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What games are you playing/looking forward to?

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These games are what I'm splitting my time between right now:

Need For Speed Most Wanted U

Super Metroid

Replaying Final Fantasy VI, VII, VIII, and IX

Zone of The Enders the 2nd Runner

Romancing SaGa

Jet Set Radio HD

....and Blades of Time


I need to buy a new Vita, 3DS, and PS3 I had to sell them :/

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Derping in NW (aka mainly logging in to make alchemy stuff, then logging out. I swear, I've leveled from 40 to 48 standing in a campsite...).


Gave up on GW2. Too underwhelming. Too disappointing. Items being sold too absent from lore (where are the bloody Canthan & Elonian traditional clothing?! I don't WANT A freakin' quaggan backpack or panda hat!). The RP isn't even good anymore....


Thought of returning to see what's up in TOR... haven't yet.


Heard STO is getting good now... still unmotivated to try again. Got too ticked when I came up with an AWESOME Klingon character, forum RPed her out... then was told they were strict PvP classes w/very little story.


DL'd and derped about on SWG Emu... (miss that freakin' game, frustrating bits and all... but just not the same w/o my crew... :()


Have put in for ESO Beta... no word yet.


Not even tempted to return to WoW, Aion or Rift.


Mainly... playing nothing, waiting for XIV and keeping an eye on: Black Desert,... and Repop.

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Mm. Games in general I'm waiting for..


Assassin's Creed 4 is one up soonest. Ah.. My mind just went blank.


PS4 games, of course. Excited to figure out what Deep Down will be, rather than all the speculation. Dark Souls 2, Destiny (I'm fanboying over Destiny like no other. Sooooo excited.), Titanfall looks decent.. 


I gave up hope on MMO's. ToR's RP community is far to clique-ish and underground now. It was great at launch.. Perhaps, if I had never left, it'd be fine. WoW is WoW.. Nuff said there. I never could bring myself to try TERA and Aion, but.. They're Ncsoft games, so I'm sure they're the same as Guildwars and whatnot. GW2 was pretty, the combat was cool, but.. That's really about it. I was into Neverwinter for a brief period, and it had SO much potential... But, as is the curse of many F2P games, the community goes down the drain quickly.


Edit: As I was reading back through.. I saw someone mention free FPS games online. Tribes is still around? Man, I remember that from waaaaay back in the day.. Didn't know the series is still going. As for that, I log into Warframe occasionally. It's pretty cool, for a first time game developer.


I -am- still playing Last of Us.. Sort of. I haven't touched it in a few weeks. I really need to finish it.. Ah well.

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I'm playing ArcheAge (KR) at the moment. :D


Headed back to Aion for 4.0.

 :surprise: I wanna play ArcheAge. Teach me Korean! I am currently just playing single player games, mostly on the Vita (which means I am basically playing PSP games because Vita has no games :P lol). I am interested in The Repopulation, Black Desert, and Archeage though. We shall see what the future holds.

So far I've learned how to mortally offend people, how to shorthandedly thank people, and how to say the words "why," "what," "stupid," and "tree!"


Really coming in handy! Other than that I learned hangul in about 15 minutes using my own personally invented sexual pictographs. >.> Bearing in mind that when I studied Japanese, our teacher taught us to remember "ト" (to) as "a boy going to the toilet."


...and then imagine how that might be put to use when learning a language in which nearly all of its vowels look like ㅗㅓㅏㅜㅕㅑㅛㅠ assorted in different manners, like in 에 (e)... I remember "eh, this tiny **** in my *** is small and unsatisfying." Then there's 예 (ye), which I remember as "yay, this **** in my *** is huuuuge."



You're all very welcome for that.

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Excited to figure out what Deep Down will be, rather than all the speculation. Dark Souls 2, Destiny (I'm fanboying over Destiny like no other. Sooooo excited.), Titanfall looks decent...


Yes on all of these! Especially Dark Souls 2 and Destiny. They're going to be soooo good!

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I'm spending my days watching the X-Files on netflix, reading comics, and impatiently waiting for the WildStar beta. I'm starting to forget the world outside of my house. I haven't shaved in four days.


I'm also waiting for phase 4. But I'm more patient about that, as my FFXIV lust has been sated for the time being because of the 5 day phase 3 finale.

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Hm, the only other MMO I'm looking forward to is Elder Scrolls Online.

I signed up for the beta, but that won't be for a while I'd think.

(It's for the PS4 ^^; )



As for other games.... I have a huge wishlist going. = n =;;

(Waaaayyy too many good games coming out close together.)



Currently playing FFVI and FFIX again. =X

....And I wish they had Saga Frontier in the PS store. D=

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I've been playing a lot of tabletop wargames lately. I actually haven't been around as much lately because I've been getting ready for an upcoming Warmachine/Hordes tournament. Playing some games to get the rust off and painting up my army. Gonna be good. Thinking maybe I might hop down to the NOVA Open Labor Day weekend. Do some open play, maybe participate in an Infinity tournament. My Infinity game is so much stronger than my Warmachine game.


