Desu Nee Posted May 4, 2015 Share #1 Posted May 4, 2015 Who doesn't love macros!? (me) I do plan on levelling other classes, and I find browsing the internet for macros really painful, so please please post your useful macros for everyone! (morespeciallyforme) Link to comment
Mikh'a Posted May 4, 2015 Share #2 Posted May 4, 2015 Lol all of my macros are based on hover healing. Just hover your mouse over an avatar, or a name, and you'll heal them. They're all exactly the same, except the names of the spells are changed. /ac "Cure" /macroicon "Cure" I guess I have a couple of other ones though. This one changes bars between dps and heals based on whether or not I'm dpsing or healing, since I have too many heal spells to smoosh dps spells on the same bar. /macroicon "Cleric Stance" /ac "Cleric Stance" /hotbar change 4 /macroicon "Cleric Stance" /ac "Cleric Stance" /hotbar change 1 And then the standard eye for an eye or resurrection macros. One day I'll give them flavor. /p Used Eye for an Eye on ! /p Casting Resurrection on ! /a Raising ! Link to comment
Erik Mynhier Posted May 4, 2015 Share #3 Posted May 4, 2015 What don't I macro. I have made them for everything from complex combat, simple combat, signaling (very useful), hells I even have anime style magical transformations. What ever you need I can macro that for you. Link to comment
Spethah Posted May 4, 2015 Share #4 Posted May 4, 2015 I don't have a single macro for blm, I find them pointless. I got a swiftcast raise macro and that's it. Link to comment
Enla Posted May 4, 2015 Share #5 Posted May 4, 2015 Mine aren't anything special honestly. [ ] - Indicates that I'm using the translator, if you actually use this take it out and replace it with the proper ingame indicator. /party [swiftcast] used! "Time to move it!" /ac swiftcast /wait 60 /party [swiftcast] is now available! Wait /60 is there because in the past I have had trouble with people assuming I was able to Swiftcast + Raise them when I truly was not able to do so. This way it tells people when I have the ability once more and prevents some of the griping I saw in the past... Somewhat. /ac raise /party "Take that foot out of the grave!" ( [Raise] used on !) Just a simple Raise macro. I found it's better to separate Swiftcast and Raise, but that's just me. 1 Link to comment
Mikh'a Posted May 4, 2015 Share #6 Posted May 4, 2015 /party [swiftcast] used! "Time to move it!" /ac swiftcast /wait 60 /party [swiftcast] is now available! Wait /60 is there because in the past I have had trouble with people assuming I was able to Swiftcast + Raise them when I truly was not able to do so. This way it tells people when I have the ability once more and prevents some of the griping I saw in the past... Somewhat. Holy CRAP that is useful. Excuse me while I take that. Link to comment
Enla Posted May 4, 2015 Share #7 Posted May 4, 2015 /party [swiftcast] used! "Time to move it!" /ac swiftcast /wait 60 /party [swiftcast] is now available! Wait /60 is there because in the past I have had trouble with people assuming I was able to Swiftcast + Raise them when I truly was not able to do so. This way it tells people when I have the ability once more and prevents some of the griping I saw in the past... Somewhat. Holy CRAP that is useful. Excuse me while I take that. Sometimes it doesn't like to work sadly, the wait text that is and it's usually after I myself die, but most of the time it works perfectly fine. If anyone could suggest a way to make it better and more fool proof, I'd really love to hear it! Link to comment
Mikh'a Posted May 4, 2015 Share #8 Posted May 4, 2015 /party [swiftcast] used! "Time to move it!" /ac swiftcast /wait 60 /party [swiftcast] is now available! Wait /60 is there because in the past I have had trouble with people assuming I was able to Swiftcast + Raise them when I truly was not able to do so. This way it tells people when I have the ability once more and prevents some of the griping I saw in the past... Somewhat. Holy CRAP that is useful. Excuse me while I take that. Sometimes it doesn't like to work sadly, the wait text that is and it's usually after I myself die, but most of the time it works perfectly fine. If anyone could suggest a way to make it better and more fool proof, I'd really love to hear it! I'm going to mess around with it a bit, so if I come up with anything I'll definitely let you know. It's brilliant nonetheless. 1 Link to comment
