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Edit: Can't pick! Which look looks best?

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I am stuck! I've got 2 looks I adore and can't decide.






Which do you think is looks better?



Her name is Rinoa Lyon



Full name is: Rinoa "Mizuki" Serenity Lyon, she is going as a summoner.

Edit: Here is a bit of her personality. She is a kind, caring, and loves to help others. She is like a combination of Yuna and Serenity from SM. When those she loves are in danger or the land she lives in, she can't stand to see them in danger and always rises to defend.




As some of said, she is a gentle and warm character. Very sweet and polite and respectful.

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She looks like she has peach tones to her skin. I'd go with number 2, even though the color is not my favorite, because it has a similar tone (to my eyeballs, anyway). The first hair color kind of clashes with her skin tone.

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I agree with Lia, the pink/peach tones of her skin clash with the first color, the second just works better over all.  Consequently, if you chose a skin color lighter, less pink, I think the first hair would be just as nice!  I personally enjoy seeing characters which have a slightly off-normal hair color, something not necessarily natural to real world, but not too crazy either, so the second one would probably catch my eye, plus Auri girls always choose the more out there color for that good ol' anime aesthetic.


Good luck...I know I spend crazy amounts of time in Character Creation @,@.

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I have a soft spot for brunettes. I feel it's a very natural and pleasant shade, but I also like the stark contrast of white hair. With white hair, she feels a little more ethereal and almost delicate. Whereas as a brunette, she seems a little warmer.


Either way Rinoa has a gentle and natural beauty to her.

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I like the white hair, though that may be because I am not overly partial to chestnut brown (or whatever shade that is).


Although for a measly 2,000 gil you can change the hair colour at any time, and I can't tell the difference between any other features...so I'll go with the first one.

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Maybe a shade of brown, if not that shade of brown. I associate dark, warm colors like that with the sort of character you describe her as. I think it suits her more. It's very grounded.


I think the lighting is off in some of the pictures, too. Like the one with the brown hair, there's a distinct warm tone to that screenshot, while the one of her in the back of the cart is quite cool toned.

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Maybe a shade of brown, if not that shade of brown. I associate dark, warm colors like that with the sort of character you describe her as. I think it suits her more. It's very grounded.


I think the lighting is off in some of the pictures, too.  Like the one with the brown hair, there's a distinct warm tone to that screenshot, while the one of her in the back of the cart is quite cool toned.


I think maybe one of the pictures isn't loading, maybe--


In either case, I reckon that haircolor is what Shoshopu's used to be, before I decided to make it (and her) darker. I have a preference for darker browns- and brown in general is a warm and cozy color to me until you get into the weird purpley-blue-browns.

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I have very difficult times with anime hair colours, so I would choose 2... But my opinion is inconsequential since FFXIV universe is literally filled with anime hair colours.

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