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Xaela RP & Racism

Mi Ming

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Ok so, a lot of my FC mates RP Xaela as do I and we've been noticing something of late specifically in public RP. There have always been some people that RP'd that Xaela were "Savages" or "Warmongers" etc but lately I've noticed its less some people and more almost everyone. My FC mates and I could be standing in the alley talking and being cute or doing some slice-of-life RP and people will come up just to start harassing our characters, pestering them until they get upset then calling out how they're savages and gathering a mob. I'm not even talking weapons drawn angry just like "Stop being mean to me and my family!" upset.

I don't usually have OOC problems with IC things but this has made it not only not fun to RP a Xaela but almost impossible to have any kind of character development except "We need to stay away from Ul'dah" which is the RP hub so....problem there. I understand there may be some IC justification for characters being like this but to THIS degree seems absurd. It has gotten to the point where my FC mates and I have been debating switching from Xaela to other races because we can't accomplish anything or RP our characters as anything more than oppressed people trying to get by. I love my character as do the others and we don't want to change but if we can't go to Ul'dah without said characters being harrassed how do we even RP anything but conflict?


Does anyone have any advice on how to handle this? Has anyone experienced this? What are your thoughts?

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Yes, hello--I'd like to RP in the back alley without being thrown insults at non-stop and making my RP or maybe plot RPs turn into confrontation every single day and thus no plots happening ; u ;


It's... very stressful when it just happens non-stop everyday and it's hard to avoid cos I love RPing my Xaela and Ul'dah is the RP hub :(

Edited by Ayaka
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1 minute ago, Ayaka said:

Yes, hello--I'd like to RP in the back alley without being thrown insults at non-stop and making my RP or maybe plot RPs turn into confrontation every single day and thus no plots happening ; u ;


It's... very stressful when it just happens non-stop everyday and it's hard to avoid cos I love RPing my Xaela and Ul'dah is the RP hub :(

Yes this very much, my anxiety cannot handle constant confrontation. I just want to RP a Xaela who wants to be a maid and love her sister ; n ;

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Personally? I've routinely experienced the opposite: people who are actually fairly inviting and receptive of Xaela despite the apparent distrust that a lot of Othard natives would likely have of them. Most times I've ever seen overt racism would be when there's a heated dispute going on and so the obvious points of interest become the targets of insult, or there's legitimate bad blood from past encounters. 


If anything, I see more Xaela who're on the giving side of this. The proud and arrogant sort who think all Eorzeans are weak, that their way of life is dumb, etc.


As for managing it? Hm. That's difficult. First thing I'd ask about is the "who." Does it seem like it's a pointed endeavor by an individual/group? Or is it always a unique event? 

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Dotharl sitting in some corner just talking and maybe laughing with their family/friends. In comes people, hissing and spitting insults at them how they're savages and cowards when they see that they're a Xaela and overheard that they're Dotharl. Just for what? Just talking there and not even doing anything remotely threatening to others nor insulting others.


I literally RPed my character before, talking to someone about them joining their company and a Miqo'te just walked up to me (I have no clue who they are so did my friends) and decided to insult my character who just stood there all baffled like what after hearing that they're Dotharl? She didn't even do anything and just stared as more insults came. This is just one of the few incidents with me and others lol.


The joy of being a Xaela and a Dotharl. I love RPing it but God damn I can't RP normally at least a day outside without someone else hissing and snarling for them existing. Kinda like real life racism, you know?

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It's like Ayaka says, it could be literally hiring an employee for a maid company, or it could be after being insulted and trying to talk to an IC Flame officer. It could be your character crying in their sister's arms and then a gaggle of people walk up to bash on said characters for being savages or Xaela. That actually happened just last night and a few other times when my character broke down after so many racist remarks and just left to cry, only to be found by a whole NEW group who started harassing her.

It seriously makes RP next to impossible when your character is essentially being chased out of Ul'dah every time they enter. 

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I do not roleplay a Xaela character myself, but I do frequently engage Xaela toons. My character hails from Ishgard (long long story) and HAD some prejudices against them but not for the 'voidy' stuff. I always assumed the first time an Ishgardian saw a Xaela it would have been a misleading experience. You look upon them and see Dragonlike Qualities which would terrify a person who had just recently been introduced to the larger part of Eorzea. It's easy to forget that some of our toons have never met a Xaela before and for mine he was walled off until after the Archbishops (spoiler) happened. He left and found himself among varying people of all shapes, sizes and cultures. He now knows better and has plenty of Xaela friends and most of those bonds come directly from the Order of Knight's my character leads. 

