YesGood Posted October 14, 2013 Author Share #26 Posted October 14, 2013 Quote :3!!...dont tempt Denn like that Sio! There will be so many crotch punches! The population of Eorzea will plummet as all the males of the current generation lose their ability to reproduce. I'm sorry but if Eorzea's male fighters don't know how to properly guard their junk, maybe it's time to teach them. Link to comment
Oroban Posted October 14, 2013 Share #27 Posted October 14, 2013 If a man hasn't trained his testicles to withstand being hit by a warhammer, he doesn't deserve to reproduce. D Link to comment
Lost River Posted October 14, 2013 Share #28 Posted October 14, 2013 Poor Senah is going to have to learn black magic for all that ice that will be required. Poor kitty. Link to comment
YesGood Posted October 14, 2013 Author Share #29 Posted October 14, 2013 Quote Poor Senah is going to have to learn black magic for all that ice that will be required. Poor kitty. Buahahahahaha. Link to comment
Lost River Posted October 14, 2013 Share #30 Posted October 14, 2013 At least it isn't Lost. She'd be doing... "Meteor meteor meteor!" Wait, what do you mean I killed all the fighters? Wooooops. Link to comment
Fen Posted October 14, 2013 Share #31 Posted October 14, 2013 Fen'd doesn't resort to cheep shots! He'd just grab people's necks, slam them to the ground, an hold them there until they call the match. >_> <_< It's completely fair! Link to comment
YesGood Posted October 16, 2013 Author Share #32 Posted October 16, 2013 Today at 10 pm EST, our first Blood Matches will be held in place of the tournaments. On the flyers you all may see and as you will hear at the event, some alterations have been made. 'The Blood Matches have only three rules. 1. No killing blows. 2. No magic. 3. A win is decided by a knock out, pinning and disarming, or a verbal or physical surrender. The entrance fees for this tournament will be 500 gil per entrant.' Link to comment
Martiallais Posted October 16, 2013 Share #33 Posted October 16, 2013 Bumping this up to the top as I hope it goes really well! I won't be able to make it tonight but as always, kick ass out there fighters! Link to comment
Dogberry Posted October 16, 2013 Share #34 Posted October 16, 2013 Gonna try to make it tonight, but 10 PM is a little late for me to be starting something on a weeknight. No guarantees. Link to comment
Fen Posted October 16, 2013 Share #35 Posted October 16, 2013 *flails* Gah, Internet is still poofed! Silly Internet, y u no let me plaaaay? Link to comment
YesGood Posted October 16, 2013 Author Share #36 Posted October 16, 2013 Fiiiiiix iiiiiiit Feeeeen. Thank you, Zarek! And sorry there Dogberry. If we have enough Overseers available (ever) maybe we can add another day. I feel like three times a week is just a bit too much, perhaps. Don't want people to get burned out, yanno? Link to comment
YesGood Posted October 16, 2013 Author Share #37 Posted October 16, 2013 Bumping this again. We'll be starting in roughly two hours and I haven't had a chance to log in to see if anyone is interested in participating. As always, we'll be near the bridge in Central Thanalan outside Fesca's Watch. <3 Link to comment
YesGood Posted October 18, 2013 Author Share #38 Posted October 18, 2013 Hate to keep updating this over and over BUT! Update: So it looks like our Blood Match Tournament trial went over great. Frighteningly, I think we had more people there than ever before! We even had more combatants than ever, as well as healers, and Overseers. ICly Siobhain had to leave prematurely but I know OOCly the emergency maintenance maaaay have cut things short. I'm fairly certain there was a winner and I'll be editing this post with their name in due course! They made at least 15,000 gil which is a pretty sweet deal ICly (and OOCly, for that matter.) First off, I want to thank everyone who decided to enter the tournament. You guys are pros and while I hadn't seen most of you before, you helped me expedite the rules ICly beautifully, which I appreciate. I know it took longer than average to get things going but I really wanted to make sure as many people could fight as possible. Secondly, I want to thank the healers and the Overseers who also showed up and helped out. You guys are beautiful, and while I know sometimes having a job to do like that ICly can be a bit boring, you helped me out grandly by establishing the necessary factors in character. I hope that it gave you guys a bit of character development and I look forward to seeing you guys again, as well as whomever else is available in the future. Finally, thanks to all the spectators. I -loooove- spectators. I know that splitting the groups up into three might've been hard for some of you to watch all the fights at once but with the potentially massive floods of chat, I didn't want any of the fighters (especially those new to us) to... yanno.... die. So thank you very much for all the support for the fighters and for sticking it out as long as you could. I also hope you guys got some development out of it. From now on, we should be able to take a -maximum- of SIXTEEN fighters per tournament at this rate. So the numbers will go thusly depending on how many people get involved: 4 combatants 6 combatants (first to win in their bracket can skip the semi-final) 8 combatants 12 combatants (same situation as 6) 16 combatants (Hurrah.) So if five people want to fight, sadly, the last person to enter is going to have to be refunded, for example. This means that in the event of 16 fighters, we'll need as many Overseers available as possible. Similarly, as many healers as possible. I'm pretty proud that things worked out and Sylas Peregrine, Davian Ackerman, and A'khenna Khai made me very proud. As an update, ICly, unless something critical happens, Siobhain will miss the next one or two tournaments. As