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Blood on the Sands Episodic rp event (Rules for Event 2 in first post)

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I'm really glad everyone had such a blast!


Course I didn't see 98% of eveNt I was to busy posioning water sources. >.<  but I already knew that.  I'll be posting the official update later when I get off work cause posting while on my phone gets tiring......may end up doing it via phone anyway. Lol.


Anyhow summary. Fight was awesome, GREAT turn out, thank you so Much NPC's for helping baddie side. Will need event MORE NPC's next sat so start recruiting. Gonna be zombies! . . . .  Well void send but close enough.


For meow though, Jin'li got EVERY water source in Goblet and Ul'dah and LOADS of civilians be dying. For Jin'li, this event was a FLAWLESS VICTORY, even if Warren, Erik, Alexei, and Saravena roughed him up at the end. Also Warren, I loved you being at one of the water sources and delaying me with rp. Was awesome. :D



You might have stioped me, If I hadn't used Jin'li's ultimate power. . . 





He is kind as well but I still need to ask him about that.. I don't think that word means what he thinks it does.. doesn't help that he seems to have a recorded response for everything!

[align=center]" I'm sorry, My masters can't come to the pearl right now but would be happy to get back to you as soon as they are available, for they are kind. Please be so kind as to leave a message after the beep "[/align]

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I'm really glad everyone had such a blast!


Course I didn't see 98% of eveNt I was to busy posioning water sources. >.<  but I already knew that.  I'll be posting the official update later when I get off work cause posting while on my phone gets tiring......may end up doing it via phone anyway. Lol.


Anyhow summary. Fight was awesome, GREAT turn out, thank you so Much NPC's for helping baddie side. Will need event MORE NPC's next sat so start recruiting. Gonna be zombies! . . . .  Well void send but close enough.


For meow though, Jin'li got EVERY water source in Goblet and Ul'dah and LOADS of civilians be dying. For Jin'li, this event was a FLAWLESS VICTORY, even if Warren, Erik, Alexei, and Saravena roughed him up at the end. Also Warren, I loved you being at one of the water sources and delaying me with rp. Was awesome. :D



You might have stioped me, If I hadn't used Jin'li's ultimate power. . . 





It was a fluke. That's not my normal beat and I was actually tabbed out of the game writing a post in my thread when I saw the emote pop up.


Next time, though, I'm taking body parts.

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For meow though, Jin'li got EVERY water source in Goblet and Ul'dah and LOADS of civilians be dying.

Every water source? So, literally, everyone in the city should now be suffering the effects of the toxin? And dying, since death occurs by the twenty hour point?


We were able to get word out soon enough and there's a contingency in play regarding shipping fresh water from the rest of Thanalan, but there's definitely casualties.

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It is my sincere OOC hope that the poisoning was not successful as described.  If it were, I hope the players of the collared characters who took part in it are prepared for their characters to pay the consequences.


We were able to get word out soon enough and there's a contingency in play regarding shipping fresh water from the rest of Thanalan' date=' but there's definitely casualties.[/quote']

Momodi was informed within minutes of T'shina sighting Jin'li. Whoever should have been informed within the city at that point would have known shortly thereafter.

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For meow though, Jin'li got EVERY water source in Goblet and Ul'dah and LOADS of civilians be dying.

Every water source? So, literally, everyone in the city should now be suffering the effects of the toxin? And dying, since death occurs by the twenty hour point?


We were able to get word out soon enough and there's a contingency in play regarding shipping fresh water from the rest of Thanalan, but there's definitely casualties.


Well, what is being gotten at is the fact that well...some places are gotten from Natural Resources and from ground water. I mean, yes, the Goblet has the large artificial waterfall but I'm pretty sure it's drawing from either or both ground water and the ocean.


If Jin'li's gotten to ALL of them, everyone is literally fucked. You can't just easily decontaminate that type of thing. No one can be drinking anything or even using anything because they've all been poisoned and that type of thing is a complete disaster. Hell, if it's something that will still have ill effects even with dilution, La Noscea is fucked too

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If it's a natural spring or river, it will eventually decontaminate itself as the water continues to flow from the source, washing everything away. Will take time however.


Any man-made source is 'effed', though.


I agree it's a complete disaster. Thankfully it was only the city, and not the outlying villages that were contaminated, so there should be other sources nearby that can send emergency water rations.

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If it's a natural spring or river, it will eventually decontaminate itself as the water continues to flow from the source, washing everything away.  Will take time however.


Any man-made source is 'effed', though.


I agree it's a complete disaster.  Thankfully it was only the city, and not the outlying villages that were contaminated, so there should be other sources nearby that can send emergency water rations.

Mass murder is not a "disaster". Okay, its not a "natural disaster". The consequences of this should really be thought through.