I guess if people are rping like my character had, they just need to meet Xaela who will introduce themselves and fight against the prejudice with being open minded to them and understanding that they are 'unique' in a place where most people hardly ran into a Xaela until just recently (We got to remember Xaela are fairly new to most Eorzeans). Just a thought though.. I dont think you can change other character's RP because thats how their IC is dealing with it. So deal with it ICly like most of us deal with it OOCly. Educate, don't reciprocate their hate.


I think its fair to assume there would be a great deal of misunderstanding about Xaela; So it will take Xaela's ICLY to help form the image they want for their species. Just like in real life; My Hero Cesar Chavez fought against oppression of land owners who owned vineyards out in California and made a stance showing that Mexican worker's aren't lazy and work long and hard hours. He fought for fair wages and never once called out the word Racist. He fought back, showed dignity and eventually won. There is still stigma's against Mexican-American's (I am Mexican-American) and the only thing you can do is just try to understand why someone dislikes you because of 'what you are' and try to get through to them without putting them on the defensive. Its HARD, its not easy but its the best defense against that kind of behavior. 

Edited by Ryslo Suramlo
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I can understand if people are acting IC, but once it crosses over to making people upset OOC, then it may be time to respond OOCly. Let them know that you're tired of being harassed all the time, without rest, that you are not enjoying the game (and it IS a game, and games are supposed to be fun).


And most of all, be polite about it! If you're polite you're more likely to get a positive response.  It's not that you can't handle some prejudice, it's just that you don't want it ALL the time.


Sure, some will complain with things like, 'it's just RP,' or, 'you shouldn't play X if you don't want to be treated like this.'  If they won't relent, block them. They're basically trolling you at that point, and the best way to deal with trolls is to ignore them.


Other options would be - can you find another area to RP? Maybe Limsa, or even some other area of Ul'dah?  Maybe find some allies who are willing to stand up for your characters?


I hope you find a solution that works for everyone.

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A random thought occurs to me: I wonder if it's because you're Xaela or specifically that you're Dotharl that this is happening...


Not that this distinction makes anything better, of course! It's just that before Stormblood gave more... nuance to the Dotharl tribe's culture, a lot of people playing Dotharl just played them as... well, savage warmongers who just liked to fight and see blood for the sake of it. So it could just be a matter of people stereotyping Dotharl specifically based off those characters from pre-SB - or other Dotharl players continuing the stereotype even with the new lore in place. So when people see the Dotharl name, they already have Opinions before they get a chance to know your character personally.


Which... kinda sucks, especially if it's getting to this degree that you're actually being harassed just for the tribe you picked. The only options I can think of are - like Tregarde above has suggested - to let the people harassing you know OOCly that you don't appreciate it. Hopefully they'll respond well, but if they don't and continue to press the issue, it might just be necessary to block them.

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11 minutes ago, Gegenji said:

A random thought occurs to me: I wonder if it's because you're Xaela or specifically that you're Dotharl that this is happening...


Not that this distinction makes anything better, of course! It's just that before Stormblood gave more... nuance to the Dotharl tribe's culture, a lot of people playing Dotharl just played them as... well, savage warmongers who just liked to fight and see blood for the sake of it. So it could just be a matter of people stereotyping Dotharl specifically based off those characters from pre-SB - or other Dotharl players continuing the stereotype even with the new lore in place. So when people see the Dotharl name, they already have Opinions before they get a chance to know your character personally.


Which... kinda sucks, especially if it's getting to this degree that you're actually being harassed just for the tribe you picked. The only options I can think of are - like Tregarde above has suggested - to let the people harassing you know OOCly that you don't appreciate it. Hopefully they'll respond well, but if they don't and continue to press the issue, it might just be necessary to block them.

That stigma does tend to be pretty prevalent still, yeah, for both of the reasons you mentioned since they were (and still are) the most popular Xaela tribe in RP.


As for the situations described? Yeah. If people are just randomly coming up to you and insulting your characters because they're Dotharl? You'll have to make a judgement call based off your own feelings on the matter. Can you keep it IC and maybe get away from it? Cool, do that. Is it too stressful/that person isn't respecting your OOC wishes even after communication? Then it's totally fine to back out and do what you need to so long as you keep it civil.


