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Roleplayer get!

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I've been in Balmung for a while and I've tried out a couple of different characters but they never really felt like something I was comfortable with. But now I am here and willing to try!




That's great! What sort of person did you develop to throw to the wolves integrate into the RP world with?

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Great, saw your other post.


Hail lala.


If you have any questions with the game or sommat, feel free to send me a /tell or PM here. I'll do my best to try and help ya out.


It's not that I don't know how to Roleplay I've just been lurking and not participating mostly.

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Great, saw your other post.


Hail lala.


If you have any questions with the game or sommat, feel free to send me a /tell or PM here. I'll do my best to try and help ya out.


It's not that I don't know how to Roleplay I've just been lurking and not participating mostly.

Questions are not restricted to roleplay ;3

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Do you have any pictures or ideas or famous comic or film characters that take your fancy? Do you like to be a hero, villein, ordinary?



I'd suggest finding something more than "I don't know what to play" as I can't really help with that :) Sorry.

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