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Using a different model in game vs roleplay


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Plenty of people roleplay things their model can't really do. Like my main character's supposed to be a pureblooded Garlean. The thing to keep in mind is to avoid the clearly racial/tribal characteristics. But also I mean, it's not impossible that there could have been mixed blood or recessive traits. I don't think anyone's going to be so strict as to metagame and tell you you're the wrong tribe OOCly.


Same! Corelyn is also a Pureblood, but hides her third eye for paranoia issues, so Highlander it is for her, typically (though if we got Garlean models YEEEEEEEEAH BOIIIIIII).


I'd really consider switching if we ever did. Part of me would miss the current design I have now. Also because I like thinking that Franz is big and buff, even at nearly 7 fulms tall. (If Cid can be buff, why can't other purebloods?!)


I'd probably switch too! But I wonder, do most people use Highlanders for pureblooded Garleans? I see a lot of Midlanders used as Garleans (I use one myself). And then there's Lucia, who's definitely using the Elezen rig with modified ears. But that can be SE just using what's on hand until they make a concrete decision, like they did with pre-reveal Yugiri using a Miqo rig. Hrm. Not that it matters much in the end, I suppose.


Back in 1.0, Nael and Gaius used Elezen male models as their base. From what we've seen of the Garlean NPCs without helmets on, mot are of about Elezen height with a more Hyur-shaped head + third eye, save for Cid who used a short Highlander model in 1.0 and now is completely custom. We'll hopefully get some better views in 4.0, but I don't forsee Garlean as a playable race ever because of their generally poor aetherial manipulation skills.

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Same! Corelyn is also a Pureblood, but hides her third eye for paranoia issues, so Highlander it is for her, typically (though if we got Garlean models YEEEEEEEEAH BOIIIIIII).


I'd really consider switching if we ever did. Part of me would miss the current design I have now. Also because I like thinking that Franz is big and buff, even at nearly 7 fulms tall. (If Cid can be buff, why can't other purebloods?!)


I'd probably switch too! But I wonder, do most people use Highlanders for pureblooded Garleans? I see a lot of Midlanders used as Garleans (I use one myself). And then there's Lucia, who's definitely using the Elezen rig with modified ears. But that can be SE just using what's on hand until they make a concrete decision, like they did with pre-reveal Yugiri using a Miqo rig. Hrm. Not that it matters much in the end, I suppose.


Back in 1.0, Nael and Gaius used Elezen male models as their base. From what we've seen of the Garlean NPCs without helmets on, mot are of about Elezen height with a more Hyur-shaped head + third eye, save for Cid who used a short Highlander model in 1.0 and now is completely custom. We'll hopefully get some better views in 4.0, but I don't forsee Garlean as a playable race ever because of their generally poor aetherial manipulation skills.


I CAN DREAM! *flips an entire castrum*


Of course, I'd probably have to retcon Corelyn's height if we ever got legit Garlean models. She smol. :>


(Not even sure how this post edit made me double-post but uh... my bad. >_>)

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I thought Yda and Minfilia had Midlander models even though they were Highlanders because in 1.0 there just wasn't female Highlander models.


Also, the female Highlander-model Scion (the archer) is actually a Midlander according to the lorebook.

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/modhat on 


It's great to see such a lively debate, however we would like to remind everyone to be excellent to one another. The thread has been cleaned up to remain accordance with the rules, at the moderators discretion. 


/modhat off.

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We are




not diverse enough




we don't have feminine alluring features




nor can we look adorable







My opinion still stands; using a midlander model to represent a highlander model is a poor choice because they are so very diverse if you tweak them enough. I'm happy enough to continue this discussion in another thread if the mods want me to o/

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I'm 99% sure the only reason Highlanders exist as a "separate" species is because every race gets two choices and SE had to put something in the second slot for Hyur.


I just want to know why Highlanders have the angriest stand animation, but their emotes are the most bubbly shit I've ever seen in my life.


Their animations are more bubbly and happy than Miqo'te animations, and that is saying something. But when they stand, they look like they're going to slug you.


It's so weird.

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I'm 99% sure the only reason Highlanders exist as a "separate" species is because every race gets two choices and SE had to put something in the second slot for Hyur.


I just want to know why Highlanders have the angriest stand animation, but their emotes are the most bubbly shit I've ever seen in my life.


Their animations are more bubbly and happy than Miqo'te animations, and that is saying something.  But when they stand, they look like they're going to slug you.


It's so weird.


I dunno. Have you seen Franz smile? It looks like he's going to murder someone. Not entirely inaccurate all of the time, but still.

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I dunno. Have you seen Franz smile? It looks like he's going to murder someone. Not entirely inaccurate all of the time, but still.


Someone in one of my Linkshells called one of the male emotes the "I found my porn stash!" emote. :lol:

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People go off model all the time for all kinds of reasons. Just be chill about it if people assume you're on-model, and you're good to go!


My character has tattoos, and is a biracial character (in as much as Seekers and Keepers could produce a biracial offspring, but that's another debate for another time, really), and I have a tinyurl in her search info that directs here to the Wiki. That's about the best I can do, but I still can't expect everyone to know.

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