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[Balmung] Taking a census

What is your main RP character's MAIN "profession"  

144 members have voted

  1. 1. What is your main RP character's MAIN "profession"

    • Adventurer/Explorer/Warrior/Mage/Gladiator/Fighter/Etc
    • Treasure Hunter
    • Medic/Healer/Chirurgeon
    • Scholar/Philosopher/Academic
    • Miner/Gatherer/Fisher/etc
    • Waiter/Waitress/Establishment Owner
    • Hunter/Bounty Hunter/Tribal Hunter etc
    • Beast/Monster/Voidsent/Primal/Anything Otherwordly
    • Royalty/Guard of Royalty/Knight/Etc
    • Crafter/Chef/Jewler/Blacksmith
    • Retainer/Assistant
    • Other - Please specify

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Bodyguard/bouncer/odd jobs. Winter avoids jobs where she'd have to kill someone, but she seeks out jobs where being muscular and present helps keep people safe.


She'll also hire herself out as a mover - help people carry and move big crates of supplies.

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I have two mains, tbh. I literally play them as equally as possible (play one for a day, play the next one the next day,etc). Both are scholars of their own particular fields.


Celica is my mage-type character who's particular field of study is ancient civilizations, particular the Allag. She's currently searching for pre-Allag ruins. She is from Old Sharlayan and her research is funded from there.


A'yana is also a scholar, but being a pugilist (and eventually a Samurai) she studies aether manipulation through martial applications (melee combat). She studies this for her own edification and is not sponsored or funded by external sources. She makes her funding through adventuring work which also simultaneously gives her more opportunities to study and experiment.


Both are published authors, though only Celica is published through a peer reviewed academic journal in Old Sharlayan. A'yana is largely self-published, though her manuals are gaining popularity among martial artists as a sort of beginner's guide.

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I think there's too many professions out there to take a decent census with, unfortunately. I was surprised to not see military/police entities on the list?


Main: Maelstrom [Limsa Lominsa (Coral Tower), Moraby Bay, the Mist, Vesper Bay]

Alt 1: Chef [the Markets of any city-state]

Alt 2: Pirate, Treasure Hunter, Explorer [Limsa Lominsa (Docks), Aleport]

Alt 3: Yellowjacket, Medic, Tinkerer [Limsa Lominsa (Coral Tower), Mist)

Alt 4: Trader, Grocer, retired revolutionary [Revenant's Toll, Ul'dah (Quicksand, Sapphire Ave)]

Alt 5: Maelstrom [Limsa Lominsa (Coral Tower, Docks), Moraby Bay, the Mist]

Alt 6: Brass Blade, former Sultansworn [ul'dah]

Alt 7: Adventurer, Retainer [ul'dah (Quicksand), Limsa (Wench), Gridania (Carline)]




Edited with locations for you~

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I was surprised to not see military/police entities on the list?


Same. Extension of that: private security. Not all guards are for royal personages. I'll also second the notable lack of "merchant" or any such generic umbrella terms, probably owing to too much of a focus of the poll on in-game classes.

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I think there's too many professions out there to take a decent census with, unfortunately. I was surprised to not see military/police entities on the list?


Main: Military (Maelstrom)

Alt 1: Chef

Alt 2: Pirate, Treasure Hunter, Explorer

Alt 3: Yellowjacket, Medic, Tinkerer

Alt 4: Trader, Grocer, retired revolutionary

Alt 5: Military (Maelstrom)

Alt 6: Brass Blade, former Sultansworn

Alt 7: Adventurer, Retainer


I was surprised to not see military/police entities on the list?


Same. Extension of that: private security. Not all guards are for royal personages. I'll also second the notable lack of "merchant" or any such generic umbrella terms, probably owing to too much of a focus of the poll on in-game classes.

I think I just need to put on the first post "sorry this got rushed cuz this thread got posted before the poll was supposed to >~>;"


If anything I should've added it to waiter/establishment owner/ etc..... As for guard, same case, should've added it to the royal one. Again this was rushed cuz it shouldn't have posted so soon while I was making the poll ~.~ It's besides the point anyways, no one's mentioning where their chars typically hang around anyways... I think people from other servers have been voting on this too lol.

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My character is a monk, but he makes his money by running a custom made to order leather and cloth goods shop called the Tiger Palace over in the Goblet 12, plot 26. Open every day with low prices and very flexible payment options. Repairs or new stuff, he'll do it all, but most people buy clothes. IC or OOCly I'll make them. *shamelessly advertises. Please visit*

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I voted for the first option because while that's not how Cain currently earns his living, it's what he aspires to. It might be a bit implausible if he was a full-fledged thaumaturge after approximately a year or two of training, so I imagine that he supports himself by doing odd-jobs until he/I can feel more comfortable with the idea of exploration, adventure and danger.


He usually hangs around in Ul'dah or Limsa Lominsa.

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I clicked other because I have two:


Tali'ra is a researcher

Aloyv is a singer/songwriter

They're both equally as commonly used?


Beginning to think no one's even reading the post lol

They are, I really don't prioritize one over the other cause they're just both satisfying to play as ;___; (also depends on my mood but I shift between the two pretty regularly)

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I clicked other because I have two:


Tali'ra is a researcher

Aloyv is a singer/songwriter

They're both equally as commonly used?


Beginning to think no one's even reading the post lol

They are, I really don't prioritize one over the other cause they're just both satisfying to play as ;___; (also depends on my mood but I shift between the two pretty regularly)

Fair enough lol. I wish I could feel that way about another char x.x

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Picked Other, since my main is both Mage and Academic, equally focusing on both for his hobby/career.


Not that Otte is literally, always, my main, since my focus changes between my multiple characters.

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My main is Y'shenn Baelat. He's by umbrella definition, a merchant. More specifically, he is a 'merchant lord' because he has a finger in many, many different pies. It's what I roleplay as on him every single day, extending his network and increasing business flow and hiring people to do jobs for him, where-ever necessary.


My one and only other alt I have on Balmung is K'ghuya Tia, and he is right now a bartender at the Wayfarers. Before that, he was a wandering minstrel and did the odd jobs here and there to just get by and play his music. In order words, more of an adventurer. :P

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World's oldest, and one of Balmung's most popular professions not listed here~


My main is a courtesan (which truly should be on this list for how many there are in our community above some of these other things), but I have a secondary main that is a sort of traditional hunter gatherer. I think I have played a lot of these though, as I like a wide variety of options open to me!

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