Enla Posted May 4, 2015 Share #9 Posted May 4, 2015 /party [swiftcast] used! "Time to move it!" /ac swiftcast /wait 60 /party [swiftcast] is now available! Wait /60 is there because in the past I have had trouble with people assuming I was able to Swiftcast + Raise them when I truly was not able to do so. This way it tells people when I have the ability once more and prevents some of the griping I saw in the past... Somewhat. Holy CRAP that is useful. Excuse me while I take that. Sometimes it doesn't like to work sadly, the wait text that is and it's usually after I myself die, but most of the time it works perfectly fine. If anyone could suggest a way to make it better and more fool proof, I'd really love to hear it! I'm going to mess around with it a bit, so if I come up with anything I'll definitely let you know. It's brilliant nonetheless. I can't take credit for it. I yoinked it much the same. Still if you could find a way to improve it I'd love to hear it! Link to comment
Shizuka Posted May 4, 2015 Share #10 Posted May 4, 2015 My most used macro is my raise/rez macro. It's set up that it will work regardless of which healing class I'm on. /micon Raise /p Damnit, man, I'm a doctor, not a torpedo technician! (Insta-raising !) /ac Swiftcast /wait /ac Raise /ac Resurrection /wait 60 /p Swiftcast Raise is ready! Feel free to die again! /echo Swiftcast Raise is ready! I do also use a summon macro for every type of summon I do, which makes it look like my fairy (or carby, ect) comes from blowing a kiss. /macroicon "Summon" /ac "Swiftcast" /wait /ac "Summon" /blowkiss motion My RP trade macro: /handover /wait 1 /trade And then I have two macros to switch my HUD over to something more....RP friendly. /lfm /hotbar display 10 /hud "Duty List" /hud "Party List" /hotbar display 2 /hotbar display 1 /hotbar display 3 /hotbar display 7 /hud "Status Effects" /hud "Cross Hotbar" /hud "Parameter Bar" /hud Minimap /hud "Experience Bar" /hud "Inventory Grid" /hud "Main Menu" /hotbar display 4 /hotbar display 5 /hotbar display 6 /hud "Enemy List" /hud "Gil" And my marking macro for when I'm tanking. It's a little twitchy sometimes, so I'm always prepared to remark if I need to. /mk attack1 /focustarget /ac "Target Forward" /mk attack2 /target 1 Link to comment
C'kayah Polaali Posted May 4, 2015 Share #11 Posted May 4, 2015 I mainly just play as a healer, so the macros I use are healer-oriented. Aside from the obligatory raise macro, I use target-of-target macros for my offensive spells: /macroicon "Aero II" /ac "Aero II" /ac "Aero II" This will try to cast on my target's target, falling back to casting on my target if this is not possible. This lets me target the tank and heal them, throwing in DPS spells against their target without having to retarget. It also works fine for soloing. And because I'm a smartass, I use a provoke macro if I'm tanking: /macroicon "Provoke" /say Over here, motherfucker! /ac "Provoke" Link to comment
Warren Castille Posted May 5, 2015 Share #12 Posted May 5, 2015 While I used it a lot more in FFXI, I find the /echo command very useful for a lot of things, from reminding myself when abilities are up to leaving myself a placeholder if I need to step AFK from a roleplay with a lot of scroll cough Grindstone cough. You could take this macro /party [swiftcast] used! "Time to move it!" /ac swiftcast /wait 60 /party [swiftcast] is now available! and make it /party [swiftcast] used! "Time to move it!" /ac swiftcast /wait 60 /echo [swiftcast] is now available! then after 60 seconds, you'll get a visible-to-you-only line saying Swiftcast is up. I tend to shy away from macros in XIV, but I'm wondering if they fixed some of the stumbling points XI had. You used to not be able to have two /wait portions going on at once, for example. If I had a macro that was /ac Thing /wait 10 /echo Thing Ready! and another that was /ac Thang /wait 10 /echo Thang Ready! and hit them within a GCD of each other, the command on Thing would be overwritten and there would only be a Thang echo. Now that I'm at work and unable to play with this myself, I'm curious. I only have two macros that see any use, and those are Provoke and Hallowed Ground. The inability to buffer commands with macro use makes me not want to use them for attacks. Link to comment
