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Ala Mhigan Character Directory.

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Coming in my future attempts to revitalize Ala Mhigan culture in open RP and RP events I wanted to get a sense of how strong that community I'm targeting is, please help me to get a good comprehensive list of characters, of whatever race that once called Ala Mhigo home.


Personal Profile

[align=left]Character Name: TEXT

Gender: TEXT

Race: TEXT


Domestic Profile

Civil Status: TEXT

Place of Residence: TEXT

Occupation: TEXT

Free Company: TEXT


Social Profile



Meta Profile




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Personal Profile

[align=left]Character Name: Delial Grimsong

Gender: Female

Race: Hyur, Highlander


Domestic Profile

Civil Status: Single

Place of Residence: N/A

Occupation: Informant, spy, bounty hunter.

Free Company: Blackthorn Company


Social Profile

Grimsong (formerly Blackstone, also known as Kinslayer) is an outspoken supporter of the Garlean regime who has made a life out of hunting members of the Ala Mhigan Resistance. She was presumed dead for a time after her activities in Ala Mhigo came to an abrupt halt not too long after the Calamity. Her reappearance in Ul'dah, however, would prove those rumors false.


In recent years, her presence has been most strongly felt in Thanalan, where she has been thought responsible for the deaths of at least two individuals and the kidnapping of another.


Current Status: MIA.

Meta Profile

Wiki page can be found here.



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Personal Profile

Character Name: Shas Tarry (Sharla Blackheart)

Gender: Female

Race: Highlander, Hyur


Domestic Profile

Civil Status: Involved

Place of Residence: Ul'dah/Goblet

Occupation: Sultansworn

Free Company: Phoenix


Social Profile

Shas' Wiki



Meta Profile

Shas' Wiki

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Personal Profile

Character Name: Taithroran Xanahir

Gender: Male

Race: Hyur Midlander


Domestic Profile

Civil Status: Single

Place of Residence: Nomadic

Occupation: Mercenary

Free Company: Regnum Garlemald!


Social Profile

Taithroran Xanahir is nomadic mercenary. He currently has been taking jobs from the underworld market in Eorzea while maintaining a hidden identity from those whom may remember him from the past. He was only but a young fighter when Garlemald had taken the offensive in Gyr Abania. It was the right opportunity to turn against those who opposed the growth of the Empire so his family had turned against the resistance at the time of war. Revenge is what ultimately brought Tait to Eorzea, and plans to remain until the act of revenge has eventually been carried out by his own sword.


Meta Profile

This is an alt account so it will be rare to run into me but my signature does carry my other characters so give me a poke if you see any of them around for a possible meet up! I do not have a Wiki and most likely will not create one so hit me up if you want to get to know the character in depth.

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[align=justify]Personal Profile

Character Name:Mistalv Arroway


Race: Hyur (Highlander)


Domestic Profile

Civil Status:Seeing Someone

Place of Residence: Little Ala Mhigo

Occupation: Rhalgr's Monkhood

Free Company:Pending


Social Profile

Calm. Kind. Dedicated. If asked, these would be the words the blind Priestess would use to describe herself. Mistalv's duty as a Fist of Rhalgr has always come first in her life, putting the wants and needs of Ala Mhigo well above those of her own. Her life is consumed by it, spending every waking moment she can Mastering the art of destruction from her patron god so that she can stand firm as a pillar of strength for the refugees to lean on. 


Meta Profile

My main stay in the game. Always looking to hit up and flex the Ala Mhigan roots IC. Don't  be afraid to drop a line in game or otherwise anytime. I don't bite. Often. And am always in the mood to make new friends and rp buddies. 


