Desu Nee Posted June 8, 2017 Share #1 Posted June 8, 2017 tragicdeatheveryonecriesfantasianamechangeintocuteaura Kinda tired of all the doom and gloom, so let me go on those normies fun discussion topics; how would you retire your main character? A lot of them seem to retire by lol die, which a lot of times I think it's kind of unfair and expected? Honestly, if I would retire Quki, before the whole Fantasia/Name Change, I would definetly just make that she's tired of an active life, and decides to settle down on some residential district and make a simple living; that way I could move forward, but if anyone ever wanted to talk to her, I could always rp her as long as not in-game. Link to comment
Blythe Posted June 8, 2017 Share #2 Posted June 8, 2017 Mine would be the same as yours if I were to retire my character any time soon. (I don't but hey, sometimes good to plan ahead.) Considering I have talked to my RP partner about it, our characters would probably settle down, have a couple kids, and live life contently for the rest of their days. My character usually thinks before she acts and doesn't get into anything too stupid (unless she's drunk lol) and would make the most sense. Now my one alt, I would retire her in a flame of glory since she's definitely more war-orientated. Haha. Link to comment
Unnamed Mercenary Posted June 8, 2017 Share #3 Posted June 8, 2017 If I was going to retire Franz for good, I'd have to first determine how I wanted to end his story. I have a few possible scenarios that I'm working towards. 1) Franz lives out his life in Eorzea. Alone. ((He's been doing this one pretty well lately!)) 2) Franz actually gives up on trying to get back to his family. Maybe he becomes aware they've moved on. Or maybe he learns that they've perished. Now without the single factor that's been driving his motivations, he comes to accept that his life is going to stay in Eorzea and makes the best of it. 3) Franz somehow makes it back into Garlemald only to discover his family is dead. Thinking there's nothing left to live for, the broken man decides to end his life. 4) Franz is reunited with his family. Perhaps it's because his wife's been spying around Eorzea trying to find him ]currently to no avail]. Or maybe the MSQ progresses to a point where the war is over and the Garlean Empire goes back to just being Garlemald and everything's cool now because it was really just an Ascian plot to destroy the world and they've moved past their issues! (Watch as this is exactly what it is. I'll look for this thread again just to point it out that I called it.) Franz picks a country to settle down in and his story ends with him happy and alive. Link to comment
Desu Nee Posted June 8, 2017 Author Share #4 Posted June 8, 2017 If I was going to retire Franz for good, I'd have to first determine how I wanted to end his story. I have a few possible scenarios that I'm working towards. 1) Franz lives out his life in Eorzea. Alone. ((He's been doing this one pretty well lately!)) 2) Franz actually gives up on trying to get back to his family. Maybe he becomes aware they've moved on. Or maybe he learns that they've perished. Now without the single factor that's been driving his motivations, he comes to accept that his life is going to stay in Eorzea and makes the best of it. 3) Franz somehow makes it back into Garlemald only to discover his family is dead. Thinking there's nothing left to live for, the broken man decides to end his life. 4) Franz is reunited with his family. Perhaps it's because his wife's been spying around Eorzea trying to find him ]currently to no avail]. Or maybe the MSQ progresses to a point where the war is over and the Garlean Empire goes back to just being Garlemald and everything's cool now because it was really just an Ascian plot to destroy the world and they've moved past their issues! (Watch as this is exactly what it is. I'll look for this thread again just to point it out that I called it.) Franz picks a country to settle down in and his story ends with him happy and alive. 3/4 Good endings. Yay Link to comment
Kilieit Posted June 8, 2017 Share #5 Posted June 8, 2017 Good ending: Aghurlal adventures 'til he's in his 30's at which point he loses his leg, settles down, and has a kid. He continues to work behind the scenes at the Tavern, dispenses wisdom to younger Rogues, and continues to moonlight as a dark avenger when the situation calls for it. So essentially I could still wheel him out for special events, but he'd spend most of his time at home with his baby. Bad ending: Aghurlal is forced to return to Othard - likely kidnapped by his brother - to deal with some family matters he thought he had already handled. It is the most difficult thing he has ever done, and he loses his leg in the process. If he was to survive, he would be severely disillusioned as a result of the experience, and