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Oh snap! This is a thing! I have legitimately no talent (and no desire to learn) when it comes to art, but I'd love to see some "fan" art of my character. (I put fan in quotes because my character doesn't exactly have fans.)


Here is a whole imgur album of references! http://imgur.com/a/csAYW


Name: Rhu'to Brom


Race: Miqo'te


Subspecies: Keeper of the Moon


Class: Lancer (though he is ICly retired from most forms of combat)


Age: Hyur equivalent of 28 years (Miqo'te years are iffy...)


Height: On the taller side for Miqo'te, putting him at about... 5'6"?


Weight/Build: He's pretty damned thin - not sickly thin - but more like often-forgets-to-eat-meals thin. His muscles are also pretty toned as well, he keeps himself pretty fit due to his line of work.


Hair: Navy blue, medium-length, extending to 3/4 of the way down his neck and is naturally slicked back into a spike pattern in the back. He has a neatly trimmed beard- really the only thing on him that it appears he puts any effort into at all.


Eyes: Bright vibrant amber.


Personality: Extremely Intelligent, but often gruff, brooding, or generally melancholy. Brom is always looking to solve a puzzle, even when there's no puzzle to solve. He surrounds himself with mysteries and gets bored with them the moment they're no longer mysterious. Because he is so focused on his work, he's convinced himself that he has no time, or there is no point, in being polite to people - so he simply doesn't, unless it serves his own agenda. He is often too wrapped up in his own work to pay any attention to the people around him, though when he does, he can't keep himself from analyzing them. He is notoriously difficult to please. He hasn't been 'happy' in years.


Hobbies: Because he constantly keeps his brain at work, in his time off, Brom has learned a multitude of instruments and a fair amount of languages, as well as various other random un-useful talents; for example, he can balance any two objects on one another just from a moment's inspection.

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Name: Artorias Rivendare


Race: Hyur (Garlean Empire origin)


Class: Lancer/Dragoon


Age: 28


Height: 6'1


Weight/Build: Artorias has a medium but defined build due to his years of soldiering for the Empire.


Hair: He carries a mane of shoulder length platinum blonde hair with the bangs reaching down to his cheeks.  A few rogue strands tend to curl along his jawline.


Eyes: Deep sea green.


Personality: During his time with the Empire, Artorias often kept a serious and professional air around him.  He rarely allowed circumstances to control his actions and instead did what needed to be done to accomplish his tasks.  After leaving the Empire the Lancer took on more of a quiet and reserved demeanor often keeping to himself for fear of being discovered for his previous affiliations.  At times though he has shown a fiery attitude in response to the teasing he receives from his work partner, especially when he gets into an argument with her.



When it comes to combat, Artorias does retain his seriousness and professionalism and tends to take the lead if situation calls for it.  More often than not however, he is happy to keep the silent soldier facade and just destroy whatever targets come his way.



Pic reference:  Considering the fact that this game doesn't have the hairstyle I desire for male Hyur, the closest thing I can think of is Kain Highwind from Final Fantasy IV and Dissidia.







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Dustyn Callite


Race: Miqo'te: Seeker of the Sun


Gender: Female


Occupation: Long Bow Archer


Height: Short for a Miqo'te


Body: On the small side, runt of the family. Lithe figure,built for moving quickly rather than for strength (If that makes sense. Think Cheetah, but with a little more meat on her bones)


Hair: Black with red high lights. Goes just below hershoulders but always pulled back either into a lose braid or messy bun (subject to change)


Eyes: Bright Green


Skin: A light Pale (Think Irish)


Scars: A vertical one across her right eye, Diagonal one onher left cheek, and a large scar above her left hip from a Garlean gunblade … thingy  


Clothing: Usually darker colors, blue, red, or green. Clotheslose enough to be able to move easily and quickly but tight enough wouldn't get caught on things. she has a small ring she keeps on a chain around her neck. 


Random tidbits: Loves to read, grew up in Sharlayan, eventually moved to La Noscea, makes arrows, likes to swim, loves climbing to the very top of trees.






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I don't have a very clear image in my head of my character yet so if anyone decides to brink him to life in a picture, i'd be glad to see how they see him.