ZoktaiKhor Posted May 5, 2015 Share #13 Posted May 5, 2015 While adventuring Zachary foudn this mystic tome. A bible for the Great King Moogle Mog XII in it various scriptures when read bestow healing abilities upon his allies. My Scholar Macros, ill post my ninja War and Smn ones later. /say "And so the Great King Moggle Mog XII -may his pompom point towards the dawn- Thy soul shall heal and sheild thy neighbor,kupo! Mognificent Mogtome 1:7" /macroicon "Summon" /action "Swiftcast" /wait .5 /action "Summon" /say " And when there is light there shall be darkness! To light this dark silence and boost his allies! So his Royal Pompom Decreed. Mognificent Mogtome 13:6 " /macroicon "Summon II" /action "Swiftcast" /wait .5 /action "Summon II" /micon "Limit Break" /action "Limit Break" /say "PRAISE BE UNTO THE KING LET HIS WORD BE KNOWN FAR AND WIDE HALLEJUAH! Mognificent Mogtome 99:01" /micon "Blizzard II" /say "And when the burning summer gripped his people Great King Moggle Mog XII -may his wisdom never dwindle- Used his magic to cool his masses Mognificent Mogtome 18:23" /action "Blizzard II" /micon "Stoneskin" /say "With the ironwill of royalty Great King Moggle Mog XII- may he shield us from all harm- used his power to protect his fellow Moogles from harm. Mognificent Mogtome 37:12" /action "Stoneskin" /micon "Eye For An Eye" /say "Recieve of my body, ! Let my strength become yours! Said -his most holy fluffiness- Great King Moggle Mog XII. Mognificent Mogtome 15:1" /action "Eye For An Eye" /say "In his anger Great King Moggle Mog XII cursed the pompomless one with the vile incantation. Mognificent Mogtome 5:37" /macroicon "Virus" /action "Virus" /say "Then the Great King Moggle Mog XII -may his glorious name live forever- said let the light of the gods protect thy bretheren. Mognificent Mogtome 7:23 " /action "Protect" /micon "Protect" /micon "Shadow Flare" /action "Shadow Flare" /say "The darkness in Moogle hearts are tainted by the sins of man. However Great King Moggle Mog XII -may his heart be ever welcoming- Cleansed the dark! Mognificent Mogtome 19:3" Link to comment
Unnamed Mercenary Posted May 5, 2015 Share #14 Posted May 5, 2015 Things and Thangs I know at least when I use crafting rotation macros (for the ones that can be like 2star or below), macros will cancel each other out. If you start one macro and use another, only the second one keeps going. ...I have "cancel macro" macros, which are just macros with crafting instructions and skill requirements. (so I can easily switch between different tiers) -- The only macro for combat I really make use of is one for a swiftcast raise. -- OTHER IMPORTANT NOTE! (Because I find it really important to say) Please for the love of all that is good (or bad if that's your style), DO NOT put your fancy text before your actions. Why? Because when one spams their macro hotkey/button/etc as one is wont to do, it floods the chat. Add a sound effect and I can promise there's a person who get horrible eye twitching from the following. I JUST DID A THING I JUST DID A THING I JUST DID A THING I JUST DID A THING I JUST DID A THING I JUST DID A THING I JUST DID A THING I JUST DID A THING I JUST DID A THING I JUST DID A THING *thing actually happens now that the skill goes off* Alternatively, try a macro like this: /ac "thing" /party I JUST DID A THING Then, spam away. It won't actually go through until your skill does, AND you can get fancy text! 1 Link to comment
Dravus Posted May 5, 2015 Share #15 Posted May 5, 2015 I don't actually have any at the moment. I won't rule out the possibility of using them in the future - especially when additional abilities are added - but currently I don't really struggle to use the stuff on my action bars effectively. I did use a lot back in WoW but that was mostly because I felt that the game's combat wasn't nearly as smooth and efficient as FFXIV's is. It helps that FFXIV doesn't completely change how a class works with each new major content patch. Link to comment