would be unlikely to return to his current lifestyle - or his current associates - again. Most likely, he would flee to Meracydia or the New World, and spend the rest of his life mourning the brief time he had enjoyed in Eorzea before the place became unsafe for him. True ending: Aghurlal continues to work, but he becomes more and more involved with higher and higher-ranked jobs in the Rogues' Guild until all of his time and energy are taken up by things he cannot speak to other player-characters about. He loses his leg at some point and is forced to retire abruptly, but his waking hours are still spent consulting with younger Rogues instead of as leisure time. ...look, okay. I have this really clear mental image of 40-50+ year old Aghurlal and he is always missing a leg. I don't know why either. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Link to comment
Ellmida Posted June 8, 2017 Share #6 Posted June 8, 2017 Lol. It is way to early for me to think about that with this character. I will tell you how I retired previous characters, surprisingly I've only actually killed off two and these were in situations where it was too hard to work with the character or I couldn't get them off the ground. My draenei priestess back in wow just resolved the issues she had that generated conflict and she disappeared into the background. My supernatural detective has settled down for now with his girlfriend and a dog and has become more or less a background NPC for others. I had a stormwind guard turned worgen who eventually retired to a quiet life with his daughter. I don't see retiring a character as having to wipe them of any chance to continue to exist, they're just no longer part of the main story, their interesting life has been settled into something more routine Link to comment
Eses Fafa Posted June 8, 2017 Share #7 Posted June 8, 2017 This is HIGHLY dependent on what happens to this one socially. 1: Following the defeat of Garlemald, Eses fulfills her vow of seeing the war's end to its fruition. She retires from the heroic scene, having completed her goal and moves in with her spouse, living her life in peace. (Married ending) 2: Following the death/disappearance of her beloved, Eses' focus is diverted solely towards the Garlean forces, sparing no expense on acts of wanton violence. During a group attack on a Garlean outpost, the party's escape is permitted by this single miqo'te remaining behind, believing the rest of the party can do more good for the world than she can at this point. She asks that she be remembered for her deeds for her fellow man, and not for her acts of slaughter following the war's end before meeting her end alone. (Heartbroke ending) 3: Eses..has an apprentice! For several years, her cousin Patime has been following her doggedly after her emergence into society, intent on taking on her role as a Dragoon and a hero of Eorzea. Eses passed young Patime to training with her own master, Javelin. The spear, the stone and the symbolic goggles passed down from each generation has been handed over, giving rise to a new hero for a new era! (Reset ending!) 4: The Fafa family is a large one, and possesses a lot of connections, allowing them to get back in contact with their nomadic kin relatively easy. The most important thing to each of these rambunctious gypsies is family. Eses breaks off from the fighting to return to her home caravan, moving in to take care of her mother, sister, 2 brothers, 4 nephews and 4 nieces. She's got a longer road ahead of her than she thinks... (The neutral 'I can't be bothered to play anymore' ending) Link to comment
Virella Posted June 8, 2017 Share #8 Posted June 8, 2017 Seeming I'm a sadistic person to my characters... 1) If the MSQ ends up being extremely dumb, somehow, I will have Ave die in childbirth. But that's only if the MSQ goes super terribly silly. 2) Committing suicide would still be an option, despite having a newborn (soon) but unlikely at this point. Avelyn has this twisted thing in her mind in that order to have the Fist of Rhalgr to be reborn, that the older generation needs to die out. To be reborn from the ashes and all that poetic nonsense. My original plan was to have her commit suicide in a ruined temple, but having another baby is making her second guess this. And Adun is amazing at guilt tripping her over this. Thankfully. You don't know how happy I am with her getting knocked up rofl, else it would have been byebye at Baelsar's Wall already. 3) Simply being murdered by Garleans. 4) If Stormblood allows it, she might be finally convinced to rebuild the Fist of Rhalgr and live her life out in a temple with her family. I'd be sad that I have to stop roleplaying her, but as much as a not-so-happy ending was planned for her, if it makes sense, I'm okay with it. Link to comment
