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Batting for the Other Team!


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I've always found beards to be pretty overrated, personally. If a guy has attractive features then there's really no need for him to cover it up with thick facial hair. There's a reason as to why many conventionally attractive men in the mainstream media sport stubble instead or are clean shaven - my agent told me as much when I first began doing theatre/modelling work.


Perhaps the developers will add more facial hair options in the future, who knows? They're by no means what defines a man as being 'masculine' or not. Much in the same way that a guy doesn't need to be built like a truck to be 'masculine', contrary to what some portions of society try and claim.

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I've always found beards to be pretty overrated, personally. If a guy has attractive features then there's really no need for him to cover it up with thick facial hair. There's a reason as to why many conventionally attractive men in the mainstream media sport stubble instead or are clean shaven - my agent told me as much when I first began doing theatre/modelling work.


Perhaps the developers will add more facial hair options in the future, who knows? They're by no means what defines a man as being 'masculine' or not. Much in the same way that a guy doesn't need to be built like a truck to be 'masculine', contrary to what some portions of society try and claim.

Attractive or not, if you don't have a beard, you dishonor your viking ancestors.  


Unless you don't have viking ancestors, then it's whatever.

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I bat for both teams as well cause really, everybody's cute. My favorites, though?


1. Haurchefant. He may not be as pretty as Aymeric but I'm perfectly ok with him and his weird hair and his weird nose. It's his heart that matters the most and boy howdy if he doesn't have the sweetest one of all...!


2. Yda. Who doesn't like a gal who could kick their butt and be an absolute cutie patootie while doing it?


3. Merlwyb. She definitely has her flaws but she is Queen of the Femroes and I love me some femroes.


4. Cid. I love grumpy (possibly?) older guys ok??? Also, beard. BEARD.


5. Raubhan. Bonus points for Highlander, bonus points for dark skinned. He doesn't do a lot for me with his personality but he sure is nice to look at.

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I already bat for the lesbians so starting with them.


I love me Yda. I also loved

death'd Femroe Moenbryda

. Merlwyb is hot. Femroe yas <3 Then, last but not least, Hilda. Oh Hilda ~!



Who I may go both ways for?




For Kage:

Love is love. Kage has no prejudices against race or gender. Well, Au Ra. Maybe. He doesn't know any and they're so foreign and weird. Who are they?!

So... he crushes on all. Pipin omg. Papashan might be old but...!!!!! But the Sultana...! He might also have a crush on Momodi too. he likes some of the Brass Blades but most of them have been meh about Kage so..

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As a completely straight male I have a hard time coming up with any male NPC I'd switch teams for... certainly not Thancred. Neither one of us would switch teams.


I can't stand Haurchefant's voice. It's so grating and annoying. Aymeric is cool guy I guess but I really can't stand male Elezen as a whole.


I have no idea! Maybe that male Miqo'te from the Crystal Tower storyline? He looked pretty girly.


Yeah I'm pretty stumped on this one.

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Can't really say since I'm only into women, but if there was anyone, it would probably be Aymeric, dude is hot. Straight or no I never had a problem saying a guy looked attractive or not. Men should appreciate each other more I feel, but that's off topic.


Special mention goes toHaurchefant,

don't find him attractive, would never switch teams, but that was my homey. I was more upset at his death than I was Aeris'. I even got teary eyed :cry: I went from not trusting him pre-HW, to him being a favorite character since no matter what he has your back.


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Eep, Yes I do have a few i would bat for. My female characters would totally go for Hilda, Merlwyb, & Ellie from the Hildibrand questlines. My males characters would go for Nero Tol Scaeva, Aymeric, and well... all my characters would be totally be with Nero Tol Scaeva if it was possible!

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There are several men in FFXIV who are attractive:


  • Nero Tol Scaeva - maybe there is something wrong with me but this villain was fantastic :blush: tumblr_msq8ztM79N1sgkbs4o2_500.png
  • Estinien really did things for me both before and after 3.0
  • Ya ya how can I not say Aymeric, but. . .
    for some reason, he became SO MUCH LESS to me when you find out that he is the Archbishop's son.


I'm strictly heterosexual, but if I had to choose.




I would have to agree. Yda just always seemed to make me smile when she popped up in the story. Also, I went back and watched some cutscenes from 1.0 and she and Papalymo were like super heroes ! It was a lot of fun to watch.



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While it might be best to define West as Pansexual, she doesn't tend to be swooned much by men. However, there are a few:






sup with you boy



also this is the image on the wall across from her bed. More of a joke than anything. Sorry Sultana.



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** Heavenward Spoilers **       ** Heavenward Spoilers **


I actually assumed that Ysale was deliberately intended to be anything but stand-out attractive. It's good that people like her though I guess!



Granted this is a het attraction, but I absolutely adore Y'shtola. She's so pretty, her japanese voice is incredibly soothing and I just love her whole attitude, personality and intellect. Plus her new outfit is to die for. Tall boots, just the right amount of leg showing.... dead.


Another girl(and miqo'te) I adore is the Limsan Linkshell Distrubtor. She's very adorable.







And finally, I also really love Kan-E-Senna too, but in an 100% "platonic" way - as pretty and fitting to the role as she is. I just adore her character a ton but not in the attraction sense. Just thought it was worth mentioning!



As for males, well, while I can see that the likes of Aymeric are intentionally made to be very attractive, they don't really appeal to me in that sense; so I am strictly favouring male characters based on their actual character and actions throughout the MSQ. Though I think that Raubahn is the only character I really care an absolute ton for. He's so charismatic and good-natured that he is a very important NPC to me. Him losing his arm and the possibility of him being killed back in those 2.55 cutscenes absolutely gutted me at the time. As hyped as I was for Heavensward, seeing what happened to him and the rest of the Ul'dahn mess was probably the most important to me... (not so much the Scions, bar Y'shtola).

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