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Your thoughts on jump potions?

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As with Valence, outside of the relic weekly quest, expert is all I run anymore. Those tome rewards, to me and many others, aren't really worth the headache of running old, generally bring content.


Now, I'm not saying it's an end all type situation, but I imagine it is still a concern of theirs. The very fact that you guys are saying "they'll find a way to make people run it again" is evidence itself. Yes, I'm sure they would were it an issue, but that is still time and resources spent on "how do we make people want to do old boring stuff again" versus "what cool new things can we implement?" Of course, I'm aware there may well be separate teams on either project to offset the loss of resources a bit, but still.


As to the Atma fate farming bit, outside of the first month maybe... I've not really seen too many fate parties save for the occasional few in the PF. Turns out to be more of a bandaid than a fix, really. Same with the Qarn thing. So now all of the capped players have to run it one more time... a large chunk of which are likely running it with their (likely also capped) friends.


*shrug* Again, not arguing against jump potions... I personally want them. Just mentioning a possible concern.

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To be perfectly honest, I feel the MSQ does very little to actually teach people how to play their jobs, especially given the rotation you'll eventually need for most DPS. Not to mention, with PotD, fates and general EXP boosts, getting a job up to 60 doesn't require much more than time. In fact, I had Dark Knight at 60 before I even bothered with Provoke. I just dragged it through Vanu and Gnath fates and the occasional Leveling-- basically any content where I wouldn't actually need Provoke. I learned how to play the job entirely through Youtube guides. 


As for only allowing people to use a skip potion once they already have a job at 60. That effectively defeats the purpose. People want to skip the MSQ due to the sheer amount of fetch quests, not the leveling process. Another thing to consider is by trimming quests, they devs would need to rewrite and reanimate whole scenes to maintain a cohesive narrative. Whatever work they do on ARR and Heavensward comes out of Stormblood's budget. Essentially, they'd be tweaking content most of us will never even see. 


And that's more or less my reasons for supporting a jump potion. Allow people who aren't interested in the story to play the game as they fancy and for those who are to take their time. Will it affect Duty Finder? Initially, yes. But things will inevitably sort themselves out once people who couldn't care less about improving move on to the next "big thing."


I don't think they should be a thing. I understand their purpose in countries like China, where the subscription model is different, but anywhere else - no thank you. Whether it's skipping to 50/60 or just getting a pass through MSQ, new players should have to do it all. I would be fine with a one character, one job boost ala Legion when we're six expansions deep, but we're nowhere near that point as of yet.


That being said... bypassing MSQ restrictions on alts should absolutely be a thing. Have a character that's max level and already done X amount of MSQ? Then any alts on that account should be able to waltz into Ishgard in their level one skivvies(they'll still have to level of course). I also think that should be standard, not the result of some $10 potion. But that will never happen.


FFXIV doesn't have the same luxury as WoW to wait four or six expansions. The market has long since changed and people nowadays want to consume content immediately. Most new players are not going to slog through nearly 600 quests just to access Stormblood. They'll pick up the latest MMO or move to another game genre entirely.

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Parts of the 2.0 MSQ are horribly boring and grindy and no one should be subjected to them.


If Square doesn't allow people to skip to at least 3.0, then the game will die because no new players will want to do 10-20 hours of cutscenes and fetch quests after they hit 50 just so they can get to the cool new area and punch garleans/dragons.

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Post is in Japanese and it's a lot to translate... but from the looks at it they've thought a lot about how they're going to do this. Yoshi is not confirming it's happening I don't think, but I think they intend to and saying it's still a might is just a way to cover their ass in the unlikely case they change their minds.


Unfortunately I cannot link it here directly, but here is the reddit topic where it's being discussed.


reddit post

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It does sound like they're likely to go ahead with it based on the rough translation and the language that they've used throughout discussions regarding the item(s) in question. Despite the very mixed feedback in regards to the implementation of the cash shop, for instance, it ended up going ahead and increasing liberties have been taken with that - all in the name of things being completely optional.


I'd prefer them to be open and honest instead of giving the illusion of choice if so. They've already largely ignored the negative feedback in regards to how European players were screwed over by the recent promotion items that were much, much more readily available to American and Japanese players. So far they've done nothing of note to remedy that particular situation.


So I can't help but think that they plan to go ahead with this no matter how mixed or negative the feedback happens to be. It's not like there isn't going to be a shortage of people purchasing the item(s) in question, after all - and Square Enix are particularly keen on profit even if it has negative consequences.

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Intention to introduce FFXIV jumping potion and current specification


It is Yoshida of FFXIV producer and director.


About "jumping potion" Yoshida talked about in an interview in the West, Japan,

Many discussions, thank you very much.


In order to decide whether or not to mount it, we are giving everyone a great deal of feedback.

Of course, we do not decide only by opinion of those who write in the official forum,

For this implementation, I would like to consider whether it is possible from a more diversified point of view.


To be able to do further discussion, it is currently implemented in Chinese / Korean version FFXIV

I will describe the specification and implementation intent of "jumping potion".

It will be a long sentence, but please do read it carefully.


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------

About the intention of implementing the jumping potion


The implementation intention of this "jumping potion" is to start playing FFXIV newly from now on

"To make it easier for new players to join the community" is the biggest reason.


Three and a half years have passed since the newly formed FFXIV started official service already,

Furthermore, as a result of the release of "Crimson's Liberator", new players who are playing FFXIV from now,

Clear the two main quests of newborn + Souten, set the job level to 60, and after preparing the equipment,

You will finally be able to play with everyone.