As for other areas in Ul'dah you could try out if you feel like you need a break from the flow? Around the fountain in Steps of Thal's always a good choice. Or there's the airship landing. Less "open" when compared to Pearl Lane, but still see some traffic. 

Edited by Gerel Kha
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I thought I should post in here since the 4th Combined Brigade engages with a lot of Xaela RPers in and around Pearl Lane when it comes to peacekeeping. I completely and utterly understand the paradox that exists with Xaela RP:


1) IC: Xaela tribal habits (especially in-fighting) would not be tolerated in Ul'dah. Racism is also likely, with little motivation to welcome tribal folk who aren't contributing anything to Ul'dah.

2) OOC: Ul'dah is the RP hub and thus new Xaela RPers would want to RP there rather than try to get to the gated Azim Steppe.


There have been times when 4th peacekeepers have encountered Xaela RPers about to fight each other in Pearl Lane. IMO, that's a big no-no however one looks at it. The Brass Blades would probably cut them down in an instant. Typically, my lot will direct them outside city walls. That's the most common approach that we take.


We have a set of commandments we follow that you can read about in the "Peacekeeping" chapter of our handbook. These commandments should make our approach clear! If you don't think we've been following them, do let me know!

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One more thought - in trying to keep things IC, if something like the lone Miqo comes over and starts with the hatred, send a tell pointing out - "Your character seems to think we're violent savages. We outnumber you four to one. We're armed. Would your character REALLY approach and provoke them?"


Obviously, I just made up the "four to one", substitute the correct number as needed.


Anyway, it SHOULD make the other player/character realize that what they're doing is stupid, and potentially risking their very life!


Also think, how WOULD your characters react? Not you the player, your characters. Obviously you don't want trouble, but trouble is coming to you. If the above didn't work, then how about having your characters glare at the provoker, say something like, "Hey, we're minding our own business. Go away and mind yours." And maybe remind the other player that their character is risking a world of hurt if they don't stop.


And if the provoker insists on getting punched in the face, do it! And if they complain, point out you were acting IC, just like they were, and if they can't take IC consequences then they shouldn't have started anything in the first place.


Diffusing the situation SHOULD be the first, and second, and even third option. But if all else fails, maybe it's time to say 'okay, if you insist, here it comes!'


And if you're really, really, lucky, it might even lead to a fun street brawl.

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There are a LOT of really amazing suggestions here. Firstly being a Dotharl is definitely a part of it, they are considered the most violent and savage tribe even if our characters are not as much. I have seen people go up to Dotharl specifically who were just standing idly just to harass them IC, make them angry enough that they would attack and then call authorities. How our characters handle these situations if a group is pestering them or wanting to harm them is challenge them to a one on one duel outside the city and encourages them if they are a warrior to respect other warriors even if they think they are savages.

As for being attacked in the lane- it's really hard because while we can retaliate and this has happened a mob will form and defend the other person even if they were the aggressor and said Dotharl are acting in self-defense because our characters are Dotharl. We had something like this happen recently and it was very frustrating and difficult as like 5 people came up to us and started rolling dice when no weapons were drawn.

Talking OOC is something I may have to consider because solving it ICly has proven to be pointless because if our characters raise their voice, if our characters cry, if our characters show the even slightest sign of any "being upset" even if they have total justification to do so they are called savages and a mob forms to watch the Xaela / Dotharl break down, spitting insults and encouraging them to fight for their entertainment.

Still though, talking OOC or having our Xaela try to change the perception of Dotharl might be wise- I didn't really think of doing either of those and they could do well to help the situation. Because I get Dotharl are a pretty violent tribe but the story showed us that they are so much more and that 'so much more' is what interested me so much about the Dotharl. 

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Also, if it helps... who is allowed to join an RP scene is very much up to you as much as everyone else in the scene. Just because people jump into the mob and try to roll dice at you doesn't mean you have to accept that they're joining in. After all, if it's supposed to be a one-on-one match away from everyone else... it's surprisingly convenient that there's suddenly a mob there to also jump in and gang up on you. They're imposing on the scene at that point and you really don't have to entertain them if you don't want to, and it certainly sounds like you didn't want to.


