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Hate on certain characters?


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So I am having a bit of a problem with a character I am hoping to design. :( I wanted to do some research on Thavnair and create a merchant character from the area to play around with. I know there's not much lore on Thavnair and Thavnarian culture but I was heavily interested. A friend of mine, however, says that Thavnarian roleplayers have a stigma around them? They claimed they played one previously and got a lot of hate for it? Is this common? :?

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There's a heap of people who play 'exotic dancer/courtsan waifu' from Thavnair. You can thank them for that. But ultimately? Screw them.


I roleplay a Thavnairian myself, an adventurous alchemist, and I never ran into issues with her at all. In fact, all IC conversations have been super fun, even if I have to wing everything trough due what little lore we have. But I never ran into problems with her. She even wears the Thavnairian outfits; but unlike everyone ever, she is actually Thavnairian, not a low-key offensive dancer stereotype. I actually gotten compliments from people that they are happy to see a legit Thavnairian for once instead of yet another dancer/courtesan.


So I wouldn't be too worried! A Thavnairian merchant is a super valid concept and I'm sure you will find plenty of people to roleplay with! There's quite a few markets these days you could throw her at to sell her wares on top of that. Best of luck!

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No, I odn't think that's common.


It is important to note that Balmung is one of the most populated servers in FFXIV. It could be possible that the people your friend associated with didn't like Thavnairian RPers, but it's not conclusive of what you would everything.


Even among Balmung, there are a number of semi-intersected subgroups that don't hold the same views. The same goes for discussion on Balmung RP on tumblr, RPers on the RPC, etc. We're not a single community. We're a lot of mixed communities who happen to share the same space.

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I wanted to do some research on Thavnair and create a merchant character from the area to play around with. I know there's not much lore on Thavnair and Thavnarian culture but I was heavily interested. A friend of mine, however, says that Thavnarian roleplayers have a stigma around them? They claimed they played one previously and got a lot of hate for it? Is this common? :?


Hey there Averlin! I have a Thavnairian culinarian and merchant character as well and I can say that she's been very well received by most people I've roleplayed with. So whatever stigma you ran into is certainly not common. I did, however, very recently run into this stigma myself when I was getting the /songbird dance emote in Ul'dah. Normally this character dresses quite conservatively, but I was OOC and I thought the Thav top would look nice with the dance. But I got a /tell not long after from someone saying something along the lines of "woww your archetype does exist" and refused to expound upon that when I asked what he meant. Oh well!



Anywho, go ahead and play a Thavnairian! I've seen very few played in game, though I do know a few. If you're looking for more lore on Thavnair, you might find this link helpful! ^^

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This isn't a common thing, the fact that they are actually from the world of FFXIV, and a nameable continent on it, is already leaps and bounds ahead of some new players! Stick to it, merchants are fun, you can deal in black market trading, work for free companies of many different sorts, and garner great connection while having an interesting and lore-abiding reasonable bacground.


Good luck!

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