For example, when Yoshida invites real friends to "play together!", The answer that comes back is

"Well, I can not catch it even if I play from now ..." is visible.

Of course I invited Yoshida to fully support me in order to catch up with my friends,

For that I play together with a party, but I do not want to miss the latest content wave.

Then, I wonder how much I can support you carefully, anxiety remains.


Once more, if it gets to level 60 at a stretch, you go out with friends while leveling your sub jobs,

I wish I could play 'Guren no liberator' together ...


Simply put, this is the intention of the strongest implementation.


Including free trials, thousands of new players are participating in FFXIV every day,

Although how much FFXIV is becoming "a game design that catches up with the lead group"

There are not many people who concentrate on the game alone and can catch up with the era of busy real life.

Leveling experience value will be adjusted so that it can easily catch up again when "Crimson's Liberator" is released,

Still it will take a considerable amount of time.


MMORPG only has stability and attenuation if new players do not participate.

Management will switch to efforts to moderate decay.

Before that happens, you will want to prepare to welcome new people firmly.



In addition, FFXIV can play all classes / jobs with one character by Armory system.

While there are many people who cancest all classes / jobs,

Again, I think that there are also many people who have become precise by nurturing the main job.

"Jumping potion" can be one of the reasons to play other jobs,

If so, in order to acquire the equipment of the sub job that was so busy and could not play,

Opportunities to go to existing content are born, turnover rate of the result content also rises.


Of course, those who are currently taking a break from play will benefit from easier recovery.


These potions are only implemented in the Chinese / Korean version and are not implemented in the global version.

Since China / Korea is a major online gaming country, it is prepared as a general service,

It is implemented to be competitive in the online game market.

Also, in Europe and the US MMORPG is also commonly implemented in many cases.


Since it is an explanation of the intention of implementation here, we will only consider the merit, but from the above intention,

First of all, please be aware that we are considering implementation.


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------

■ About the type of jumping potion ■


This measure called "jumping potion" with one word,

Actually it is divided into two potions with greatly different effects.

I will define this first and I will clarify the point of discussion.


① Story Skip Potion


In the potion which makes only the progress of the main story "cleared"

It is a shortcut for only the main quest.


In the current Chinese / Korean version it is sold under the name "Newborn Adventure Record".

When purchasing and using this item, until the last main quest of patch 2.55 "Hope light"

It will be in a state that all have been cleared. Detailed specifications are described below separately.


In addition, we are also developing an item called 'Souten no Adventure Record' for the Chinese / Korean version.

This will become a potion which clears up to the main quest of patch 3.5 Part 2 in one stroke.


Taking TV dramas into account, the season 1 is the new generation, the season 2 is the Souten edition,

The season 3 where the newly started crayon liberator will be the latest season.

It is an image that season 1 and 2 are seen in the memoir of the innkee adventure, and full-scale viewing from season 3 is made.

Since it is necessary to look at the latest season by yourself, of course,

It is always up to the previous season to be able to short cut.



② Job Jump Potion


One potion One potion which raises the level of job corresponding to 1 job.

Potions are prepared for each job, such as "Knight's adventure record" and "Warrior adventure record"

Not all levels of jobs will rise if you use one.


If you purchase this potion and use it, the level of job according to potion will be 50.

(Grade up to become Level 60 when crimson's liberator is released, and the current 50 items will be abolished)

Also, at present, weapons of a certain item level are also distributed and can be exchanged for arbitrary equipment of ILV 130

You can have multiple "Silver Chocobo Feathers", so you can use it to prepare the minimum equipment.


I will experience the scenario by myself, so I want to raise the level only to the "previous level cap"

It is mainly used for applications that want to improve the leveling of sub jobs somewhat more efficiently.


This potion is not present in "Astronaut" "Dark Knight" "Astrologer" which requires an expansion package,

I am considering whether to add with crayon's liberator.

It is confirmed that new jobs to be implemented with crayon liberator are not supported.

(It is based on the basic policy that the latest job is leveling by yourself)



-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------

■ Detailed specification of jumping potion ■


Based on the above, for the two kinds of potions currently implemented in the Chinese version and Korean version,

Specific specifications are described.


· Story Skip Potion "Shinsei no Adventure Record"

Purchase conditions for 'Newborn adventure record'


① The FFXIV account is active and the character is made

② To be a valid billing account (no free trial account allowed)


Only when these two conditions are satisfied, it can be purchased at Mog Station.

(Because items arrive at Mogletter, it is necessary to be able to access letter mooguri)


By using this potion, the following effects are demonstrated.


① The main quest "Hope light" has been cleared and the main quest "To Ishigarudo" is accepted

② Automatic enlistment to the Grand Company according to country of origin (class remains the lowest)

③ My chocobo is automatically held (the name is given a generic name)

④ All Aetherites in the newly edition are already released

⑤ All instance dungeons implemented up to patch 2.55 are cleared

⑥ "memoirs of adventure" which can be used at inn, etc. will be fully opened up to those which have been cleared

⑦ Minimum Required Functionality Only a partly cleared quest is released


Anyone can use this potion if the progress of the main quest is ahead of "the light of hope".

Even if play is stopped during the main quest of patch 2.4, the same effect is exerted,

If you belong to the Grand Company so far, or if you are getting Chocobo, they will take precedence.


In addition, since you can use the memoir of the inn, you can see the part that you shortcut by watching them

You can experience it with a digest.