Name: Kaed Farsight

Race: Hyur Midlander

Primary class(s): Summoner(Arcanist)




Hair: Mid length, straight but messy. Light reddish blonde in color.

Eyes: Dark amber/brown color.

Face: Thin but generally cute albeit a bit feminine.

Height: 5 fulms 11 ilms.

Weight: Around 140 ponz.

Build: Thin, not very muscled but still looks healthy.

Skin: Clean and smooth for the most part, just a bit pale.

Scars: There is evidence of some long healed burns that can be seen along his right arm and right side but they are hard to see. There are a couple scars on his chest and back from battle but not enough to identify him as someone who's seen a lot of combat.

Clothing: Prefers loose fitting and comfortable clothing; generally wears wait length or longer jackets or robes. Color wise, he likes shades of white to dark grey but can also be seen in shades of red, orange and brown with the occasional black.

Demeanor: Normally rather upbeat and cheerful. He tends to greet people with a smile and a wave.


I hope if this catches any artists eye, that they can get as much enjoyment out of drawing him as i would of seeing the picture.

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Tyriont Gaidal







Standard outfit





Height Ty is average height for a male Elezen.


Build Ty is lean, but fairly muscled. The type of physique you would expect from someone who spends a decent amount of time at sea.


Skin Weathered and tanned, again from a life at sea.


Scars As seen in the close-up pic, one diagonal scar below his left eye. When shirtless, numerous scars across his back and waist that resemble lash marks.


Clothing See picture. Loose fitting, prefers red shirts.


Expressions Flirtatious/seductive. Confident. Alternately, panicked and running away from something.

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I suppose I should finally get around to filling one of these out...




Name: Beatric Reid

Race: Roegadyn, Sea Wolves

Primary class(s): Summoner, Bard, Scholar.


Hair: Short, scruffy and unkempt. It's grey and a couple of shapes darker than their skin, but not too much. She also has a patch of white at her bangs.

Eyes: Bright turquoise.

Notable Features: A large scarification piece on her face that almost covers it completely. Also usually sporting a smudge of ash in the middle of her forehead and possibly a septum clicker.

Clothing: Typically robes, anything loose fitting or items that would just make sense at the time. She's not picky, but just practical.

Expressions: Concentrating, smug, 1,000 yard stare.


Some Arts:



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Name: Mara Sutton

Race: Hyur Midlander

Age: 22

Date of Birth: 32nd Sun of the 5th Umbral moon (10/31 - Halloween)

Guardian Deity: Rhalgr, the Destroyer

Profession: Pirate; Captain of The Bonny Rose; Treasure Hunter; Head of the Sutton Trading Company in Ul'dah

In-Game Classes: Thaumaturge, Black Mage... Possibly Summoner later on down the line. Goldsmith.

Skin: Fair

Scars: Mara sports no noticeably visible scars, and carefully hides those she does have - circular markings around both of her wrists and ankles - from public view. She achieves this either by use of long sleeves and skirts/trousers or by wearing wristbands, bracelets, gloves, shoes, or whatever sort of other accessories she can get her hands on to cover the markings in order to avoid questions about their origins.

Hair: Dark brown, falling just below her shoulders, with a slight natural wave to it.

Eyes: Green

Build: Mara stands a little below-average for a Hyur Midlander female, coming in around 5'3", and weighs in at approximately 120 lbs. While rather petite, she has what many call an "hourglass figure." While not very muscular she has a sort of lean, graceful physique which has matured greatly in recent years from the body of a girl to one of a woman.

Demeanor: Seductive, flirty... Generally smirking and jovial, but occasionally one can catch a glimpse of her looking like she's in a very dark place in her mind.

Clothing Style: When not wearing the typical robes of a mage, Mara is usually seen out and about town - especially at night - in skimpier outfits which show off her figure. She is certainly not above using her "assets" to get what she wants from men.

