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Alternate RP Server

Which Alternate RP server do you choose?  

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  1. 1. Which Alternate RP server do you choose?

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I'm just waiting for someone from every server to throw me their sales pitch.


That's it. Something simple. Sell me a product that makes Balmung look like the weaker of the two servers.

The fact that only 2-3 of the servers on the list have bothered to represent themselves should be proof that they're not suitable choices, in my opinion. If they wanted it badly, they'd be here.

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I'm just waiting for someone from every server to throw me their sales pitch.


That's it. Something simple. Sell me a product that makes Balmung look like the weaker of the two servers.


Honestly speaking, Balmung isn't weak and I'm not sure why anyone would want Balmung to look weak. I am not even 100% sure why you wrote this either to be honest.

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To be fair, there is a sizeable portion of roleplayers who dislike RPC for any myriad of reasons. The question is: did people check or get enough social presence to get the word out to those communities?

If they don't have a presence capable of knowing something like this is going on in any way, shape or form, they don't have enough of an infrastructure or base to support a community.

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To be fair, there is a sizeable portion of roleplayers who dislike RPC for any myriad of reasons. The question is: did people check or get enough social presence to get the word out to those communities?

If they don't have a presence capable of knowing something like this is going on in any way, shape or form, they don't have enough of an infrastructure or base to support a community.


I follow a fairly wide amount of FFXIV people. You know what I see?

A) Don't panic no one is leaving Balmung. Nothing's happening.

B) Hey guys I know Balmung is closed. Come check out the community I am a part of on _____!


Nothing very widespread about getting large community efforts across all worlds to coming up with an alternative for NA. Just comments about "I don't think this is a bad idea to do it."


The majority of any similar effort I have seen has been on this forum with a small amount of those on the official forums and the even smaller tiny effort on the subreddit. I've seen the effort for EU on social media (tumblr, twitter, facebook).


Until this very week I didn't know that there was any presence of any large form on Mateus. I knew of Jenova's, Faerie's, and Siren's. I knew there might still be a struggling one linkshell on Midgardsomr as well as on Brynhildr.

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The fact that some people don't like, visit the RP-C often is a prime reason I don't want this to be the end all, be all vote. I want news to spread and a resource created that makes it far easier to find RP on alternate servers.


Leggerless has been spreading their vote over on Tumblr too, which I please ask people that use that platform to spread it. That poll has gotten a lot of attention and votes as well, some from servers that have no representation on ours.


Going forward, I plan to run the poll through Strawpoll so that it can be spread far more easily through the community as a neutral look into the RP communities. I've learned a lot over the course of the last week and I want to make sure even more people get their voices in starting Monday.

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Not even a thing of them not visiting the website "often", many RPers who are on Balmung aren't even a part of this website or other RP websites. I've met a good amount in game just via grouping and chit chat who have no interest in online communities like this and prefer to make connections in game. Or they just use Enjin.


I would suggest once this is all figured out, that someone posts the information on the OF though since it's where my friends ended up going to look for alternative routes. But I've pointed them towards Mateus since it seems pretty populated there and popular by the looks of this poll. They didn't want to wait another week for this decision to be made when getting ready for Stormblood.



Oh, also question.. With this:

Going forward, I plan to run the poll through Strawpoll




Are you yourself going to be moving all your characters to the new server too? Because it seems you personally are putting an extended timeline on a pretty big decision, and I'm guessing quite of a lot those who did vote may want a determination earlier to find their own home. Just something to consider.

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An extended timeline is important to me, because I want to make sure whereever we transfer that transfer from Balmung is free. I'd also like to know what the other benefits are, etc. But I think it's important to have a basic plan ready as well.


Also, thanks for taking charge of this Oswin.

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It's important to note that none of these polls are for some sort of Balmung move or migration. That's never been the point of any of them. Ever.


The point is, Balmung is closed. New people can't go there.


Until Balmung opens, what should we as FFXIV RPers propose for new RPers or transfers? Twiddle their thumbs and play another game?


If we expect RP to actually work and stick around on another server, there needs to be a unified effort on which ones actually look viable. This is one of multiple polls for that.


RPC staff aren't going to designate a server because we have no right to. That happens by "the community." The OP of this thread happened to start those discussions. That's it.

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Oh, also question..  With this:

Going forward, I plan to run the poll through Strawpoll




Are you yourself going to be moving all your characters to the new server too? Because it seems you personally are putting an extended timeline on a pretty big decision, and I'm guessing quite of a lot those who did vote may want a determination earlier to find their own home. Just something to consider.


It's very possible I will, for the moment I've been enjoying my time with the servers that have been mentioned. I want to take the time to investigate and look into the communities myself but I've withheld my opinions on it to best present a neutral position.


And the reason I started this poll so quickly is for people that need a home RIGHT NOW to be able to find one. There's been a lot of people re rolling, transferring and communicating for the past week. It's given people direction. The new poll isn't going to invalidate this one, and people can look at the results at anytime to see where the trend in the community is going.