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The plot is supposed to run for a month or so. Large sources of water are lost to the city, setting the distraught tone for Phase 2. Everyone is restless and thirsty and tired. I don't think Askier meant that the entire world is fucked, just that there's enough damage and casualty to give the city some severe tension. Those of us who are on the Good Guy Brigade have a week of moving bodies, fending off riots and rationing water to work with going into the next session.


I kind of like it. Phase 1 is just applying the DoTs before the DPS starts in earnest for Phase 2.


Disclaimer: Not talking for Askier, just pointing out how I see it.

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The plot is supposed to run for a month or so. Large sources of water are lost to the city, setting the distraught tone for Phase 2. Everyone is restless and thirsty and tired. I don't think Askier meant that the entire world is fucked, just that there's enough damage and casualty to give the city some severe tension. Those of us who are on the Good Guy Brigade have a week of moving bodies, fending off riots and rationing water to work with going into the next session.


I kind of like it. Phase 1 is just applying the DoTs before the DPS starts in earnest for Phase 2.


Disclaimer: Not talking for Askier, just pointing out how I see it.

Provided the players involved realize what the ramifications are for their characters (from Kiht to Osric, and anyone else involved on the Villains side), they should play it out how they like.  I really do not feel like this was the actual intent of the plot from an OOC perspective (but I could be mistaken, I am only on the outside looking in).

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Provided the players involved realize what the ramifications are for their characters (from Kiht to Osric, and anyone else involved on the Villains side), they should play it out how they like.


*sees Aya about to have a drink while on break*

*Time slows down*

*dramatic leap while screaming NOOOOO*

*slaps glass away from lips just in nick of time*

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For an OOC look on what Franz/Merc knew ICly, a lot of the bad guys weren't told what was happening. We were just hired to cause a diversion. 


Needless to say, some of the non-collared bad guys *cough cough* may want to do something about it. It will be interesting to see how he hears of the poisoning, you know, living with Kage and Nat.

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I think the consequences for all those that were collared and willingly took part in poisoning of the waters to result in hundreds unaware that would/could die from it...


I think *that* is what I am looking forward to the most at the end this.


Yes. I absolutely think there needs to be consequences for every action taken in RP. Else nothing holds weight.

I am super excited to see how things play out. :bouncy:

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For an OOC look on what Franz/Merc knew ICly, a lot of the bad guys weren't told what was happening. We were just hired to cause a diversion. 


Needless to say, some of the non-collared bad guys *cough cough* may want to do something about it. It will be interesting to see how he hears of the poisoning, you know, living with Kage and Nat.

Good luck with that defense when you next come back to Ul'dah :-]

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For an OOC look on what Franz/Merc knew ICly, a lot of the bad guys weren't told what was happening. We were just hired to cause a diversion. 


Needless to say, some of the non-collared bad guys *cough cough* may want to do something about it. It will be interesting to see how he hears of the poisoning, you know, living with Kage and Nat.

Good luck with that defense when you next come back to Ul'dah :-]


Yeah, there's not going to be a lot of sympathy for the non-collared. Even the collared folk Hornet thinks should have taken their own heads rather than do what they did. But she's a hard-ass like that.

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For an OOC look on what Franz/Merc knew ICly, a lot of the bad guys weren't told what was happening. We were just hired to cause a diversion. 


Needless to say, some of the non-collared bad guys *cough cough* may want to do something about it. It will be interesting to see how he hears of the poisoning, you know, living with Kage and Nat.

Good luck with that defense when you next come back to Ul'dah :-]


Well we don't have to say we were there~ Though the truth will come out eventually. Nat was ordered to infiltrate Jin'li organization, though she doesn't have the stomach for it anymore now that she knows what she inadvertently helped do. Draaaaamaaaaaa.

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Yeah, there's not going to be a lot of sympathy for the non-collared.  Even the collared folk Hornet thinks should have taken their own heads rather than do what they did.  But she's a hard-ass like that.

No question about it.  There is no compulsion defense for accessory to mass murder.  We should be looking for a triggering device not a disabling one for those collars.

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Yeah, there's not going to be a lot of sympathy for the non-collared.  Even the collared folk Hornet thinks should have taken their own heads rather than do what they did.  But she's a hard-ass like that.

No question about it.  There is no compulsion defense for accessory to mass murder.  We should be looking for a triggering device not a disabling one for those collars.


I'm tempted to agree actually. After she found out what happened, Nat was pretty shocked to find that people willingly helped orchestrate it.

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Kage's biased for Natalie but he was extremely grateful that Natalie has some limits. But he's definitely still got "double standards" in mind on one character in mind.


If he could, for the killing of several hundreds of people he had half a mind to sign some kill on sight orders to Private and Corporal Brass Blades.

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