Possible Depictions: Wearing a pirate hat with while holding a ball of fire in one hand and smirking; winking while leaning over a table to gather her winnings from a game of cards; bent at the waist, flashing her cleavage while blowing a kiss; in a heated verbal argument with Zarek... or locked in a passionate embrace with him, depending on the day


Reference Pictures:


Mara's Profile




Mara close-up




Mara's favorite mage robes




Mara's "on the town" (casual) outfit




With Zarek (if anyone wants to draw them together... for size comparison) - Outfit same as in above picture.




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As requested by Abai...


Name: Thaseus Voltemand

Race: Hyur Highlander

Gender: Male

Age: 27

Profession: Gambler/Odd-Job Taker



Height: 6'5"

Weight: 255lbs

Body: Muscled, but not ripped/built. Good muscle definition and tone.

Hair: Dull black fading to a dark grey at the tips. Very shaggy and unkept; though it doesn't go down past his collar. He also has a scruffy, full beard; though it's kept close to the skin.

Eyes: Vibrant Teal

Skin: Very tanned

Other stuff: He has a small scar on his right cheek. A large, dark green tattoo on the right side.

Clothing: Workman's leathers; well worn but not tattered. Leather gloves that are fingerless, but were clearly not that way to begin with. Thick leather traveler's/soldier's boots. Belt with several pouches.


Basically, here's a picture.



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Nahue Tanner


Height: 5 fulms 8 ilms.

Weight: ~145 ponz.

Body: Slender yet toned.

Hair: Silver with platinum highlights. Scruffy.

Eyes: Silver.

Skin: Light Chocolate

Scars/Markings: Where his right arm used to be is now a stump. There is a large scar on his upper arm where it was severed. In public, he uses a prosthetic, wearing his overcoat and a glove to hide the injury.

Clothes: Standard clothes for a mechanic. Usually just overalls, a pair of work boots, gloves, and goggles.

Demeanor: Nahue is a warm and friendly individual when with someone he knows. When he is around strangers or large groups of people he is very shy, rigid and introverted. He will keep to himself and stick to observing unless spoken to. He is a very curious person, often asking many questions and being nosy.





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Name: Erisande Marchand

Race/Clan: Elezen, wildwood

Class: White Mage


Hair: Golden brown shot through with golden blonde strands.

Eyes: Ice blue

Height: Extremely short for elezen

Figure: Short legs, longer torso, slightly curved hips, a little busty.

Clothing: Gowns/tunics/skirts. Would not be caught dead in pants right now. Simple or elaborate fabrics.


General personality: Doesn't have a lot of fun unless she's forced into it, focused on her duties to her house and family. Well bred, impeccable manners and politeness most of the time. Has a temper that erupts when she's pushed too far - usually by her sister. Loves her family dearly and wants to take care of them, even at the expense of her own happiness. Tries to stay away from men, she's overly susceptible to their charms.


Possible Expressions/Activities:

  • Enjoying the woods of Gridania
  • Deep blush and/or avoiding men
  • Irritated beyond belief at her sister (but she still loves her!)
  • Intent concentration on a craft (any!) or ledger
  • Fledgling healing spell
  • Healing a small animal


Note: Although the eyes in the avatar might seem a little "harsh" I think of her as being a little softer, more empathetic. The other faces made her look too young than her 28 years, I thought.






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No one ever draws my characters. :( But should you get an itch to, here's the key data. :)


Name: L'yhta Mahre

Race/Clan: Miqo'te, Seeker of the Sun

Age: 22

Professions: Anything magical (Conjurer, Arcanist, Thaumaturge, etc.).


Hair: Dark violet with slightly lighter highlights; long but usually pulled back.

Eyes: Bright heliotrope, nearing iridescent. No glasses needed, though she might wear them from time to time just to look "brainy."

Skin: Dark and tanned. Has the "tiger stripe" markings on her cheeks.

Height: 5' 5" -- very tall for a miqo'te.

Tail: Long, tapering to a point

Figure: Thin, lanky, and hardly curvy at all, especially in the chest. Somewhat muscular, but in a wiry way from running and dancing -- certainly not bulky.

Clothing: Highly variable; she likes robes, but she's also lately taken to outfits that show a lot of skin (such as short skirts, camises, or bandeau tops). She never wears heavy armor, instead using her magic to provide protection. The heaviest armor she's known to wear is a breastplate.


