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Tiergan's Thread of Shameless Self-Promotion [No Commissions. Apologies.]


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In the Future:


"Uh, Tiergan?"




"I -ah... I asked and paid for just a portrait, but you gave me a full-body painting of a glistening Yvelont relaxing in a sauna, dressed in nothing but a gold-trimmed loincloth, while reclining against a random nondescript box..."


"I don't see what the problem is here."


-Rivi faints in the background- ..


We BOTH approved of this.



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For me...

I think the grey is colder and so appear to have a more rugged quality that matches the hard life the face has seen. The colour brings warmth that softens that ruggedness.


I think you're right. The greyscale's cooler colors definitely increase the sense of harshness.

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Gharen's one is wonderful...but you have an interesting challenge, Tiergan. The next two commissions have the exact same facial model AND one of them has the same hairstyle...


I was amused by the similarities between Berrod and Gharen, but luckily their personalities are super different, which is where I can punch-up the contrasts between them.

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Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,


What you see there are one-size-fits-all boxers with an expandable waistband.


That means it slips right off with little to no effort.


This has been a Public Service Announcement. Thank you for your time.

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Fun fact: Tiergan would have been a highlander if I could have. fucking. eyebrows.


So every highlander painting is getting eyebrows just to spite SE for their lack of insight.

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Fun fact: Tiergan would have been a highlander if I could have. fucking. eyebrows.


So every highlander painting is getting eyebrows just to spite SE for their lack of insight.

B'ren would be Highlander if I didn't know Miqo'te were SO.DAMN.POPULAR.



...though I still have Jak.


(but pst, if there's list for a portrait may I be added on the wait list)

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