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Personal Profile

[align=left]Character Name: Erik Myhnier

Gender: Male

Race: Mixed


Domestic Profile

Civil Status: Engaged

Place of Residence: Sable Hall, Ul'dah

Occupation: Immortal Flame

Free Company: The Red Wings


Social Profile

Born in Ala Mhigo, like many Erik was a refugee from the Empire's wrath. By the age of sixteen he had made his way to Ul'dah where he began his career as a member of Ul'dah's mercenary army, joining the unit, The Crimson Watch. This lead him into service of the Immortal Flames, and for a time the Sultansworn. Noble and sometimes reckless, Erik lives by a code he has gained from his years of hardships. It has become well known as of late to more then his closest friends, that Erik has little love for either the Royalist or Monetarist. He feels them two sides of the same coin, and that their constant fighting does nothing but places a burden on the people. Something that bothers him personally due to his own past.


Meta Profile

Erik is my one and only character. I have been playing this character really since EQ to varying degrees. I started him intentionally as a very sad and cold man, as I enjoy RP where people start out that way, and find their way to happiness slowly. Over the almost two years since I started here, Erik has lightened up a bit but never past that professional line. His mother was of Ishgard, and his father Ala Mhigo. This choice was on purpose when I made him as I assumed Ishgard and Ala Mhigo would be the first places covered by expansions and wanted a reason to explore both. Also it made for an interesting character, the strength, passion, and inner rage of a highlander, mixed with the refinement, self control, and education of an elezen. I love inner-dichotomy.



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Personal Profile

Character Name: Ella Silentstorm

Gender: Female

Race: Highlander


Domestic Profile

Civil Status: Single

Place of Residence: Goblet

Occupation: Registrar of The Skyward eye

Free Company: The Skyward Eye


Social Profile


Meta Profile

Ella is a very quiet Highlander who seems to have self esteem issues about her ability to fight. She often just stands there and lets herself become a target dummy for friends as well as people who wouldn't be considered friends but 'bullies'. She is currently working with the help of her group to become a better fighter as well as not be so closed off to everyone.

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Personal Profile

Character Name: Rythiel "Rothmoore"

Gender: Male

Race: Hyur (Highlander)


Domestic Profile

Civil Status: Single

Place of Residence: Currently within the Goblet

Occupation: Mercenary / Warden of the Kindred

Free Company: The Kindred


Social Profile



Meta Profile

This'd be my main, I do have an alt which was my character from launch, but they mostly sit around as a small reminder or if I fancy using them to NPC stuff! Can usually find me lurking about somewhere during EU peak hours or most of the weekend! Feel free to give me a poke ingame if you fancy some RP.

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Personal Profile

[align=left]Character Name: Lorelei Armstrong

Gender: Female

Race: Highlander


Domestic Profile

Civil Status: Single

Place of Residence: Goblet

Occupation: Unemployed

Free Company: Aeon


Social Profile

To keep it brief, Lorelei is very much the angsty Mhigan youth who is angry at just about everyone. Currently, she spends her time being a sadsack wastrel, but in the rare instances she's able to forget, she's actually quite pleasant. She's also looking for someone to teach her to fight. See wiki for more info.


Meta Profile

Link. Its still heavy WIP but the timeline is there, at least.[/align]

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Personal Profile

Character Name: Aya "Foxheart" 

Gender: Female

Race: Highlander (raised in Ishgard)


Domestic Profile

Civil Status: Working Girl

Place of Residence: Hourglass (Quick Sand)

Occupation: Quick Sand Barmaid (and Professional Model)

Free Company: Formerly of the Hungry Wolf


Social Profile

Aya is a cheerful, bubbly, and energetic blonde barmaid.  From a high aristocratic family that fled early during the Garlean invasion.  Wandered from city-to-city as refugees until settling in Ishgard with distant family members.  Aya appears Ishgardian to most, and does not relate closely to other Ala Mhigan refugees. Nonetheless she is quick and easy to befriend, and cannot escape the understanding that Ala Mhigans are her people, at least as much as anyone can be called that.