Personality: Wired. :) Wears her emotions on her sleeve and is usually impulsive, effervescent, and nice (with little concept of personal space), but can be brutal in combat against the forces of Evil and Awful. Relatively naive about the actual world (bad guys wear black and monologue, good guys are always nice, power always wants to hear truth, etc.) Uses (abuses?) magic liberally and has a wildly inflated ego about her magical talents.


Possible expressions/activities: Bouncing off the walls (literally or figuratively); showing off her magical prowess (I have an idea in my mind of her standing with a wicked grin on her face, a ball of flames in one hand and an orb of ice in the other); completely ignoring any semblance of personal space people have; doing something incredibly stupid and arrogant, like taunting a dragon. In almost any circumstance, she's usually smiling or grinning with an altogether excessive enthusiasm.



Face shot.


Wider face shot.


Front reference.


Side reference.


Back reference.


Personality reference, after a fashion. :)


The above picture is more representative of the clothes she aims to wear (though as a spellcaster, she usually wears robes).




Additional character images can be found on OneDrive, in my L'yhta Mahre folder.

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Name: Chiane N'Ardenté

Race/Clan: Duskwright, Clan N'Ardenté

Age: 23

Professions: Archmage (with preference to Black), Monk


Hair: Dusky blue-green with red-purple highlights, long reaching to her mid back. Long, thick bangs kept neatly trimmed around her eyebrow level.

Eyes: mid-light green

Skin: Creamy Bluish-grey, bears an angular scar on her chin, and a smattering of fine linear scars along her forearm, knuckles, shins: faded with age to almost indiscernible.

Height: 72.2"


Figure: Shapely, toned, athletic

Clothing: Well-cut, stylish soft leathers and robes. Colors are often darker shades, so as to compliment her skin- and to help her blend in. She prefers deep burgundy rose, shades of purples and greens. Yellow makes her look like she's a corpse.


Personality: Quiet, watchful, focused, private. She's more liable to stand and listen, gather information and get a 'bead' on a situation and/or assembly before opening her mouth. She can be a bit snarky and blunt, especially if one is behaving in a condescending or rude manner or judging her based on her heritage- but if one shows her respect, she reciprocates. She has a dark sense of humor and is quite intelligent. When she's comfortable with a person/group, she tends to open up and be fairly friendly. She does, however, value Duskwright Blood over other blood and will bend over backwards to help her 'family'... unless they prove they are not worthy of/don't need/don't want her help. She is quite fair and holds personal honor in high regard.


Possible expressions/activities:

* Crystal cutter/gem crafter. She is presently exploring the use of crystals to store information and aether, experimenting on cuts and accuracy of focii

* Often taking things apart, making notes, then reassembling in the attempt to understand how 'things work'... and maybe make them better. This primarily goes for tech/magitek... she's a tactile learner... but would not be above assisting in an autopsy or helping build things. Is presently working on several different side projects...

* Fierce defender of those needing help... especially Duskwrights.

Her personal code is: Honor before Self; Clan/Family before Self; Blood before Self.

* Has been known to raid Garlean encampments for 'source material' and magitek bits.

* Often travels alone, but might also be seen with a few Duskwrights of ...questionable... behaviour. At least in the eyes of non-DW's... *grins*

* Smirks/grins often, as if the world amuses her- though her eyes often denote soberity.


***Note: Old Pictures, primarily regarding hairstyle***


















Name: T'kyiah Soren

Race/Clan: Miqo'te, Seeker of the Sun

Age: 22

Professions: Lancer... heading for Dragoon, minor healing


Hair: Warm golden-red/brown with lighter amber highlights

Eyes: Heterochromia: R eye a warm whiskey color, L eye slightly darker/richer golden brown

Skin: tanned.

Height: 4'8 or so- she's a short little thing!

Tail: Fluffy

Figure: Slender, muscular/toned with a nice figure.

Clothing: Light, warm colors with a tribal flair (metal bracelets, anklets, hair ornamentation, necklaces/earrings; beads, stones). Loose clothing where possible, leathers when needed. She values free movement overall. Prefers sandals- or simply barefoot (esp when fighting). During battle or training... she naturally forgoes the "decoration."


