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Ul'dah Noble - Looking for Connections

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Good Evening!


I've been RPing on FFXIV for about a year and a half... That's lots of RPs! The character has gone through ups and downs, partaken in their share of fabulous adventures, loved, lost, and has come to her own more often than not.


As of late, It's become harder and harder to engage. It's difficult to have a character that really for the most part has no real major problems and to force them to go outside. So! Now I'm seeking some resolution. I'm looking to find some new faces to interact with. If you've been on Balmung, no doubt you've seen Barbarccia loitering around, seemingly generally disinterested and generally unapproachable!




A bit about me. I'm working now a days, went from having 16 hours of free time to roughly... 4 hours on week days, it's been a tough adjustment. I used to be very active, pretty wealthy as a player, managed to get a private mansion for myself for RP reasons with the hopes that some day it would act as a sort of hub for like minded individuals.


I generally enjoy big picture RP... The draw of a Noble character is of course responsibility, etiquette, and the high class respect that it draws. I enjoy intrigue, mystery, politics, strategy, business, research, aetherics, history/lore pretty much all the boring stuff! Although more often than not, I'm pulled along for some conflict or plot resolution, that's okay!


My weakest areas tend to be small talk or way of life RP. Rich people don't have problems to talk about, and they generally aren't able to relate to people who do and that generally comes along with keeping an image as well! Combat RP, I don't engage in it if I can avoid it, and Barbarccia isn't a very good combatant to begin with. Romance. I can do it, but it's not an over day, love at first sight RP, and Generally it's a long winded path that people arn't willing to partake.




A bit about Barbarccia. She's a Highborn Female, quite tall for someone of her size, and dresses in a generally flamboyant fashion. She tends to be rather expressive, mostly due to her career choices of business and politics. She can be long winded, wordy, and evasive. People with little patience for that generally get pretty irked. She's also absurdly and silly rich with out a care in the world with a good income revenue, plenty of resources, and the leisure time to spend it.


Her strongest points! She's a Lawful Neutral character, meaning she's law abiding to the nth degree and see's the system as a way to protect herself and as a tool against others. Neutrality doesn't mean that she's just akin to do something terrible as to do something well. She considers herself a good person and looks to do right by people. She is not beyond her own vices or temptations behind the veil and can get pretty dirty with her strategies.


She's highly social, generally enjoys talking the ear off people and does everything in her power to act in the best interest of her business and her city state. In that order. She tends to get defensive against people who don't follow any sort of ethics or code or generally people who she can't understand, and for good reason! She has a lot to lose!


What she can provide... She has a wealth of resources be it, monetary, itemized, or knowledge related. She's an astute problem solver with a strong understanding of Aesthetics and Arcanameic geometry venturing into studying other aethereal paths as of the present. She has good insight into politics and is generally well connected. She acts as a good means to take characters to the next level, giving perspective no one see's coming.


As an antagonist. Barbarccia is mostly the pull strings sort of character but only for threats she deems potent enough to cause enough damage. In the past she has contracted shady characters to steal, assassinate, kidnap, stalk, and torture [ALL IC, and with permission of course!] In pursuit of pushing her greater good, momma knows best attitude. She can be a firm anchor as a political target, or a face to a stigmatic group.




What I want... To meet people! I'm in a rutt, mostly of my own doing and am looking to branch out and interact with people! Feel free to message me in-game, say hi, or something or another! I'm generally happy to respond! I'm looking to work into implementing myself into some plots or just making new friends IC to socialize and interact with candidly on a pleasant basis!

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Noble to noble, we should get some RP going!


That said, Anthony despises Ul'dah and it's oppressive heat. And the sand. The sand gets everywhere.


Feel free to contact me ingame, or on skype or here, or whatever


rp with me pls


Edit for more info:


Anthony is Ishgardian by birth and by choice; the young Lord *(17)* is the Captain of Halone's Spear, a famed mercenary company known for being elite. House Valron in general is very much tied into the Spear, as they founded it hundreds of years prior.


He's brash, arrogant, and doesn't take well to people insulting his age. He's accomplished a lot, but he is by no means world-wise, not in the same ways as an older man would be. He still has naivete and is highly idealistic.

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Let us do a high-society ball \o/


I'm playing a highborn ishgardian, and would love to meet another high-society person from another city. 