Meta Profile

Aya's an easy to befriend character constantly on the look out to build relationships, make friends, and network.  Given how young she was at the time of exile, she does not relate much to Ala Mhigo, and is unlikely to be known by other Ala Mhigans. Nonetheless she is rather free in discussing her background, and anyone wishing to know that Aya is that "Ala Mhigan-Ishgardian barmaid at the Quick Sand" would know just that :)

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Personal Profile

[align=left]Character Name: Kiera Hawkeye

Gender: Female

Race: Highlander


Domestic Profile

Civil Status: Single

Place of Residence: Ul'dah

Occupation: Freelance adventurer

Free Company: None


Social Profile

Kiera's Wiki[/align]


Meta Profile

This is my main rp character. I just started out, and am looking to add a few more people to play with! There's not a lot I'm not open to, but just send me a Pm and maybe we can work something out![/align]

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Personal Profile

Character Name: Gharen Wolfsong

Gender: Male

Race: Highlander


Domestic Profile

Civil Status: Single

Place of Residence: Wilds

Occupation: Wanderer, Instructor, Weapons master in training, Ala Mhigan Resistance member

Free Company: Sloetide Venture Co.


Social Profile

Gharen's Wiki


Meta Profile

Gharen's Wiki

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Personal Profile

Character Name: Brynnalia Callae

Gender: Female

Race: Highlander


Domestic Profile

Civil Status: Single

Place of Residence: Ul'dah

Occupation: Usually gets paid to get information, also can work as a dancer, bard, chocobo trainer, and was once an ex-Ala Mhigan Resistance member

Free Company: Independent IC. (NPC FC OOCly)


Social Profile

On first impression, Brynnalia comes off as an easy-going and flirtatious Highlander, with penchant for dangling and jingling jewelry, mostly bracelets and anklets. She uses them to their full effect when she dances or performs. She also has hedonistic tendencies and loves to enjoy aged wine, fine comforts, and beautiful men. She is currently working for the Monetarists in Ul'dah.


Meta Profile

Beneath the surface, she is a woman who puts her own interests above all else. She can be ruthless and treacherous when needed for her own survival.

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Personal Profile

Character Name: Berrod Armstrong

Gender: Male

Race: Hyur (Highlander)


Domestic Profile

Civil Status: Engaged

Place of Residence: The Goblet

Occupation: Adventurer, Mercenary and Proprietor

Free Company: Astral Agents


Social Profile

See the Wiki for details!


Meta Profile

See the Wiki for details!

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Personal Profile

Character Name: Tiergan Vashir

Gender: Male

Race: Mixed-Heritage Miqo'te


Domestic Profile

Civil Status: "It's Complicated."

Place of Residence: Originally Ul'dah - now the Mist of La Noscea.

Occupation: Mercenary

Free Company: The Coral Sea


Social/Meta Profile


Super Outdated Wiki That Needs Updating




Personal Profile

Character Name: Lurial Vashir

Gender: Female

Race: Mixed-Heritage Miqo'te


Domestic Profile

Civil Status: Single

Place of Residence: Spends most of her time in Ul'dah, though also stays in the Mist

Occupation: Information Broker(cover) / Assassin (true occupation)

Free Company: The Coral Sea


Social/Meta Profile


Wiki that needs Revamp because much of it has been retconned and rebooted.

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Personal Profile

[align=left]Character Name: Sounsyy Mirke

Gender: Female

Race: Miqo'te - Seeker


Domestic Profile

Civil Status: Single

Place of Residence: Limsa Lominsa

Occupation: Maelstrom Captain

Free Company: Coral


Social/Meta Profile

Mirke's Wiki



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  • 3 weeks later...

Personal Profile

Character Name: (Fidalgo(title)) Reiner Dorn

Gender: Male

Age: 46

Race: Highland Hyur


Domestic Profile

Civil Status: Widower

Place of Residence: Goblet Ward 3 Plot 35

Occupation: Political figure. Guardian. Former Bounty hunter specializing in mages, Former solider with the Flames (Chief Flames Sergeant)

Free Company: Wandering Tonberry Trading company


Social Profile

A well spoken and visibly affluent man, Reiner has within the past six months taken to knowing the limitations of his age, using his love for his homeland, and the money inherited by being a son of wealth from Ala Mhigo has allowed him the ability to press for issues concerning refugees and lend support to the Front.