Personality: Independent, strong, clever, caring, thoughtful, mischievous, flirty, loyal, protective. She is very proud of who she is and where she comes from, but is very driven toward achieving her goals. I hear Queen Elizabeth I's voice when I think of her "I am my FATHER'S Daughter!" She is not a meek and submissive SS female- she is comfortable in her own skin.


Possible expressions/activities: She is often smiling or teasing, or jumping ahead to 'prove' she's not fragile. She's not afraid to scrap- but will use her mind before her fists or lance. She's usually out adventuring- trying to uncover the meaning behind her dreams and the compunction she had to leave her tribe... and what the future holds for her. She enjoys flirting with males, but is not promiscuous- she just does it for the fun of it and to (sometimes) get what she wants. But it is done in a teasing/mischievous/lighthearted way- not a hurtful one.

She is also an alchemist with minor healing skills/knowledge (tribal medicine- but is seeking to learn of the more urban types too)






And... her twin brother for good measure :P



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I've always wanted my character to be illustrated! I wish I had any artistic talent myself. I have so many ideas for my character. 


Sounsyy Mirke


Race: Miqo'te Seeker of the Sun

Gender: Female

Age: 26 (31 if you count the 5 years in the void)

Height: 5 fulms even

Weight: 130 ponz

Profession: Gladiator, Maelstrom Captain

Preferred Weapons: Sounsyy excels with both spear and short sword. But her weapon of choice is the Falchion. When using a Falchion she tends to carry a Scutum -type shield in her offhand.



Physical Appearance: (Face, Hair, Eyes, Skin Tone)




Hair Notes: The color and style of the hair in the pic is good, but it's a little longer in the back. Not flat like the character creator. Something more like this. So brushed back on top like the screenshot, just longer in the back pulled into a short tuft of a ponytail. Sounsyy spends very little time on her appearance, so her hair is usually messy.

Markings: She has three racial birthmarks on each cheek. On her left cheek is a small scar that runs horizontally through the middle birthmark. It's barely notice-able. 

Body: She's stockier than most miqo'te. She has slightly wider shoulders, stronger arms, and thick, muscular thighs. She isn't grossly larger than other miqo'te, just thicker. She remains very well proportioned for being only 5 fulms tall. She has small-ish breasts and light tan skin. 

Clothing: From her time on the Bloodsands, Sounsyy has grown accustomed to wearing a combination of leathers and plate mail. Sabatons, Gauntlets, and a plain breastplate overtop of an alpine war jacket and tights. 


If any artists wanted to have a little armor challenge, I've got some chest piece ideas. It's actually not too complicated.


So my armor concept is to basically take an alpine war jacket, take off the shoulder pieces, and put on just the breastplate/shoulderguard part of the new Lv30 Benchmark PLD Gear (Cavalry Cuirass) over top of it.




The gauntlets would be the ones from the Lv30 Benchmark Cavalry Cuirass set as well. But the sabatons would be in the style of the bronze sabatons set. The tights would just be skin tight... tights. Nothing fancy. 


Now for the color scheme, just make all leather parts black to match the alpine jacket and all metal armor parts cobalt colored. For the alpine jacket itself, the color of the neck piece can stay blue.



Personality/Demeanor: Sounsyy outwardly appears quite fatigued almost all the time. Though there are rare moments when her eyes light up like they used to. She has an odd habit of biting her lower lip without even realizing she's doing it. To strangers, Sounsyy can be unnecessarily sharp-tongued, but to her friends you will never find a more loyal or giving heart. If you met Sounsyy in a social setting, you might think her introverted or closed-mouth, and you'd be mostly correct. But as a captain on the field of battle, she wields sword and shield and voice with irrefutable authority.

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I'd thought I'd give it a try and post a bit of a different request for those that have the free time.


I was wondering if anyone of our esteemed artists would like to give a go at drawing or conceptualizing a primary antagonist in my character backstory (link below).