Actualy, I'd love to meet all the person that felt concerned by this thread, it could be a lot of fun ^^

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Hello! Hello! A grand evening to my fellow RPers!

 It's absolutely awe inspiring to see how many responses i've received in such a short window. I'm enticed by all the opportunity presented...


Down to business!


I will definitely attempt to make contact to the people who have expressed interest to cross those avenues and perhaps make a good foundation for continued RP! I think a big meet up would be good, but before hosting a summit, it might be good to plan something! So stay tuned and don't change the channel.


To probing shy guys who are poking in to peek after this post... Feel free to leave a message expressing interest! Lets keep the eye on the prize and create an grand platform for quality RP!

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OH. I KNOW OF YOU! I'm usually the one Terris gives gunshows to on your FCs front lawn, and I've seen you (and have usually gone "oh gosh oh gosh someone waved at me augh what do" internally) while over poking at your bouncer. While Caelia isn't around right now, once she's not hiding out in the Hinterlands, I'd be down for something? Especially considering she uh, sorta crashes in Terris' room when she's in Ul'dah, I don't think that would be much of an issue, yeah?  :D

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More prompt responses! I'd be more than happy to perform a meet and greet to kick off some pleasant RP threads! Terris himself could be a good point of contact as well.


I'm trying to meet people in-game! If you see me say hi! Lets talk, My searches don't always pull up someone!

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Uuuuh, I think both Ashe and Shar could be useful here! Maybe. 


Ashe was recently adopted back into his Ishgardian family and is considered highborn there despite hating the place with all sorts of underhanded, evil plans in his head.


Shar is a Xaela who, after now learning that her only hope for returning home has died, is desperate to kinda fit into Eorzean society and start over and would not mind her running into all sorts of crazy trouble. 


Uuuuh, I'm on a lot so I will look out for you in game but if you find me first that works too.

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I have a newly rehashed character who might be of interest. He's not exactly a noble but he is pretty well entwined in the Ul'dahn society (both high and low. He dun discriminate). He's a bit of a grump, 85 years old, colored like tan in a can, and is grossly in love with his bounty hunter wife. He likes fancy clothes, good food, and bling. I haven't quite decided what alignment is he is yet, but given that he "defied Halone" and ran away from being a lowborn in Ishgard (and got away with it), he probably can be paid to look the other way.


His name is Jeantremont Arbeau. Feel free to hit me up in game. I'm good with casual putzing around to talking over food or turning up noses at people ICly. He is a medicinal alchemist, so if that needs to be a starting point, it works for me.


I also do have an underground trafficker, if you ever have a need for the less scrupulous sort.

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If you are feeling that your RP, or your character, is in a rut, may I suggest pulling your character out of a situation that you, or she, is familiar with, and putting her into a place that is extremely foreign to her? Interact with folks that are not nobility, that are not high society. Could be a fun experiment! 


I mean, really, what could go wrong! ;)

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If you want someone that is definitely not high-society to have her RP with, Aiswynd is always available, in fact if I recall, are you not part of the Host club -laughs- I'm sure she'd recognize him if she came across him in Ul'Dah after all ;) and I'm always open to RPing! (the 2 week speed blitz to 50 leaves me itching for RP)

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  • 2 months later...

Greetings... well I'm newly returning to the game and looking for some Nobles to RP with... I'd Ideally like to start over my backstory. I'm looking for a Noble Hyur who is interested in forming a family... siblings, or looking for a daughter. I'm willing to rename my character and make her look more younger... all i know is she'll be younger 17 or 18. My characters name is Natassia Olorin... contact me in game or on here....

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Greetings... well I'm newly returning to the game and looking for some Nobles to RP with... I'd Ideally like to start over my backstory. I'm looking for a Noble Hyur who is interested in forming a family... siblings, or looking for a daughter. I'm willing to rename my character and make her look more younger... all i know is she'll be younger 17 or 18. My characters name is Natassia Olorin... contact me in game or on here....


I'm not sure there are noble Hyur in Ul'Dah. Afaik the royals are exclusively Lalafell.


Ul'Dah's wealthy elite are sometimes called "Lord" or "Lady", but it just means they have a ton of money. It isn't nobility. I don't know that the Sultanate has ever ennobled a non-Lalafell either though they are very friendly to the other races.

As far as the Syndicate goes, you get there by buying your way in.

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