Also, X-Com and Organ Trail.

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I know this goes without saying, but ugggggh, I can't wait for phase four of beta! I finally got my computer shipped over without any issues and I am sll set to play this shit! The random chatter in Misericorde's skype chat has been keeping me occupied, though more enthused than ever.


Also, maybe Archage. There's boats for wrecking things and I might need that in my life.

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Let's see currently I'm playing a bit of...



Dragon's Prophet - I love that concept

Fina Fantasy: Dissidia 012 (PSP)


Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen (PS3)


Kingdoms of Amalur: The Reckoning (PS3)

Metal Gear collections (PS3)

Metal Gear Rising (PS3)

Forza 4 (360)


What I'm looking forward to is...


Final Fantasy XIV

Elder Scrolls Online

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I am not currently playing any other MMO right now because I am burnt out on GW2. I have like 15 single player games I need to complete so I have just been working on those and the steam sale just further set me behind >.>!!!


I am definitely looking forward to The Repopulation and Archeage. Really hoping that the sandbox genre revives my passion for MMO's again. 


And Artorias if you ever want to play some Dissidia multiplayer send me a message :D. I just completed that game a few weeks ago (it is pretty long, but very enjoyable) and I have been kind of messing around with the side quest or I guess it would be kind of like a new game plus. I just wanted to whack things with Shantotto :moogle: oh ho ho hoho

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Currently playing Dust: An Elysian Tail, Animal Crossing: New Leaf, and an insanity play-through of Mass Effect 3. (I just keep getting distracted)


Thinking about getting Shin Megami Tensei IV. I'm a little burnt out on AC:New Leaf.


I have GW2 and am also on the Tarnished Coast server but lost interest mainly due to lack of friends/guild who play.


I'm looking forward to Half Life 3




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Recently had to reformat my laptop so don't have much on my HDD at the moment! Anywho I'm playing a bit of:


Skyrim. (Though mainly modding and not much playing. XP)

Xcom: Enemy Uknown.

Messing with GW2 again though not much.

Slowly working on ME3 on my xbox.


Games I'm waiting for are:




Titanfall looks cool but I'm not huge on those big PvP shooters.

Saints Row 4!

Will be getting Shadowrun Returns when I have the money.

Oh the 3 Legend of Zelda games that are being worked on at the moment!

Was really excited for Monster Hunter Online but after doing some digging I now understand that it will most likely not see a release outside of China.

The PS4 and Deep Down.


Kingdom Hearts 3

OH OH OH!!!!!! Warhammer 40k: Eternal Crusade!!!!! (Please please PLEASE let there be Honour Guard armour for us to get.)


And the list goes on but I've taken up enough of your time with my silly post. :P

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Well. Right now I'm playing...


  • Guild Wars 2 (Sometimes. I'm on Tarnished Coast. Running out of things to do and RP is beginning to kinda get bland. :/)
  • WoW (Wyrmrest Accord Horde!)
  • Skyrim (TESO c'mon...)
  • Diablo 3
  • Tera (Not so much lately, but I still think about playing from time to time. That counts...right?)

Looking forward to...


  • FFXIV!
  • Wildstar
  • TESO

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I find myself mostly playing Warframe these days. It's sort of like Mass Effect 3 multiplayer, but with greatly expanded mobility and missions types beyond survival. It's really fun!


I'll also probably pick up either Pikmin 3 or Dragon's Crown this week. Haven't decided which yet.

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What am I playing? Uhm...


Nothing really. I cancelled my World of Warcraft sub because it got super boring. So I'm mostly just doing my best to past time until FFXIV:ARR launches. I only play one MMO at a time ever.


Games I'm waiting for:

Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn

Final Fantasy XV

Kingdom Hearts III

Armored Core V: Verdict Day

Pokemon X & Y Versions



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I am not currently playing any other MMO right now because I am burnt out on GW2. I have like 15 single player games I need to complete so I have just been working on those and the steam sale just further set me behind >.>!!!


I am definitely looking forward to The Repopulation and Archeage. Really hoping that the sandbox genre revives my passion for MMO's again.


Very much the same as the above except that I only have Bastion, Skyrim and FFIX to play and still I haven't finished the first two yet. :D Also burnt out on Guild Wars 2 and haven't played since May I think? Can't really pinpoint why. The combat was okay, my friends were (are?) still pretty active, didn't get to RP so can't say anything on that.


The moment I saw clips of The Repopulation I was instantly hooked. The premise sounds very interesting and is a sandbox game to boot. Same goes for ArcheAge. I'm also quite interested in Wildstar, Black Desert, Zombie Playground, Transistor and Final Fantasy XV although I feel that when FFXIV comes out they'll be out of my radar.:D

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