Caernus nan Daegon a Garlean Inquisitor:



Physical description:


Ht :6 fulms 6 ilms

Wt: 230 ponz

Profession: Imperial Inquisitor

(Black & White mage)

Demeanor: Psychotic Schizo-megalomaniac



Daegon has a helm that contains three facemasks which rotate to fit one of his three personalities. Here are the descriptions of each face:


Jubilation the Ebon Maiden: Black metallic smiling female kabuki mask. The eyes are lidless and white (Personality: Seductress, Sadist) White flashing eyes



Sorrow the Frowning Fool: Frowning white kabuki mask with smeared eyeliner  from crying. Painted tears flowing down past a open wailing frown. Eyes pitch black



Malice the Finisher: Malice is depicted as a red and black demon-like kabuki mask with numerous slit teeth (think marlboro teeth like) Red flashing eyes that melts faces.



Ornate helm that has an opening in the front for a face as well as the rear. No ear slits but there are four distinct metal horns that begin to grow outward when Malice is summoned. Almost medusa-ish.



-White cowl with a white cloak and white feathered epaulets for the shoulders.


Armor is golden plated covering his entire body. Some red jeweled sections adorn the center torso and forearms. At the waist is a jeweled belt with a white drape-ish elaborate lengthy loin cloth (not sure if that's the correct fashion vocabulary) flows in the front and behind.


Important on the shape of his arms and lower legs:

Daegon has gone through so much Magitek experimentation / enhancement that his forearms are elongated more than normal very gangly looking as are his clawed fingers. His lower legs at the knees are fentlocked like a horse or almost saytr-like. Not really with hooves so to speak just beastman-like feet.


He has no weapons primarily because he's a caster but he does have 4 (two silver-two black) overly large and spiked vanguard automotons that have the same three faces as he does. They rotate simultaneously whenever his personality changes.


Again, just for giggles if you guys have the time, looking forward to what you come up with :bouncy:

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Name: Fearless Wynn

Race: Sea Wolves Roegadyn


Height: 7'5" ish

Weight: For a Roegadyn he is of above normal weight, it's mostly muscle though.

Body: Fearless has wide, broad shoulders, he has a well built body from the conditioning he has received from growing up doing chores around the family ranch, lifting heavy objects, mending broken items, and being a skilled axe-user but he isn't overly bulked up. His arms are think and muscular but they aren't huge like tree trunks.

Skin: A dark stony grey/green color, like a stone that has been covered with a graying moss. He's not Green green, and he's not grey like a stone... That being said. Fearless's skin is not hard or rough more like really soft leather.

Face: Fearless has red eyes but nobody ever really sees them because he wears goggles. No one can tell if his eyes are glaring angrily or shining with greed. A flat nose and a stern mouth make up the rest of his facial features. He also has the makings of a beard but he likes to keep it looking like it only came in a week ago.

Hair: Fearless's hair is wild and spiked in the front with a smoothed over normal short cut with long sideburns. Think the 10th Doctor, David Tennant. His hair is black with dark red highlights streaking through it.

Clothing: Fear is ninety percent of the time wearing goggles. The goggles have a leather strap that is attached to the outer-rim of the lens frame and wraps around the back of the head, the strap can be adjusted to be tighter or looser around the head, there is also leather padding around the frame to make it so that it is comfortable around the eyes. The frame is made out of steel painted black and the lenses are tinted black.

He prefers to wear shirts and jackets and dark colored pants. He is also comfortable in a vest. His style is almost that of a western rancher, wearing clothes that are comfortable, stylish, and suited for working long days under the sun.










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I'll just copy what's already on my wiki. If anyone needs more info, or actually feels like drawing this scumbag, send a PM.


Name: Flynn Rosenberg


Height: 5,11"


Weight: 12 stone, 168lbs


Eyecolour: Grayish/blueish


Hair: Unkempt, brown with blonde highlights


Style of Dress: Casual to light armour


Weapon of choice: Swords, axes, daggers, scimitars


Personality: Growing up in the rough neighborhood turned Flynn into a bit of a rebel. He is a laid-back person, blunt, kind but doesn't express it very well. He likes a good brawl and causes trouble for the local militia






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I figured I'd add my own voice to this thread. I've never had any artwork done of my characters, but my wiki is bare, and I'd like to see what you can do if you've the time. (I've no real confidence or skill in anything but coloring, either.) If you do create some art of Kevaraan, please send me a PM so I know you did something (I don't always watch the art threads.) I can't pay you (in real money or in gil, as of yet), so I figured this would be my best and only way of getting artwork.