But there are a TON of people out there that don't use the RP-C, and I admit, this is a very RP-C centric poll at the moment. The next one is going to last far longer, and will be website neutral so a wider population can cast their votes. This doesn't invalidate the poll happening right now and with the discussion thread is a great starting point for people to get a better idea of where they should go in the mean time.


It's a difficult concept to balance. People need RP right now, but we also want an educated community. I've done my best to marry these two concepts, but there is going to be a lot of feedback over the coming weeks and as free transfers open up. I'd like to keep the conversation going so we can find the right answers.

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It's important to note that none of these polls are for some sort of Balmung move or migration. That's never been the point of any of them. Ever.


The point is, Balmung is closed. New people can't go there.


Until Balmung opens, what should we as FFXIV RPers propose for new RPers or transfers? Twiddle their thumbs and play another game?


If we expect RP to actually work and stick around on another server, there needs to be a unified effort on which ones actually look viable. This is one of multiple polls for that.


RPC staff aren't going to designate a server because we have no right to. That happens by "the community." The OP of this thread happened to start those discussions. That's it.

Thank you. I feel for people considering transferring off Balmung, but this situation isn't about you and it's the people who are looking for a home -now- that need to be considered.

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It's been 48 hours so the poll should be closed or closing soon. As such, let's keep this thread going so we can continue to discuss merits of the different RP servers as we lead up to the incentive and transfer announcements.


I greatly appreciate all the feedback that has been give in the last week, as it's helped many players find new homes. I know there are still RP communities out there that haven't had their voices heard so please speak up and let us know why your server is the best server for new players.


The next thread and poll will not be until after the transfer information has been released so that a more educated decision can be reached. 


Again, thank you so much for the input!

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It's been 48 hours so the poll should be closed or closing soon. As such, let's keep this thread going so we can continue to discuss merits of the different RP servers as we lead up to the incentive and transfer announcements.


I greatly appreciate all the feedback that has been give in the last week, as it's helped many players find new homes. I know there are still RP communities out there that haven't had their voices heard so please speak up and let us know why your server is the best server for new players.


The next thread and poll will not be until after the transfer information has been released so that a more educated decision can be reached. 


Again, thank you so much for the input!


Sorry if this has been answered previously, but have they mentioned a potential date or date range they may announce the server list?

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It's been 48 hours so the poll should be closed or closing soon. As such, let's keep this thread going so we can continue to discuss merits of the different RP servers as we lead up to the incentive and transfer announcements.


I greatly appreciate all the feedback that has been give in the last week, as it's helped many players find new homes. I know there are still RP communities out there that haven't had their voices heard so please speak up and let us know why your server is the best server for new players.


The next thread and poll will not be until after the transfer information has been released so that a more educated decision can be reached. 


Again, thank you so much for the input!


Sorry if this has been answered previously, but have they mentioned a potential date or date range they may announce the server list?


Addition of EU Data Center Worlds and Improvements to Population Distribution


All Worlds on the EU data center are presently experiencing high levels of player congestion. To resolve this issue, new Worlds will be added at the release of 4.0.

Moreover, players who want to transfer to or create new characters on designated Worlds across all data centers will receive special bonuses as described below.

* Pleased be advised the bonuses planned for implementation are subject to change.




We thank you for your patience and understanding as we strive to create an enjoyable playing environment for players on all Worlds.


This seems to imply that the bonuses across all data centres will be announced "at the release of 4.0" along with the launch of the new EU servers, i.e. 20th June. However, I don't know if I could call it explicit.

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Been on Mateus checking things out and had a couple things to say about the community there, for those moving, for those just joining, and even for other servers which probably have similar small but growing groups:


1) I think it should be stressed, this new server isn't totally established. When you join Mateus in whatever way you do, do so with a mindset to help build and structure and grow with the community, at a rapid pace, but certainly not a simple move and settle. That isn't to say there aren't connections, there are many, but numbers aren't so that you have an endless possibility (at least not yet) unless you plan to make that for yourself if it isn't available.


2) You aren't moving to the promised land of Mateus to escape the wasteland of Balmung. I guess this is the Balmungian in me to state this, but you shouldn't come into Mateus after having seen or lived on Balmung, and think that you are escaping something, you're not. Many people on Mateus are from Balmung, whether this was their original server or they have created a character to help out or just check out the new community growing there. Balmung people, the decent folks who make up the actual community which isn't always represented here, do not think that Mateans are truly cast-offs or lesser, that is just the nature of some of the shallow and easily threatened people on this board and shouldn't be taken as rule of law for everyone.


3) As just encouragement in general? Create new things! Make new groups, think of new plots and ways to use the world. Don't necessarily get sucked into a group right away unless you are truly ready to just settle in and accept what comes your way. If it is in your nature or character to create these new paths for others, do it, because a group like this can't survive by choosing one of two FC's, the variety needs to be there to support and encourage further growth and stability in an RP community, and even more specifically in an MMORP Community.


Hope this helps, and I hope that more people end up checking out this (these) server(s), as their first home, or as a new home for their main or alternative characters!

