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Pen-pal project


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A while ago, someone suggested a pen-pal project where-in they would pair up some people and it seemed to be a really good idea. However due to the OP going inactive it never got anywhere. 


The gist of the idea is that people can sign up and get a pen-pal for their character to correspond with, either anonymously or not. The correspondence goes through PM's here on the RPC as in-game mail is limited on how much you can type.  

And who knows, some day it could lead to actual RP for the characters involved. 



How does matching work? 

So, what I did in round one is that I created a spreadsheet in google docs and got a friend to help me compile information. If characters had a wiki, I would go read info about their personality, and take in other relevant information so as to guide (I am by no means a people expert, mind) the matches and make sure that the people who I am matching did not already know each other. However not all information was used in all matches. 

Whenever I feel there is enough signed up (and preferably an even number) I start to match people up again. If someone listed two characters, I may PM them to ask if they are willing to have 2 correspondences (unless such was already noted)



How does anonymity work? 

Anonymity is tricky, because how exactly do you start something without saying who you are. Well, so far I've heard of a few options.


1. Use Anon Y'mous 

2. Have one of the pen-pals leave a random letter somewhere and start the correspondence that way 

3. Use a NPC Courier to bring the letters back/forth, knowing it's in the search for a pen-pal. Perhaps your character was feeling lonely or unchallenged in the realms of writing. 

4. Be creative! There are otherwise to twist it together. In all cases I recommend agreeing on a way with your destined pen-pal before starting.


Can I still sign up? 


Please let me know, when you do, which character you prefer having listed, if they are anonymous or not and whether or not you would like multiple correspondences (I can not guarantee that it'll always be possible)

Please also write down if your character knows anyone who is still pending a match, as I want to avoid starting correspondences between people that already know each other. 


If your penpal has gone inactive and you want a new one, feel free to sign up again.



(Main description last updated on 21/01/2015) 


Match #1 


If your name is in bold, it means it's up to you to start the correspondence. 

If an A is listed behind your match, it means the correspondence will be anonymous.

If you already know your match, or experience problems, let me know.  


Steel Wolf Clement JaniverA

Jaques Guillaume V'aleera Lhuil - A

E'Khei Balduin S'ahmiko Behnen 

Vaughn Antain Bexy Amalaryssia

Jethas Zykyri  Emma Reed - A

Rivienne Delacroux Lilithium Altair 

Ereshkigal Atropos Deverell Jinx - A

Howling Wind Melody Adagio -

Y'shenn Tia Avis Inkwood 

Sizha'to Chalahko Jariana Rinjahl 

Nimimi Nimi Melodia 

Kellach Woods Ja'ren A'lenthin 

Kinono Kino Lolotaru Lalataru 

Brendt Fowkes Nailah Quill - A

Chachanji Gegenji Rarashid Kokoshid -

Nikola Deisatus Tiergan Vashir




Match #2 

If your name is in bold, it means it's up to you to start the correspondence. 

If an A is listed behind your match, it means the correspondence will be anonymous.

If you already know your match, or experience problems, let me know.  


Armallant Duval H'ara Nikahd A

Cassandra Lachance Xavarian Mystrife A

Lance Ironheart A'zoreena Treon 

A'toli Pehn K'aworu Demiir A




Match #3 

If your name is in bold, it means it's up to you to start the correspondence. 

If an A is listed behind your match, it means the correspondence will be anonymous.

If you already know your match, or experience problems, let me know.  


Y'lani Kahlid Gwannes Oskwell 

V'arimbeh Nitsah Kizari Hizari A

Caen Jabari A'zireena Treon 

Victorique Fierlane Noxaelius Avatine 

Locke Rinnanis Rough Nomad

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Dude...I LOVE this idea!! :o


Okay, so..uhm...I would definitely be up for this, as I'm always looking for as much RP as possible in this game and with this lovely community.


Frequency wouldn't matter to me. Anonymity on my end isn't necessary unless it's required or requested.

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I never saw the first thread, but this actually sounds rather interesting!


I have two Characters that would probably enjoy doing this.


Ryuuza Mchalahan - Doesn't care either way for anon or not.

Jethas Zykyri - again, doesn't matter for anon or not.


Frequency doesn't matter to me at this time.

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... Yeeees. I'd like to enter into this anonymously with my male Roedygan (pardon my potentially poor spelling) named Howling Wind. Howling Wind would be quite frequent.


Edit: Bloop bloop bloop bloop. Oodles and oodles of wishy-washy-ness!

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This is a fab idea! I'd like to do it with my alt Nimimi. Anonymous or not doesn't really matter - although I'd like to know more about how the anonymity would work as I think I'm getting a bit confused!


She's quite a busy little Lalafell so once or twice a week would be best. If the other person wasn't able to reply as often I wouldn't mind, as long as they don't mind the speed I reply in either. :P

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I could join. ^_^ Jinx would be the sort to find a lost letter and reply to it if the contents were interesting enough. :3 Frequency doesn't matter. He would probably play at being anonymous, especially if the person who wrote the letter he found was anonymous, but there would have to be some kind of identification on both parts in order to send the messages back and forth. Hmmmm... Sounds fun. :3

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I could join. ^_^ Jinx would be the sort to find a lost letter and reply to it if the contents were interesting enough. :3 Frequency doesn't matter. He would probably play at being anonymous, especially if the person who wrote the letter he found was anonymous, but there would have to be some kind of identification on both parts in order to send the messages back and forth. Hmmmm... Sounds fun. :3


Oh god... now I can just imagine Miko trying to come up with new names to sign everything with to stay anonymous. They'd end up being like "Definitely Not Someone You Know" or "Banana"

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