Physical description: Tall for a Miqo'te; pale and gaunt, lean with a bit of muscle. He has long black hair, at least of shoulder length but possibly longer, depending on work, and long ears and tail. They may be tinged with red, but it's fine to leave them solid black. He has large eyes, a long nose, and wide, thin lips. His eyes are a pale yellow green or grey-green, kind of large, and may often look piercing or paranoid, depending on interpretation.


Important details: Besides the ears and hair, he has a rack of five rings in one eyebrow, and a lip ring on the opposite side of his mouth. (I don't care what sides you use, because I'm guilty of flipping them myself.) He has no facial hair whatsoever, and no warpaint, but the markings around his eyes are red. You can tell he's male, but he has an androgynous quality.


His demeanor is reserved and intellectual, although he can be paranoid or neurotic (which may be fun to draw.) You can draw him wearing almost anything, as long as it isn't skimpy, but he typically wears a leather jacket, or the robes below if in Ul'Dah. Lots of desaturated colors or grayscale reds/blacks. (He's not really "fun" or outgoing, wouldn't be caught dead in a swimsuit, and doesn't show his teeth when he smiles, unless he's bluffing or losing his temper.


Please see my wiki, linked in my signature, if you need a bit more information. I've created a reference shot myself, using the famous "Afghan Girl" image as a reference, which is passable for his facial proportions (especially the face shape and eyes. It's not good, but the lines took me forever--I filled the colors in quickly so you have an accurate palette to go by, even if it's not detailed.





As far as real people go, even though it's a bit cliche he does have some resemblance to Steve Jobs in his youth, when considering facial features. You could also say he has English or especially Scandinavian features, if going by realism.







Thanks for reading, and I'd be honored if you were to consider my character for artwork.

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Figured I'd throw my hat in here as well in case I want to have art done (or if someone wants to do some pro bono for me).


Name: Ashren Snow

Race: Hyur

Clan: Midlander

Hairstyle: Shaggy, unkempt, white

Complexion: Incredibly pale, albino

Eyes: Steely gaze, partially blind in right eye, left eye is a light pink color (albino)

Distinguishing features: Legacy mark between his shoulder blades, 90% of his body is covered in scars of varying sizes and shapes, prominent scar on his lip, over his right eye, and across the bridge of his nose, tattoo of Nald'thal's symbol on his right wrist

Physique: Muscular, tall

Clothing: Most likely dressed in the Hyur racial clothing, or the level 50 Alchemist outfit with garlond goggles


A more detailed description of him as well as a closeup of his face can be found in his wiki article in my signature. I based his appearance somewhat on Setzer Gabbiani, so any artwork of him could be used as a reference as well.





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Here is for Kari Illderthane.



Hair colour: Purple with Blue highlights

Hair Length: Half way down her back

Eye colour: Purple


Build: Petite

Height: 6 fm, 4 lm

Weight: 98 ponz

Complexion: Light Grey/White

Scars: One going diagonal at her lower back on the left side. 



  • Polite

  • Deceiving

  • Slightly aggressive at times if provoke

  • Secretive


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Character Reference Details:


Name: Felix Sideris


Age: 25 Years Old


Race: Hyur Midlander


Gender: Male


Citizenship: Gridania


Occupation: Ranger/Wanderer, Archer/Aspiring Bard


Body: Very Athletic. Toned, not bulky.


Height: ~5'10''


Weight: ~162 Pz.


Hair: Dark Chestnut Brown, almost black. Natural look with a slight curl.


Eyes: Sea Green


Skin: Tanned, smoother skin. His hands and forearms have been calloused and hardened life in the outdoors and his pursuits in archery.


Clothing/Equipment: Felix wears your typical ranger's attire. Hooded cloak, light-weight carrying equipment and his bow and quiver. He always carries a pan-pipe with him. His gear is mostly made of various leathers, all of which are dark woodland colors.


