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What race to chose?

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Hello again~


So I seek opinions (On the internet, yes I am slightly insane).

I'm still in the midst of creating my very first RP character. Already have the baseline set out but just kinda need a race to play it as. 


The idea itself is simple. An Machinist & Alchemist, personality and backstory obviously varies from race to race. But it's the basic idea I wish to RP with.

I am completely new to FFXIV RP and know more or less nothing about the lore if that helps in deciding a race.


My first choice was Miqo'te (How original I am!)

It's by far my favourite race of the playable ones in FFXIV but they kind feel...Overplayed?

Feels like everyone and their mother have one and I don't really want to put on yet another number on that scale. Maybe I'm just wrong though?


Then I had the Au Ra in mind, I only have a slight problem with them and it's their idle stand...Might sound silly but it drives me nuts and they take to long to go to another animation so it bugs me even more. BLERGH.


Another one that I've had running through my head is a Lalafell. Still not 100% on this one since I do like relationship RP (story driven, I don't seek it just to ERP), but the Lalafell kinda feels like the Gnome or Goblin in WoW where it's very hard to even find anyone remotely interested in "dating" a Lalafell, perhaps this is just my imagination though?


Last race I laid my eyes on is the good old human, or Hyur. Only thing there is like, meh...human? Want to dig in to the fantasy aspect and RP one of the other races instead.


So what do you people think I should do? Perhaps going with my original idea of taking the Miqo'te is simply the best idea, or perhaps the other races can bring something I didn't think of? Do tell me your opinions.


Kind regards, a dog, cause no one knows you're a dog on the internet~

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This isn't super on topic but you can actually change the amount of time it takes for your character to go to their cpose. Default is 5 seconds, but I have mine set to 1 second.


Well I'll be darned. Not really topic related but very useful to know either way. Thanks!

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My first choice was Miqo'te (How original I am!)

It's by far my favourite race of the playable ones in FFXIV but they kind feel...Overplayed?

Feels like everyone and their mother have one and I don't really want to put on yet another number on that scale. Maybe I'm just wrong though?

The only correct answer is Lalafell.


In all seriousness, don't worry about what everyone else is playing. If Miqo'te is your favorite race, play a Miqo'te. What matters is you enjoying playing the character you're creating. After all, you're the one who is going to be looking at it and RPing through it, so might as well go with what you like.


And to alleviate some concerns on the Lalafell front, both my Lalafell are in relationships! So there's nothing keeping you from relationship RP by playing a Lalafell. It just might be a bit more difficult compared to the taller races.

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When choosing race I always consider where my character is going to be from nationally and what tends to be the most populas race there lorewise before making a choice.


So if I wanted an Ishgardian character I'd pick Elezen or Midlander. If I wanted a character to be a Doman refugee this might be my chance to make a Raen.


And so on.

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I am completely new to FFXIV RP and know more or less nothing about the lore if that helps in deciding a race.


Personally, I say pick whatever race you would enjoy playing the most aesthetically, regardless of how popular that race is. Almost every race can be almost anything you want if you mess around with some backstory components, so that's not really a limiting factor in most cases. If you would like to know a bit more about the various races to help give some story inspirations, you can find a bunch of lore in the link below:


-Race Lore Masterpost

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I can understand the lack of desire to play a race for its popularity, but it's popular for a variety of reasons that shouldn't be grounds to turn away from on account of being part of the mainstream. All races have their own lore which can make them on par with filthy tribal monkeys, yet all races have people who dabble in advanced magic and technology, so anything goes for an alchemist or machinist.


I would say to go miqo'te, since that's the one you're comfortable with at first glance, and you're less inclined to gain an attachment to them if you choose another.


As for the lalafell relationship problem..yeah, I don't even have a solution to that, even if my char did ICly date a lala dude player before. It's sort've a..needle in a haystack situation.

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This isn't super on topic but you can actually change the amount of time it takes for your character to go to their cpose. Default is 5 seconds, but I have mine set to 1 second.






And piggybacking on this bit of info... there is that toggle to 'Randomize' your idle pose. You can turn off randomize and use /cpose to get to the idle pose you prefer. Then that will be the only pose you use from then on! I do this for all my characters since there's only a couple poses I like and I tend to pick one that fits their mood at the time.


But, as everyone else has said, go with what appeals to YOU. You're the one playing it. Try not to worry over what everyone else is playing and how popular something is. :)

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