In order to make it possible to use various contents roulette, the dungeon of the newly formed section has been cleared.


Although the selling price is different between China and Korea, we assume the current Japanese yen is about 2,500 yen.


· Job Jump Potion "Knight's Adventure Record" (using Knight as an example)

Terms of purchase of "Knight's Adventure Record"


① The FFXIV account is active and the character is made

② To be a valid billing account (no free trial account allowed)


Only when the above conditions are satisfied, it can be purchased at Mog Station.

(Because items arrive at Mogletter, it is necessary to be able to access letter mooguri)


By using this potion, the following effects are demonstrated.


① The class level of "Kenjutsushi" which is the base class of Knight becomes 50

② The class level of "genjutsushi" which is a subclass of Knight becomes 15

③ A certain item level (IL 120 in Korea version) sword is paid

④ Knight's jobstone is supported

⑤ All job quests up to Level 50 of Knight are cleared (possession of action)

⑥ Trade impossible items equivalent to 300 thousand Gils are offered as equipment funds

⑦ "Silver Chocobo Feather" for equipment replacement.


There are no restrictions on the initial class etc. when using this potion to which more than one piece is paid. When it reaches the level 50, it is the specification to complete only the job system quest so that the battle becomes possible It is. As for the equipments, you can arrange the minimum equipment arbitrarily by using the distribution items and "feathers of Silver Chocobo". Since nothing is done at all other than this, it is possible to enjoy only the job level and enjoy the scenario. It may be close to the feeling of "strong and new game". Each level of FFXIV dungeons and barbs are level-synced, so you can learn the basics of jobs while chasing the story at once. Potions are prepared for each job, which is specific to FFXIV. This is because from the judgment that the conditions for changing jobs are different for each job, that the required equipment is different, and because of the characteristics of the armory system, all job level raising is a shortcut too much It is getting. Here as well as a story skip potion, it is about 2,500 yen in Japanese yen per job. In the Korean version, there was also an option to set a story skip potion and a job jump potion as a set, and to sell only as a starter pack to new or returnees.


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------


■ Changes at the start of crayon's liberator service (final specification Only)

■ As mentioned earlier, the specifications above are specifications for potions sold in the Chinese version and Korean version.


When Crystal liberator is released, the following specification changes are confirmed for the Chinese version / Korean version. · The story skip potion becomes "Adventure record of Souten" (Discussing whether to leave "The new adventure record") · "Adventure record of Southern" is the final quest qualification of patch 3.5 Part 2, 4.0 main quest acceptance state and Becoming · "Saden's Adventure Record" can not be purchased unless it has extended package rights · The effect of the Job Jump Potion will be Level 60 (The effect of becoming 50 is halfway so we will lose it) · It will be distributed in the Job Jump Potion Equipment to be changed to level 60 or equivalent The additional specifications currently determined are the same as those above. Whether to add a potion of an astronaut, dark knight, astrologer or whether to leave a "new-life adventure record" are currently under discussion.


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------


■ Summary so far ■


Summarize from the specification once .


Case 1. If you are newly starting FFXIV, trying to catch up with your friends playing together


① Create a character and activate your account

② Purchase an optional job jump potion and bring that job to level 50

③ Grant Play Right of Expansion Package "Souten's Ishigarudo"

④ Purchase and use "Newborn Adventure Record"

⑤ Total Expenses Approximately 5000 yen (Excluding Package and Play Fee) This will result in Level 50, Souten Main quest will be able to play. From here we aim for level 60 with our friends and we will promote the Souten scenario.


Case 2. If you are newly starting FFXIV, trying to advance the scenario efficiently


① Create a character and activate the account

② Purchase an arbitrary job jump potion and set the job to level 50

③ Promote main quest more and more

④ Total cost approx. 2,500 yen (excluding packages and play fees)


In this case, by pursuing main quests more and more, experiencing the story from the start and progressing crisp and adventure I can do it.


Case 3. If you are newly starting FFXIV, you want to enjoy leveling only

① Create a character and activate account

② Grant play right of expansion package "Susen no Ishigarudo"

③ "New adventure

④ Purchase and use

④ Total expenses Approximately 2500 yen (excluding packages and play fees)


In this case, the main quest of the main quest is completed, so use content and subquests and advance leveling freely You can go. If you assume a new player like this, even if you catch up with it, it's up to "one step before the latest expansion". From that point onwards you will raise your character with your own hands and collect equipment. Leaving the main quest as it is, it is a specification that can begin to adventure in a state of strong character, experience a story and catch up with everyone while enjoying it. In addition, this potion is "optional purchase" to the last, and when you purchase both sides, you will be paid an amount that is not cheap. The intention of this price is not for pursuit of profit but for intention to say "It is not easy for anyone to use."


