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Theatre Classes! [Community Support [Request]

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[align=center]Greetings ladies and gentlemen![/align]






Miss Astrie Nauravuet is becoming a new theatrics tutor and will be holding a taster session at 

Ashen Academy 

Ward 4, Plot 10. The Goblet

Theatre Classroom, Room 18 


OOCly this is actually for me to test out how an amateur dramatic group would play out in role play so i'm asking the community for some support and help whilst trying to figure this out and be able to deliver it to students on a regular basis when lessons start up. 

It's not meant to be anything grand/intense but i'm still nervous about it all and hope you can bear with me! And I hope folks will find it entertaining learning to entertain IC. 

Feel free to reply below, PM me or /tell in-game. : )

Thanks! :blush:


[align=center]--NOTE: [/align]

[align=center]Sadly this will have to be something to run at an unknown later date due to adverse circumstances.[/align]

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I'm so happy for your replies! :D

Expect some swapping and changing the time/dates a few times around while there are some minor changes with the academy class schedule. 

I would hope to do a time that suits most timezones and preferably this will stay on the weekend. Will keep updated! 

I really appreciate all support thank you so much : )

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Yes! Yes! Yes!


I would love to do this, especially if we can RP the whole thing and not just OOC try to put on a show.


Nebula is a retired Bard (now Witch) but keeps her hand in with performances. These have been one-woman things in the past, mainly as OOC they are much easier to organise and script. Others have tried putting on plays but I thing they tend to suffer from people sticking with it and the whole virtual coordination thing and how fast people can cut/paste their lines and not get it wrong.


Time wise I'm UK! so that is great.


The only thing this Sunday (17th) is I will be performing at this event at 8pm UK time. "A Show of Sugar and Spice: Sunday, January 17, 3pm EST" which is 8pm UK. 

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