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3.2 Story and Discovery Thread: HERE BE [SPOILERS]

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Discuss the MSQ revelations and surprises. Things I learned:


1) Linkshells are widely used but apparently super duper insecure!

2) The motherfucking MOON

3) The player watches Thancred watching Warrior of Darkness watching Krile

4) Sei is a fucking wizard for managing to construct an incredibly accurate story based on draconic corruption two years before we got to see what it would look like in Estinien

5) Aymeric is so fucking dead

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Succor is corruptible (reverse status in Lost City HM).


The abuse of Succor by the Amdapori included giving life to the dead and to maybe inanimate objects.


That Succor could still be used by the Amdapori suggests that it's a power the Elementals use but do not directly control.


Unkalahai(sp) is a Void Mage?


Think it was Ilberd picking the mask up at the end.


More evidence of aether being used by non mages for shenanigans (Raubahn).


My retainer knows White Magic, for me this makes limiting jobs in RP ridiculous (not that I intend to use it).


Sephirot quest again reiterated that there are unnamed friends of the WoL that have the echo (not that we didn't know this but I'm aware there are hold outs on how viable echo RP is).


Speculation: eventually we will go to the moon and do lunar subterranean from IV.


Could have done with more Amdapor lore than we got but overall a pretty good patch.

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Raubahn made me wish we'd gotten to fight him with both arms. Whether it's aether or not, he does some outrageously crazy stuff.


It seems like the idea of Hydaelyn having consciousness and a will is merely a theory to a lot of people, unless I'm misunderstanding.

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So, I was right about a lot of things.

1) Minfilia would come back as a Hydaelyn's reincarnation or something like that. = check.

2) Emmanellain would screw up. Badly. = check.

3) Estinien would be back, corrupted by Nidhogg. = everyone expected that, but... check.

4) The war wouldn't end that simply, because otherwise they'd have nothing for future patches before 4.0. = check.


Also, that maid was just pure evil.

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I love me some Lost City HM. If you keep an eye out, there's some seriously interesting lore implications that allgivenover has laid out. :) Amdapor was naaaaaaughty. They were also evidently able to conjure static magical traps, invoke powers of Succor far beyond anything the WoL can do (Ancient Holy), and even create light and darkness aspected sprites.


Of course, the padjal feel that these were all defensive measures, but express consternation and confusion that the elementals were so put off by them. They surmise it was because the entities couldn't discern friend from foe due to age -- but I wonder if, perhaps, at the height of Amdapor's power, they felt anyone not with them was against them. The elementals and the padjal would've fallen into that category.


"Life" and "light," as it turns out, can be turned to darker ends. It's an interesting reflection on where the MSQ appears to be heading.

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4) Sei is a fucking wizard for managing to construct an incredibly accurate story based on draconic corruption two years before we got to see what it would look like in Estinien


This is actually a discussion I've had with people in the past. Certain things Square Enix has done have been so similar to plots we've run that we almost thought they'd been reading the forums. 


However I think they're just really good at foreshadowing events. They put little hints in the lore of where the story is going.

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4) Sei is a fucking wizard for managing to construct an incredibly accurate story based on draconic corruption two years before we got to see what it would look like in Estinien


This is actually a discussion I've had with people in the past. Certain things Square Enix has done have been so similar to plots we've run that we almost thought they'd been reading the forums. 


However I think they're just really good at foreshadowing events. They put little hints in the lore of where the story is going.


Why not both? I'm obviously going to bat for my friend, but that storyline was concluded creatively before patch 2.3 even came out, before we knew shit about shit with Ishgard or Dragons beyond the original MSQ. When Heavensward launch dropped the bomb about the dragon eyes (beyond Nidhogg) everyone involved basically freaked out at how eerily close the concepts were to one another.


I did think it was a bit of a bullshit excuse to not killed Big Lady V when they revealed Estinien, though. The most prolific dragon hunter, fueled by a ton of dragon power, fails to land a lethal strike? Despite skewering and then driving the spear through her? Alright, SE, we get it; You won't change your quest-givers. I dislike the level of protection that affords NPCs.

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5) Aymeric is so fucking dead


I began the mourning process as soon as he asked me for a drink in the first goddanged cutscene


The abuse of Succor by the Amdapori included giving life to the dead and to maybe inanimate objects.


How so? I mean we saw some undead Amdapori and Mhachi enemies but I figured they were just your standard undead (unsurprising since the place was crawling with voidsent, not every body could be properly put to rest), not a successful attempt at bringing the dead back to life, unless the former actually is what you were implying and I misunderstood- I felt like there wasn't much lore revealed in the new dungeon (as much as I loved what we got) so I'm feeling like there must've been something I missed somewhere.


Raubahn made me wish we'd gotten to fight him with both arms. Whether it's aether or not, he does some outrageously crazy stuff.


Fyrilsunn said this to me: "For once Fyrilsunn didn't get beaten by a one-armed man."


that one-armed miqo'te at the grindstone has beaten him like twice now I think

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I began the mourning process as soon as he asked me for a drink in the first goddanged cutscene



How so? I mean we saw some undead Amdapori and Mhachi enemies but I figured they were just your standard undead, not a successful attempt at bringing the dead back to life, unless the former actually is what you were implying and I misunderstood- I felt like there wasn't much lore revealed in the new dungeon (as much as I loved what we got) so I'm feeling like there must've been something I missed somewhere.