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


The summary of the disadvantages to be described is described. · Play skill gaps between existing players and new players I am wondering if your concern is great with your voice. It is predicted that the opportunity to encounter skill rotation will be increased, at least to some extent now, "Who is that new person?" However, looking at the data of China / Korea, many of those who purchase these potions are mostly familiar with online games, or have friends' support and are recommended and purchased . Purchase percentage · Measure on and after various skip potion sales start · Start playing new · Activate account (pay play fee) · Up to 29% ~ 27 when buying one job jump potion It became%. Even if you purchase, as you are accustomed to getting used to the game after playing up to about level 30 with a free trial or effective account, there are overwhelmingly more people buying it, so that the situation of complete beginners is not born much It is visible from the data. Of course it can not be said to be completely zero, but it is considerably less than the worst state you can imagine. However, immediately after the Crimson's liberator service starts, many people jump to Souten education at once and will join from Level 60, so it is considered that a big gap can still be achieved for a moment as well. For those who purchased the scenario jump potion under similar conditions, it was between 21% and 20%. Among those who purchased Job Jump Potion, it seems that there are more than a certain number of people who think that scenarios will also be experienced by themselves. Moreover, since the continuation rate after 3 months of those who purchased one of the potions has reached 50%, you can also see that those who increase motivation or are highly motivated purchase. · For those who have never used these jumping potions that will make you feel like buying experiences and experiences with money, I think that there is such disgusting feeling. There are also people who are misunderstood as Pay To Win. However, since this measure is a measure to "catch up to the minimum standard" to the last, it does not impair your playing experience and time, but also encourages the development of the community further. On the other hand, I understand enough that I can not divide sensibly, so please give me feedback.


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------


■ Conclusion ■


Yoshida is still working on the implementation of this potion, I am positive, but I am suffering. However, I anticipate that it will probably start this service surely after the crayon liberator and even the next expansion package. In the current game market, you can access the game in a short time, you can play easily, you can stop it at any time, in some sense a style opposite to MMORPG is a trend. That does not mean to make MMORPG like that in this way, but it is also our job to start managing so that more people can start playing with them as much as you can. By all means, please read this post and let us hear various voices. Either way, I will take responsibility for Yoshida's decision, but I appreciate your patronage. Also, please let us know if you have any questions. I will post again!






Prices I saw!


Conversation factor of 118.21 Yen = 1 USD


One type of Jump Potion:

2500 Yen = 21.15 USD


Both types together:

5000 Yen = 42.30 USD

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Intention to introduce FFXIV jumping potion and current specification


   It is Yoshida of FFXIV producer and director.


   About "jumping potion" Yoshida talked about in an interview in the West, Japan,

   Many discussions, thank you very much.


   In order to decide whether or not to mount it, we are giving everyone a great deal of feedback.

   Of course, we do not decide only by opinion of those who write in the official forum,

   For this implementation, I would like to consider whether it is possible from a more diversified point of view.


   To be able to do further discussion, it is currently implemented in Chinese / Korean version FFXIV

   I will describe the specification and implementation intent of "jumping potion".

   It will be a long sentence, but please do read it carefully.


   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------

   About the intention of implementing the jumping potion


   The implementation intention of this "jumping potion" is to start playing FFXIV newly from now on

   "To make it easier for new players to join the community" is the biggest reason.


   Three and a half years have passed since the newly formed FFXIV started official service already,

   Furthermore, as a result of the release of "Crimson's Liberator", new players who are playing FFXIV from now,

   Clear the two main quests of newborn + Souten, set the job level to 60, and after preparing the equipment,

   You will finally be able to play with everyone.


   For example, when Yoshida invites real friends to "play together!", The answer that comes back is

   "Well, I can not catch it even if I play from now ..." is visible.

   Of course I invited Yoshida to fully support me in order to catch up with my friends,

   For that I play together with a party, but I do not want to miss the latest content wave.

   Then, I wonder how much I can support you carefully, anxiety remains.


   Once more, if it gets to level 60 at a stretch, you go out with friends while leveling your sub jobs,

   I wish I could play 'Guren no liberator' together ...


   Simply put, this is the intention of the strongest implementation.


   Including free trials, thousands of new players are participating in FFXIV every day,

   Although how much FFXIV is becoming "a game design that catches up with the lead group"

   There are not many people who concentrate on the game alone and can catch up with the era of busy real life.

   Leveling experience value will be adjusted so that it can easily catch up again when "Crimson's Liberator" is released,

   Still it will take a considerable amount of time.


   MMORPG only has stability and attenuation if new players do not participate.

   Management will switch to efforts to moderate decay.

   Before that happens, you will want to prepare to welcome new people firmly.



   In addition, FFXIV can play all classes / jobs with one character by Armory system.

   While there are many people who cancest all classes / jobs,

   Again, I think that there are also many people who have become precise by nurturing the main job.

   "Jumping potion" can be one of the reasons to play other jobs,

   If so, in order to acquire the equipment of the sub job that was so busy and could not play,

   Opportunities to go to existing content are born, turnover rate of the result content also rises.


   Of course, those who are currently taking a break from play will benefit from easier recovery.


   These potions are only implemented in the Chinese / Korean version and are not implemented in the global version.

   Since China / Korea is a major online gaming country, it is prepared as a general service,

   It is implemented to be competitive in the online game market.

   Also, in Europe and the US MMORPG is also commonly implemented in many cases.


   Since it is an explanation of the intention of implementation here, we will only consider the merit, but from the above intention,

   First of all, please be aware that we are considering implementation.


   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------

   ■ About the type of jumping potion ■


   This measure called "jumping potion" with one word,

   Actually it is divided into two potions with greatly different effects.

   I will define this first and I will clarify the point of discussion.


   ① Story Skip Potion


       In the potion which makes only the progress of the main story "cleared"

       It is a shortcut for only the main quest.


       In the current Chinese / Korean version it is sold under the name "Newborn Adventure Record".

       When purchasing and using this item, until the last main quest of patch 2.55 "Hope light"

       It will be in a state that all have been cleared. Detailed specifications are described below separately.


       In addition, we are also developing an item called 'Souten no Adventure Record' for the Chinese / Korean version.

       This will become a potion which clears up to the main quest of patch 3.5 Part 2 in one stroke.