Open to nearly any walk up conversation he cuts an imposing figure, his words carefully chosen to attempt to dispel the notion of the beefheaded Ala Mhigan. Enjoys a regular meal of Orobon liver at the Quick Sand.

Meta Profile

His activity as an organizer is also known as he is the Curator of The Runestone a combat tournament with the purpose of furthering the magical arts. His hatred turned to soul searching of his patron god leading him to attempt to learn more of the art, knowing full well to return Ala Mhigo to glory, all roads to strength their people and protect it from ever falling again must be taken.



Talked about not openly but with a discerning eye, or proximity to him our his associates it would be easy to tell that Reiner is as ruthless a politician as he ever was a soldier, and his aspiration for home may lay with his mind on the vacant throne.

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  • 6 months later...

Forgive the thread necromancy, but Ala Mhigan characters are fascinating and deserving of a bump.  I'll throw my character into the mix.  


Personal Profile

Character Name: Sigurd Sundsteigen 

Gender: Male

Race: Hyur (Highlander)

Age: 35 


Domestic Profile

Civil Status: Engaged 

Place of Residence: Wineport; Lavender Beds 

Occupation: Vintner and "Entrepreneur"

Free Company: Ebonbrand Teknoworks 


Social Profile

Sigurd is outgoing, friendly, and pretentious on the surface.  Although Sigurd spent his youth in Ala Mhigo and Little Ala Mhigo, he despises Ala Mhigan nationalism and culture, as it contributed to his traumatic childhood.  Sigurd perceives individuals who seek to restore Ala Mhigo as fundamentally misguided and ignorant of the nation's violent history.  Despite these traits, he possesses a deeply personal understanding of the suffering Ala Mhigans endured, and wants to see them "move on" with their lives.  See wiki linked below for more information. 


Meta Profile 

Sigurd committed countless atrocities in service of Rhalgr before Garlemald crushed Ala Mhigo.  He believes Ala Mhigo's fall was a form of poetic justice. Meeting Ala Mhigans is one of the few things that almost instantly cracks his superficial facade.  He feels a very close kinship to individuals from Ala Mhigo, but becomes extremely upset if they harbor positive opinions about the country. See wiki linked below for more information. 

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[align=justify]Personal Profile

Character Name: Odette Saoirse.


[align=left][align=justify]Gender: Female.


[align=justify]Race: Hyur (Highlander).



[align=justify]Domestic Profile


[align=justify]Civil Status: Currently in a relationship.


[align=justify]Place of Residence: Ala Mhigo -> Ul'Dah -> Limsa Lominsa -> Mist, Ward 8.


[align=justify]Occupation: Swashbuckler/Sailor, Bard, Unorthodox Scout, Revolutionary.


[align=justify]Free Company: Jackal & Hide .



[align=justify]Social Profile


[align=justify]Odette Saoirse (Oh-dett Soar-she), also known as Odie or Ode, is a swashbuckling musician with a penchant for personal freedoms, rolling seas, strong drink and timeless chivalry. Easily confident, occasionally boisterous, mirthfully witty and unashamedly suave; she tends to get along well with most she comes into contact with - save for those whom would dictate how another should live. Long nights at sea saw her took to the arts, reveling in performances of the fiddle and violin. Despite the life she lives, a far cry from the warrior path of her parents before her, the woman retains a fierce patriotism for her homeland and many of it's customs.



[align=justify]Meta Profile


[align=justify]Odette is a Highlander that was born under a different name, having changed it once she took to the seas as a stowaway in her childhood. After making the arduous journey from the east in fled migration from Ala Mhigo and the invasion of the Garlean Empire with her clan-kin, she refused to meld with the dejected society of Little Ala Mhigo and set out to make her own fortune on the seas.



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