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Lydia Lightfoot

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  1. I haven't heard that much bass since the time I went to a redneck novelty gift shop!
  2. Hi Sui! Welcome to Balmung! My FC's Discord server is open to guests from other FCs, and all of our activities are open to them, too - we don't try to recruit our guests (mostly we figure if somebody decides they want to join the FC, they'll tell us), so don't worry, there's no pressure for that at all. You're welcome to have fun with us if you want! My Discord info's in my signature, so just toss me a friend request if you want to check us out. There's close to 50 players on the server at this point, most of whom are guests just like you'd be.
  3. Oh weird! It wasn't showing for me before, but now it is. Well, sometimes websites hiccup a little. :3
  4. Hey there! You'll want to be sure to note your server in posts like this, so that potentially interested people will know if they even could RP with you or not. Since you mentioned Discord, it's helpful if you include your contact info there, too (you could do it in your signature, like I did in mine, and that way it's just there on every post you make). Hope that helps!
  5. I've been cautioning everyone I know about their bunny fever... It's completely possible they will be a beast tribe and not a playable race. Please, for your own potential future disappointment, do not get on the hype train and daydream characters and get emotionally invested in them being a playable race until we know for sure that they will be. Don't Fallout 76 yourself. Please.
  6. You know, you're right. They must've transferred before that. I had somebody in my FC check just now because I don't want to give out incorrect advice, and sure enough, transfers onto Balmung are locked again. Sorry about that! UGH, SE. UGH.
  7. Haha! I thought maybe you meant "low key", but that "low comment" was some sort of even newer way that the kids were saying that, and I was managing to fall even further behind in that sort of thing! Aging sucks...
  8. Hi Kazex! Can you elaborate on what you mean by "low comment" RP FC?
  9. Incorrect! Transfers to Balmung are open. I don't have any available slots to check this myself, but I've been told this by several sources.
  10. Hey there! Step 1: Chat with me on Discord (see my signature) Step 2: ??? Step 3: Profit! The main issue, I think, is that the RPC is a very wonderful website, but due to a change in the website's underlying structure the old FC pages all got sent into retirement and FCs were told they'd need to make a new page under the site's "club" system. Most found this "club" system confusing (myself included) and opted not to rebuild their page. The RPC site has since rescinded that and is allowing the use of the older style FC pages, so some of them are coming back (mine will be along sometime this week). Secondary, a lot of players seem to be using Tumblr for their RP connections and FC stuff, even though Tumblr is literally a terrible tool for that compared to something like the RPC website. But, even though it's the wrong tool for that task, a lot of people are determined to try and put screws in using a hammer, if you catch my meaning. Anyway! My FC's Discord server is open to guests and so are all of our activities, so feel free to chat me up on Discord and even if you aren't interested in our FC itself, maybe you'll enjoy coming to RP with us occasionally or checking our one of our activities. We have stuff going on most nights of the week, in US evening timezones.
  11. My advice is not to worry over trying to coordinate your life schedule around narrow "the server is open to making new characters" windows. Instead, for $10 you can transfer up to an entire server load of 8 characters at once, from any server on a given datacenter to any other server on that datacenter. There's a few basic requirements for transfer, which I don't remember precisely - but if you go to the character transfer section on Mog Station it'll tell you. Anyway, that'd be what I'd do. Make characters, transfer them in a batch (since it's the same flat-fee whether you do one character or 8 characters, you may as well do 8, even if you only even RP one of them you can use the other ones for storage mules or something). There's punch and pie on Balmung, also.
  12. This is just my opinion from my own observations over a very long time roleplaying: We live in a society which even today is... at best largely heteronormative even if open to other ideas, and, at worst homophobic and discriminatory. People roleplay in order to experience a fantasy escape from reality, and so it makes sense to me that there would be a very high proportion of characters who would be non-hetero in an environment where that's mostly not something where they're going to have to deal with a lot of social anger. Many of them likely write characters who represent what they wish they could explore in real life, such as being able to explore a neat old tomb, or travel to a faraway land, or be somebody tough and strong who doesn't have to take crap from bullies, and so the same logic works for topics of sexuality, too. A lot of people have to live in repression even in 2018 or deal with negative consequences, so... they write as a way to explore. Maybe. Again, it's just my thoughts on it. That said, there are hetero (and also non-hetero whose interests include women) out there. Both of my current characters are hetero and, yeah, finding compatible characters for either of them hasn't been a suffocating mob of froth-mouthed interested persons, but, nor would I say it's really a chore to have met people on them, either. I guess all I can advise is to be patient and to put your character into as many open event activities as possible. I'm not sure how much of that occurs on your server, though. I really couldn't say.
  13. I'd had an interesting idea about how they could deal with the issue of multiple plots per account, and people who are basically inactive but pop on long enough to keep their house secure even though they aren't even actually playing the game anymore - property taxes. Each account generates 1 tax token per subscribed month. If you don't spend a token, you can accumulate them. If you prepay for game time, you won't pre-accumulate, but you'll get your new one at the start of each new prepaid sub month as it turns over from the last month. Tax due on an apartment or small house is 1 token per month. A medium is 3, and a large is 5. This tax is due regardless of whether the house is owned personally or it's owned by an FC. The tax can be paid only by a tenant of an apartment or personal house or by a member of the FC (accordingly, the potential tenants would change from 0 for apartments and 3 for any personal house, to 2 for apartments, and 4/6/8 for personal houses, depending on size), and, to prevent a black market of buying/selling tax tokens, the individual must have been a tenant or FC member for 30 days before they become eligible to pay tax on the property. You'd be able to prepay tax for up to 3 months. This would make it possible for an individual account to own multiple properties only if they had friends as tenants who would be able to assist with paying the taxes. It would also make it somewhat more challenging for an individual to keep a medium or large house unless, again, they had friends as tenants who wanted to help with the upkeep.
  14. New, awesome Balmung friends? Maybe? I've been trying to collect more friends lately, so if either of you (Lihli and Vincent) want to meet a bunch, flail at me on Discord! Liriell's one of them (and super great!). :3
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