without much legacy that are left to live in their family's allowance.

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TL;DR yes it was possible, foreign students attended lessons in the Sharlayan colony... though there are some areas of study that native Sharlayans pursued and did not elect to share with outsiders, mostly those that could be turned to the pursuit of war.


This makes 100% sense to me and I don't doubt it but is there a source for this besides conjecture from all we know?

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TL;DR yes it was possible, foreign students attended lessons in the Sharlayan colony... though there are some areas of study that native Sharlayans pursued and did not elect to share with outsiders, mostly those that could be turned to the pursuit of war.


This makes 100% sense to me and I don't doubt it but is there a source for this besides conjecture from all we know?


Yep, page 168 of the lore book.


"They also abhor bloodshed, find war barbaric, and would never dream of allowing their wisdom to be used for martial purposes. As such, they guard closely all knowledge they deem dangerous."


And: "In times past, Eorzean pupils eagerly flocked to Sharlayan's settlement in the Dravanian hinterlands from all corners of the realm. There, they studied a multitude of subjects from different fields -- though it seems that instructors reserved certain wisdom for those of Sharlayan citizenship alone."

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My question the becomes: How is citizenship obtained? (I dont think an answer to this is available yet.) The way things got set up after the abandonment of the colony it seems like these days if you step into the Old World you don't step out.


It also wouldn't shock me if you had to have a generation other two of citizenship before they'd allow certain tutorings (Arts of War) unless you displayed remarkable aptitude but that's just pure headcanon.

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My question the becomes: How is citizenship obtained? (I dont think an answer to this is available yet.) The way things got set up after the abandonment of the colony it seems like these days if you step into the Old World you don't step out.


The lore book doesn't really have an answer to this one. We do know from the AST quest line that the conservative Bibliothecs have considerable influence in the Forum, though. Since they strongly believe that Sharlayans should "observe and record history without raising so much as a finger to intervene" (EE 170) and their leader believes that "knowledge with the potential to change history's course should never leave Sharlayan's control" (EE 170), and that they have sufficient political clout to send authorized assassins after people who break those rules (AST quest line), it seems plausible that getting citizenship in Sharlayan would be difficult if not impossible these days. Certainly, as you mention, you wouldn't be able to return to Eorzea with the knowledge you'd gleaned.

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We know a certain person, decidedly non-Sharlayan in birth, received Sharlayan tutelage in the art of pugilism - but she also had support and presumably vouches from two Sharlayan-born and highly respected scholars, one of whom still appears to remain close to her at all times (even now they're both considered renegades anyway). Maybe worth considering in the body of evidence?


(Also thank you FreelanceWizard, that's exactly the passages I had in mind! Src for this is in the character profiles section btw - I'd be much more willing to source on the fly if the lore book wasn't so damn HEAVY or if I had room for it on my desk instead of having to lug it over from the bookshelf every time... xD)

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