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2) You aren't moving to the promised land of Mateus to escape the wasteland of Balmung. I guess this is the Balmungian in me to state this, but you shouldn't come into Mateus after having seen or lived on Balmung, and think that you are escaping something, you're not. Many people on Mateus are from Balmung, whether this was their original server or they have created a character to help out or just check out the new community growing there. Balmung people, the decent folks who make up the actual community which isn't always represented here, do not think that Mateans are truly cast-offs or lesser, that is just the nature of some of the shallow and easily threatened people on this board and shouldn't be taken as rule of law for everyone.


This part especially. Don't do this. I've already seen some people come into Mateus and whine about the only reason they are there is because they can't get into Balmung and they are leaving the first chance they get. It's rude, and if you want anyone to like you, just don't. Very few people came to Mateus to RP, and even fewer because they couldn't get into Balmung. many people on Mateus like that it's a small server and honestly you will end up facing a lot of anger if you all rush over and start stealing up all the houses for only temporary or rarely used characters.

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It's been 48 hours so the poll should be closed or closing soon. As such, let's keep this thread going so we can continue to discuss merits of the different RP servers as we lead up to the incentive and transfer announcements.


I greatly appreciate all the feedback that has been give in the last week, as it's helped many players find new homes. I know there are still RP communities out there that haven't had their voices heard so please speak up and let us know why your server is the best server for new players.


The next thread and poll will not be until after the transfer information has been released so that a more educated decision can be reached. 


Again, thank you so much for the input!


Sorry if this has been answered previously, but have they mentioned a potential date or date range they may announce the server list?


No, but I would like to assume they would share this before 4.0 lands and even more so before the pre-order access weekend. So taking that all in we have about 3 weeks to expect some more information before the expansion hits. Maybe we will see something in the live stream Monday.

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It's been 48 hours so the poll should be closed or closing soon. As such, let's keep this thread going so we can continue to discuss merits of the different RP servers as we lead up to the incentive and transfer announcements.


I greatly appreciate all the feedback that has been give in the last week, as it's helped many players find new homes. I know there are still RP communities out there that haven't had their voices heard so please speak up and let us know why your server is the best server for new players.


The next thread and poll will not be until after the transfer information has been released so that a more educated decision can be reached. 


Again, thank you so much for the input!


Sorry if this has been answered previously, but have they mentioned a potential date or date range they may announce the server list?


No, but I would like to assume they would share this before 4.0 lands and even more so before the pre-order access weekend. So taking that all in we have about 3 weeks to expect some more information before the expansion hits. Maybe we will see something in the live stream Monday.


I would honestly suggest and show support for people who started to pressure or ask Square Enix to elaborate on the transfer incentives. What realistically they think SE will and can help with. Perhaps a token for a plot of at least similar area/size. What exactly are they thinking they can do to accommodate FCs and people?


These types of things can easily sway or settle some of the issues people would have in transferring to build and further strengthen the communities. What if there are some other smaller server communities who would be interested in helping create more content in a concerted effort by joining with a 'designated world?'

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Just wanted to mention how much I appreciate that discussion about an alternate RP server is actually happening. :thumbsup:


I have a few friends that have expressed interest in trying out FFXIV as a potential new MMO home. Most of them are RPers. In fact, RP is a primary interest for many of them and a dealbreaker if there is nothing to be found.


SE's announcement to lock Balmung is a seriously blow to those players, and players like them. And it doesn't look like SE has any plans to address the RP community and their concerns (otherwise, they would've done so when they first made this announcement). So it's up to the RP community to come together and pick up the slack.


I know that there's been attempts in the past to form communities outside of Balmung. But since SE didn't really force our hand before, those small attempts wouldn't gain too much traction. Now that SE HAS forced our hand, hopefully we finally can come together and build a new and semi-large community.


The important part is getting the community to start talking about it (in all social hubs where the Balmung RP community is present) and keep talking about it. And hopefully a consensus is formed.


I have no vote in this. Whatever server the community agrees on is the server I will bring my friends to. Simple as that. What's important is that the community DOES agree on a server and makes it "official" enough so that these kinds of players know where to go and will continue to know where to go after this thread has long disappeared. Otherwise, those players will simply have nowhere to go.

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So this poll has run its original 48 course. Are we extending it? Or should the thread be locked and closed for future discussions? Will we see a sequel where we vote on the top 3 or so servers?


What happens now?


I believe we were mostly looking to get the discussion buzzing and find out which servers people would be interested in, or which already have an RP community presence. Any further action would be in futility until we know how they're going to flag servers. Even the smaller servers can't be certain as someone else mentioned due to the fact they may end up merging some. 


I think the best thing people can do now is continue giving information on their servers and continue constructive talks of who may be interested in moving where once it's announced.


The unfortunate part is that there will no doubt be a number of people who don't want to move, but get left if a large portion of RPers from their server relocate. I think that's why it's important for anyone who is passionate about it to be vocal now before it's decided and too late to sway anyone.

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To be fair, there is a sizeable portion of roleplayers who dislike RPC for any myriad of reasons. The question is: did people check or get enough social presence to get the word out to those communities?

That's because HRC is not the only RP hub. There are other hubs that appeal to different styles of RP.

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