This whole RP thing is all about having fun - it's a hobby. So if people are trying to push you into doing stuff you don't want to do, it's completely within your right to ignore and/or block them. I know if I got home after a hard day's work and went into the game and got screamed at about how Lalafell can't be from Doma or something, I'd be blocking them right quick. Ain't nobody got time for that.



Oh, I almost forgot!

Even if the Dotharl are a bit more... violent, that doesn't mean that's all they are. Like you said, Stormblood added some really neat nuance to why they act the way they do and it's not as blind bloodlust as people like to think it is. But even before then, I've RPed with some really neat Dotharl. The ones that come to mind are a pair of twins... Solus and... Lunare, I think? They had a red/blue thing going and they were really neat to interact with.


I still remember when we got into a discussion of dishonorable death and Chachan asked if it would be a dishonorable death if one of them died in a dishonorable way, but did it to protect the other. It stumped them both ICly and OOCly, but they were really chill about it in a "Man, now I have to think about it" sort of way. :)

Edited by Gegenji
Example of Cool Dotharl!
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I generally enjoy getting discriminated IC cause I am aware that the Dortharli did a lot of bad stuff to other tribes that would warrant some grudges. Your case however smells like..OOC blend of some kind of dislike towards the tropes Dotharl RP usually uses? I'd back off and not acknowledge them if they are not fun to play with.


Koro is a rather traditional Dotharl, but still wouldn't attack people for no reason. Especially after SB revealed they aren't that bad at all. It's all about your character and what their heritage and culture means to them. If people dismiss that? Fuk'em. A bunch of goons that teams up on a single person aint worth a Dotharl's time!


Could also be they be jelly of our cool tribe getting msq focus. Cant' blame them! We are awesome.

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Honestly, our Dotharls--the ones we RP are mostly Hingan than a 'traditional' Dotharl with how they treat people and deal with things. Not to mention they literally grew up in Shirogane so xD However, it is indeed hard to show that when people jump into conclusions immediately after seeing 'Dotharl' and see their black scales and start harassing them. (Again, real life racism like whew it's hard--Some even would bring up gender at times and just guh--I know it's IC but if it just keeps repeating, it makes one groan every time they RP)


We mostly keep things very IC which is why when different people approach them to harass them nearly daily, we can't really go OOC, "Hey can we tone the confrontation down a bit?" cos it's almost always been different people every time that it has affected our characters IC-wise and well, made it harder for us OOC-wise since this thread is now up haha. Can't really stop new people from RPing with us even if their intention aren't to our liking. That and we're ah, we kind of have the mindset of: "We don't really want to upset them..." or "We don't want to block them from RP..." OOC-wise so...


But even if our characters will hold out their calm, usually others find a way to provoke them and keep harassing them. Which would then lead to our characters' cool snapping cos when they start threatening their sisters and say that they'll kill them, they go on protective mode, you know? Which then leads to more people flocking around the area no matter where you are and go, "Oh Xaela/Dotharl--Typical."


2 hours ago, Koro Dotharl said:

Koro is a rather traditional Dotharl, but still wouldn't attack people for no reason. Especially after SB revealed they aren't that bad at all. It's all about your character and what their heritage and culture means to them. If people dismiss that? Fuk'em. A bunch of goons that teams up on a single person aint worth a Dotharl's time!


When I saw the SB Dotharl and how they were I was like: Yes. This. This is how Dotharls are and not some bloodthirsty things that only wants to kill and I want to RP like the honorable Dotharl who just enjoys fighting and letting their soul burn bright when it comes down to it!




Is there any other way aside from sucking it up and OOC-ly change your character a bit just so that they wouldn't be upset by people randomly harassing them? I would like to get away from Ul'dah RP hub if I could but it seems to be the only RP hub that people gather in so ;;; (There was Reunion before but that died down)


I just... IDK, it seems rude to tell people to OOCly tell them to tone down the confrontation a bit especially if that's how their character is IC-wise ;;; (That or I'm just a scaredy cat haa)

Edited by Ayaka
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7 hours ago, Seriphyn said:

There have been times when 4th peacekeepers have encountered Xaela RPers about to fight each other in Pearl Lane. IMO, that's a big no-no however one looks at it. The Brass Blades would probably cut them down in an instant. Typically, my lot will direct them outside city walls. That's the most common approach that we take.