he was informed in character, Sylas Peregrine will be acting in her stead UNLESS Gharen Wolfsong is available. If you are an Overseer or are interested in becoming one, please let either of these two know and they should be able to share some of their pearls. Undoubtedly you'll be a great help. I want to make sure that tournaments can go on in the event I have an emergency with family or something similar IRL and the best time to find out is when I -am- available to help in case something goes drastically south. For the next several days after tonight, Siobhain will be found in La Noscea/Limsa Lominsa. If you have a character there and would like to arrange a meeting, please feel free to talk to me via a PM and we'll set things up. Thank you guys again so much, that last tournament was beautiful and I look forward to seeing more beautiful tournaments. If you have any questions or comments, you can feel free to PM me~ Gah. So effin happy. =3= <33333 Edit: Also updated the flyer that you can see on the first page with rules + location + new information. Please feel free to give that a look-over. Link to comment
LandStander Posted October 18, 2013 Share #39 Posted October 18, 2013 The winner? Do you even need to question who won? Denn did enter the competition so the winner was already decided from the get-go :3. Link to comment
YesGood Posted October 19, 2013 Author Share #40 Posted October 19, 2013 Lol. How many tournaments has Denn entered? *eyebrow raise* <333 So tonight (10.19) there should be another tournament. Sylas, Davian, and A'khenna are in charge of this. Two of you got me on Skype so keep me updated, lovelies! Link to comment
LandStander Posted October 19, 2013 Share #41 Posted October 19, 2013 *mumbles* 4... I'll try to make this one. The reigning champion does have an image to uphold. Gotta give the people what they want :3. Link to comment
YesGood Posted October 19, 2013 Author Share #42 Posted October 19, 2013 In the blood matches, remember, your entrance fee should be afforded for you but you still have to work your way up from the bottom with everyone else. Link to comment
LandStander Posted October 19, 2013 Share #43 Posted October 19, 2013 Yes, yes, I know. Its a good chance to crush everyone all over again :bomb: Link to comment
YesGood Posted October 20, 2013 Author Share #44 Posted October 20, 2013 I have faith in you! DO IT FOR DEM ROEGADAMES! Link to comment
Brave Posted October 20, 2013 Share #45 Posted October 20, 2013 /sigh This sounded like so much fun. I finally manage to transfer servers and then wind up with a fried motherboard. Hope everyone had a sound thrashing and worthy opponents! Link to comment
YesGood Posted October 20, 2013 Author Share #46 Posted October 20, 2013 Quote /sigh This sounded like so much fun. I finally manage to transfer servers and then wind up with a fried motherboard. Hope everyone had a sound thrashing and worthy opponents! Nooooooo! Why you fry joo motherboard?! They is no good for eating! Link to comment
Brave Posted October 20, 2013 Share #47 Posted October 20, 2013 Well someone told me that graphics cards work better over a slow fire so I was like "duh" clearly fire+90% of most things equals amazing. All kidding aside it seemed to be going through a slow death but its under warranty and under repair atm lol. I'll be back soonish just not sure when /sigh Link to comment
YesGood Posted October 20, 2013 Author Share #48 Posted October 20, 2013 Quote Well someone told me that graphics cards work better over a slow fire so I was like "duh" clearly fire+90% of most things equals amazing. All kidding aside it seemed to be going through a slow death but its under warranty and under repair atm lol. I'll be back soonish just not sure when /sigh Well at least it's being fixed. We look forward to seeing you when you come back! Q.Q *puts forth a prayer for your computer's wellness* There will be many tournaments assuming Sylas doesn't asplode everything in my absence. Link to comment
Brave Posted October 20, 2013 Share #49 Posted October 20, 2013 Quote Quote Well someone told me that graphics cards work better over a slow fire so I was like "duh" clearly fire+90% of most things equals amazing. All kidding aside it seemed to be going through a slow death but its under warranty and under repair atm lol. I'll be back soonish just not sure when /sigh Well at least it's being fixed. We look forward to seeing you when you come back! Q.Q *puts forth a prayer for your computer's wellness* There will be many tournaments assuming Sylas doesn't asplode everything in my absence. Sounds awesome! I know I'm debating to IC give Brave a reason to learn about a sword and board. Maybe I can see its effectiveness in a "Gladiator" match Link to comment
YesGood Posted October 20, 2013 Author Share #50 Posted October 20, 2013 Quote Quote Quote Well someone told me that graphics cards work better over a slow fire so I was like "duh" clearly fire+90% of most things equals amazing. All kidding aside it seemed to be going through a slow death but its under warranty and under repair atm lol. I'll be back soonish just not sure when /sigh Well at least it's being fixed. We look forward to seeing you when you come back! Q.Q *puts forth a prayer for your computer's wellness* There will be many tournaments assuming Sylas doesn't asplode everything in my absence. Sounds awesome! I know I'm debating to IC give Brave a reason to learn about a sword and board. Maybe I can see its effectiveness in a "Gladiator" match Sio has room for mooooar apprentices. O_O Or at least sparring mates. She does love to fight male Roegadyn. Easy wins. Though I suppose realistically that'd have to wait until she's less sickly. Is he a sword+boarder or does he specialize in something else currently? Link to comment
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