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What do you use to record/archive chat log?

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Hello there! There are a handful of options for this.


1) Wordpad/notepad. You can copy/paste your logs, easily, so just saving them in a wordpad works wonders. Especially if you have an entire tab that's JUST for IC communications.


2) Gyazo. If you like to capture the text as it looks on the window, and also great for capturing pictures of the scene itself!

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This can actually be considered bad manners with certain folk. I always ask beforehand before logging anything. Some groups do it almost routinely but I would always ask a new friend or RP partner.


That said I use Notepad ++ and CPaste. I don't log a lot though.


I don't know of anything that just...continuously logs text.

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At this point there are no addons available in the game, so the only /legal/ way to do this is to copy pasta things into a document. However I do believe one of the parsers, the one I don't use, does store chatlogs as well. But I'm not certain how that works, and not to mention, it isn't legal. However, everyone uses them, or at least raiders do, and as long you do not speak about it ingame, or harass people with their terrible DPS parsing, SE doesn't care.


But eh, as for legally storing your conversations? I fear you will have to copy paste the text into a document.

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Cut and paste.

I would trim the type of chats in a tab, maximise it and then cut and paste. 


There are parses that are not allowed, many do use for dps checks. I don't use, condone or recomend these.


Saving IC chats is fine by me, but saving everything seems odd, especially worrying when quoted out of context. But then we all have our oddities. Mine is screenshots and forgetting things.


Edit - I also use snipit the windows tool to grab things too, if put in evernote or gdocs it will OCR/search on the text.

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Thanks for the lot of reply!


Hello there! There are a handful of options for this.


1) Wordpad/notepad. You can copy/paste your logs, easily, so just saving them in a wordpad works wonders. Especially if you have an entire tab that's JUST for IC communications.


2) Gyazo. If you like to capture the text as it looks on the window, and also great for capturing pictures of the scene itself!

I knew about being able to copy and paste the text, I just want something a bit automated. And there's also the built in screenshot function to deal with taking screenies of the log but I'm more interested in being able to Ctrl + F on a log to find previous interactions I've done with some people because my memory is kinda shit so I want something to reference back to in case I talk to that person again.


This can actually be considered bad manners with certain folk. I always ask beforehand before logging anything. Some groups do it almost routinely but I would always ask a new friend or RP partner.


That said I use Notepad ++ and CPaste. I don't log a lot though.


I don't know of anything that just...continuously logs text.

In my case, I want to do it because I have poor memory and don't want to offend someone when we just talked the day prior or something and I already forgot what we talked about last.


At this point there are no addons available in the game, so the only /legal/ way to do this is to copy pasta things into a document. However I do believe one of the parsers, the one I don't use, does store chatlogs as well. But I'm not certain how that works, and not to mention, it isn't legal. However, everyone uses them, or at least raiders do, and as long you do not speak about it ingame, or harass people with their terrible DPS parsing, SE doesn't care.


But eh, as for legally storing your conversations? I fear you will have to copy paste the text into a document.

I've looked around for info regarding parsers and SE's stance seems to be just don't flaunt it openly in public in-game and you won't be penalized. However, the only parser I know is that one parser that helped me get rid of RMT spam when I was still in Faerie. As far as I know, it doesn't have chat logging at all.


Cut and paste.

I would trim the type of chats in a tab, maximise it and then cut and paste. 


There are parses that are not allowed, many do use for dps checks. I don't use, condone or recomend these.


Saving IC chats is fine by me, but saving everything seems odd, especially worrying when quoted out of context. But then we all have our oddities. Mine is screenshots and forgetting things.


Edit - I also use snipit the windows tool to grab things too, if put in evernote or gdocs it will OCR/search on the text.

Yeah, I've thought of that but I would still prefer something that is somehow automated.

EDIT: What's IC chat?

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>_> <_>_>


So uh, the not-ACT "parser" is called FFXIV-APP. It was designed more for things like gathering notifications and also has a logger plugin. You still have to do the physical act of copy-pasting the log into something else (I like google docs for easy sharing), but it'll survive game disconnects/crashes and supports as many tabs as you'd like, including filtering. I think it has a method of saving logs on its own, but I've not delved into it enough to find out.


As per my policy of saving logs, I ask the people involved first, and they're usually the ones I'd provide a link for. If someone unrelated wants the log, I ask the involved people before sharing it. This is in part so we can fix up the log if there are some typos, but also because on rare occasions, something may be retconned or edited out to be kept a secret. ...I also tend to not open my logger often enough to where it's only open if people start talking about logs.


It should be noted that openly saying you use a parser or other game addon while in-game is something other players can report you for. As an extension of the general FFXIV Terms of Service, in-depth discussion and the usage of unsanctioned addons for FFXIV fall into the same grey-area on the RPC, as per our Rules.

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