That's fine when it's some Xalea about to fight each other, but that's not the issue here. The issue is others provoking Xaela. How does the 4th respond then? Do they immediately pick a side, or try to understand the situation first? If it's clear the Xaela were being provoked do you make everyone leave the city, or just the provokers? How you respond is as important as the fact that you did respond in the first place.


And yes, I did see the link to your handbook, but this is a response to your response. Plus, the handbook wasn't loading on the basic wi-fi on the ferry I ride home.



54 minutes ago, Ayaka said:

Is there any other way aside from sucking it up and OOC-ly change your character a bit just so that they wouldn't be upset by people randomly harassing them? I would like to get away from Ul'dah RP hub if I could but it seems to be the only RP hub that people gather in so ;;; (There was Reunion before but that died down)


Then why not make somewhere else an RP hub? Talk it over with your friends and pick a spot, and start RPing there. Spread the word that there's a place where fellow Xaela can go, and keep spreading it (idea: hand out 'flyers' in tells, so only fellow Xaela get it). Ul'dah may be THE hub, but it doesn't have to be the ONLY hub. It may take a little work, but in the end it may be worth it. Plus, it may encourage RP in general to spread out a bit.

Edited by Tregarde
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But um...y'all are playing Dotharl.


I've seen plenty of Xaela RP without any problems.  But the name "Dotharl" conjures up a lot of things, and few if any are good.  I know that my character, who only knows of the Dotharl tribe through her Xaela friends - who are, as it happens, almost exclusively Hotgo - believes the Dotharl to be savage baby killers.  While she isn't going to walk up to random Xaela and start yelling at them, mention "Dotharl" in conversation and she's likely to have a serious issue with you.


It's not OOC, tho.  I mean, if you play a tribe that is widely hated, I think most people assume that you picked the name deliberately - with all that entails.

Edited by LiadansWhisper
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35 minutes ago, LiadansWhisper said:

But um...y'all are playing Dotharl.


I've seen plenty of Xaela RP without any problems.  But the name "Dotharl" conjures up a lot of things, and few if any are good.  I know that my character, who only knows of the Dotharl tribe through her Xaela friends - who are, as it happens, almost exclusively Hotgo - believes the Dotharl to be savage baby killers.  While she isn't going to walk up to random Xaela and start yelling at them, mention "Dotharl" in conversation and she's likely to have a serious issue with you.


It's not OOC, tho.  I mean, if you play a tribe that is widely hated, I think most people assume that you picked the name deliberately - with all that entails.


I love what the Dotharl is: The undying tribe who believes in Nhaama and family. The Xaela who are not afraid of death due to their beliefs and thus they fight with no fear in the Steppe/Naadam and enjoy it even if their numbers are dwindling--making their Khatun worry. Did you not hear Sadu's cackles? It was glorious! I love playing Dotharl and I occasionally do not mind when confrontation RPs happens BUT I love playing a Dotharl that is NOT a warmonger that knows nothing but kill people for fun without a reason. However, most RPers do not see Dotharls as more than that. (Perhaps there are RPers that makes their Dotharl as that) but doesn't it just suck that you're forced to not RP the character/tribe you want just because everyone is harassing you almost every single day even if it's just IC? Even if RP is RP--It gets tiring you know...


I believe what happened here is that HW Dotharl RPers RPed their Dotharls too much of a killer and nothing else that it has continued to be what people see the Dotharls are EVEN THOUGH you can clearly see it in the Stormblood that the Dotharls aren't like that at all. That they do not just kill for funsies. "Widely hated" is because of the HW Dotharl and even though SB Dotharl are different, everyone kept on clinging on how they saw the HW Dotharl.


Also funnily enough, in our RPs, it's the Hotgo who does things to our Dotharl aggressively who just rapes and nearly beats our characters to death even though the Dotharl characters were being civil and quite respectful.


The problem is that... nearly EVERYONE does it. It's tiring to just do confrontation RP every single day when you just want to have fun and plot and RP in public. I know there's a terrible stigma that comes with the Dotharl and we are fine with that--It is however quite stressful if it happens nearly every single time we RP in public. It's why we're asking if there's some other way other than fantasia-ing our characters and changing their names? Because we've built them so much and love them a lot and don't really want to change to another character. :/ (Also money lol)


59 minutes ago, Tregarde said:

Then why not make somewhere else an RP hub? Talk it over with your friends and pick a spot, and start RPing there. Spread the word that there's a place where fellow Xaela can go, and keep spreading it (idea: hand out 'flyers' in tells, so only fellow Xaela get it). Ul'dah may be THE hub, but it doesn't have to be the ONLY hub. It may take a little work, but in the end it may be worth it. Plus, it may encourage RP in general to spread out a bit.