Marks: None visible with clothes on. Birthmark on his left shoulder the size of a quarter.


Personality/Disposition: Very friendly and outgoing, he loves meeting new people and making friend. Can often be found playing his pan-pipe for folk in various taverns. Sometimes can be caught with a sad look in his eyes.


Reference Pictures:











I would love to have my character drawn, if you have any further questions please ask.


Also, if you would like to draw Felix then go right ahead, just send a PM my way so I can see the finished work!

Lots of love to all of our artists in the community. You guys rock. :moogle:

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Thought I'd throw mine into the mix incase anyone felt like drawing my greedy lil' gil hound. He looks exactly as he does in game with maybe a few more cuts along his upper body, glancing blows from a lance maybe.


Name: Chance Vinders


Race: Highlander Hyur


Age: 27


Height: 6'5"


Weight: 240 lbs


Profession: Freelancer


Demeanor: Chance's default expression is a laid back smile, though he can often be seen trying to fiercely argue down prices on certain items in the shop, one of the few things that can break his sense of tranquility.


Personality: Chance is relaxed until gil gets involved in which case his mind becomes either as narrow as an arrow (Trying to obtain), as stubborn as a bull (penny pinching), or as furious as a volcano's top (Losing gil), either way gil is the key factor that shifts his mood. He is what most people call a 'gentle giant' at heart however, and treats others with the same respect he expects to receive in return.


Clothes: It all depends on the job or activity, as Chance is a busybody, you are likely to see him change looks on the regular. It isn't uncommon to see him in the hyur racial gear, or in some form of a long-coat with lots of internal pockets.




















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Murlona. Roegadyn Sea Wolf. Very, very tall. Scholar, gourmet cook, taxidermist. She likes to wear pretty accessories in her hair. Mostly mage garb.


If anyone would be interested in working with Murlona, I would be really honoured. I know I'm not on the majority servers so I can't offer much ingame in trade.


Murlona Wiki.







It's hard to see, I apologize, but the top part of her wig is made of purple feathers, the braids are black synthetic hair with gold leaf charms. Her skin is grey, her eyes are light purple. She is a blank SOOM Galena.


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[align=center]The Basics[/align]



RACE ~ Seeker of the Sun, Miqo'te.


GENDER ~ Male.


SKIN TONE ~ Relatively Tanned.


BUILD ~ Slender, slightly toned.


HEIGHT ~ Extremely short for a Miqo'te, ranging in at 5'2. (158cm)


HAIR COLOUR ~ Darkest Blue (Almost Black) with -actual- Black Highlights.


HAIR STYLE ~ Stylized into a choppy mess.


MARKINGS ~ An array of sweeping strikes across the entirety of his face.


EYE COLOUR ~ Deep Blue, in both eyes.



[align=center]The Details[/align]



EXPRESSION ~ Usually, Koyu is drowsy, and generally tired. However, once he becomes comfortable enough in a situation, he'll start to loosen and lightly smile. His expression is up to you, as these are just ideas!


DEMEANOR ~ Quiet, occasionally sarcastic, and easily embarrassed.


ATTIRE ~ I'd prefer to ward away from leather, plate and mail. As Koyu is a White Mage, he sticks to robes... Specifically 'form fitting' robes. However, since he has the theme of 'sleep' drilled into his character, you can toss him in any regular thing you wish!


POSE ~ Strictly up to you, do whatever you want! All art is good art, and will be shoved to spruce up my wiki in an instant... Buuuut if you're at a loss of ideas.. Juust saying I miiight want art of Koyu passed out in an adorable waaay~



NOTES ~ As I said before, you've got freedom, make whatever you want and I'll love it, poke me if you have questions about details, to be honest I don't really expect anything. due to the probable backup of requests over the past months! BUT I THOUGHT I'D TRY. :love:


WIKI ~ Click in my signature, or for super lazies: ~Here~



[align=center]The References[/align]





























[align=center]The last image is not owned by me, it was done by the ever talented artist jjkuin, who you can find ~Here~[/align]

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