Ilwe'ran Posted May 5, 2015 Share #16 Posted May 5, 2015 All my healers attack skills can be used while keeping the tank in target. Scholar : /ft = Facetarget, useful for T7. = Target of my target. = Focus target (I often focus target on tank during EDR) /macroerror off = Turns off the error message if the still is not available /macroerror off /micon "Virus" /ft /ac "Virus" /ac "Virus" /macroerror off /micon "Bane" /ac "Bane" /ac "Bane" /macroerror off /micon "Energy Drain" /ft /ac "Energy Drain" /ac "Energy Drain" /macroerror off /micon "Ruin" /ac "Ruin" /ac "Ruin" /macroerror off /micon "Bio II" /ac "Bio II" /ac "Bio II" /macroerror off /micon "Bio" /ac "Bio" /ac "Bio" /macroerror off /micon "Miasma /ac "Miasma" /ac "Miasma" Healing macros (Fairy control) : /macroerror off /micon "Rouse" /ac "Rouse" /pac "Whispering Dawn" /macroerror off /micon "Physick" /pac "embrace" /ac "Physick" /macroerror off /micon "Adloquium" /pac "embrace" /ac "Adloquium" /macroerror off /micon "Succor" /pac "Fey Illumination" /Pac "embrace" /ac "Succor" /macroerror off /micon "Sustain" /pac "embrace" /ac "Sustain" Others : /macroerror off /micon "Eye for an Eye" /ac "Eye for an Eye" /ac "Eye for an Eye" /p Eye for an Eye - 30 sec /macroerror off /micon "Resurrection" /ac "Swiftcast" /ac "Resurrection" /wait 0.5 /ac "Resurrection" /p casting Resurrection on !!! White Mage : /macroerror off /micon "Aero" /ac "Aero" /ac "Aero" /macroerror off /micon "Aero II" /ac "Aero II" /ac "Aero II" /macroerror off /micon "Stone" /ac "Stone II" /ac "Stone II" /wait 0.1 /ac "Stone" /ac "Stone" /macroerror off /micon "Fluid Aura" /ac "Fluid Aura" /ac "Fluid Aura" /macroerror off /micon "Cure III" /ac "Cure III" Fisher : Because I'm really lazy when I fish. /micon "Cast" /ac "Hook" /ac "Mooch" /ac "Cast" Miner / Botanist : /ac "Byregot's Ward" /ac "Nald'thal's Ward" /ac "Thaliak's Ward" /ac "Nophica's Ward" /ac "Llymlaen's Ward" /ac "Menphina's Ward" Mount macro : This one is from far my favorite, it was the first thing I did when we finally could macro the mount. It does 3 things : - If you have your chocobo up for battle or in stable, you will mount your chocobo, if not, you will mount another mount. - Before you will mount, you will set your summon in steady mode. Which mean that your summon won't go and attack the first mob you will aggro then disappear. - When you will dismount it will set back the summon on guard mode to protect you if a monster attack you. /macroerror off /micon "Cavalry Drake" mount /pac "Steady" /mount "Cavalry Drake" /mount "Company Chocobo" /wait 1 /pac "Guard" if you're playing SMN, you will probably like it as much as I do. Link to comment
Temmi Posted May 5, 2015 Share #17 Posted May 5, 2015 OTHER IMPORTANT NOTE! (Because I find it really important to say) Please for the love of all that is good (or bad if that's your style), DO NOT put your fancy text before your actions. Why? Because when one spams their macro hotkey/button/etc as one is wont to do, it floods the chat. Add a sound effect and I can promise there's a person who get horrible eye twitching from the following. I JUST DID A THING I JUST DID A THING I JUST DID A THING I JUST DID A THING I JUST DID A THING I JUST DID A THING I JUST DID A THING I JUST DID A THING I JUST DID A THING I JUST DID A THING *thing actually happens now that the skill goes off* Alternatively, try a macro like this: /ac "thing" /party I JUST DID A THING Then, spam away. It won't actually go through until your skill does, AND you can get fancy text! I'm not entirely sure that this is accurate. My CC macros look like this: /micon "Repose" /mk off /action "Repose" /party "Repose" on ! /wait 1 /mk bind1 The shoutout goes through to my party as soon as I press the button, even though the shoutout is after the command text. I tend to be pretty precise with my skill-usage, so I rarely spam party chat, but it has happened. Not sure how your example is different than mine, though. Link to comment
Ilwe'ran Posted May 5, 2015 Share #18 Posted May 5, 2015 What he means (and he's right for that) is if you have your text first, the action can not go (happened to me since then I changed). Link to comment
Michikyou Posted May 5, 2015 Share #19 Posted May 5, 2015 ._. as a healer, I only macro Mouse over things. Mouse over means I never have to click anyone's name ever. I can just ohover over thei nameplate on the enemy/ally/party list and click mah button and it targets them. /micon "Succor" /ac "Succor" ....Like so on and so fourth. Link to comment