Papajimboh Posted June 8, 2017 Share #9 Posted June 8, 2017 Raynar would likely just slip quietly away to a secluded hut in the middle of nowhere, only really telling his plans to those closest to him. He'd probably end up gardening, raising some chocobos and have a pet phurble named Fizzgig. He'd likely turn into the friendly old man who aids adventurers who come upon his little stead by offering them food and a soft bed for the night. He might even have a quest for them. But not one of those chains that makes you repeatedly run back and forth across an entire zone. You'll get it all done in one trip. And he won't make you run through herds of toads to get there. Link to comment
Kismet Posted June 8, 2017 Share #10 Posted June 8, 2017 I've already done this with one of my characters. Basically, the person RPing their wife and I decided to re-roll into new concepts after we felt we couldn't develop the characters any further (or rather, we didn't feel inspired to). They were both adventuring sorts and my character in particular saved up a bunch of money via working as an alchemist. So they sold their house, used the money to build/purchase an airship, and now they're traveling the world off-screen. We figured it was a nice, non-dramatic way to gently push our characters onto a retirement bus. Link to comment
Papajimboh Posted June 8, 2017 Share #11 Posted June 8, 2017 I've already done this with one of my characters. Basically, the person RPing their wife and I decided to re-roll into new concepts after we felt we couldn't develop the characters any further (or rather, we didn't feel inspired to). They were both adventuring sorts and my character in particular saved up a bunch of money via working as an alchemist. So they sold their house, used the money to build/purchase an airship, and now they're traveling the world off-screen. We figured it was a nice, non-dramatic way to gently push our characters onto a retirement bus. I like that, since it's basically how I played Final Fantasy 7 haha. After getting to disc 3, I would have a separate save slot where that's all I did was fly around trying to complete the game 100% and raise/race chocobos and whatnot. I'd make up my own missions and try to complete them just so the game didn't have to end. Link to comment
Firefly Posted June 8, 2017 Share #12 Posted June 8, 2017 Vilette's the kind of character who I feel deserves a peaceful retirement; especially in the context of Final Fantasy 14. She's already been through so much -- watched the moon fall from the sky, lived through an apocalypse, had her dreams shattered one by one, experienced the horrors of war before adulthood -- and only now, as an adult, and free of her frozen wasteland of a home, things are finally turning on the up and up for her. The character is defined by how hard she works and struggles to find herself, and because of that, I think the most satisfying conclusion for her arcs is to ultimately achieve that. Were the setting/story-I-wished-to-tell more grim and nihilist; sure, I'd kill her off to prove a point -- but as it stands, in the magical world of Hydaelyn, Vilette deserves to end her story as a scarred, yet ultimately wisened woman; living quietly with the man of her dreams, running a fencing guild on work days, and tending to her orchard on her off days. 1 Link to comment
ArmachiA Posted June 8, 2017 Share #13 Posted June 8, 2017 I'd probably just let Armi go live a normal life. She can be in the background somewhere being married and having babies and cooking pies or whatever. Her husband becomes a full-time fisherman and she writes songs in her off-time. Link to comment
cuideag Posted June 8, 2017 Share #14 Posted June 8, 2017 1. Death. It's not really unfair or unexpected in her case - Delial's done enough to earn it. Just a matter of finding out who pulls the trigger when the time comes. 2. Retirement. Somebody owes her a bungalow out in Costa del Sol. 3. Obscurity. When the dust finally, finally settles for realsies, she'll just vanish, heck to the realm. Maybe there will be talk of a strange witch living in some nondescript somewhere in the woods anywhere (as every proper wood has one or several of those) and that would just be the best thing in her mind. 4. Redemption. She steps back into her old name and joins the fight against Garlemald for realsies and vows to repay what damage she had wrought against her house and nation, and vanishes into the realm of NPC-dom. Link to comment
Tyndles Posted June 8, 2017 Share #15 Posted June 8, 2017 My main character died at the hand of Ifrit. Or may we got tempered, idk, I don't really think beyond the "no longer playing him" phase. The character I'm working to start in Stormblood would probably get himself killed trying to get his hands on some sort of forbidden knowledge. Link to comment