       Taking TV dramas into account, the season 1 is the new generation, the season 2 is the Souten edition,

       The season 3 where the newly started crayon liberator will be the latest season.

       It is an image that season 1 and 2 are seen in the memoir of the innkee adventure, and full-scale viewing from season 3 is made.

       Since it is necessary to look at the latest season by yourself, of course,

       It is always up to the previous season to be able to short cut.



   ② Job Jump Potion


       One potion One potion which raises the level of job corresponding to 1 job.

       Potions are prepared for each job, such as "Knight's adventure record" and "Warrior adventure record"

       Not all levels of jobs will rise if you use one.


       If you purchase this potion and use it, the level of job according to potion will be 50.

       (Grade up to become Level 60 when crimson's liberator is released, and the current 50 items will be abolished)

       Also, at present, weapons of a certain item level are also distributed and can be exchanged for arbitrary equipment of ILV 130

       You can have multiple "Silver Chocobo Feathers", so you can use it to prepare the minimum equipment.


       I will experience the scenario by myself, so I want to raise the level only to the "previous level cap"

       It is mainly used for applications that want to improve the leveling of sub jobs somewhat more efficiently.


       This potion is not present in "Astronaut" "Dark Knight" "Astrologer" which requires an expansion package,

       I am considering whether to add with crayon's liberator.

       It is confirmed that new jobs to be implemented with crayon liberator are not supported.

       (It is based on the basic policy that the latest job is leveling by yourself)



   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------

   ■ Detailed specification of jumping potion ■


   Based on the above, for the two kinds of potions currently implemented in the Chinese version and Korean version,

   Specific specifications are described.


   · Story Skip Potion "Shinsei no Adventure Record"

   Purchase conditions for 'Newborn adventure record'


   ① The FFXIV account is active and the character is made

   ② To be a valid billing account (no free trial account allowed)


   Only when these two conditions are satisfied, it can be purchased at Mog Station.

   (Because items arrive at Mogletter, it is necessary to be able to access letter mooguri)


   By using this potion, the following effects are demonstrated.


   ① The main quest "Hope light" has been cleared and the main quest "To Ishigarudo" is accepted

   ② Automatic enlistment to the Grand Company according to country of origin (class remains the lowest)

   ③ My chocobo is automatically held (the name is given a generic name)

   ④ All Aetherites in the newly edition are already released

   ⑤ All instance dungeons implemented up to patch 2.55 are cleared

   ⑥ "memoirs of adventure" which can be used at inn, etc. will be fully opened up to those which have been cleared

   ⑦ Minimum Required Functionality Only a partly cleared quest is released


   Anyone can use this potion if the progress of the main quest is ahead of "the light of hope".

   Even if play is stopped during the main quest of patch 2.4, the same effect is exerted,

   If you belong to the Grand Company so far, or if you are getting Chocobo, they will take precedence.


   In addition, since you can use the memoir of the inn, you can see the part that you shortcut by watching them

   You can experience it with a digest.

   In order to make it possible to use various contents roulette, the dungeon of the newly formed section has been cleared.


   Although the selling price is different between China and Korea, we assume the current Japanese yen is about 2,500 yen.


   · Job Jump Potion "Knight's Adventure Record" (using Knight as an example)

   Terms of purchase of "Knight's Adventure Record"


   ① The FFXIV account is active and the character is made

   ② To be a valid billing account (no free trial account allowed)


   Only when the above conditions are satisfied, it can be purchased at Mog Station.

   (Because items arrive at Mogletter, it is necessary to be able to access letter mooguri)


   By using this potion, the following effects are demonstrated.


   ① The class level of "Kenjutsushi" which is the base class of Knight becomes 50

   ② The class level of "genjutsushi" which is a subclass of Knight becomes 15

   ③ A certain item level (IL 120 in Korea version) sword is paid

   ④ Knight's jobstone is supported

⑤ All job quests up to Level 50 of Knight are cleared (possession of action)

⑥ Trade impossible items equivalent to 300 thousand Gils are offered as equipment funds

⑦ "Silver Chocobo Feather" for equipment replacement.


There are no restrictions on the initial class etc. when using this potion to which more than one piece is paid. When it reaches the level 50, it is the specification to complete only the job system quest so that the battle becomes possible It is. As for the equipments, you can arrange the minimum equipment arbitrarily by using the distribution items and "feathers of Silver Chocobo". Since nothing is done at all other than this, it is possible to enjoy only the job level and enjoy the scenario. It may be close to the feeling of "strong and new game". Each level of FFXIV dungeons and barbs are level-synced, so you can learn the basics of jobs while chasing the story at once. Potions are prepared for each job, which is specific to FFXIV. This is because from the judgment that the conditions for changing jobs are different for each job, that the required equipment is different, and because of the characteristics of the armory system, all job level raising is a shortcut too much It is getting. Here as well as a story skip potion, it is about 2,500 yen in Japanese yen per job. In the Korean version, there was also an option to set a story skip potion and a job jump potion as a set, and to sell only as a starter pack to new or returnees.


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■ Changes at the start of crayon's liberator service (final specification Only)

■ As mentioned earlier, the specifications above are specifications for potions sold in the Chinese version and Korean version.


