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Don't normally like to double post here, but awesome stuff!


First - another amazing song by DyE's recent album.



Second, one of the songs from the Life is Strange: Episode 1 soundtrack that was sooo delicious in a sappy way:


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Miracle of Sound-  Levels (albums) I-V.



( Listen and then spend the money to buy al lthe albums, because its awesome.)


 The best part because he'  done so many he does 'call backs' to other songs. So he's got like two Dragon Ages ones and in  the most reason there is a musical bit which calls back to  the prior song.


 But lately it's been the Level V album:



1) "As One" ( which is based of Dragon Age Inqusition)

2) Dream of the  Goodbye (based off  Bioshock Infinite, part of a Trilogy, "Little Sister", "Dream of teh Sky, "Dream of Goodby)

3)Messing with the Best - Bayonetta II

4) Shadow of the Ash (  Shadow of Mordor).

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Because Ishgardian Radio will be a thing in Heavensward. I will make it so.




And because...


There is so much drama on the RPC

It's kinda hard being just a simple bard like me

But, I somehow, someway,

Keep findin' new earworms for ya every single day...



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