Unnamed Mercenary Posted May 5, 2015 Share #20 Posted May 5, 2015 OTHER IMPORTANT NOTE! (Because I find it really important to say) Please for the love of all that is good (or bad if that's your style), DO NOT put your fancy text before your actions. Why? Because when one spams their macro hotkey/button/etc as one is wont to do, it floods the chat. Add a sound effect and I can promise there's a person who get horrible eye twitching from the following. I JUST DID A THING I JUST DID A THING I JUST DID A THING I JUST DID A THING I JUST DID A THING I JUST DID A THING I JUST DID A THING I JUST DID A THING I JUST DID A THING I JUST DID A THING *thing actually happens now that the skill goes off* Alternatively, try a macro like this: /ac "thing" /party I JUST DID A THING Then, spam away. It won't actually go through until your skill does, AND you can get fancy text! I'm not entirely sure that this is accurate. My CC macros look like this: /micon "Repose" /mk off /action "Repose" /party "Repose" on ! /wait 1 /mk bind1 The shoutout goes through to my party as soon as I press the button, even though the shoutout is after the command text. I tend to be pretty precise with my skill-usage, so I rarely spam party chat, but it has happened. Not sure how your example is different than mine, though. I didn't show an improper macro. The offending one that'd create my example would be: /party I JUST DID A THING /ac "thing" In the above, spamming the button does the text before the action. if the action isn't ready, it will only do the text, and nothing else. It's particularly with trigger-happy button-mashers (like me), which is why I don't really macro anything that will end up in a text box. Link to comment
OverlordOutpost Posted May 6, 2015 Share #21 Posted May 6, 2015 I avoid Combat Macros like the plague, since they screw up skill queuing and lower response times. The few macros I do use are generally (mouse over) macros for healing spells where time is of the absolute essence, and a text macro for when I resurrect someone so the other healer knows I handled it or Provoke for similar reasons. I have a HUGE dislike of "RP" Macros for skills and any ASCII art-spam macros. If your skill is important enough that it's going to ping up in the chat, it better be crucial to the encounter to some degree. I've had people that've macro'd skills like Rage of Halone and Energy Drain and others, which goes off multiple times an encounter and just serves to spam the chat. --- RP-wise, I have a bunch of Macros that let me use expressions and keep them up for a minute or so, as well as a Menu-System macro that let's me open up little sub-menus and quickly switch classes and access tools without having to do anything. /hotbar copy is utterly amazing in that regard. Link to comment
KitKat Posted May 7, 2015 Share #22 Posted May 7, 2015 I only have a handful of macros I use in combat. Raise/Resurrection have a sound attached and a party message saying I'm raising someone. I had mouseover Stoneskin for Turn 10, but I removed that. I have a metric ton of crafting macros. I've got my super easy 40 durability ones, medium difficulty 40 durability ones, my 100% 2 star HQ one, my 2.5 star recipe item ones, my sub-1 star 80 durability HQ one, and so on. Link to comment
Menelwen Posted May 7, 2015 Share #23 Posted May 7, 2015 /macroicon "Ruin II" /ac "Ruin II" /ac "Ruin II" /macroicon "Bane" /ac "Bane" /ac "Bane" /macroicon "Bio II" /ac "Bio II" /ac "Bio II" /macroicon "Miasma" /ac "Miasma" /ac "Miasma" /macroicon "Bio" /ac "Bio" /ac "Bio" /macroicon "Ruin" /ac "Ruin" /ac "Ruin" /macroicon "Energy Drain" /ac "Energy Drain" /ac "Energy Drain" /macroicon "Eye for an Eye" /ac "Eye for an Eye" /p "Eye for an Eye on !" /wait 60 /wait 60 /echo "Eye for an Eye is up!" /macroicon "Virus" /ac "Virus" /ac "Virus" /p Mana song, please! Low on mana. /macroicon "Swiftcast" /ac "Swiftcast" /wait 2 /ac "Raise" /p Rezzing . /a Rezzing . /p /wait 60 /echo Quick Rez is up! Fun-Summons. /macroicon "Summon" /ac "Swiftcast" /wait 1 /ac "Summon" /blowkiss /wait 4 /battlemode /macroicon "Summon II" /ac "Swiftcast" /wait 