Arashin Kujqai Posted September 9, 2017 Share #1 Posted September 9, 2017 Where do your personal mounts go when they're not being ridden? My chocobos I guess are smart enough to find their way back to their nests/stables. Manacutters and Reapers just have some form of autopilot? Yol maybe migrate and have nests nearby when they do have an owner... I just can't imagine some of them being summoned via a whistle then going all that distance for you and then going back when they're done lol. At the same time, maybe some of the birds are circling nearby you always(like vultures lmao?). I guess Midgardsormr gets it easy to just manifest his being into reality in various forms lol. What's your reasoning/logic for your character's mounts or mounts in general? Link to comment
Rosekitten Posted September 10, 2017 Share #2 Posted September 10, 2017 Generally I just assume the mount being used is near-by. Normally if I'm rp'ing out in the world my chocobo is near the character. If he's not near-by than odds are in favor he's annoying the local wildlife and getting into trouble. As far as something like the Zu.. I'd assume it just perches near-by or flies around the area. Drakes could probably roost near-by as well or find some shaded spot to rest for a while. Link to comment
Gegenji Posted September 10, 2017 Share #3 Posted September 10, 2017 That seems about right. Just sort of... around. Or stabled/tied up somewhere. Or doing whatever else it might be doing based on whatever personality you might have attributed to your mount. Avenger, for example, is Chachan's draught chocobo who is basically the horsebird equivalent of one of those super friendly big dogs that think they're actually teeny dogs. So if he's around other mounts, he often tries to make friends and play and whatnot during those sorts of situations. Despite being far too large for such antics most of the time. Gogon actually has a barren female named Annelace who I haven't really used in ages. Her thing is that, despite being unable to lay eggs, she's still super protective and mothering of those that she considers her "chicks." So she often lurks nearby, giving the side-eye to anyone or anything that might cause trouble. Makes for an interesting side-scene if nothing else. Link to comment
K'nahli Posted September 10, 2017 Share #4 Posted September 10, 2017 My best guess is that it would simply be like with horses in reality. You either have them with you at the time or you don't. Summoning them randomly at any time in-game is just that, a game mechanic for convenience. So they are, as the others have already mentioned, tied up, docked or simply nearby awaiting instruction. 1 Link to comment
Yian Kutku Posted September 10, 2017 Share #5 Posted September 10, 2017 I guess Midgardsormr gets it easy to just manifest his being into reality in various forms lol. It always amuses me that Midgardsormr as a mount carries our luggage as well as us. I have to wonder if he dematerializes our stuff as well whenever he goes poof, or if we have to load and unload him every time we dismount. Personally I assume that IC I'm calling on my mount far less than I actually do in-game. Probably maybe just to get into the area, fly around whenever plot demands, and then go off to spend their time as they choose. Every other major travel is RP-canonically on foot, borrowing some other communal transport like a caravan, or some such contrivance. I'm not canonically calling my loyal wyvern mount every time my next daily hunt target is more than ten steps away, even if that's what I'm actually doing. 1 Link to comment
Arashin Kujqai Posted September 10, 2017 Author Share #6 Posted September 10, 2017 I guess Midgardsormr gets it easy to just manifest his being into reality in various forms lol. It always amuses me that Midgardsormr as a mount carries our luggage as well as us. I have to wonder if he dematerializes our stuff as well whenever he goes poof, or if we have to load and unload him every time we dismount. Personally I assume that IC I'm calling on my mount far less than I actually do in-game. Probably maybe just to get into the area, fly around whenever plot demands, and then go off to spend their time as they choose. Every other major travel is RP-canonically on foot, borrowing some other communal transport like a caravan, or some such contrivance. I'm not canonically calling my loyal wyvern mount every time my next daily hunt target is more than ten steps away, even if that's what I'm actually doing. Back when sprint was still a decent range of time, I just used it whenever I had to go a short distance. I always laugh at myself for every time I've pulled out the mount out of instinct thinking the distance I need to go is long only to realize it's maybe 2 feet away. I've always wondered about the luggage on Midgardsormr too lol. After watching some pieces of SB again, I notice the Yol like to just fly around whenever they feel like it. It's possible they're doing whatever they want nearby or hovering over you to be called. Since one so politely decided to lineup for a nice screenie at some point in SB(spoilerfree). Link to comment
Maril Posted September 10, 2017 Share #7 Posted September 10, 2017 I don't consider my characters to have all of the mounts that they have available to summon as a game mechanic, and not all of my characters have a chocobo IC. They will instead borrow a porter if they feel there is a need. As someone else pointed out, I also see it as something you could compare with having a horse - and some of my characters wouldn't have the time to properly care for a chocobo or a stable, nor the gil to hire someone to do that for them. If they do have a chocobo, then it's a case of it being stabled or tied up when not needed. Additionally it just doesn't come up a lot in RP for me, I am always fine with having my characters do a bit of walk and talk. Link to comment
Kieron Lohengrin Posted September 11, 2017 Share #8 Posted September 11, 2017 I had to go to a completely different wiki just to read up on my mount lore Good to know it's some kind of free-thinking, planeswalking magitek contraption 1 Link to comment
Mayumi Shiro Posted September 12, 2017 Share #9 Posted September 12, 2017 Depends on the mount. Typically I've just figured it was tied up or left to wander a bit nearby but was tamed and knew when to respond to a whistle. Were it a magitek thing I suppose it was just..wear I parked it. Only one time did I have a mount that was minion-ized. I had the hunting hawk who at the flick of a spell would become the Ravana Hawk. Link to comment
Teadrinker Posted September 12, 2017 Share #10 Posted September 12, 2017 To this magical land called suspension of disbelief. If need be I'll just emote that my character tied their chocobo up outside or some such. It's easy for me to imagine a chocobo hitch of some kind outside settlements. If it's out in the world then hell. Tie the reigns to a tree. Or just have them follow you via the gyshal greens mechanic. I've never been in a scene like this with anyone who had more than a chocobo mount but I'd imagine it could complicate the IC situation and require more jazzy ways of addressing it. Link to comment
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