Momo Posted June 8, 2017 Share #16 Posted June 8, 2017 My main being a courtesan, he may retire from that as a job sooner or later, but that won't end his adventures in the least. To retire from using him as a main? Hmmmm, he would probably take the lover of his who is most doting and has vowed to wait for him to settle down into a tribal life in a distant land. It is a pleasant thought to think of him with crinkles around his eyes, sing as he does laundry or cooking after his hard life. Link to comment
Erah'sae Posted June 8, 2017 Share #17 Posted June 8, 2017 Honestly I'd just fade him into the background. Probably save up enough money to buy somewhere to live. There will probably be an old cottage somewhere in Gridania. His old, disgruntled, draught chocobo freely living on the premises terrorizing the neighbors. Erah'sae siting on the porch carving a block of wood into a part for some kids toy. Link to comment
Araatan Posted June 8, 2017 Share #18 Posted June 8, 2017 Happy ending: Distant some how gets past her issues, let's go of her burning hatred of the Garleans, gets married, and goes back to her Ancestral Home in the Reach. Link to comment
Tripfriend Posted June 8, 2017 Share #19 Posted June 8, 2017 Death is the only foreseeable thing I can see. Adventuring is dangerous, Ojou is far too committed in followings the footsteps of the WoL to stop. Link to comment
Nebbs Posted June 9, 2017 Share #20 Posted June 9, 2017 When doing the creation of a character, early on I generally write some future scenes like when they are really old reading stories of adventure to there great great grandchildren or something. This is not set in stone but it helps me with direction to some degree, and lets me also get in touch more with those descendants. Link to comment
Caspar Posted June 9, 2017 Share #21 Posted June 9, 2017 Of the characters I've made, very few RP campaigns actually got far enough for me to give them a true end. But the ones I had envisioned out usually involved dying horribly, going mad, or giving up a failure and falling into obscurity. I won't make any promises, but the odds aren't exactly in her favor. Link to comment
Desu Nee Posted June 9, 2017 Author Share #22 Posted June 9, 2017 Of the characters I've made, very few RP campaigns actually got far enough for me to give them a true end. But the ones I had envisioned out usually involved dying horribly, going mad, or giving up a failure and falling into obscurity. I won't make any promises, but the odds aren't exactly in her favor. If you give Virara nothing less than a mug of cocoa and a lifetime on Costa Del Sol for an ending, I will personally raise her from the dead using my own body to give her a second chance. Link to comment
Caspar Posted June 9, 2017 Share #23 Posted June 9, 2017 Of the characters I've made, very few RP campaigns actually got far enough for me to give them a true end. But the ones I had envisioned out usually involved dying horribly, going mad, or giving up a failure and falling into obscurity. I won't make any promises, but the odds aren't exactly in her favor. If you give Virara nothing less than a mug of cocoa and a lifetime on Costa Del Sol for an ending, I will personally raise her from the dead using my own body to give her a second chance. I never said I'd be merciful enough to kill her. Link to comment
Michaux Posted June 9, 2017 Share #24 Posted June 9, 2017 I have retired various alts from time to time, but I've never killed any of them off (so far). I just let them continue their lives, and sometimes I even bring them back as NPCs for various story arcs. As for Solenne, it has already been decided that she will die when she's past her prime, but not yet infirm. She and her husband will go out in a blaze of glory doing something extremely heroic. But since I certainly won't be RPing her for that many years, if I ever fantasia her into another character, I'll just assume that Sol is still out there somewhere kicking ass and being her ice queen self. I don't really see that happening, though. I'll probably be playing Sol for as long as I play this game. Same with Michaux. I'm way too attached to both of them. 1 Link to comment
Judielle Farendaire Posted June 9, 2017 Share #25 Posted June 9, 2017 Of my two characters, Aronaux's the one I'd be more likely to retire. As someone who's become a Peer in the House of Lords, he's for the most part moved on from his previous life as a knight of House Fortemps, and if I ever wanted to fantasia him to make a new character I could just as easily play him as an NPC. Judielle's fate would depend on what happens in Stormblood, but I can see a few possibilities for her: she can be killed off at some point during 4.0's storyline just trying to fly too close to the sun, or either she can find love in Kugane and settle down there far away from Ishgard or return home and settle into a quiet life continuing her priesthood. Link to comment
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