When Crystal liberator is released, the following specification changes are confirmed for the Chinese version / Korean version. · The story skip potion becomes "Adventure record of Souten" (Discussing whether to leave "The new adventure record") · "Adventure record of Southern" is the final quest qualification of patch 3.5 Part 2, 4.0 main quest acceptance state and Becoming · "Saden's Adventure Record" can not be purchased unless it has extended package rights · The effect of the Job Jump Potion will be Level 60 (The effect of becoming 50 is halfway so we will lose it) · It will be distributed in the Job Jump Potion Equipment to be changed to level 60 or equivalent The additional specifications currently determined are the same as those above. Whether to add a potion of an astronaut, dark knight, astrologer or whether to leave a "new-life adventure record" are currently under discussion.


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■ Summary so far ■


Summarize from the specification once .


Case 1. If you are newly starting FFXIV, trying to catch up with your friends playing together


① Create a character and activate your account

② Purchase an optional job jump potion and bring that job to level 50

③ Grant Play Right of Expansion Package "Souten's Ishigarudo"

④ Purchase and use "Newborn Adventure Record"

⑤ Total Expenses Approximately 5000 yen (Excluding Package and Play Fee) This will result in Level 50, Souten Main quest will be able to play. From here we aim for level 60 with our friends and we will promote the Souten scenario.


Case 2. If you are newly starting FFXIV, trying to advance the scenario efficiently


① Create a character and activate the account

② Purchase an arbitrary job jump potion and set the job to level 50

③ Promote main quest more and more

④ Total cost approx. 2,500 yen (excluding packages and play fees)


In this case, by pursuing main quests more and more, experiencing the story from the start and progressing crisp and adventure I can do it.


Case 3. If you are newly starting FFXIV, you want to enjoy leveling only

① Create a character and activate account

② Grant play right of expansion package "Susen no Ishigarudo"

③ "New adventure

④ Purchase and use

④ Total expenses Approximately 2500 yen (excluding packages and play fees)


In this case, the main quest of the main quest is completed, so use content and subquests and advance leveling freely You can go. If you assume a new player like this, even if you catch up with it, it's up to "one step before the latest expansion". From that point onwards you will raise your character with your own hands and collect equipment. Leaving the main quest as it is, it is a specification that can begin to adventure in a state of strong character, experience a story and catch up with everyone while enjoying it. In addition, this potion is "optional purchase" to the last, and when you purchase both sides, you will be paid an amount that is not cheap. The intention of this price is not for pursuit of profit but for intention to say "It is not easy for anyone to use."


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The summary of the disadvantages to be described is described. · Play skill gaps between existing players and new players I am wondering if your concern is great with your voice. It is predicted that the opportunity to encounter skill rotation will be increased, at least to some extent now, "Who is that new person?" However, looking at the data of China / Korea, many of those who purchase these potions are mostly familiar with online games, or have friends' support and are recommended and purchased . Purchase percentage · Measure on and after various skip potion sales start · Start playing new · Activate account (pay play fee) · Up to 29% ~ 27 when buying one job jump potion It became%. Even if you purchase, as you are accustomed to getting used to the game after playing up to about level 30 with a free trial or effective account, there are overwhelmingly more people buying it, so that the situation of complete beginners is not born much It is visible from the data. Of course it can not be said to be completely zero, but it is considerably less than the worst state you can imagine. However, immediately after the Crimson's liberator service starts, many people jump to Souten education at once and will join from Level 60, so it is considered that a big gap can still be achieved for a moment as well. For those who purchased the scenario jump potion under similar conditions, it was between 21% and 20%. Among those who purchased Job Jump Potion, it seems that there are more than a certain number of people who think that scenarios will also be experienced by themselves. Moreover, since the continuation rate after 3 months of those who purchased one of the potions has reached 50%, you can also see that those who increase motivation or are highly motivated purchase. · For those who have never used these jumping potions that will make you feel like buying experiences and experiences with money, I think that there is such disgusting feeling. There are also people who are misunderstood as Pay To Win. However, since this measure is a measure to "catch up to the minimum standard" to the last, it does not impair your playing experience and time, but also encourages the development of the community further. On the other hand, I understand enough that I can not divide sensibly, so please give me feedback.


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■ Conclusion ■


Yoshida is still working on the implementation of this potion, I am positive, but I am suffering. However, I anticipate that it will probably start this service surely after the crayon liberator and even the next expansion package. In the current game market, you can access the game in a short time, you can play easily, you can stop it at any time, in some sense a style opposite to MMORPG is a trend. That does not mean to make MMORPG like that in this way, but it is also our job to start managing so that more people can start playing with them as much as you can. By all means, please read this post and let us hear various voices. Either way, I will take responsibility for Yoshida's decision, but I appreciate your patronage. Also, please let us know if you have any questions. I will post again!







Prices I saw!


Conversation factor of 118.21 Yen = 1 USD


One type of Jump Potion:

2500 Yen = 21.15 USD


Both types together:

5000 Yen = 42.30 USD


Those prices seem fair, honestly.  I'd like to see a straight 20/40 for it. But you're already getting a discount if you level up and it takes no time at all to go from, say, 1-20 or 1-30. Or even just hit max, then buy to skip the rest of the story content.

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My only negative feeling about it, is that if it's really such an issue, just give new players the option to skip the MSQ for free.


Why charge someone extra money because you're realizing there are flaws in your game design.


I sort of get the logic, in that SE is missing out on a month or two of sub money when they would be leveling and doing MSQ. I still find it a little shady. Instead of saying "Oh you have to spend weeks leveling and doing quests to get to where I am so we can play together"


you'll have to say


"You have to spend another 50 dollars after you buy the game" 


It doesn't really fix the problem Yoshi-P describes, that the investment for new players can be too high, and people quit before they get to the new stuff. Now they're just replacing time with money. Basically this change only helps your rich friends play with you (unless they're giving out them free with the expansion or something).