First: Yeah, when he stopped me to ask to get beers later I immediately thought of Mike the Helicopter Pilot from RE4. The man's DEAD. Not to mention, that transparent foreshadowing in the closing narration of Ishgard about to pay its deepest price, with a long shot on Aymeric's stoic face while that is stated.


Second: We've seen zombies before, but the dead White Mages and Black Mages were legitimately using those techniques in combat, not just being limped around zombie dead guys. It's not unreasonable to assume they're not the same as the corpses running around Tamtara and the like.

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Pretty sure Raubahn is the most powerful DoW in all of Eorzea. Basically means that they can be as or more powerful than mages, and Jobs aren't anything than specializations. Raubahn is just a GLD and did all that. Kale, as an individual who might obsess over being as powerful as Raubahn, will forever be Jobless, now.


Oh, and Kale was definitely one of those Flame Veterans. That made me happy.

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Pretty sure Raubahn is the most powerful DoW in all of Eorzea. Basically means that they can be as or more powerful than mages, and Jobs aren't anything than specializations. Raubahn is just a GLD and did all that. Kale, as an individual who might obsess over being as powerful as Raubahn, will forever be Jobless, now.


Oh, and Kale was definitely one of those Flame Veterans. That made me happy.


Ilberd begs to differ.

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Second: We've seen zombies before, but the dead White Mages and Black Mages were legitimately using those techniques in combat, not just being limped around zombie dead guys. It's not unreasonable to assume they're not the same as the corpses running around Tamtara and the like.


The zombies that wander around near the Golden Bazaar use magic, too, though probably not as advanced of magic as the ones in Lost City of Amdapor HM...

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Pretty sure Raubahn is the most powerful DoW in all of Eorzea. Basically means that they can be as or more powerful than mages, and Jobs aren't anything than specializations. Raubahn is just a GLD and did all that. Kale, as an individual who might obsess over being as powerful as Raubahn, will forever be Jobless, now.


Oh, and Kale was definitely one of those Flame Veterans. That made me happy.


Ilberd begs to differ.


Ilberd's ability to still breathe after 3.0 exists only because SE used both Raubahn and the WoL for a blatant Worf Effect:


You know it's true.

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4) Sei is a fucking wizard for managing to construct an incredibly accurate story based on draconic corruption two years before we got to see what it would look like in Estinien


This is actually a discussion I've had with people in the past. Certain things Square Enix has done have been so similar to plots we've run that we almost thought they'd been reading the forums. 


However I think they're just really good at foreshadowing events. They put little hints in the lore of where the story is going.


Why not both? I'm obviously going to bat for my friend, but that storyline was concluded creatively before patch 2.3 even came out, before we knew shit about shit with Ishgard or Dragons beyond the original MSQ. When Heavensward launch dropped the bomb about the dragon eyes (beyond Nidhogg) everyone involved basically freaked out at how eerily close the concepts were to one another.



I've seen things like this happen as well. Something another person RP's out, or myself, somehow becoming relevant later on. Somethings were foreshadow but in rare cases crazy things are done before we have any lore upon the subject.



For 3.2... About time somebody knocked some sense into that spoiled brat... Wish it was us though.



5) Aymeric is so fucking dead

Am I the only person that's getting these weird vibes that Aymeric is falling for the WoL? Even my character's face gave away the thought, "Not this shit again."

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5) Aymeric is so fucking dead

Am I the only person that's getting these weird vibes that Aymeric is falling for the WoL? Even my character's face gave away the thought, "Not this shit again."


I've been getting those vibes too.  And Riven was just ". . .No."


Estinien/Nidhogg though...when that scene was playing out, all you could hear from my room was me screaming in shock.  But it looked like to me he aimed for a less lethal area-he didn't get her RIGHT on the back of the neck, unless he was aiming to snap her spine in a different location.

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Personally i liked to think it was exasperation and worry. Right as she made that face at him in the cutscene after Ayylmao offered to have a drink with her when it's all over, I was thinking "nice death flag." It was as if WoL is thinking that too. xD

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Personally i liked to think it was exasperation and worry. Right as she made that face at him in the cutscene after Ayylmao offered to have a drink with her when it's all over, I was thinking "nice death flag." It was as if WoL is thinking that too. xD




This means Alphinaud is gonna die as well since he brought us Hot Chocolate in the Falling Snows.




And it wasn't just him offering the drink that made me think it, it was the way he did it. I'll have to rewatch the cutscene in other languages, but it seemed like he was desperate to keep you there longer and get close to you by the way he stopped the WoL.

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I cannot even begin to explain the epic amount of satisfaction I got from Thancred punching baby Fortemps. I just sat there hissing 'YYYYYEEEESSSSSSS'.


Boyfriend and I called Aymeric dying at the offer for a drink as well. Though I'm also clinging to some hope that he'll actually pull through and others will end up dying around him. Too many elezen deaths v.v There's also the 3.1 semi foreshadow where Edmont looks at him and goes 'I see so much of Haurchefant in you. I couldn't bear to lose another son'.


It also makes sense E/N didn't kill Vidofnir. I don't imagine his brother would be too keen on one of his babies being killed. Especially not when she's working towards what him and Shiva wanted way back when, regardless of how grumpy he might be now.


Going to call it here: I think Hraesvelgr is going to finally be fed up with Nidhogg's shit and part of the War's end will be them duking it out dragon to dragon.

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