1 /ac "Summon II" /happy motion /wait 4 /battlemode Just got Ninja to fifty today. Still figuring out what I need to add. /macroicon "Trick Attack" /ac "Trick Attack" /wait 20 /echo "Trick Attack/Sneak Attack available in 40 seconds." /wait 20 /echo "Trick Attack/Sneak Attack available in 20 seconds." /wait 10 /echo "Trick Attack/Sneak Attack available in 10 seconds." /wait 10 /echo "Trick Attack/Sneak Attack available!" /macroicon "Sneak Attack" /wait 20 /echo "Trick Attack/Sneak Attack available in 40 seconds." /wait 20 /echo "Trick Attack/Sneak Attack available in 20 seconds." /wait 10 /echo "Trick Attack/Sneak Attack available in 10 seconds." /wait 10 /echo "Trick Attack/Sneak Attack available!" /macroicon "Kassatsu" /ac "Kassatsu" /wait 60 /echo "Kassatsu will be available in one minute." /wait 30 /echo "Kassatsu will be available in 30 seconds." /wait 20 /echo "Kassatsu will be available in 10 seconds." /wait 10 /echo "Kassatsu is available!" /macroicon "Goad" /ac "Goad" /p "Goad used on ! 3 Minute CD. " /wait 60 /wait 60 /wait 60 /p "Goad is up! /macroicon "Berserk" /ac "Berserk" /wait 18 /p Beserk ending in 2 seconds! Esuna please! /macroicon "Mantra" /ac "Mantra" /p "Mantra is up. Healing increased by 5% for 15 seconds!" /wait 15 /p "Mantra is down." /macroicon "Mantra" /ac "Mantra" /p "Mantra is up. Healing increased by 20% for 15 seconds!" /wait 15 /p "Mantra is down." /fc S RANK /l1 S RANK /l2 S RANK /l3 S RANK /l4 S RANK /l5 S RANK /l6 S RANK /l7 S RANK /l8 S RANK /p ∧_∧ /p ( ・ω〔::二二〔o〕 ...:;:"´''::;:,,, /p ノ つ〔三三三:〔[二二二二[〔O〕 ,,;;;;´."''' /p ⊂⌒__⊂ソ /A\ /A '' '''''::;;::''"´ /p ―――――――――――――――――――――― /p ★ BAM! ONESHOT! ★ /p /゙ミヽ、,,___,,/゙ヽ /p i ノ 川 `ヽ' /p / ` ・ . ・ i、 /p 彡, ミ(_,人_)彡ミ /p ∩, / ヽ、, ノ /p 丶ニ| '"''''''''"´ ノ /p ∪ ⌒ ∪"  ̄ ̄ ∪ /p We win! /p ___ __ __ /p ))。I/:: :: \ |I。( /p \ \::_::_:: / / /p ,/::\_((⌒) /ヽ /p /,\=ニニ二二ニ=/,ヽ /p \ / ・ . ・ ヽ/ /p /// ミ(_,人_)彡 I /p ∩/三//ヽ、, ノ /p ∪⌒∪" ̄ ̄∪ /p YOU DISHONER FAMIRY Link to comment
SunTzu7 Posted May 7, 2015 Share #24 Posted May 7, 2015 I macro the hell out of everything. Since I play on PS4, and since swapping between hotbars always makes hilarious doom (Example: Warrior had Defiance on Hotbar 2 on the same spot as Heavy Swing. Number of times Defiance got turned off doing a combo - Far, far too many.), I have all my classes down to sixteen buttons. But I think my best Macros are my Bard ones. /micon 'Mage's Ballad' /ac 'Mage's Ballad' /party "There once was a healer who ran out of MP. They had so little MP, everyone died excruciating, agonizing deaths. The end. Anyway, the moral is, Mage's Ballad up." /wait 4 /ac 'Battle Voice' /micon 'Foe's Requiem' /ac 'Foe's Requiem' /party "As I play a song for thy souls, hark, thy fate sucketh. Foe's Requiem live." /wait 4 /ac 'Battle Voice' /micon 'Army's Paeon' /ac 'Army's Paeon' /party "I sing up thy skills, for the payment of many bills. Army's Paeon on." /wait 4 /ac 'Battle Voice' Link to comment
Gegenji Posted May 7, 2015 Share #25 Posted May 7, 2015 I don't actually have any at the moment. I won't rule out the possibility of using them in the future - especially when additional abilities are added - but currently I don't really struggle to use the stuff on my action bars effectively. I did use a lot back in WoW but that was mostly because I felt that the game's combat wasn't nearly as smooth and efficient as FFXIV's is. It helps that FFXIV doesn't completely change how a class works with each new major content patch. That's more or less how I have it. I don't use macros because I do just fine without them. I actually had to be badgered into using macros in WoW when we were pushing endgame content in order to maximize my Hunter DPS. I have no need (nor desire) to maximize in FFXIV, so I have no combat macros. I might make some RP macros, but I'm content enough just writing out the emotes and such myself, and I can't quite think of anything that I use that is used frequently enough that I can't just type out myself. The only one I have is a little "joke" transformation macro where I can switch from Red Rabbit armor to White Rabbit under the graphics of an Oath change. ... In short, I effectively gave Chachan a joke "Trance" ability. Link to comment
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