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I'd love jump potions and I've been anticipating for them.


I also think the 'No jump potions b/c XYZ won't have the skill!' and 'No jump potions b/c they need to immerse themselves in the story and world!' arguments are bogus. Some people just want to get on and play with their friends, and not suffer through a million cutscenes and countless hide-and-seek quests with moogles.

" Slay 0/5 Ixal Chieftans! "

" Gather 0/10 Moongrass! "


Completing these quests ad nauseam won't make you a better player.


And like several other games that offer jump potions, you can simply implement some sort of in-game tutorial for players that level jump.

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Maybe the implementation of the level-jump potion to the rest of the regions will imply the creation of level 30 / 50 entries to the Hall of the Novice like I've wanted since the Hall of the Novice was introduced... :Ic


(My hopes aren't high, but I'd really love that to be a thing. 30 and 50 are really the places where the complexity and difficulty of both your abilities, and the situations you use them in, step up. At sync from 15, Novice Hall can't teach you about so much stuff - aggro dumps, tank swaps (+ xclassed Provoke), combat resurrections (+ xclassed Swiftcast)...)

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My only negative feeling about it, is that if it's really such an issue, just give new players the option to skip the MSQ for free.


Why charge someone extra money because you're realizing there are flaws in your game design.



If the problem is quest bloat and just overall game design, charging people to 'skip all that' is stupid as all hell. Doesn't even matter how expensive they are - 5, 10, 20, nobody should have to pay to get past the drawn out and monotonous parts of the game.


Condense the MSQ and cut out all the filler fetch quests (this would take a crap ton of work though so that will never happen). Lock expansion content behind level and not MSQ progress. Remove MSQ requirements entirely. Or, alternatively, gate stuff behind only the x.0 MSQ. Allow people the option to do x.1 and on MSQ if they want, but a quick summary and an option to bypass slogging through 10 extra hours of drawn out story. I don't know. Something. Anything. Anything but 20$ jump potions.

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Honestly I dislike the idea of jump potions, what is the point of playing a story driven game if you are skipping through the story? Getting through the MSQ is so laughably easy the only thing that slows you down is the queues. I've gotten a character from 1-60 in three weeks with casual play and stopping to RP. Granted I was a healer so my queues were really short. Its taking a bit longer for my next alt that I am going through on. The biggest issue is all of the things that you have to do for those who can't afford the jump potions or don't want to. All of a sudden that 15 min queue for Shiva HM becomes a 45 minute queue time, and those without the funds aside from the amount to pay 15/mo are left with the sit around till you are dead in a queue or just quit. I can tell you how most will respond to that.

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My only negative feeling about it, is that if it's really such an issue, just give new players the option to skip the MSQ for free.


Why charge someone extra money because you're realizing there are flaws in your game design.



If the problem is quest bloat and just overall game design, charging people to 'skip all that' is stupid as all hell. Doesn't even matter how expensive they are - 5, 10, 20, nobody should have to pay to get past the drawn out and monotonous parts of the game.


Condense the MSQ and cut out all the filler fetch quests (this would take a crap ton of work though so that will never happen). Lock expansion content behind level and not MSQ progress. Remove MSQ requirements entirely. Or, alternatively, gate stuff behind only the x.0 MSQ. Allow people the option to do x.1 and on MSQ if they want, but a quick summary and an option to bypass slogging through 10 extra hours of drawn out story. I don't know. Something. Anything. Anything but 20$ jump potions.




I don't have a problem with people not having to do the horribly dumb and long 2.0-2.5 MSQ. It is good in parts, but those parts could be distilled down to a few hours of questing and cutscenes. 


Selling the jump potions is better than nothing but it's a lazy solution, and implies that the MSQ is a penance. A tax on poorer players. 


It's like a F2P game tactic where you have to wait 4 hours before you can do the next fun thing, but you can spend money to get it faster. If they have any respect for the design of their leveling and questing process they shouldn't treat it like this.

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Maybe the implementation of the level-jump potion to the rest of the regions will imply the creation of level 30 / 50 entries to the Hall of the Novice like I've wanted since the Hall of the Novice was introduced... :Ic


(My hopes aren't high, but I'd really love that to be a thing. 30 and 50 are really the places where the complexity and difficulty of both your abilities, and the situations you use them in, step up. At sync from 15, Novice Hall can't teach you about so much stuff - aggro dumps, tank swaps (+ xclassed Provoke), combat resurrections (+ xclassed Swiftcast)...)


They actually have considered a Hall of the Intermediate, which would specifically focus on learning your rotation. While I doubt they teach a raid equivalent one, it'd at least be better than what we have now. With any hope, they do something similar to WoW's Battlegrounds. After using their version of a skip, you're immediately tossed into an area and unlock your skills by using them. You're then shown how to execute them properly and have to do so or you've allowed to start playing.


My only negative feeling about it, is that if it's really such an issue, just give new players the option to skip the MSQ for free.


Why charge someone extra money because you're realizing there are flaws in your game design.



If the problem is quest bloat and just overall game design, charging people to 'skip all that' is stupid as all hell. Doesn't even matter how expensive they are - 5, 10, 20, nobody should have to pay to get past the drawn out and monotonous parts of the game.