Honestly at this point, I'm trying to make our FC house as a way for our friends to gather at and all that but gotta do that IC-wise you know and some don't really want to go to Shirogane for that in an exclusive place when they can RP in public.


This is a good idea however and maybe somehow, we can get another place to be a RP Hub. Kugane sure needs some love too along with the other city-states.

Edited by Ayaka
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4 minutes ago, Ayaka said:

I love what the Dotharl is: The undying tribe who believes in Nhaama and family. The Xaela who are not afraid of death due to their beliefs and thus they fight with no fear in the Steppe/Naadam and enjoy it even if their numbers are dwindling--making their Khatun worry. Did you not hear Sadu's cackles? It was glorious! I love playing Dotharl and I occasionally do not mind when confrontation RPs happens BUT I love playing a Dotharl that is NOT a warmonger that knows nothing but kill people for fun without a reason. However, most RPers do not see Dotharls as more than that. (Perhaps there are RPers that makes their Dotharl as that) but doesn't it just suck that you're forced to not RP the character/tribe you want just because everyone is harassing you almost every single day even if it's just IC? Even if RP is RP--It gets tiring you know...


I mean, I get it.  It's tiring when you see your character one way, and everyone else seems to see it another.  I've run into that a time or two.  The thing is, you are expecting every other character to have that intimate knowledge about the Dotharl that only comes out for the Warrior of Light and his/her companions during Stormblood.  When, in reality, the vast majority of people will have only heard about the Dotharl from other Xaela - other Xaela whose tribes the Dotharl have raided and massacred.  Like, the Hotgo.  So, I mean, it's really not surprising at all that most players view the Dotharl in the light of being savage warmongers when that is their reputation to other tribes of their own people.  I get that your character isn't a warmonger.  That's awesome.  The thing is, no one else is gonna know that if the only thing they know about your character is that she carries the name Dotharl.  They're going to assume - cause people do this shit all the time - that she is culturally Dotharl.  And to everyone not Dotharl, the Dotharl are basically savage warmongers who kill men, women, and children indiscriminately. 


I'm not trying to be a debbie downer or anything, I'm just saying that this is the reaction the name "Dotharl" does, and probably should, inspire among characters who have no firsthand knowledge of the tribe or its customs.


9 minutes ago, Ayaka said:

I believe what happened here is that HW Dotharl RPers RPed their Dotharls too much of a killer and nothing else that it has continued to be what people see the Dotharls are EVEN THOUGH you can clearly see it in the Stormblood that the Dotharls aren't like that at all. That they do not just kill for funsies. "Widely hated" is because of the HW Dotharl and even though SB Dotharl are different, everyone kept on clinging on how they saw the HW Dotharl.


Okay, but that's all we had to go on at the time.  We had very little information about the Dotharl, but the one thing that seriously stuck out was that they exterminated the better part of an entire tribe - men, women, and children alike - without hesitation.  So...yeah, people who wanted to play that archetype rolled Dotharl.  I mean, I'm not even certain that what we see in Stormblood goes for every group of Dotharl, or whether it's similar to what we have with the Keepers of the Sun, where the book says that their tribes work one way, but the only tribes we see in-game work exactly the opposite and are the "exceptions to the rule."


11 minutes ago, Ayaka said:

Also funnily enough, in our RPs, it's the Hotgo who does things to our Dotharl aggressively who just rapes and nearly beats our characters to death even though the Dotharl characters were being civil and quite respectful.


Okay, but what does that have to do with anything? So some people playing Hotgo - the tribe that was quite literally murdered nearly to the last man by the Dotharl - played bad guys. Okay.  That's just like you playing a Dotharl who isn't a warmonger.  Player characters are generally the exception, not the rule.


