Arashin Kujqai Posted July 9, 2017 Share #1 Posted July 9, 2017 Lately I've been trying to get back into heavy RP again but it's been so depressingly bad in trying to find some normal RP lately. I tried today just by bowing and smiling at someone and their first comment was "that outfit is horrid". Everyone I'm meeting is either listing their fetish list, ERPing, sleaze, or just wants to be rude OOCly or ICly. It's actually starting to make me feel down a bit and consider moving to Mateus. I'm still holding hope Balmung has good RP on it as it does have a nice community of a ton more friendly people than I'm used to from my previous server. Though I'm thinking I'm just not in the right areas at the right time or something, are there any discord servers for people who connect in game, do walkups, setup events, or etc that aren't just bound to linkshells/FC's? Maybe even does RP on it too optionally for those not in game at the moment? Link to comment
Mermaid Posted July 9, 2017 Share #2 Posted July 9, 2017 I'll have to keep an eye on this thread because I've been wondering this myself lately. I had one for a linkshell but it appears to have totally died. My friends have actually been around to do content on a different server so I'd love if I could get some Discord RP while I'm trying to level stuff over there. 1 Link to comment
LiadansWhisper Posted July 9, 2017 Share #3 Posted July 9, 2017 Here's a link to one I found: Edited to Add: Try not to be too discouraged by a lack of RP at the moment. Many people are very focused on the PvE side of things currently, so RP is likely to be a bit light until things settle down. 1 Link to comment
Nebbs Posted July 9, 2017 Share #4 Posted July 9, 2017 I have seen the green shoots of RP again out there away form the Cities. So just hold on and soon it will be roaring again. From myself and others I know the game has taken a front seat as we through the Stormblood content. Aside from a few impromptu RPs I have been out of it myself, one good reason is because it takes time to plan things and with new areas to include it will take a bit longer. I'm sorry you have only had the unsavory (if that's a term I could use.. maybe colorful is better.. who knows) side of the RP scene experience but that will change. Though expect the new hubs to be where the "diversity" of life gathers. Here is the discord invite to Balmung Roleplay Community 1 Link to comment
Mermaid Posted July 10, 2017 Share #5 Posted July 10, 2017 I was so intent on posting so I could find this thread again that I forgot the rest of what I wanted to say. :dazed: As others have said, a lot of people are prioritizing content right now and aren't RPing as much. I personally have a character for content where I'm trying to figure out which healer I want to main, am helping friends level, clear, get parses, etc, and to top it all off I still need to level my gathering/crafting. But anyways what I'm trying to get at here is maybe it'd help to make a thread over in Making Connections? That way you can find people who want to role play and hopefully avoid those bad experiences until things pick up again. Barring that if you're super desperate and willing put up with Discord/Skype or even PMs I have very little going on RP-wise and would be happy to oblige. Best of luck finding RP again. :thumbsup: 1 Link to comment
Thunderbolt300 Posted July 11, 2017 Share #6 Posted July 11, 2017 I can't speak much for Balmung RP Discords, but the community in general is pretty massive. There's RP in the residential districts, there's RP in the towns, there's RP out in the wilderness... and it can frankly be very difficult to keep up with what's going on and where. If you find yourself struggling to make the connections, I'd suggest throwing up a Making Connections post with a character description here- it may open up a lot of doors. Link to comment
Ryslo Suramlo Posted July 11, 2017 Share #7 Posted July 11, 2017 There is RP going on in Balmung; Many Free Companies including my own took a week off at SB launch from major RP events and such. I know there are some FC's like my own that are doing events outside of Pubs and Towns because well.. there is an Open world that's perfect for exploration and story telling! Think we are still in that weird place though where RP seems to be far spread out, rather not non-existence. People building arks (Story) and people finding their way through content and such. Link to comment
Desu Nee Posted July 11, 2017 Share #8 Posted July 11, 2017 So far only one gave an actual Discord RP Link. C'mon guise. Link to comment
Eses Fafa Posted July 11, 2017 Share #9 Posted July 11, 2017 Well if we consider something our most popular, of course we're gonna doggedly recommend that one! Link to comment
Desu Nee Posted July 11, 2017 Share #10 Posted July 11, 2017 Well if we consider something our most popular, of course we're gonna doggedly recommend that one! Link to comment
Oyuu Posted July 11, 2017 Share #11 Posted July 11, 2017 The only general RP discord I know of is the EU Balmung group. Otherwise, the other discord channels I am in are from my FC and LSs, and more niche ones which I can't really recommend for the purpose of finding contacts. May I ask why you don't wish to look into Linkshells or FCs? That's the first place I would look for heavier roleplay. A lot of them use discord for communication and RP when members aren't in game, so that may be an avenue you want to explore. Link to comment
Eses Fafa Posted July 11, 2017 Share #12 Posted July 11, 2017 Honestly, it can't hurt to be in an EU Discord even if you're American. Do a lil' role swap! We're..moderately okay people once you get past the Britmong banter. Link to comment
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