Condense the MSQ and cut out all the filler fetch quests (this would take a crap ton of work though so that will never happen). Lock expansion content behind level and not MSQ progress. Remove MSQ requirements entirely. Or, alternatively, gate stuff behind only the x.0 MSQ. Allow people the option to do x.1 and on MSQ if they want, but a quick summary and an option to bypass slogging through 10 extra hours of drawn out story. I don't know. Something. Anything. Anything but 20$ jump potions.


Because they can. No company will ever provide something like this without a cost. It effectively allows you to skip potentially months of progress. In some sense, Square is ensuring they collect a sub free equivalent to what someone might have paid had they leveled the slow way.


Nonetheless, I am against any adjustments to ARR and Heavensward due to the cost involved. They have a finite amount of resources and I'd prefer the majority goes to new content in Stormblood, not improving to stuff I'll never even see unless I level an alt. More than likely, they'll gift us a free one with the expansion similar to Legion.

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I mean, yes they can charge for it, and yes I get the logic of lost sub time...


But there is always an opportunity cost, that of the person who is excited to play with their friend, and then realizes they have the unenviable choice of paying ~100$ plus subscription fee (game plus jumps) or not actually being able to try endgame stuff with their friend for months.



I've been playing a lot of pre-abbyssia FFXI lately (which is why I haven't been posting much one here). And while that game has the same issues, there are lots of reasons to level with your friends, and most of the quests are group ones that you can help each other with.


I just think it's a shortsighted decision on their part.To charge for this rather than attempt to fix it in some way. I think they'd make more money in the long run from subs, if players had a way to quickly get to level 50/60 and play with their friends.

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I don't disagree. Hence why I suspect we'll be given one for free with the expansion. The cost aspect will likely be more for people who want to level multiple jobs/alts and to prevent RMT abuse, all while making a profit. Even if they didn't offer a free one, you'd be surprised just how many people are willing to pay just to avoid the horrible grind to endgame. The number of people I've come across both in game and on Reddit basically saying "I'd pay anything to skip those god awful fetch quests," is a little... surprising.

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Honestly? I would love a jump potion. I don't think I'd stomach the thought of leveling other jobs i'll never play again outside of leveling (ESPECIALLY with the so-far-unpredictable job formula changes) unless:


1. I'd have to for optimization.

2. I need to figure out stuff for theorycrafting purposes.


There's also the fact some people who already leveled 1-60 for a job... still don't know how the job works. The people that won't bother to learn their class won't magically start all of a sudden because of a jump potion. Doesn't work that way.


Now, would I prefer a solution where it's something like "Purchase the upcoming expansion and get a free jump potion" or even "Your first month's sub comes with a jump potion?" Absolutely. Most people will have a single class they'll play/like the most/main, so they can use it for that job to level up (conversely, they can go past the story stuff and start on 4.0 questing with their peeps too).


Edit: Also, the 4.0 jobs you cannot use a jump potion for. That's what the article appears to imply.

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As a grown adult with finite game time and a ton of obligations, I am very excited about the possibility of jump potions and believe they will greatly benefit roleplayers (especially those with limited schedules and multiple characters). 


I believe the concerns about a skill gap between new and old players are greatly overstated due to the relative simplicity of the game.  The proposed prices are slightly steep, but are completely worth the return on the investment if a player simply wants to make a new character or catch up quickly to enjoy time with friends.


Long overdue!

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From how I've looked at it, there's two different ones you can currently buy. One is a story jump that puts you at the beginning of HW, and the other is a level jump. Both give you a discount based on how far the character already is in story and levels. 


Source - FFXIV SE Forums


Bear in mind that those will be updated once Stormblood hits - Story jump will put you at the start of SB and the Job jump will put you at 60 in one job.


Kinda laughing at the idea of jumping Summoner to also get 60 SCH but y'know.

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Very tough. I think for some people, especially perhaps the established individuals may find Jump Potions sort of distasteful. While newer players (Maybe within the last year and maybe some veteran players) may see the importance of it.



I understand the reluctance of the More Established Characters, they had to work through all that content. They had to earn every level and they had to wait for game mechanics and new content along the way. They played through ARR, Heavensward and will most likely play through the new expansion as well. Having Jump Potions for a good number of these players seems like they are being cheated out of all their efforts. I totally get that and respect it. I think we all take pride in the things we do whether its game related or real life and for someone to take a short cut feels kinda crappy.



I also understand the acceptance of these Jump Potions. It welcomes newer players by allowing them to play with their friends sooner. It allows them to bypass Week(s) (Depending on how one plays the game) of content to just get started on the new expansion pack leaving a great deal of room there for that player to lose interest since they have to trudge through so much out-dated content. I think for the most part, Jump Potions are meant to ease that tension and try to create a continued subscription to the game long into the future. In hopes that getting people into the action (The new stuff) sooner will keep them with us longer.



There are Pro's, There are Con's to both mentalities. I like some of the alternative idea's. Like cutting out the fatty stuff and maybe give an increase in xp via potions as rewards for doing those missions so they still get the story and still can level up a bit quicker along the way. I love that idea myself. Either way can't wait to see what the outcome of it will bring.

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As they're described I'm chill with it. It kinda sucks that they don't get to experience ARR/HW but chances are they're coming in and most of the shit will be mad spoiled so the emotional impact and everything we hold dear to that time will be dead in the water. So all you're left with is a bunch of gameplay that, quite frankly, isn't super interesting.


Job level skip? I'm fine with it as well - Mostly because it's never to the maximum level (you still have to play) and 10 levels is enough to grasp the basics and some intermediate strats of your job if you actually care about being good.

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