12 minutes ago, Ayaka said:

The problem is that... nearly EVERYONE does it. It's tiring to just do confrontation RP every single day when you just want to have fun and plot and RP in public. I know there's a terrible stigma that comes with the Dotharl and we are fine with that--It is however quite stressful if it happens nearly every single time we RP in public. It's why we're asking if there's some other way other than fantasia-ing our characters and changing their names? Because we've built them so much and love them a lot and don't really want to change to another character. :/ (Also money lol)


I mean, probably not?  On the one hand, you have people who are reacting solely to reading the name above your heads - that is godmodding and you don't want to play with them anyway. Just put them on ignore and shut them out.  On the other hand, though, you have people who find out IC that you and yours are Dotharl, and are reacting to in-character prejudices.  You're asking other players to modify their justified in-character behavior because you don't like that tribe you chose to play has a terrible reputation outside of said tribe.




I have no idea how to solve that. Seriously.  Other than telling people that you aren't interested in RPing with them.  Which kind of defeats the purpose of public RP.

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You do have to understand though that the lore still supports Dotharl being merciless killers in battles even if it is fleshed out on,  unless they remove that from the naming convention lore.


Consider this... One of the side quest, one of the Dotharl believes that, if you're worthy, their souls would be reborn as a Dotharl upon death. And many do truly think they are that high and mighty even if they are wise enough not to constantly pick fights due to their assuming higher rates of casualties. So, if a Dotharl happens to think someone from another tribe is worthy of being reborn, they'd just kill them anyways because that would be seen as granting them a better 'afterlife' wouldn't it? And if they're weak, well... They're already dead.


But thats all speculation on the lore offered to us in the Steppes. But as others have said, just the name Dotharl WILL ICly rouse a lot of people, especially other Xaela who are familiar with their way of life. Sadu also thinks battle (and therefore killing) is a sport. If you return to speak with her after Doma Castle (and before Ala Mhigo), she says that Garleans make poor sport, even with their magitek. Take that what you will but it does imply that she is having quite a lot of fun out there. That may also extend to battles with other tribes, who may view fighting as a necessity of survival, fighting for land, animals, resources, leadership, etc.


Overall, its whats presented to us in both lore and personal IC experience. My character also RPs with many Hotgo, most that lost their entire family or more to the DOtharl in their backstories. And thats not a hidden secret. Thus, my character would naturally be wary of the Dotharl DESPITE also befriending two friendly ones, though one was inducted into the tribe, and another escaped it. The name itself is part of the character, and its what the character has  to deal with, even if they were born outside of the practices of the tribe. There's no changing people's perceptions unless it is further changed through IC interactions.

Edited by PhantasticPanda
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2 minutes ago, LiadansWhisper said:

I have no idea how to solve that. Seriously.  Other than telling people that you aren't interested in RPing with them.  Which kind of defeats the purpose of public RP.


1) Blacklist people who walk up godmodding the knowledge that your character is Dotharl. That's just nasty.

2) Don't RP in public.

3) RP in public, put 'no pre-approved walk-ups PLEASE' or some shit in your search info.

4) Exit the RP in-character if it starts to happen, just cut it off.

5) Unplug your modem if it starts to happen, just cut it off.

6) Don't play a Dotharl.

7) Get used to it and look forward to the day when people and characters care less thanks to the shiny new expansion.

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15 minutes ago, Ayaka said:

I believe what happened here is that HW Dotharl RPers RPed their Dotharls too much of a killer and nothing else that it has continued to be what people see the Dotharls are EVEN THOUGH you can clearly see it in the Stormblood that the Dotharls aren't like that at all. That they do not just kill for funsies. "Widely hated" is because of the HW Dotharl and even though SB Dotharl are different, everyone kept on clinging on how they saw the HW Dotharl.


This is indeed a part of the issue. The way people rp'd Dotharl in HW of course did not take into account the reasons we were given for why the Dotharl are the way they are. So because of that you likely have a rather large population of the RP community whose characters have encountered the more blatant bloodthirsty Dotharl of the HW era. In which case their IC reactions to your character upon finding out they are a Dotharl are 100% legitimate and are to be expected.


Also as stated by Liadan their reputation is a bit deserved, they did pretty much wipe out an entire clan so any other Xaela may be a bit on edge around a Dotharl. Add that into the fact that you have characters from varying backgrounds, such as the aforementioned Ishgardians, that may not take well to other races. Hells technically Duskwights and Keepers should be getting a bit of the same treatment by any Gridanian characters per the lore. I can understand it can wear down on you, but on the same token it sort of comes with being Dotharl.

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