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My Brother's Keeper [FATE-14]

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Anstarra got called a milk sow by an obnoxious little dragon :x It wasn't even as an insult, more like a statement...


Oh, but we did find out the name of the place Friont is looking for! Now we just need to find it, itself.

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Chiming in late! But we also want to make sure the name is translated properly I think? That was something that we weren't entirely sure of since none of us were experts in Dravanian speak >_>


I -think- that Xanadu was? Though trusting her... I could easily see her keeping critical info in her sole possession.

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1. Neither Contend - Friday April 8, 8:00 PM CST

[Combat/Social] [%]

A discovery in The Churning Mists leads Xanadu Mol and her company towards a fated encounter.

1.  Orrin Halgren

2. Anstarra Silverain

3. Enju Omagabilgatto



2. But the Fearful - Monday April 11, 8:00 PM CST

[Combat/Political] [#]

The dragons of Anyx Trine are under attack!  Come immediately!

1. Leanne Delphium

2. Reppu Hijiri

3. Evangeline Primrose

4. V'aleera Lhuil


3. More Subtil - Thursday April 14, 8:00 PM CST

[Mostly Social] [$]

Invitations have been sent to the allies of Helene La Floret and The Inquisition for a night of fine dining and games.  Everyone needs a break, right?

1. Jana Ridah

2. Gallien



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